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Demography and Contemporary Societies

Code: 104240 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2503710 Geography, Environmental Management and Spatial Planning OB 2


Juan Antonio Modenes Cabrerizo


Amand Blanes Llorens

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


No special requirements

Equal treatment for the students coming from the two degrees where this course is teached:

Geography, Environment and Territorial Planning (compulsory)

Social and Cultural Anthropology (optional)

Objectives and Contextualisation

Course objective: The basic objective of the subject is to introduce students to the basic features of the study of human populations, both in terms of the DEMOGRAPHIC METHOD and of the KNOWLEDGE of the most general demographic phenomena; as well as its interrelation with historical, territorial and environmental contextual elements.
a) Introducing the students to the main demographic indicators
• Calculation of indicators: methods and data sources.
• Demographic information available: data banks on the Internet
b) How is the behavior of real populations.
• Understanding the historical process of shaping populations and demographic systems
• Interactions of the demographic system with other spheres of human activity, environment and planning.
c) Reinforcement of the logical and analytical elements in relation to population studies.
• Demographic approaches for the interpretation of social information.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM13 (Competence) Analyse the implications of sociodemographic and gender differences in carrying out a project or research work.
  2. KM16 (Knowledge) Identify the main interrelationships between demographic structures and dynamics in temporal and territorial perspectives.
  3. KM18 (Knowledge) Describe the basic demographic characteristics of human populations.
  4. SM14 (Skill) Interpret demographic trends through the use of appropriate analytical tools.


  1. Introduction to the course, contents and methodology
  2. The subject of Demography.
  3. Methods: Sources of demographic data
  4. Methods: Time dimensions and Lexis diagram.
  5. Methods: Indicators and rates in Demography
  6. Methods: Comparability in Demography. Standardization of rates.
  7. Analysis of phenomena. Main mortality indicators.
  8. Analysis of phenomena. Main fertility indicators.
  9. Theories of demographic change. Demographic Transition
  10. Theories of demographic change. Demographic Dividend.
  11. Theories of demographic change. Demographic Metabolism.
  12. Applied demography: Population projections.
  13. Applied demography: Housing demand forecasting.
  14. Applied demography: Urban planning impact on population

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 31.34 1.25
Problems in computer lab 15.66 0.63
Type: Supervised      
Individual or small groups tutoring 10 0.4
Practical work 15 0.6
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous work on assignments 35 1.4
Studying for exams 20 0.8
Supplementary recommended reading 20 0.8

The course will last approximately 15 weeks, at a rate of 3 hours per week, which sum up 50 hours of joint work in the classroom.

The weekly work will consist of two types of sessions:

- A first session of 1,5 hours will be TE type (lectures), that is, sessions in which the teacher will keep the main role through the presentation and explanation of the different topics, including the use of ICT (internet access, interactive power-point presentations ). Student participation will be encouraged through previous reading, questions and small debates.

- A second weekly session (1,5 h) will be of the PAUL type, practical work in a lab computer classroom, in which the teacher will coordinate the individual or small groups work. In these practical sessions online public statistics sources will be presented and handled, problems of calculation of urban, demographic and housing indicators will be solved, as well as relevant texts or other material of interest will be discussed.

The two sessions in some weeks will be TE type (lectures).

Every 1 or 2-week lab work session will end with an assignment. All assignments will take part in the course's final evaluation, together with 2 partial exams.

University teaching intranet will be used (Campus Virtual). There, students will be able to access all documents needed for the lectures and lab sessions. It will also be the place for students to deliver the assignments before successive deadlines.

In one of the last sessions of the course, students will be able to fulfill the surveys of evaluation of teaching activity and evaluation of the course methods.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assessment of classroom activities in theory sessions 20% 0 0 CM13, KM16, KM18, SM14
Final redaction of Assignment reports 40% 0 0 CM13, KM16, KM18, SM14
First partial exam (theory) 20% 1.5 0.06 CM13, KM16, KM18, SM14
Second partial exam (theory) 20% 1.5 0.06 CM13, KM16, KM18, SM14


This subject applies continuous assessment and it is not possible to opt for single assessment.

Evidences for assessment:

- The assessment of the contents will be carried out through two mid-term exams. They will consist of 4-5 short questions, which will measure the ability to use the concepts and indicators in the appropriate context and to interpret them correctly from the point of view of demographic dynamics. The dates will be included in the course syllabus and will be communicated on the first day of class. These tests must be taken in person, on the day, at the time and in the classroom assigned.
- The practical assignment evaluation will be based on the individual report dossiers. Active attendance and participation in the discussion of results in each practical class will be an assessable element. The practical work reports handed in will be individual for each student, although cooperative work may be carried out for their resolution in the classroom and outside it.

- Active participation in the theory sessions will also be assessable, through assessable activities carried out during the class.

Weighting of the different evidences in the final assessment:

- The grade of the two mid-term exams represents 40% of the total value (20%+20%).

- Participation and results in different activities carried out in the theory sessions, will be assessed (20%). Regular class attendance is, thus, advised.

- The evaluation of the practical work in the PAUL sessions and of the results reports. The evaluation of the practical work will take into account the attendance and participation in class and the final report handed in.

To pass the course it will be necessary

a) to obtain the overall grade of 5 or plus (weighted average of exams, activities in the theory and practical sessions).

b) have obtained an average of 5 in the exams, with a grade of 4 or more in each exam,

c) the average evaluation of the practical sessions must exceed or equal the grade of 4.

Calculation of the final grade:

The final grade is the weighted average of all grades whereas exercises and exams not taken will count as 0 (zero). Practical exercises handed in after the established deadline will not be received and will be considered as not completed (grade 0, zero). The student will receive the grade of "Not evaluable" provided that he/she has not handed in more than 30% of the evaluation activities, including the two mid-term exams.


There is a right to recovery, which will take place on the date set by the teaching coordination of the degree. The content part (exams) and the practical part (practical assignments) cannot be recovered together; it is necessary to have passed at least the exams or the practical dossier. Only those exams and exercises taken and/or handed in by the deadlines indicated above can be made up.

Effects on the evaluation of copying, plagiarism, and other irregularities:

In the event that the student carries out any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade of an act of evaluation, this act of evaluation will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instigated. In the event of several irregularities occurring in the assessment acts of the same subject, the final mark for this subject will be 0. Among these irregularities is the copying or plagiarism of work or parts of work. Let us remember that a "copy" is considered to be a work that reproduces all or a large part of the work of another student. "Plagiarism" is the fact of presenting all or part of an author's text as one's own, without citing the sources, whether on paper or in digital format. See UAB documentation on "plagiarism" at: http://wuster.uab.es/web_argumenta_obert/unit_20/sot_2_01.html.

Review of partial and final grades:

At the time of completion of each evaluative activity, the lecturer will inform students (Moodle) of the procedure and date of revision of grades.

Other information:

Repeating students are not treated differently in terms of their assessment.

Health warnings: If the tests cannot be taken in person, their format will be adapted (maintaining their weighting) to the possibilities offered by the UAB's virtual tools. Homework, activities and class participation will be carried out through forums, wikis and/or discussions of exercises through Teams, etc. The lecturer will ensure that the student can access or offer alternative means within their reach.



 Each theory session is accompanied by a short compulsory reading, which must be read and prepared before the session, and a complementary reading, recommended to complete the study of related knowledge and skills.

The required and recommended readings will be announced, along with the course calendar, on the first day of class.


The reference bibliography for the course is:

Recommended books:

GARCÍA, Isidro Dubert; PÉREZ-CARAMÉS, Antía (2021). Invasión migratoria y envejecimiento demográfico.: Dos mitos contemporáneos. Catarata, 2021.

LUTZ, Wolfgang (2021) Advanced Introduction to Demography. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Handbooks of Demographic Analysis

ARROYO, Andrés, Elena MANZANERA, Y Antonio PASCUAL -EdS- (2007), Estadísticas demográficas y sociales. Difusión
estadística. Jaén: Universidad de Jaén.

PRESSAT, Roland. (1983). El análisis demográfico. Madrid: FCE.

RILEY, Nancy; Brunson, Jan (Eds.). (2018). International Handbook on Gender and Demographic Processes (Vol. 8). Springer.

TAPINOS, George. (1988). Elementos de demografía. Madrid: Espasa Calpe.

Population dynamics.

CABRÉ, Anna. (1999), El sistema català de reproducció, Barcelona, Proa.

LIVI-BACCI, Massimo (2012) Historia mínima de la población mundial. Barcelona: Crítica. (English version: BACCI, Massimo Livi. 2017. A concise history of world population. John Wiley & Sons)

THUMERELLE, Pierre-Jean. (1997) Las poblaciones del mundo, Madrid: Cátedra

REQUES, Pedro (2001). Población, recursos y medioambiente:¿ el final de los mitos. Santander: Ed. Universidad deCantabria.

More references during classes


During classes at the computer lab, the following software will be used in order to process statistical data:

- Excel

The final reports of lab activities must be submitted in .pdf format.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 11 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 12 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 13 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan first semester morning-mixed