This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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History of Communication

Code: 103843 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2501928 Audiovisual Communication FB 1


María José Recoder Sellarés

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Specific knowledge different from those acquired after completing the Bachelor Degree is not required. It is assumed that students have adequate knowledge of Catalan and Spanish.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The subject is carried out in the first year during the first semester and belongs to the communication block

From this subject students will achieve fundamental objectives of the Degree in Audiovisual Communication,
which will help them:

- Demonstrate that you have a basic knowledge of the current dynamics of the world that allows you
to frame current information in your context.

- Gather and relate data typical of everyday reality that includes reflection on relevant topics of all kinds
to interpret and disseminate society.

- Reflect on the changes that have taken place in the communicative field over the centuries, and in
what way this transforms the human, cultural, political, economic and social relations of humanity.

Learning Outcomes

  1. KM01 (Knowledge) To identify the fundamentals of communication structure, theories and history.
  2. KM03 (Knowledge) To describe the structure of the audiovisual communication system and its evolution over time.
  3. SM02 (Skill) To demonstrate knowledge of the political, social and cultural dynamics that currently exist in the world and which serve as a context for communication.


The detailed calendar with the content of the different sessions will be presented on the day of presentation of the subject. It will also be posted on the Virtual Campus where students will be able to find a detailed description of the exercises and practices, the various teaching materials and any information necessary for the proper follow-up of the subject. In case of change of teaching modality for health reasons, the teachers will inform of the changes that will take place in the programming of the subject and in the teaching methodologies.


1.1. What is communication?

1.2. Acceleration and changes in communication

1.3. The importance of communicative stages

1.4. The role of the communicative supports.

1.5. Crisis and digital revolution

1.6. Conclusions



2.1.The capacity of language

2.2.Human evolution and communication

2.3.Symbolic thought

2.4.The body as a communicative support

2.5. Oral-gestural communication today

2.6. Conclusions




3.1. Birth and development of writing

3.2. From pictograms to phonetisation

3.3. The importance of writing media and writing instruments

3.4. The impact of writing on social, economic and cultural organisation 3.5.

3.5. The invention of the book

3.6. Writing as an art: monasteries and copyists.

3.7. Literacy, Writing and Power

3.8. Women and writing

3.9. Societies without writing

3.10. Conclusions



4.1. Europe at the time of the invention of the printing press

4.2. Gutenberg's printing press

4.3. The expansion of books: from incunabula to great libraries 4.4.

4.4. The printing of texts and its social influence

4.5. The periodisationof news: from advertisements to gazettes and newspapers.

4.6. Propaganda systems: Luther and religious propaganda

4.7. The Enlightenment and the shaping of the public space of bourgeois opinion

4.8. Conclusions




5.1. Conceptual and material bases of the Industrial Revolution

5.2. Industry, economy and the energy revolution.

5.3. The role of transport and communication routes 5.4.

5.4. Industrialisation and leisure

5.5. The importance of cities and the changes they bring.

5.6. Technical progress in the world of communication. The abolition of distance: the telegraph, the telephone and postal services.

5.7. The importance of public opinion and the press.

5.8. Creation of press agencies.

5.9. Photography and the precedents of the moving image.

5.10. Conclusions




6.1. The emergence of radio and cinema.

6.2. Television

6.3. The written press in the face of new challenges.

6.4. Illustrated magazines

6.5. Silent and sound films

6.6. Cinematographic newsreels

6.7. Publicity and propaganda: uses and exploitation of the media in totalitarian states and in democracies

6.8. The creation of the Star System




7.1. The communication industry and the technology companies.

7.2. The victory of audiovisuals over the printing press and the book culture.

7.3. Globalisation of the information society.

7.4. Computerisation and new technologies in leisure and work.

7.5. Communicative immediacy: from the Internet to reality shows.

7.6. The new technological illiteracy and the digital divide: access to information.

7.7. A world of screens: effects on health and humanrelations. Social networks

7.8. Artificial Intelligence (AI). What does the future hold?

7.9. Conclusions


Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 33.5 1.34
Seminars 15 0.6
Type: Supervised      
Tutor sessions 7.5 0.3
Type: Autonomous      
Reading, analysing, assignments of works 59.5 2.38

Learning will be based on several aspects:

- Reading basic texts about the history of communication. 

- The case study of several topics where you will have to work individually or in groups.

- Oral presentations in the classroom about the topics studied. Collaborative work and the capacity for critical analysis and reflection will be encouraged.

- The subject fosters sensitivity to the gender perspective in a transversal manner. 


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Classroom participation and justified evaluation 10% 1.5 0.06
Exam 50% 3 0.12 KM01, KM03, SM02
Supervised and directed practical work 40% 30 1.2 KM01, KM03, SM02

The assessment of the subject for students who take continuous assessment consists of three parts, the specific weight of which is:
  - Practices: 40% grade
  - Exam: 50% mark. No notes
  - Class participation and justified self-assessment: 10% mark.
To pass the subject, an average grade will be made between the 3 parts. It is necessary that they pass the exam with 5 points and that the grade resulting from doing the average of the practices, which must be done all of them, is a minimum of 5 points. If someone does not do any practice for any justified reason, it will be graded with a 0 and an average grade will be given as well.
You can only retake the exam. In order to go to recovery, the students must have taken the course exam in the first call and have obtained a minimum grade of 3 points.
The assessable practical activities are distributed throughout the course and are related to key aspects of the subject and the subject's syllabus. There will be individual practices and others in groups.
Coursework or exams that have more than 5 errors in spelling and/or grammatical structure will be suspended.
All the details of the evaluation system will be specified on the first day of class and will be made public in the subject's Moodle Classroom.
Unique assessment:
This subject, being eminently theoretical, has been chosen so that students who wish to choose the single assessment option. All tests will be taken or delivered on the same day, which will be the date of the final exam. Students who choose this option will have the following evaluation system:
- Exam: 50% of the grade. It will not be the same exam as for continuous assessment students. Whoever chooses this option must read José Maria Perceval's Historia Mundial de la Comunicación books; and the book by Miquel de Moragas La comunicación y sus cambios. From the origins to the mobile. No notes
- Practices: 40% of the grade. The practical exercises will be given on the day of the exam. They will be individual exercises and not the same as the continuous assessment students.
- Case resolution: 10% of the grade. It will take place in the classroom on the same day as the exam. No notes
  As with continuous assessment, only the exam can be retaken. In order to go to recovery, the students must have taken the course exam in the first call and have obtained a minimum grade of 3 points.
To pass the subject, the average grade of the three parts will be taken, having to get at least a 5 in the exam and the case resolution, and a 5 in the average grade of the practicals, which must be done all.
Coursework or exams that have more than 5 errors in spelling and/or grammatical structure will be suspended.
All the details of the evaluation system will be specified on the first day of class and will be made public in the subject's Moodle Classroom.
In the event of a second registration, the student will be able to take a single synthesis test which will consist of a summary of the different assessment tests, theoretical and practical. The grade of the subject will correspond to the grade of the synthesis test.
In the event that the student commits any irregularity that could lead to a significant variation in the grade of an assessment act, this assessment act will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary processthat may be instituted. In the event that several irregularities occur in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be 0. The use of Artificial Intelligence is considered prohibited, unless the teaching staff explicitly gives permission



CALVET, Louis-Jean: Historia de la escritura, Barcelona, Paidos, 2001

DIAMOND, Jared: El mundo hasta ayer, Barcelona, Random House Mondadori, 2013.

FIGUERES, Josep M.: Resistència. La prensa en català. Censura i repressió. Base. 2019.

MORAGAS, Miquel de. La comunicación y sus cambios. De los orígenes al móvil. UAB, etc: Publicaciones universitarias, 2022. (Aldea Global, 44)

PERCEVAL, José María, Historia mundial de la comunicación, Cátedra, Madrid, 2015.

RUEDA-LAFFOND, José Carlos; GALÁN, Elena; RUBIO, Ángel. Historia de los medios de comunicaicón. Madrid, Alianza, 2014. 

SCOLARI, Carlos A. La guerra de las plataformas. Del papiro al metaverso. Barcelona, Anagrama, 2022.

WILLIAMS, Raymond (ed.), Historia de la comunicación, Vol. I: Del lenguaje a la escritura. Vol. II: De la imprenta a nuestros días, Bosch Comunicación, Barcelona, 1992.


No special software used. Only Word.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(SEM) Seminars 41 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 42 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 43 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 4 Catalan first semester morning-mixed