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Food, Hygiene and Food Safety

Code: 103726 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2502904 Hotel Management OB 1


Carolina Ripollés Àvila


Carolina Ripollés Àvila
Brayan Roger Hector Cervantes Huaman

Teaching groups languages

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The course "Food, Hygiene and Food Safety" is part of the subject Production Management and Hotel Operations. It addresses the study of the hazards that compromise food safety, the contributing factors associated with foodborne epidemic outbreaks, and the strategies and resources available to us for the control and prevention of foodborne diseases. Moreover, basic nutritional aspects are studied for the understanding of balanced formulation diets. There is not any prerequisit in order to course it. 

Objectives and Contextualisation

In this course it is intended that the student acquire some knowledge and skills that allow him to:

  1. Have a basic understanding of the chemical composition of food products.
  2. Acquire some notions regarding the nutrition.
  3. Know and understand the procedures and techniques that allow food preservation.
  4. Know and understand the basic concepts and premises within the field of hygiene and food safety.
  5. Identify the main biotic and abiotic hazards that can be transmitted through the food chain.
  6. Know the origins of the processes of transmission of food intoxication, its epidemiology and the contributing factors.
  7. Analyze and identify the main contributing factors in outbreaks of food intoxication.
  8. Understand the importance of cleaning and disinfection in the reduction of risks of food origin.
  9. Design and implement control and prevention systems in food safety.
  10. Design and apply the hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) in establishments dedicated to collective catering.


  • Analyse, summarise and evaluate information.
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Be able to search efficiently for the necessary information.
  • Demonstrate understanding of basic human nutrition and its repercussion on health and its application to food.
  • Develop a capacity for independent learning.
  • Identify and apply the basic measures of food hygiene and safety as well as the national and European regulations that have to be met by establishments and activities in the sector.
  • Work in teams.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse, summarise and evaluate information.
  2. Apply knowledge in practice.
  3. Be able to search efficiently for the necessary information.
  4. Develop a capacity for independent learning.
  5. Develop balanced menus for different groups.
  6. Identify human nutritional requirements.
  7. Understand and apply the basic rules to be satisfied by hotel establishments in questions of food hygiene and safety.
  8. Understand the rules of hygiene, food handling and their application.
  9. Work in teams.


The contents of this subject are halved into two sections. In the first we make an approach to nutrition and bromatology, and in the second we address the main problems that can compromise food safety in establishments operating in the collective catering sector, as well as the most appropriate control and prevention measures to avoid them.


  1. Chemical composition and nutritional value of the main food product groups.
  2. Concept of food. Food classification.
  3. Healthy eating. Balanced diet: Mediterranean diet and others. Evaluation of nutritional status.
  4. Food behaviour: food and culture. Planning menus for different groups.
  5. Methods and technologies for food preservation. Alteration of food during storage.
  6. New trends in food production. Organic food. Transgenic food. Functional Foods.
  7. Food quality. Definition, criteria and attributes.
  8. Food hygiene. Definition, basic principles of food safety. Spanish and European regulations on food products. Technological and hygienic requirements in restoration.
  9. Epidemiology of waterborne and foodborne diseases. European data and comparison with other countries. Main agents involved.
  10. Abiotic contamination in the food chain. Natural toxins in food. Chemical toxicity and formation of undesirable substances during food processing.
  11. Biotic contamination in food.
  12. Systems to guarantee food safety. Design of the facilities. Prerequisites Staff training Hygienic habits. Correct practices during the handling of food.
  13. Hygienic management of a kitchen. Self-control of food services in hotel establishments.    Systems A.P.P.C.C. Good Practice Guidelines.
  14. Audit systems and verification of the quality and safety of food in collective catering. Quality standards. Official inspection.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Master classes with debates (in person) 45 1.8 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Type: Supervised      
Forums, on-line monitoring 10 0.4
Personal tutorship 6 0.24 4
Type: Autonomous      
Accomplishment of individual or group works 20 0.8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9
Analysis and discussion of cases 22 0.88 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9
Study 45 1.8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Lenguage of instruction


General description of the subject

The course is structured around different types of directed and autonomous activities so that the student can acquire the skills described above.

  • Theoretical sessions (lectures) in the classroom.
  • Forum for debate / discussion on current issues related to the contents of the subject.
  • Discussion and resolution of cases seminars.
  • Reading and analysis of articles.
  • Regarding personal work, the student must solve the exercises that arise during the course as a team and / or individually.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Case 1. Clinical Case: Nutritional Self-Assessment 12,75 % 0 0 1, 3, 4, 6
Case 2. Computer simulation practice: PMP. 17,25 % 0 0 2, 3, 8, 9
Theory exam I 29,75 % 1 0.04 5, 6
Theory exam II 40,25 % 1 0.04 7, 8

The course will be evaluated by taking into account having acquired the competences and the learning results.



The evaluation will be based on continuous monitoring of the student's academic work throughout the course. It consists in the continuous evaluation of the directed and autonomous activities that are proposed in the class sessions. Active assistance in the classroom, the performance of written tests, the resolution of exercises and reports in the indicated terms will be evaluated.

The subject is divided into two blocks. At the end of each block there is an exam. The note of each block is calculated as follows.

  • A block exam: 70%
  • Continuous evaluation of the directed and autonomous activities (resolution of exercises, presentation of personal works, participation in the discussion of practical cases): 30%

The first block will weight 42.5 % and the second one 57.5%. Therefore, the weight per activity is as follows: Block I theoretical exam (29.75%), Activity 1 on nutritional assessment (12.75%), Block II theoretical exam (40.25%) and Activity 2 on simulation of pathogens (17.25%).

In order to apply such weights (42.5% and 57.5%) is it necessary to obtain 4 over 10 or more in each of two blocks of the continuous evaluation. In case of not reaching that note in any of the parts the course will be suspended.

In case of not following the continuous evaluation or suspend it, a final exam of the subject can be made on the official dates established. In that case, no note of those obtained in the continuous evaluation will be taken into account.

B) UNIQUE EVALUATION: Final exam (all subject).

There will be a single type of final exam, with no difference between students who have not followed the continuous assessment and those who have suspended it.

The exam will be the day and time set, according to the academic calendar, in the official program of the centre (EUTDH).


The option to take the extraordinary reevaluation will be possible for those students whose grade in the final exam is between 3.5 and 4.99. The exam will be carried out on the official date established and the same rules will be followed as in the previous cases.



  • Astiasaran (2000). Alimentos, composición y propiedades. Mc Graw Hill.
  • Baltes,W. 2007.Química de los alimentos. Zaragoza: Acribia.
  • Belitz,H.D.; Grosch,W. 2012. Química de los alimentos. Zaragoza: Acribia.
  • Bello, J.2000. Ciencia bromatológica. Principios generales de los alimentos. Barcelona: Díaz de Santos.
  • Carrasco, S. (1992). Antropología y alimentación: una propuesta para el estudio de la cultura alimentaria. Bellaterra: Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.
  • Chacón, C., Saltor, M. I Catà, M. (2006). Autocontrol en l’elaboració de menjar per a col·lectivitats. Guía de pràctiques correctes d’higiene. Diputació de Barcelona. Disponible a: http://www1.diba.cat/llibreria/pdf/36346.pdf
  • Contreras, J. (1995). Alimentación y cultura: necesidades, gustos y costumbres. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.
  • Contreras, J. i Gracia, M. (2005). Alimentación y cultura: perspectivas antropológicas. Barcelona: Ariel.
  • Derache, J. (coordinador) (1990). Toxicología y seguridad de los alimentos. Barcelona: Omega.
  • Eley, A.R. (1994). Intoxicaciones alimentarias de etiología microbiana. Zaragoza, Acribia.
  • Fehlhaber, K. i Janetschke, P. (1994). Higiene veterinaria de los alimentos. Zaragoza, Acribia.
  • Fenema,O.R. (2000). Química de los alimentos. Zaragoza, Acribia,
  • Hayes, P.R. (1993). Microbiología e higiene de los alimentos. Zaragoza, Acribia.
  • Hobbs, B.C. i Gilbert, R.J. (1986). Higiene y toxicología de los alimentos. Zaragoza, Acribia.
  • Leveau, J.Y. i Bouix, M. Manual técnico de higiene, limpieza y desinfección. Madrid, AMV.
  • Montes, E., Lloret, I., i López, M.A. (2009). Diseño y gestión de cocinas. Manual de higiene alimentaria aplicada al sector de la restauración. Barcelona, Díaz de Santos.
  • Vollmer, G.; Josst, G.; Schenker, D.; Sturn, N. (1995). Elementos de Bromatología descriptiva. Zaragoza: Acribia.


  • Mulet, J.M. (2015). Comer sin miedo: Mitos, falacias y mentiras sobre la alimentación en el siglo XXI. Booket.
  • Jiménez, L. (2015) Lo que dice la ciencia sobre dietas, alimentación y salud. Plataforma Editorial.
  • Jiménez, L. (2017) Lo que dice la ciencia sobre dietas, alimentación y salud volumen 2. Createspace Independent Pub.
  • Adams, M.R. i Moss, M.O. (1995). Food Microbiology. Cambridge, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Cliver, D.O. (1990). Foodborne diseases. San Diego, Academic Press.
  • Doyle, M.P.; Beuchat, L.R.; Montville, T.J. (1997). Food microbiology: fundamentals and frontiers. Washington, D.C., ASM Press.
  • D’Mello, J.P.F. (2003). Food safety: contaminants and toxins. CABI Publishing.
  • Hobbs, B.C.; Roberts, D.; Arnold, E. (1993). Food poisoning and food hygiene. Nova York, Academic Press.
  • Lindner, E. (1995). Toxicología de los alimentos. Zaragoza, Acribia.
  • Sinell, H.J. (1981). Introducción a la higiene de los alimentos. Zaragoza, Acribia.
  • Taylor, S.L. i Scanlan, R.A. (1989). Food Toxicology. New York, Marcel Dekker.
  • Varnan, A.H. i Evans, M.G. (1996). Foodborne pathogens: an illustrated text. Londres: Manson Publishing Ltd.


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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TE) Theory 1 Spanish second semester morning-mixed