This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Methods of Financial Evaluation I

Code: 102124 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2501231 Accounting and Finances OB 2


Jordi Celma Sanz


Maria Consol Torreguitart Mirada

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are not prerequisites

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM16 (Competence) Critically analyse the principles, values and procedures governing the practice of the profession.
  2. CM17 (Competence) Determine the financial system used in each of the financial operations, as well as the fixed and variable expenses affecting said operation.
  3. CM18 (Competence) Quantify the APR of each of the analysed operations and the effective cost including expenses not considered by the Bank of Spain to calculate the APR.
  4. CM19 (Competence) Quantify the new amounts to be paid in a financial operation with variable interest when there is an unforeseen change in interest types.
  5. KM16 (Knowledge) Recognise which types of organisations allow for appropriate value maximisation.
  6. SM11 (Skill) Identify the functioning of the financial system and the different financial intermediaries, the regulatory bodies and functions, the methods used in pricing, the specific financial operations and the micro and macroeconomic functions of the participants.



Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
practices 17 0.68
theory 32.5 1.3
Type: Supervised      
tutoring 20 0.8
Type: Autonomous      
problems 50 2
study 25 1



The proposed teaching methodology may undergo some modifications according to the restrictions imposed by the health authorities on on-campus courses.



Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Final 50% 2 0.08 CM16, CM17, CM18, CM19, KM16, SM11
Partial test 30% 1.5 0.06 CM16, CM17, CM18, CM19
moodle tests 20% 2 0.08 CM16


"The proposed evaluation activities may undergo some changes according to the restrictions imposed by the health authorities on on-campus courses."


The continuous evaluation of the course is based on the activities detailed below.

An evaluative activity of themes 1, 2, 3 and 4 on October 

It is not allowed to consult any material. Maximum time 90 minutes . The test does NOT release matter. Overall weight of 26%.

2.  Small tests dureng the course

It ius not allowed to consult any material. Maximum time 60 minutes. The test does NOT release matter. Overall weight of 24%.

3. An individual written test covering the entire subject matter of the course on the date provided for in the calendar of the faculty or school.

The maximum resolution time is 3 hours. No material may be consulted. Overall weight of 50%.

For students with a grade of 3. 5 or higher and less than 5 there will be a reevaluation test. The student who presents himself to reevaluation and passes it will have a final grade of 5.

A student will be considered "Non-assessable"; only if he or she has not participated in any assessment activity.

Calendar of evaluation activities

The dates of the various assessment tests (partial exams, classroom exercises, submission of papers, . . . ) will be announced well in advance during the semester.

The date of the final exam of the subject is programmed in the calendar of examinations of the Faculty.

&quot;The programming of the evaluation tests may not be modified, except for an exceptional and duly justified reason for which an evaluation act cannot be carried out. In this case, the persons responsible for the degrees, after consulting the teaching staff <ahref="ón/inglés-español/and" target="_blank">and the student body concerned, will propose a new programme within the corresponding academic period. &quot;. Section 1 of Article 115. Calendar of evaluation activities (UAB Academic Regulations)


The students of the Faculty of Economics and Business who according to the previous paragraph need to change an evaluation date have to present the petition by filling in the document Request reprogramming test https://eformularis. uab. cat/group/deganat_feie/solicitud-reprogramacion-de-pruebas.

Procedure for reviewing appraisals

Coinciding with the final exam, the day and medium in which the final grades will be published will be announced. In the same way, the procedure, place, date and time of the exam revision will be <ahref="ón/inglés-español/informed" target="_blank">informed in accordance with the University's regulations.

Recovery Process

&quot;In order to participate in the catch-up process, the student body must have been previously evaluated in a set of activities that represents a minimum of two thirds of the total grade of the subject or module. Article 112 ter, paragraph 3. Recovery (UAB Academic Policy). The students must have obtained an average grade of the subject between 3. 5 and 4. 9.

The date of this test will be programmed in the calendar of exams of the Faculty. The student who presents him/herself and passes will pass the course with a grade of 5. On the contrary, he/she will keep the same grade.

Irregularities in evaluation events

Without prejudice to other disciplinary measures that may be deemed appropriate, and in accordance with current academic regulations, &quot;in the event that the student commits any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade of an evaluation act, this evaluation act shall be marked with a 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be <ahref="ón/inglés-español/instructed" target="_blank">instructed. If there are several irregularities in the acts of evaluation of the same subject, the final grade of this subject will be 0&quot;. Article 116(10). Evaluation results. (UAB Academic Policy)

“All students are required to perform the evaluation activities. If the student's grade is 5 or higher, the student passes the course and it cannot be subject to further evaluation. If the student grade is less than 3.5, the student will have to repeat the course the following year. Students who have obtained agrade that is equal to or greater than 3.5 and less than 5 can take a second chance exam. The lecturers will decide the type of the second chance exam. When the second exam grade is greater than 5, the final grade will be a PASS with a maximum numerical grade of 5. When the second exam grade is less than 5, the final grade will be a FAIL with a numerical grade equal to the grade achieved in the course grade (not the second chance exam grade).

A student who does not perform any evaluative task is considered “not evaluable”, therefore, a student who performs a continuous assessment component can no longer be qualified with a "not evaluable".”

This subject that do include eh comprehensive evaluation option.

COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION (Art. 265 of the UAB Academic Regulations)

By requesting the comprehensive evaluation the student waives the option of continuous evaluation.

The comprehensive evaluation must be requested at the Academic Management (Gestió acadèmica) of the Campus where the degree/master's degree is taught. The request must be filed according to the procedure and the deadline established by the administrative calendar of the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Attendance :

· Student attendance is mandatory on the day of the comprehensive assessment. The date will be the same as that of the final exam of the semester as per the evaluation calendar published by the Faculty of Economics and Business and approved by the Faculty's Teaching and Academic Affairs Committee. The duration of the comprehensive assessment must be specified in the characteristics of such activity.

· 100% of the evaluation evidences must be handed inby the student on the day of the comprhensive assessment.

· The evaluation evidences carried out in person by the student on the same day of the comprehensive assessment must have a minimum weight of 70%.

 100% of evaluation is an exam, duration 3 hours, in the final exam classroom

"For the retake procedure, no distinction is made between students who have followed the continuous evaluation and those who have opted for the comprehensive evaluation. All will be re-assessed using the same test or evaluation evidence."

"The review of the final qualification will follow the same procedure as for the continuous evaluation".



Brun, X., Elvira, O i Puig, X. (2008) “Matemática Financiera i estadística básica”, Ed. PROFIT

Cruz, Salvador i Maria del Mar Valls. (2008)  "Introducción a las Matemáticas Financieras", Pirámide.

Machín Moreno, Maria. (2012) "Introducción a las Matemáticas Financieras", UDIMA.

Matias, Rogerio i J.Antonio Seijas. (2009) "Matemática Financiera", Escolar Editora.

Miner, Jaime. (2005) "Matemática Financiera", McGraw-Hill

Navarro, E. (2019) "Matemáticas de las opeaciones financieras". Pirámide.

Navarro, E. I Nave, J.M. (2001) “Fundamentos de matemáticas financieras”, Antoni Bosch editor.

Sanou, Lina, Cèsar Villazón i Jordi Celma (2001) “Pràctiques de Matemàtica Financera”, Vol I (núm. 102), Servei de Publicacions, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra.

Sanou, Lina, , Cèsar Villazón i Jordi Celma (2001) “Pràctiques de Matemàtica Financera” vol. II, (núm. 103), Servei de Publicacions, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra.

Sanou, Lina, , Cèsar Villazón i Jordi Celma (2001) “Pràctiques de Matemàtica Financera” vol. III, (núm. 104), Servei de Publicacions, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra.

Valls, Maria del Mar. (2009) "Introducción a las Matemáticas Financieras: problemas resueltos", Pirámide. 

Villazón, Cèsar i Lina Sanou (2001) “Matemàtica Financiera”, Ediciones Foro Científico, S.L., Barcelona



Important Bibliography

Sanou, Lina, Cèsar Villazón i Jordi Celma (2001) “Pràctiques de Matemàtica Financera”, Vol I (núm. 102), Servei de Publicacions, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra.

Sanou, Lina, , Cèsar Villazón i Jordi Celma (2001) “Pràctiques de Matemàtica Financera” vol. II, (núm. 103), Servei de Publicacions, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra.

Sanou, Lina, , Cèsar Villazón i Jordi Celma (2001) “Pràctiques de Matemàtica Financera” vol. III, (núm. 104), Servei de Publicacions, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra.



Excel Sheet

Moodle tests

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 101 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(PAUL) Classroom practices 102 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(PAUL) Classroom practices 501 Catalan first semester afternoon
(TE) Theory 10 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 50 Catalan first semester afternoon