This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Physical Education in Primary Schools

Code: 102052 ECTS Credits: 5
Degree Type Year
2500798 Primary Education OB 2


Maria Prat Grau


Sergi Escriu Mateu
Laura Carbonero Sánchez
(External) Per determinar
(External) Per determinar

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


The use of sportswear is compulsory in the practical lessons. Participate with attitude to physical activity and sport.

Objectives and Contextualisation

Understand the Physical Education (PE) pedagogical principles that contribute to personal, cultural and social development.

Achieve an educational understanding that considers physical activity as an essential part for a holistic personal development.

Get a basic knowledge of the fundamentals of PE.

Know the PE Catalan Curriculum in Primary stage.

Know the PE teaching procedures suitable for primary education.

Experience PE contents by undertaking practical lessons.

Contribute to the improvement of teaching professional skills in primary education settings.


  • Acquiring resources to encourage lifelong participation in sports activities both inside and outside the school.
  • Analyse and recognise one's own socio-emotional skills (in terms of strengths, potentialities and weaknesses), to develop those that they are necessary for professional development.
  • Develop and evaluate contents of the curriculum by means of appropriate didactic resources and promote the corresponding skills in pupils.
  • Foster reading and critical analysis of the texts in different scientific fields and cultural contents in the school curriculum.
  • Manage information in relation to the professional field for decision making and the preparation of reports.
  • Reflect on classroom experiences in order to innovate and improve teaching work. Acquire skills and habits for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it among pupils.
  • Take account of social, economic and environmental impacts when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  • Understand the principles that contribute to cultural, personal and social training in terms of physical education.
  • Understand the school physical education curriculum.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse and comment on PE texts related to primary education. Know how to write basic texts relating to the area.
  2. Analyse and understand the components of the Department of Physical Education curriculum and meet the criteria to place them in the 3 cycles into which the stage is organized.
  3. Assessing the benefits that practising physical activity has from a psychological, physical and social point of view.
  4. Becoming initiated in the criteria and instruments for evaluating PE.
  5. Identifying the different possibilities and modalities that are available, both in school and in extracurricular fields.
  6. Identifying the educational content of PE activities and know how to carry them out and explain them.
  7. Knowing how to select appropriate and relevant information when preparing the required work and presentations to the rest of the group.
  8. Making progress in the command of teaching resources for developing the training content of PE at the primary education level, and identifying the different educational components involved in each activity.
  9. Master communication skills in different teaching and learning activities.
  10. Obtaining the PE resources that encourage inclusive education in contexts of diversity.
  11. Propose viable projects and actions to boost social, economic and environmental benefits.
  12. Self-assess and co-evaluate the results obtained in the development of the subject.
  13. Understand personal differences that arise in PE activities as an aspect to be dealt with using educational criteria.
  14. Understand the evolution of the main educational trends. Analyse from a critical perspective the styles and methods for teaching PE.
  15. Understand the importance of physical activity and sport as social phenomena in the areas of education, economics, respect for health, etc.


I. Physical activity, sport, society and culture:

  • Social and educational aspects to consider
  • Importance and roles of movement
  • Importance of Physical Education (P.E.) in the educational system.

2. Educational framework: 

  • Purposes of P.E. in primary school
  • Dimensions and competencies of P.E.
  • The P.E. session: estructure. 

3. The contents in the curriculum of P.E. in Primary Education:

  • Problem solvin in motor situation
  • Active and healthy live/ livestyle
  • interaction with environement in the leisure time (*)
  • Bodily expression (*)
  • Emotional self regulation and social interactions

Methodological and assessment guidelines (3rd year)

Physical Education and the key skills of the primary education stage

4. Introduction to the didactics and organization of Physical Education in primary school (3rd year)

• Structure of the Physical Education session. Session climate and teacher's role.
											• EF and attention to diversity: inclusion, gender and ethnicity (3rd year)
											• Educational resources: materials, facilities and basic safety rules
											• Organization of physical and sports activities inside and outside the school
  • What is specific of teaching P.E. through a foreign language: Physical Education in CLIL (Group 71)


Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Plenary 38 1.52 2, 12, 15, 14, 9, 6, 5, 4, 8, 7, 3
Type: Supervised      
Team-work 25 1 3
Type: Autonomous      
Study and autonomous work 62 2.48 1, 2, 10, 14, 13, 5, 3

The course will be developed combining different teaching & learning activities from the two types of lessons: practical and theoretical.


Practical lessons will be developed in workshops (small groups) and in two outdoors organised activities in natural settings where physical activity will be particularly important. The activities will be proposed mainly by the professor taking although students’ opinions will be taken into account.

Theoretical lessons are developed as a plenary and conducted by the professor according to the contents of the course even though active participation of the students will be fostered through debates and other forms of interaction. Small group presentations are also used to share information related to teamwork results.

The proposed teaching methodology and assessment may undergo some modification depending on the attendance restrictions imposed by the health authorities.

Teachers should allocate approximately 15 minutes of a class to allow their students to answer the surveys for the evaluation of teaching performance and the evaluation of the subject or module.

The gender perspective and inclusion will also be valued in a transversal way throughout the subject.





Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Design of a didactical intervention 10% 0 0 9, 6, 5, 8, 11
Individual questionnaire about learning process. Individual 10% 0 0 2, 15, 13, 8
Learning folder 50% 0 0 2, 10, 12, 8
Participation in classroom didactical proposals and virtuals tasks. Individual 10% 0 0 1, 2, 10, 15, 14, 13, 11, 3
Team-work 20 % 0 0 12, 4, 7

This subject does not have a single evaluation system. 

The evaluation of the subject will be carried out throughout the course using different instruments to collect evidence of improvement and achievement of student learning. The grid provides  the distribution of assessment activities of the subject.

Attendance to the face-to-face classes of the subject is compulsory. Failure to attend a minimum of 80% of the face-to-face hours will be grounds for not passing the course.

Excused absences only serve to explain the absence, in no case are they exempt from attendance.

To pass this subject, students must show a good general communicative competence, both oral and written, as well as a good command of the language or languages that appear in the teaching guide. All the activities (individual and in group) will take into account, therefore, the linguistic correction, the writing and the formal appearances of presentation. Students must be able to express themselves fluently, correctly, and must show a high degree of comprehension of academic texts. Gender prespective will be considered along the learning folder.

The recovery of the subject will take place from July 2th to 5th, 2025, as long as the student has presented 35% of the evidence of learning in their individual folder. It consist of the presentation the Learning Folder complete, with a new section with a new PE sessions (wiht a guideline)  and a writen exam. 

The AC is the continuous assessment instrument and will be delivered before 20 June 2025; the rest of the activities will be delivered progressively. If any of the activities is not delivered on time, it can be recovered by incorporating it into the CA.

 Copying or plagiarism in any type of evaluation activity constitutes an offense, and will be penalized with a 0 as a grade of the subject and losing the possibility of recovering it, whether it is an individualor group work (in this case, all members of the group will have a 0)






In addition to the general bibliography, specific bibliography will be given for each of the topics.

Arumí, J. (2016). Entrena’ls per cooperar. Repensant l’esport d’equip. Vic: Eumo Editorial.

Arumí, J., Camps, I., López, X. & Torres, G. (2019). Educa’ls per cooperar. Vic: Eumo Editorial.

Blázquez, D. & Sebastiani, E.M. (2010) Enseñar por competencias en educación física. Barcelona: Inde.

Bailey, R. (2006). Physical Education and Sport in Schools: A Review of Benefits and Outcomes. Journal of School Health. 76(8), 397-401.

Barbero, J. I. (1997). Cultura corporal, vida cotidiana (y educación física), 149–154.

Castejón Oliva, F. J., & Lopez Pastor, V. M. (2011). Evalución formativa y rendimiento académico en la formación inicial del profesorado de Educación Física. Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de La Actividad Física y El Deporte, 11(42), 328–346.

Cañabate, D., Casals, P., Guijosa, C. & Vila, A. (2018). Educació física i reptes físics cooperatius. Barcelona: Editorial Graó.

Coral, J. (2013). Physical education and English integrated learning: How school teachers can develop PE-in-CLIL programmes. Temps d’Educació, 45, 41-65.

Córdoba, T. & Romero, R. (2016). Cooperar per incloure en l’activitat física i l’esport. 50 propostes pràctiques. Barcelona: Institut Barcelona Esports-Ajuntament de Barcelona.

Departament d’Educació. Direcció General d’Educació Infantil i Primària (2016). Competències bàsiques de l’àmbit de l’Educació Física. Generalitat de Catalunya: Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions.

Departament d’Educació. Servei d’Ordenació Curricular d’Educació Infantil i Primària (2017) Currículum educació primària. Generalitat de Catalunya: Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions.

González, C & Lleixà, T. (Coord). (2010). Didáctica de la educación física. Barcelona: Graó. 

Kirk, D. (2012). Empowering Girls and Women through Physical Education and Sport. Thailand: UNESCO.

Martínez, L. (1993). Los agrupamientos en educación física como factor y manifestación de discriminación entre alumnos.Perspectivas, 13 8–13.

Martos-Garcia, D., Lorente-Catalán, E., & Martínez, J. (2018). Pedagogia crítica.pdf. In Educación Fisica y Pedagogia Crítica (p. 29:51).

Lawrence, J. (2012). Teaching Primary Physical Education. London: SAGE.

López Pastor, V. M., Monjas, R., & Pérez, D. (2003). Buscando alternativas a la forma de entender y practicar la educación física escolar. Barcelona: Inde.

Piedra, J., García-Pérez, R., Fernández-Garcia, E., & Rebollo, M. a. (2014). Brecha de Género en educación fisica: Actitudes del profesorado hacia la igualdad. Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de La Actividad Fisica y Deporte, 14, 1–21.

Pradas, R. (Coord.) (2019). L’educació física en els centres educatius: infància, joventut i moviment. Barcelona: Edicions Rosa Sensat.

Prat, M., & Camacho-Miñano, M. J. (2018). La voz del futuro profesorado de Educación Primaria sobre sus experiencias previas en Educación Física: de los contextos de participación a los de exclusión. Profesorado. Revista de Currículum y Formación Del Profesorado, 3(22), 433–452.

Ramos, F. & Ruiz-Omeñaca, J.V. (2011). La educación física en centros bilingües de primaria inglés-español: De las singularidades propias del área a la elaboración de propuestas didácticas prácticas con AICLE. Revista Española De Lingüística Aplicada, 24, 153-170.

Ruiz-Omeñaca, J.V. (2012). Nuevas perspectivas para una orientación educativa del deporte. Madrid: Editorial CCS.

Ruiz Pérez, L. M., Juan Antonio, M. M., Coll, V. G., & Gutiérrez Sanmartín, M. (2011). Lo que los deportes enseñan cuando se aprenden los deportes. Tándem. Didáctica de La Educación Físicactica de La Educación Física, 36, 17–26.

Soler, S., Serra, P., & Vilanova, A. (2018). La igualtat en joc Guia de bones pràctiques de gènere en els estudis de la familía de les Ciències de l’Activitat Física i de l’Esport.

Soler, S., & Vilanova, A. (2012). La coeducación en la Educación Física en el s. XXI: reflexiones y acciones. Tándem. Didáctica de La Educación Físicactica de La Educación Física, 40, 1–11.

Stidder, G. & Hayes, S. (2011). The really useful Physical Education Book. Learning and teaching across the 7-14 age range. London: Routledge.

Vaca, M. (2007). Monográfico un proyecto para una escuela con cuerpo y en movimiento. <spanclass="Cap">Ágora Para La Educación Física y El Deporte, 45, 91–110.

Velázquez Callado, C. (2012). El aprendizaje cooperativo en educación física. La formación de los grupos y su influencia en los resultados. Tándem. Didáctica de La Educación Física, 39, 75–84.

Velázquez Callado, C. (2013). La pedagogía de la cooperación en Educación Física. Laguna de Duero: La Peonza.

Velázquez Buendía, R. (2007). ¿ Qué educación física ?... ¿ Qué educación ? Tándem. Didáctica de La Educación Física, 23, 7–17.

Velázquez Callado, C., Fraile, A., & López Pastor, V. M. (2014). Aprendizaje cooperativo en Educación Física. Movimiento, 20(1), 239–259.




Campus Virtual

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(SEM) Seminars 211 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 212 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 213 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 311 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 312 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 313 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 411 Catalan second semester afternoon
(SEM) Seminars 412 Catalan second semester afternoon
(SEM) Seminars 413 Catalan second semester afternoon
(SEM) Seminars 711 English second semester afternoon
(SEM) Seminars 712 English second semester afternoon
(SEM) Seminars 713 English second semester afternoon
(TE) Theory 21 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 31 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 41 Catalan second semester afternoon
(TE) Theory 71 English second semester afternoon