This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Bachelor's Degree Final Project

Code: 102047 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500798 Primary Education OB 4


Cristina Mercader Juan

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


The Bachelor’s Degree Final Project (FP) is the final module in the degree programme; therefore, students are advised to enrol in this module only when they are certain they will complete their studies during the year of enrolment.

In order to enrol in the FP module, students need to have completed at least two thirds of the total ECTS of the whole degree programme.


Objectives and Contextualisation

The Bachelor’s Degree Final Project (FP) is aimed at developing a basic level research project or an innovation carried out in the professional field of the degree programme. In either case, the TFG must comply with the requirements of a research project, and it must allow the skills and knowledge associated with the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education to be activated and developed.

The FP is mostly carried out autonomously and is based on a topic agreed on with the tutor supervising the student.

The written FP document must be different and individual for each student. Work including sections that are the same as another submitted FP cannot be accepted. This does not prevent students from sharing theoretical-conceptual knowledge and doing part of the research together.


  • Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
  • Adopt an ethical attitude and behaviour and act in accordance with the deontological principles of the profession.
  • Analyse and recognise one's own socio-emotional skills (in terms of strengths, potentialities and weaknesses), to develop those that they are necessary for professional development.
  • Appreciate individual and collective responsibility in the achievement of a sustainable future.
  • Assume the educating dimension of the teacher's role and foster democratic education for an active population.
  • Collaborate in the different sectors of the educational community and of the social setting.
  • Critically analyse personal work and use resources for professional development.
  • Design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity that take into account gender equality, equity and respect for human rights and observe the values of public education.
  • Develop the functions of tutoring and guidance of pupils and their families, attending to the pupils' own needs. Understand that a teacher's functions must be perfected and adapted in a lifelong manner to scientific, pedagogical and social changes.
  • Incorporate information and communications technology to learn, communicate and share in educational contexts.
  • Learning about forms of collaboration with the different sectors of the educational community and the environment.
  • Maintain a critical and autonomous relationship with respect to knowledge, values and public, social and private institutions.
  • Maintain a respectful attitude to the natural, social and cultural environment to foster values, behaviours and practices that attend to gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.
  • Make changes to methods and processes in the area of knowledge in order to provide innovative responses to society's needs and demands.
  • Manage information in relation to the professional field for decision making and the preparation of reports.
  • Recognise and evaluate the social reality and the interrelation of factors involved as a necessary anticipation of action.
  • Reflect on classroom experiences in order to innovate and improve teaching work. Acquire skills and habits for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it among pupils.
  • Take account of social, economic and environmental impacts when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  • Take part and be implicated in the acts, meetings and events at the institution to which one belongs.
  • Take sex- or gender-based inequalities into consideration when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  • Understand models of quality improvement with application to schools.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).

Learning Outcomes

  1. Adopt an ethical attitude and behaviour in accordance with the deontological principles of the profession.
  2. Analyse a situation and identify its points for improvement.
  3. Analyse the indicators of sustainability of academic and professional activities in the areas of knowledge, integrating social, economic and environmental dimensions.
  4. Analyse the sex- or gender-based inequalities and the gender biases present in one's own area of knowledge.
  5. Be able to work with colleagues who are on placements at the same centre and/ or with the same tutor in different shared activities.
  6. Collaborate with school professionals in order to extract relevant information from innovative projects analysed.
  7. Conceive innovation as part of professional development and continuing education.
  8. Critically analyse personal work and use resources for professional development.
  9. Demonstrate respect for individual and social awareness and responsibility regarding the world around us.
  10. Design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity that attend to gender equality, equity and respect for human rights as involved in the values of public education.
  11. Diagnose the socio-educational reality in schools by identifying the social factors that condition them.
  12. Evaluate teaching activity in the classroom, integrating self-evaluation processes.
  13. Evaluate the evolution of one's strengths, potentialities and weaknesses throughout the time spent at the school, to understand how these can influence teaching and consider the practical elements that have influenced this evolution.
  14. Express critical and objective arguments with respect to the functions and tasks performed by social institutions.
  15. Identify situations in which a change or improvement is needed.
  16. Identifying experiences involving collaboration between sectors of the educational community and the social environment.
  17. Maintain an attitude of respect for the environment (natural, social, cultural) to promote sustainable values, behaviour and practices that respect gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.
  18. Participating in the preparation, development and regulation of the everyday classroom tasks and making suggestions for their improvement.
  19. Permanently learn and think critically as teachers, making use of shared research-action processes to improve and innovate in teaching.
  20. Planning and carrying out activities that promote active citizenship in students.
  21. Propose projects and actions that are in accordance with the principles of ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and obligations, diversity and democratic values.
  22. Selecting the key information for making proposals for improvements in primary education centres.
  23. Share specific knowledge with other professionals to ensure a better product or solution.
  24. Show interest in understanding and comprehending the functions and tasks performed by social institutions.
  25. Understand models of quality improvement with application to schools.
  26. Using ICTs and CLTs in the development and production of practical work and in the design of didactic proposals.


The FP covers a wide range of topics related to the different fields of knowledge that are part of the degree program.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Course: “Eines i recursos per realitzar el teu treball acadèmic” 2 0.08 19, 22
Plenary session 2 0.08 7, 25
Type: Supervised      
Seminars 6 0.24 19, 12, 7, 24, 14, 20
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomus work 140 5.6 19, 7, 25, 10, 22

The virtual classroom enabled is the TFE Platform ( It is the space for the exchange of information between the coordination team, the tutor and the students, as well as the space where the different evidence of learning requested throughout the course should be delivered. Therefore, it is essential to consult this space periodically, as well as the e-mail address associated with it, to ensure that all the necessary information is received for proper progression and monitoring of the FP.

Students will be able to select the topic of the FP from those available in strict order of the average grade of their academic record during the period established at the beginning of the course.

The work methodology is divided into supervision sessions, independent work and assessment activities. The supervised activity includes two different forms of seminars that can be done in group or individually: compulsory seminars and extension seminars. There are 4 compulsory seminars distributed across the different phases of the process. The compulsory seminars are face-to-face. The first compulsory seminar is recommended to be a group seminar. In the case of students taking part in mobility programs, all seminars may be taken virtually. Students may also request up to 4 hours of extension seminars, which will be mutually agreed upon with the tutor.
Considering the autonomous nature of the work, no more than 4 hours of extension seminars may be taken without a justification of the need for differentiated instruction.

The FP is considered as a continuous process with 3 different phases: a starting phase in which the work is specified and proposed (with an approximate workload of 25 hours), a development phase (with approximately 75 hours of work), and a final and closing phase that includes the presentation of the final report (with an approximate workload of 50 hours).

The FP process will begin with a plenary session in which the general aspects of the elaboration of the FP will be explained. This plenary session is compulsory, except for those who are in mobility programs.

As part of the process, the following must be carried out:

  • A first mandatory seminar on topics and types of work and the process and monitoring to be agreed between the tutor and the student. This seminar will be called by the tutor once the assignments have been definitively published. After this seminar, the rest of the obligatory seminars will be programmed by mutual agreement.
  • A second mandatory seminar on at least two of the first sections of the script. This seminar can be held before or after the first follow-up, depending on the needs of the work. The date of the second seminar must be fixed in the first seminar.
  • A third mandatory seminar on the progress of the project, consistent with the sections of the script and the agreements established between the tutor and the student. This seminar must be held before the second follow-up.
  • A fourth and last mandatory seminar on the progress of the project, where all the sections are worked on, before the final delivery (final report of the FP).

The seminars, lasting up to 90 minutes, are intended as a space for discussion, resolution of doubts and proposals to advance the project. It is recommended that students submit the working document prior to the seminar with the progress and doubts so that the tutor can prepare the meeting. The total dedication of the compulsory seminars can't surpass 8 hours of face-to-face teaching and 4h for the additional seminars.

During this process, students are required to hand in the 2 follow-up documents and the final delivery (detailed in the assessment section). All deliveries will be made in the virtual space provided.


Two different types of FP can be chosen: the professionalization option and the research option (which can be basic research on a topic or an in-depth study of a theoretical concept).Regardless of the option chosen, the form of presentation of the FP can be agreed on with the tutor (report format or researcharticle format). Regardless of the format chosen, the FP must be written in CATALAN, except in the case of students of the Degree in Primary Education in English, who must write the FP in ENGLISH. In case that the student develops a topic related to english didactics, the student preferebly will write the work in English, although the student can choose to write it in Catalan. 

All FPs must include a reference section (according to APA guidelines). The APA regulations can be consulted at:

A) PROFESSIONALIZATION OPTION: Formulation of an intervention/innovation project in a particular socio-educational context. This FP modality allows four types of work to be considered:

  • Intervention FP. It consists of developing an educational or socio-educational action proposal in a specific context. This modality can take the form of: a) the diagnostic study of a reality, b) the design and implementation of a project in a professional field, c) the evaluation of an existing project (it is necessary that the project is being implemented).
  • Creation and innovation FP. It consists of developing a proposal aimed at the creation, elaboration, design of educational and/or socio-educational products or services in a specific context.
  • Entrepreneurship FP. It consists of developing a proposal for entrepreneurship (traditional or social) in the educational or socio-educational field.
  • Service-Learning FP. This modality consists of carryingout a work of real application in an entity, and requires close coordination with that entity to develop the project. It also requires the supervision of the academic tutor (more information at: Més que un TFG!). This modality admits only annual FPs

In the case of FPs that are contextualized in the same school or institution wherethe student’s internship is done, students may benefit from the analysis of the context and other data; but in NO CASE can both reports be written with the same content. That is to say, the internship report and the FP cannot be the same in any of their sections. Duplicating material will beconsidered as self-plagiarism,and therefore will mean a failure in the FP.


  • Empirical research proposal FP. It consists of an analytical research proposal that will include a theoretical framework, a working hypothesis or objectives, an empirical part with results, discussion and conclusions. This modality must include basic research methodologies and techniques (search, selection and use of tools to capture information, as well as analysis and interpretation).
  • FP based on a systematic literature review. It consists of a study of theoretical foundation (essay or monograph) that involves a theoretical, critical or comparative analysis as a basis for an in-depth discussion or argumentation on a topic. This modality must include a broad bibliographical review on the subject nd an explicit discussion in relation to the theoretical frameworks and available knowledge.

STRUCTURE OF THE FINAL REPORT OF THE FP (3rd evaluation evidence)

Regardless of the FP option chosen, the 3rd evaluation evidence, which corresponds to the final report or memory of the FP, can be presented in two different formats:


The person presenting the FP in this format must follow the following formal aspects:

  • Maximum length of about 70,000 characters (spaces included) (20/25 pagesapproximately). This does not include the section of bibliographical references and annexes that will be presented separately with the complementary information that is required.
  • The title page should include:
    • The name of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the degree taken.
    • Author's name.
    • Title of the FP
    • Date and date of submission,
    • Name and Department to which the tutor is assigned.
  • After the title page, the student must include:
    • Abstract in Catalan and English
    • Acknowledgements (if necessary)
    • Table of contents with page numbers
    • Sections and subsections numbered
    • References
    • Appendix (if necessary)


The student who chooses to present the dissertation in this format must follow a presentation policy of a scientific journal with peer-review, selected together with the tutor. To do so, the following generic guidelines are proposed:

  • Extension defined by the journal selected, but with no less than 20.000 caracters (spaces included). 
  • Title page, that must include:  
    • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    • Author name and email 
    • Title of the FP
    • Date and call
    • Degree
    • Tutor's name and department
  • After the title page, must be included: 
    • Abstract in Catalan and English
    • Keywords (between 4 and 6)
    • Sections and subsections of the paper
    • Acknowledgments (if necessary)
    • References
    • Appendix (if necessary)

If the tutor considers it feasible, the student may be encouraged to publish the article in a scientific journal in the field. The tutor should assist the student in adapting the article to the criteria of rigor and presentation of the chosen journal. The intellectual property ofthe FP will belong to the author of the FP. In any case, it is understood that the tutor has also contributed to the elaboration of the study and of the article, so in case of publication, the consent of the author and the tutor will be required. The tutor will be listed as a second co-author.

It is compulsory that the student enrols and passes the course “Eines i recursos per realitzar el teu treball acadèmic”, offered by the Humanities Library of UAB. The student must attach the certification of the completed course before or on the second follow-up. More information: 

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Final report 100% 0 0 1, 8, 3, 4, 2, 19, 12, 13, 6, 23, 7, 25, 9, 24, 11, 10, 14, 16, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 5, 26

This course does not have a single asssessment system.

The assessment of the FP will be based on 3 pieces of evidence:

  • Initial follow-up: Project approach. Qualitative assessment. The 1st piece of evidence for assessment is the document where the project to be developed in the FP is planned, understanding that it is a proposal that will evolve throughout the course. Depending on the type of FP to be carried out, the manuscript sections to be included will be, for example: statement of the problem or need, objectives, contextualization, theoretical basis, design/proposal/methodology. In any cas, the tutor will agree with the students on the sections to be included in each of the deliveries according to its specificity. The rubric to be used for assessment will be available in the virtual space. The delivery date is until November 11th (February call) and until January 13th (June and September call).
  • Intermediate follow-up: Development. Qualitative assessment. For this 2nd piece of evidence for assessment, a document must be submitted explaining the development of the project based on what has been proposed in the first evidence and considering the indications made in the evaluation of the previous evidence as well as in the seminars. In this second document, it must be demonstrated that the student has progressed in the work corresponding to the sections of the script agreed on between the tutor and the students. The rubric to be used for assessment can be found in the virtual space. The due date is December 9th (February call) and before April 21st (June and September call).
  • Final delivery. Final Report (Numerical grade from 0 to 10). This is the final report of the FP where all the sections of the FP manuscript must be included. The rubric to be used for assessment can be found in the virtual space.The due date is January 20th (February call), June 1st (June call) and September 1st (September call).

The delivery of three pieces of evidence is mandatory and CANNOT BE RE-SUBMITTED. All follow up and final delivery must be upload in the virtual campus offered by the coordination in the timeline stablished between tutor and student. No deliveries wil be accepted after the deadline stablished. 

If a student does not submit any evidence, either of the approach or of the development or if the quality of the work is very poor, it will have an impact on the grade of the final submission, in the criterion on monitoring of the FP, that will be assessed in the final delivery.

The tutor's feedback must also be sent through the space provided for this purpose, within a maximum of 15 days after the date of delivery of the evidence. These deadlines are for the ordinary call in June. For the first two follow-ups, a qualitative evaluation rubric with the defined criteria is available. For the final evaluation there is a rubric for each type of FP, which will result in a numerical grade from 0 to 10. The tutor will have to include feedback on all the deliveries. Both the characteristics of the documents and their evaluation rubrics will be published in the virtual space.

There are three causes that make the FP a direct fail: 

  1. No communication skills: If the FP includes a lot of grammar mistakes, a deficient or unintelligeble writing, the tutor shall fail the students' work.   

  1. Plagiarism of 20% or more: Although students can work in the same topic, the final report must be original and completely individual. In case of plagiarism, it may imply a disciplinary file.

  1. A fraudulent use of AI tools: Any irresponsable use (including false references, false documentation or non verified) will be punished, and the unethical uses listed in the University principles (image manipulation with fraudulent purposes, ficticious data presented as real data) will be punish with a direct fail of the FP. In this case, it may also imply a disciplinary file.

In order to present the FP in the September call, it is necessary that the interested person requests the change of call at Gestió Acadèmica, during the period established for this purpose. Otherwise, the gradethat will appear in the June call will be a NOT ASSESSED and the student will not have the change to sit in September.

If the student does not pass the FP, he/she will have to register again since there is no recovery option.


Only those students who obtain a grade of 9 or higher by the tuto, who have the acceptance of the correspondant department and who have agreed on presenting face-to-face their FP in front of a tribunal can aspire to obtain MH.

The tribunals will be held on the following dates:

  • February call: during the week of February 10th to 14th 2025.
  • June call: during the week of June 24th to 27th 2025.
  • September call: on September 5th 2025 (before 2pm).

The number of MH that will be awarded in the February, June or September call will depend on the number of students that apply for each call, as long as they represent at least 5% of the number ofstudents enrolled.

The presentation of the FP should be a maximum of 10 minutes. In this time students are expected to explain their work using a poster in digital format for support. Then, the appointed tribunal will ask the questions it considers pertinent and the student will have a maximum of 10 minutes to respond to the questions raised. The appointed tribunal, for the evaluation of the oral presentation, will only evaluate the presentation and defense of the FP, in no case will reference be made to the written document.

Since the presentations and defenses of the FP are of a public nature, in addition to the panel and the students summoned, any other person who wishes to attend may do so. In public presentations, all attendees must respect the schedules and procedures of the FP defense. Students are obliged to attend the entire presentation of the FP of the assigned examining board.


The bibliography will depend on the topic you want to study. Your tutor will guide you on the specific bibliography according to the subject matter. At a general level the following readings are recommended: 

Caro, M.T. (2015). Guía de trabajos fin de grado en educación. Pirámide.

Ferrer, V., Carmona, M., & Soria, V. (Eds.) (2012). El trabajo de fin de grado. Guía para estudiantes, docentes y agentes colaboradores. McGraw-Hill.

Mercader Rubio, I., Gutiérrez Ángel, N., & Pérez Esteban, M.D. (2023). Guía práctica para la elaboración de un trabajo fin de estudios (TFG y TFM) en el ámbito de la educación y la psicología. Edual.

Quivy, R., & Van Carnpenhoudt, L. (2005). Manual de investigación en ciencias sociales. Limusa.

Sánchez, A., Olmos Rueda, P., Torrado Fonseca, M., & García López, J. (2006). Trabajos de fin de Grado y Postgrado. ALJIBE

Sancho, J. (2014). Com escriure i presentar el millor treball acadèmic: guia pràctica per a estudiants i professors. Eumo.

Serveis de Biblioteques (2021). Citacions bibliogràfiques segons el model American PsychologicalAssociation. Recuperat de  

Villar, J.J. (2010). Cómo hacer un trabajo final de carrera para los estudios de grado: notas para estructurar de manera práctica el trabajo final de carrera y plan de marketing para los estudios de grado. Astro Uno. 

You can also consult the DDD, which FP with HONORS are published.


Specific programs will depend on the research methods used.

Virtual space.

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.