This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Foreign language B for translators and interpreters 2 (German)

Code: 101479 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500249 Translation and Interpreting FB 1


Gabriele Grauwinkel


Gabriele Grauwinkel

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Preliminary Note: specially designed subject for students of translation studies and applied interpreting (Profile: German as professional language in translation and interpreting, non- general language course). This subject requires a defined Vantage-level of German L2 / GFL (see CEFR/GeR level indications).

Prerequisites for German Language B2

At the beginning of the course German Language B2 it’s necessary that the student is able to:

Understand written texts of diverse typology on general topics of known fields. (CE5 CFRL/MECR-FTI B2.1)

Produce written texts with a certain complexity on personal subjects and general topics of known fields. (CE6 CFRL/MECR-FTI B1.2)

Understand clear oral texts on personal subjects and general topics of known fields. (CE7 CFRL/MECR-FTI B1.1)

Produce oral texts on personal and general topics from known fields. (CE8 CFRL/MECR-FTI B1.1)

Oral and written comprehension – essential for the follow-up of the subject:

Can understand with some easiness instructions in classes and tasks given by a teacher.

Can write down information in class if the articulation is clear.

Can understand instructions and messages such as computerised library catalogues or instructions and messages on the virtual spaces of the subject.

Required level of foreign language proficiency:

German Language (DaF): Vantage-Level B2.2 MECR (Common European Framework of Reference)

Illustrative descriptor – item for German as a foreign language (GFL/DaF):

Kann die Hauptinhalte nicht zu komplexer Texte zu konkreten und abstrakten Themen aus eigenen Interessensgebieten oder allgemeinen Themen verstehen, wenn klare Standardsprache verwendet wird.

Versteht im eigenen Spezialgebietauch einfachere Fachdiskussionen des Studiums.

Kannsich so verständigen, dass ein normales Gespräch oder ein Unterrichtsgespräch mit Muttersprachlern bei mittlerer Anstrengung auf beiden Seiten gut möglich ist. Kann sich zu einem vorbereiteten Themenspektrum verständlich und detailliert ausdrücken, einen Standpunkt zu einer aktuellen Frage erläutern und die Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Möglichkeiten angeben.

Objectives and Contextualisation

Contextualisation and training objectives of the subject German language B2

The function of the subject is to consolidate the communicative competences of the student's Language B, to develop the textual competences necessary for the direct translation of non-specialised texts of different types and to initiate the textual competences necessary for reverse translation.

At the end of the course German Language B2 the student will be able to:

Understand written texts of diverse typology on general subjects from a wide range of fields and registers. (CE5 CEFR-FTI B2.3)

Produce written texts of diverse typology on general topics from known fields. (CE6 CEFR-FTI B2.1)

Understand oral texts of diverse typology on general topics of known fields. (CE7 CEFR-FTI B2.1)

Produce oral texts with a certain complexity on personal subjects and general subjects of known fields. (CE8 CEFR-FTI B1.2)

(1) Illustrative CEFR descriptor, item for German as a foreign language (GFL)

Common reference levels: Global level descriptors (DaF)

Kann die Hauptinhalte komplexer Texte zu konkreten und abstrakten Themen verstehen, wenn Varianten der Standardsprache verwendet werden. Versteht im eigenen Spezialgebiet auch grundlegende Fachdiskussionen des Studiums. Kann sich annähernd so spontan und fließend verständigen, dass ein normales Gespräch mit Muttersprachlern mit mittlerer Anstrengung auf beiden Seiten gut möglich ist, wenn Standardsprache verwendet wird. Kann sich zu einem breiten Themenspektrum klar und detailliert ausdrücken, einen Standpunkt zu einer aktuellen Frage erläutern und die Vor-und Nachteile verschiedener Möglichkeiten angeben.

(2) Specialized competences in the working language (Profile German translation):

Kann beim Rezipieren von Texten bereits eine Vielfalt von Strategien einsetzen, um das Verstehen zu sichern. Kann die grundlegenden sprachlichen und außersprachlichen Bedingungen berichtender sowie narrativer Textsorten erkennen, deren Textintentionen erfassen und ihre Wirkungen auf Textadressaten beurteilen.

Kann relevante Inhalte von Sachtexten und, nach entsprechender Vorbereitung, auch längere literarische Prosatexte präzise zusammenfassen und kommentieren.

Kann die wichtigsten Registerunterschiede der geschriebenen Standardsprache unterscheiden. Kennt die wichtigsten Unterschiede in Diskursstruktur, Kohärenz, Kohäsion und Textorganisation zwischen seiner Muttersprache und dem Deutschen und kann bei eigenen Texten die üblichen sprachlichen und außersprachlichen Konventionen der Gestaltung und der Gliederung überwiegend einhalten.

Kann eine umfangreichere, ausreichend strukturierte Studienarbeit oder einen kurzen und hinreichend präzisen Bericht schreiben, in dem etwas systematisch erörtert wird, wobei entsprechende Punkte hervorgehoben und dazu stützende Details aus verschiedenen Quellen zusammengeführt und überwiegend korrekt dokumentiert werden.

Kann mit elementaren Recherchetechniken und Technologien des Fachbereichs umgehen oder diese im Rahmen seiner Möglichkeiten und Notwendigkeiten kooperativ und annähernd selbstständig für eigenes Lernen und die Bewältigung von Studienarbeiten nutzen.

(1) Comp. Level B1.2 - B2.1, Global Competences B1 - B2, In: [CEFR, GeR]

Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes u.a. [Hg.](2001): Gemeinsamer europäischer Referenzrahmen für Sprachen: lernen, lehren, beurteilen. Berlin/München/Wien/Zürich/New York: Langenscheidt;

(2) Refer to the corresponding Level Scales, Textual Competences (Textkompetenzen) and Linguistic MediationCompetences (Sprachmittlung), in:

Glaboniat, Manuela et. al. (2005): Profile Deutsch. Lernzielbestimmungen, Kannbeschreibungen und kommunikative Mittel für die Niveaustufen A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 und C2 des »Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen«. Berlin/München/Wien/Zürich/New York: Langenscheidt;


  • Producing oral texts in a foreign language in order to interpret.
  • Producing written texts in a foreign language in order to translate.
  • Understanding oral texts in a foreign language in order to interpret.
  • Understanding written texts in a foreign language in order to translate.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Applying lexical, morphosyntactic, textual, rhetorical and linguistic variation related knowledge: Applying graphic, lexical, morphosyntactic, textual and linguistic variation related knowledge.
  2. Applying lexical, morphosyntactic, textual, rhetorical and linguistic variation related knowledge: Applying phonological, lexical, morphosyntactic and textual related knowledge.
  3. Comprehending the communicative purpose and sense of verbal texts of several fields: Comprehending a diverse typology of verbal texts of general topics of well-known areas.
  4. Comprehending the communicative purpose and sense of written texts of several fields: Comprehending the communicative purpose and sense of a diverse typology of written texts about general topics from a wide variety of fields and registers.
  5. Implementing strategies in order to produce verbal texts from different fields and with specific communicative purposes: Implementing strategies in order to produce verbal texts of a certain complexity about personal and general topics of well-known areas.
  6. Implementing strategies in order to produce written texts of different fields and with specific communicative purposes: Implementing strategies in order to produce a diverse typology of written texts of a certain complexity about general topics of well-known areas.
  7. Implementing strategies in order to understand verbal texts from different fields: Implementing strategies in order to comprehend verbal texts about personal and general topics of well-known areas.
  8. Implementing strategies in order to understand written texts from different fields: Implementing strategies in order to comprehend a diverse typology of written texts of a certain complexity about general topics from a wide variety of fields and registers.
  9. Producing verbal texts from different fields and with specific communicative purposes: Producing verbal texts with specific communicative purposes, following standard models of discourse.
  10. Producing verbal texts that are appropriate to their context and possess linguistic correctness: Producing verbal texts of a certain complexity about personal and general topics of well-known areas.
  11. Producing written texts from different fields and with specific communicative purposes: Producing simple academic texts, following standard models of discourse.
  12. Producing written texts that are appropriate to their context and possess linguistic correctness: Producing a diverse typology of written texts about general topics of well-known areas with specific communicative purposes and following standard modes of discourse.
  13. Solving interferences between the working languages: Solving interferences from the language combination with a certain degree of control.


Subject contents at German language B2 for translators and interpreters

[Summary of contents in German language B2 for translators and interpreters]

1. Strategies and techniques for the comprehension of written texts of diverse typology on general subjects from a wide range of fields and registers (narrative, descriptive, expository, instructive, and argumentative with standard registers or containing only some very frequent communicative particles).

2. Strategies and techniques for the production of texts written with some complexity on personal subjects and general topics of known fields and basic texts of study (narrative, descriptive, expository and instructive).

3. Strategies and techniques for the comprehension of oral texts on general topics of known or study areas (narrative, descriptive, expository and instructive or didactic).

4. Strategies and techniques for the production of oral texts on personal subjects and general subjects in known or studied areas (narrative, descriptive, expository and metatextual).

5. Basic linguistic and textual notions for the study of the B language and for translating. Knowledge

morphosyntactic, lexical, textual grammar and orthotypographic to be able to translate.

6. Personalised strategies and procedures for learning the language and the use of relevant consultation tools for the autonomous study of language B.

Concretization of contents on subject

1. Translation-oriented reading comprehension

1.1. Reading strategies and techniques: Identification of the author's intention, identification of the type of reader, identification of the main and secondary ideas, identification of discursive marks, identification of the means of coherence and cohesion.

1.2. Identification/understanding of different types of textual genres: Ereignis- und Prozessbeschreibung; Ergebnisberichte, Ereignisschilderung, alltägliche und belletristische Erzählung. Understanding of different types of didactic genres for language B: Sprachlern- und Landeskundetexte.

2. Written production oriented to translation

2.1. Production of written texts of diverse typology on general topics of known fields.

2.2. Textual production strategies and techniques: synthesis; textual production for a purpose (author and reader); production of main and secondary ideas; control of coherence and cohesion; revision and correction.

2.3. Production of written texts of diverse typology on general topics of known fields and basic texts of the study, following German textual models.

3. Comprehension of oral texts on general topics of known fields or study:

3.1. Strategies and techniques for the comprehension of oral texts on personal and general subjects from known fields (Nachricht, Pressebericht, Kurzreportage, Augenzeugenbericht) or from the study.

3.2. Strategies and techniques for the comprehension of oral texts on general topics of study (Lehrgespräche)

4. Oral expression:

4.1. Strategies and techniques for the production of oral texts with a certain complexity on personal subjects and general subjects of known or study areas (narrative, descriptive, expository).

4.1.1. Pronunciation: exercises in orthophonic correction and prosodic adaptation.

4.1.2. Exercises of distinction and phonetic reproduction (distinctive apophonia).

4.2. Strategies and techniques for the production of metatextual texts.

4.2.1. Systematization of oral summaries of written texts (Inhaltsangabe).

4.2.2. Strategies for the oral analysis of main textual characteristics of written texts.

5. Linguistic knowledge and skills for the study of the B language and for translating:

5.1. Linguistic and textual notions for the studyofthe B languageand for translation.

5.1.1. Basis of analysis for textual models of genres of general written texts and didactic texts of language in Language B. Classification of textual genres in German. German macro- and superstructures. Textual functions of German textual grammar. Contrast with the classifications of the A languages. Linguistic and extralinguistic features of the genres with informative (Sachliche Darstellung) or expressive function (Expressiver Ausdruck, indirekter Appell).

5.1.2. Knowledge of morphosyntactic, lexical, textual grammar and orthotypography, knowledge of extralinguistic features to be able to translate. Aspects of DaF-Grammar and German functional grammar corresponding to the certificates for the reference levels of language B (Referenzgrammatik Mittelstufe GER B1-B2). Lexical aspects corresponding to the vocabulary required for the reference level certificates for language B (Referenzwortschatz Mittelstufe GER B1-B2). Conventions of basic writing and orthotypography in Language B. Contrast of the systems of cohesion and coherence or textual organization, of the orthographic conventions in language B and languages A. Contrasting the extralinguistic and cultural conventions for communication in language B and languages A.

6. Personalized strategies and procedures for language learning and the use of consultation tools relevant for autonomous study of language B:

6.1. Personalized strategies and procedures for language learning.

6.2. Use of research tools or documentation of information in language B to carry out language tasks or activities and basic academic works in language B.

For more detailed information on the contents of the subject, see:

Doerr, Emmanuel (2005ff.): Textgrammatik Deutsch. Textwissen Oberstufe DaF für Übersetzer undDolmetscher. Unterrichtsmaterialien Deutsch B, Teil 1. Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Traducció i d’ Interpretació.

Doerr, Emmanuel (2005ff.): Grammatik Deutsch. Schemata, Hilfslisten für das Schreiben und Übersetzen. Unterrichtsmaterialien Deutsch B, Teil 3. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Traducció i d’ Interpretació.

Doerr, Emmanuel (2005ff.): Lesetexte Deutsch Oberstufe DaF. Lese- und Übungstexte für den Unterricht. Unterrichtsmaterialien Deutsch B, Teil 2. Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Traducció i d’ Interpretació.

Scales of text- and mediation-skills, see

Glaboniat, Manuela et. al. (2005): Profile Deutsch. Lernzielbestimmungen, Kannbeschreibungen und kommunikative Mittel für die Niveaustufen A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 und C2 des »Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen«. Berlin/München/Wien/Zürich/New York: Langenscheidt;

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
›Lehrgespräch‹ Specific master classes with activities of oral comprehension, written notes, oral interaction, ('Master Class and didactic classroom dialogue'). 8 0.32 2, 1, 7, 5, 4, 3, 10, 9
›Textarbeit‹ Reading comprehension and written pre-production activities (Comprehension, draft, reformulation, writing, synthesis and summary). 10 0.4 1, 8, 6, 4, 12, 11, 13
›Textsortenarbeit‹ Reading comprehension and oral production activities (comprehension, textual analysis, script-schemes, oral summaries) 10 0.4 2, 1, 8, 5, 4, 10, 9
Type: Supervised      
Monitored preparation, supervision and review of oral/written exercises (›Übungsarbeiten‹) 17 0.68 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 12, 11, 10, 9, 13
Type: Autonomous      
Preparation and application of reading comprehension activities (›Lektüre Schriftliche Hausarbeit‹) 15 0.6 1, 8, 4
Preparation and performance of written production activities (›Schriftliche Hausarbeit und Vorarbeiten‹) 30 1.2 1, 6, 11, 13
Preparation, performance and review/correction of exercises, oral and/or written tasks (›Übungsarbeiten‹) 52.5 2.1 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 12, 11, 10, 9, 13


6 ECTS (100%) equivalent to 150 hours


3.9 ECTS of Self-study & learning (65%), equivalent to 97.5 hours

2.1 ECTS Face-to-face learning, 2019/20: 35%, equivalent to 52.5 hours

1.12 ECTS of Managed Learning (18.6%), equivalent to 28 hours

0.68 ECTS of Supervised Learning (11.3%), equivalent to 17 hours of instruction and guidance

0.3 ECTS for assessments and reassessment (5%), equivalent to 7.5 hours of proficiency assessment and 1.5 hours of diagnostic assessment

Teaching Methodology

The German Foreign Language (DaF) skills will be broadened and deepened, and the specific skills required for translation will be developed: On the one hand, the global competences and communicative skills of the foreign language, on the other hand, the special linguistic competences in German as a Working Language for Translation, with special emphasis on those which are of pragmatic, intercultural and contrastive relevance for translation (B-A), heuristics or instrumental for language learning (kulturpaarspezifischen pragmatischen Kompetenzen, Lernfertigkeiten, instrumentale Fertigkeiten).


With regard to the specific text competencies, the text progression of the German B subjects will be dealt with in B1 (first semester), especially classes and types of texts with the so-called German macrostructures: Deskription/Beschreibende Texte (Objekt- und Prozessbeschreibung), Chronik (Ergebnisbericht versus Ereignisschilderung) and corresponding functions - and in B2 (second semester) especially classes and text types with the so-called German macrostructures: Chroniken (Ergebnisbericht versus Ereignisschilderung versus Erlebniserzählung) and corresponding functions.

With regard to the specific text skills, we will deal with - following thetextual progressionof the German B subjects – in B3 especially with classes and types of texts with the so-called German macrostructures: Explizite und implizite Argumentation (Erlebniserzählung, Werbetext; explikative und appellative Argumentation) and corresponding functions, and - in B4 especially classes and types of oral texts with written basis, and critical or essay texts with so-called German macrostructures: Explizite und implizite Argumentation (Interview, Streitgespräch, Debatte, Rede; Rezension, Glosse, Essay) and corresponding functions.

The character of the subject is theoretical-practical. It will deal with the basics of textual analysis (linguistic and translatological), reception and textual production in German. All knowledge, skills, strategies and activities of the subject will be developed through by meta-working with and on texts (standard models and current examples).

Training activities

Except for point f, the following chronological process applies in the processing of the above-mentioned types of texts:

a. the development of strategies and methods of reading and textual comprehension;

b. the development of strategies and methods of textual analysis (linguistics and grammar of text, translation analysis),

c. the treatment of typical linguistic and intercultural B-A problems manifested in current texts, followed by grammar and/or performative tasks or exercises or corresponding detection tasks;

d. the systematization of textual synthesis and the bases of linguistic mediation through periphrasis, reformulation or explanation of textual contents;

e. the improvement of textual production in German (production of specific copies following text models) and the revision of defective texts;

f. the preparation of specific genres of university studies (e.g. abstract, summary, working script, oral presentation, textual analysis,review, linguistic autobiography) on topics of a cultural, linguistic or translatological (inter-) nature in the B language.

The production of texts will be limited to general or study topics or domains (relevant fields in translation and interpretation).

In accordance with the German teaching method known as Lerner- und Handlungsorientierter Unterricht (student action-oriented teaching), applied to the Teaching of German as a Foreign Language (DaF) for translation and interpretation, tasks based on the processing of authentic and current texts can be modified during the course, either according to the topicality of the texts or according to the specific didactic needs of the students, detected by means of continuous formative assessment or diagnostic assessment. The progressive definition and quantity (between 6 and 10 activities) of the specific tasks will therefore depend on the specific didactic needs of the students, without exceeding the total of the stipulated hours.

Note: Please, read carefully the special and detailed information of the subject in the Moodle Classroom.

 For more detailed information on the methodology applied in the framework of the subject, see:

Doerr, Emmanuel (2005ff.): Lernziele Deutsch B. Adaptierung und Skalierung nach dem Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen: Deutsch als 1. Fremdsprache der Übersetzung. Fächer Deutsch B1, B2, B3, B4. 2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Fassung. Bellaterra (Barcelona): Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Traducció i d'Interpretació

 Types of Activities



ECTS Credits

Learning outcomes

Type: Directed



Lehrgespräch‹ Specific master classes with activities of oral comprehension, written notes, oral interaction, ('Master Class and didactic classroom dialogue').



1, 8, 4, 2, 7, 3, 5, 10, 9

Textarbeit‹ Reading comprehension and written pre-production activities (Comprehension, draft, reformulation, writing, synthesis and summary).



1, 8, 4, 6, 12, 11, 13

Textsortenarbeit‹ Reading comprehension and oral production activities (comprehension, textual analysis, script-schemes, oral summaries)



1, 8, 4, 2, 5, 10, 9

Type: Supervised



Monitored preparation, supervision and review of oral/written exercises (›Übungsarbeiten‹)



1, 8, 4, 6, 12, 11, 13, 2, 7, 3, 5, 10, 9

Type: Autonomous Learning



Preparation and application of reading comprehension activities (›Lektüre Schriftliche Hausarbeit‹)



1, 8, 4

Preparation and performance of written production activities (›Schriftliche Hausarbeit und Vorarbeiten‹)



1, 6, 11

Preparation, performance and review/correction of exercises, oral and/or written tasks (›Übungsarbeiten‹)



1, 8, 4, 6, 12, 11, 13, 2, 7, 3, 5, 10, 9

All types



All Comp.




All Comp.





Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assessment of reading and oral summary comprehension activities and oral production: Assessment of language proficiency or CEFR-level (»Mündliche Prüfung«) 20% 0.5 0.02 2, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 10, 9
Coursework & Continuous formative guided assessment (»Übungsarbeiten«) 10% 3 0.12 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 12, 11, 10, 9, 13
Diagnostic achievement-assessment (DIALANG) & diagnostic self-assessment of language proficiency/CEFR-level (›Diagnostische Sprachstandstests‹) 0% 1.5 0.06 1, 8, 6, 4, 12, 13
Reading comprehension and written assignments (writing-test) 40% Assessment of reading comprehension and writing activities: language proficiency or CEFR-level (›Schriftliche Prüfung‹) 40% 2 0.08 1, 8, 4, 12, 11, 13
Reading comprehension and written pre-professional term-paper–assessment of autonomous reading comprehension and writing performance: Assessment of language proficiency CEFR-level (»Schriftliche Hausarbeit«) 30% 0.5 0.02 1, 8, 6, 4, 12, 11, 13

Continuous assessment

Students must provide evidence of their progress by completing various tasks and tests. These activities are detailed in the table at the end of this section of the Study Guide.


When publishing final marks prior to recording them on students' transcripts, the lecturer will provide written notification of a date and time for reviewing assessment activities. Students must arrange reviews in agreement with the lecturer.

Missed/failed assessment activities

Students may retake assessment activities they have failed or compensate for any they have missed, provided that those they have actually performed account for a minimum of 66.6% (two thirds) of the subject's final mark and that they have a weighted average mark of at least 3.5.

The lecturer will inform students of the procedure involved, in writing, when publishing final marks prior to recording them on transcripts. The lecturer may set one assignment per failed or missed assessment activity or a single assignment to cover a number of such activities. Under no circumstances may an assessment activity worth 100% of the final mark be retaken or compensated for. In case of retaking, maximum grade will be 5).

Classification as "not assessable"

In the event of the assessment activities a student has performed accounting for just 25% or less of the subject's final mark, their work will be classified as "not assessable" on their transcript.

Misconduct in assessment activities

Students who engage in misconduct (plagiarism, copying, personation, etc.) in an assessment activity will receive a mark of “0” for the activity in question. In the case of misconduct in more than one assessment activity, the student involved will be given a final mark of “0” for the subject. Assessment activities in which irregularities have occurred (e.g. plagiarism, copying, impersonation) are excluded from recovery.

Single assessment

This subject may be assessed under the single assessment system in accordance with the terms established in the academic regulations of the UAB and the assessment criteria of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting.

Students must make an online request within the period established by the faculty and send a copy to the lecturer responsible for the subject, for the record.

Single assessment will be carried out in person on one day during week 16 or 17 of the semester. The Academic Management Office will publish the exact date and time on the faculty website.

On the day of the single assessment, teaching staff will ask the student for identification, which should be presented as a valid identification document with a recent photograph (student card, DNI/NIE or passport).

Single assessment activities

Single assessment will include a minimum of three assessment activities of different types, as stated in the assessment guidelines.

Grade revision and retake procedures for the subject are the same as those for continual assessment. See the section above in this Study Guide.


Dossiers of the subject to the Reprographic Service of the FTI (Faculty of Education, Building G5, ground floor):

Doerr, Emmanuel (2005ff.): Textgrammatik Deutsch. Textwissen Oberstufe DaF für Übersetzer und Dolmetscher. Unterrichtsmaterialien Deutsch B, Teil 1. Updated edition. Bellaterra: Autonomous University of Barcelona. Faculty of Translation and Interpretation. Updated edition

Doerr, Emmanuel (2005ff.): Lesetexte Deutsch. Oberstufe DaF. Lese- und Übungstexte für den Unterricht. Unterrichtsmaterialien Deutsch B, Teil 2. Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Faculty of Translation and Interpretation. Updated edition

Doerr, Emmanuel (2005ff.): Grammatik Deutsch. Schemata, Hilfslisten für das Schreiben und Übersetzen. Unterrichtsmaterialien Deutsch B, Teil 3. Updated edition. Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Faculty of Translation and Interpretation. Updated edition

The bibliography with the compulsory housework of the four-monthly Term-paper will be found at the Virtual Campus, in the Moodle Classroom of the subject:

»Bücherliste Deutsch B zu Werken der Schriftlichen Hausarbeit«.

Folder ›Kursprogramme und Bücherlisten‹ (Kursprogramme and Bücherlisten)

Special and detailed information for the assessment and final tests will be found in the document »Merkblatt zu Prüfung und Hausarbeit«, Moodle Classroom of the subject, folder ›Prüfungen‹.

The specific bibliography and links to websites on language, culture and society can be found in the Moodle Classroom of the subject, and in:

Doerr (2005ff.): Textgrammatik Deutsch. see: Bibliographie.

Doerr (2005ff.): Grammatik Deutsch. see: Bibliographie.

Moodle Classrooms German Language B:


No specific software is used

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 German second semester morning-mixed