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Contemporary History

Code: 101141 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500262 Sociology FB 1


Pau Casanellas Peņalver

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


It is not considered necessary to have any prerequisites, but it is advisable for students to have a basic understanding of contemporary history concepts and events, as well as knowledge of foreign languages (especially English).

Objectives and Contextualisation

The course aims to provide students with a thorough and nuanced understanding of recent world history, moving away from stereotypes. It covers the emergence of major political alternatives that marked the 20th century (labour movements, fascism, parliamentary democracy) up to the present. The focus of the course will be on what is known as contemporary history, that is, the period from the end of World War II to the present, analysed from a non-Eurocentric perspective and with a gender perspective. The syllabus offers an overview of the main processes and historical events that occurred during this period, with special emphasis on their relationship to current global issues. Classes will combine political, social, economic, and cultural history.

The primary objective is for students to acquire a broader and more rigorous intellectual and historical knowledge, enabling them to analyse the present with more tools and to think historically about current issues.


  • Analysing the problems arising from the implementation of public policies and conflict situations by recognising the complexity of the social phenomena and political decisions affecting democracy, human rights, social justice and sustainable development.
  • Applying the concepts and approaches of the sociological theory, specially the explanations of social inequalities between classes, between genders and between ethnic groups, to the implementation of public policies and to the resolution of conflict situations.
  • Describing social phenomena in a theoretically relevant way, bearing in mind the complexity of the involved factors, its causes and its effects.
  • Developing critical thinking and reasoning and communicating them effectively both in your own and other languages.
  • Developing self-learning strategies.
  • Respecting the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  • Students must be capable of assessing the quality of their own work.
  • Students must be capable of managing their own time, planning their own study, managing the relationship with their tutor or adviser, as well as setting and meeting deadlines for a work project.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describing the social changes of these phenomena in the 20th century.
  2. Developing critical thinking and reasoning and communicating them effectively both in your own and other languages.
  3. Developing self-learning strategies.
  4. Differentiating the eventual progresses and regressions of these principles in the main historical changes of the 20th century.
  5. Discussing their causes and effects from several historiographical perspectives.
  6. Distinguishing historical precedents of specific policies or conflicts.
  7. Distinguishing the historical processes where these principles were formulated.
  8. Respecting the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  9. Students must be capable of assessing the quality of their own work.
  10. Students must be capable of managing their own time, planning their own study, managing the relationship with their tutor or adviser, as well as setting and meeting deadlines for a work project.


The course syllabus will be structured into the following sections:

1. The major political alternatives of the 20th century: labour movements, fascism, parliamentary democracy

2. The foundations of the contemporary world: the international order after World War II

3. The emergence of the Third World: decolonization and revolutionary scenarios

4. The long ’68: cultural transformations and political struggles

5. The end of the Cold War and the consolidation of neoliberalism

6. Current conflicts and issues

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Seminars 26.5 1.06 2, 3, 4, 5
Theoretical-practical classes 23 0.92 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 13 0.52 2, 3, 8, 9, 10
Type: Autonomous      
Study and autonomous work 74 2.96 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Teaching will consist of theoretical sessions supported by various materials, combined with student participation. Additionally, students will be required to carry out independent work based on class materials and assigned readings.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assignement/s 30% 7.5 0.3 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
Exams 70% (35% + 35%) 6 0.24 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Continuous assessment will consist of three tests:

-A first midterm exam on the first half of the syllabus: 35% of the final grade.

-A second midterm exam on the second half of the syllabus: 35% of the final grade.

-One or more practical assignments or exercises: 30% of the final grade.


Single assessment will consist of two tests:

-A written exam covering the entire syllabus: 70% of the final grade.

-A practical assignment or exercise: 30% of the final grade.


Students (both those under continuous assessment and single assessment) who do not achieve an average final grade of 5 will be entitled to a make-up exam, which will cover the entire syllabus of the course. This exam will only allow a maximum grade of 5 (pass).


At the time of completion or submission of each assessment activity, the lecturer will inform students of the procedure and date for reviewing the grades.

If the student has not submitted at least 30% of the assessment activities, they will receive the grade of “not assessable.”

If the student commits any type of irregularity that could lead to a significant variation in the grade of an assessment activity, it will be graded with a 0.


ANTENTAS, Josep Maria; VIVAS, Esther: Resistencias globales. De Seattle a la crisis de Wall Street. Madrid: Editorial Popular, 2009.

—: Planeta indignado. Ocupando el futuro. Madrid: Sequitur, 2012.

ARENDT, Hannah: Eichmann en Jerusalén. Barcelona: Debolsillo, 2015.

ARRUZZA, Cinzia; CIRILLO, Lidia: Dos siglos de feminismos. Los ejemplos más significativos, los problemas más actuales. Barcelona: Sylone, 2018.

BANTIGNY, Ludivine: 1968. De grands soirs en petits matins. Paris: Seuil, 2018.

CANFORA, Luciano: La democracia. Historia de una ideología. Barcelona: Crítica, 2004.

CHOMSKY, Noam: El nuevo orden mundial (y el viejo). Barcelona: Crítica, 2003.

EICHENGREEN, Barry: La globalización del capital. Historia del Sistema Monetario Internacional. Barcelona: Antoni Bosch, 2000.

FONTANA, Josep: Por el bien del imperio. Una historia del mundo desde 1945. Barcelona: Pasado & Presente, 2011.

—: El futuro es un país extraño. Una reflexión sobre la crisis social de comienzos del siglo XXI. Barcelona: Pasado & Presente, 2013.

—: El siglo de la revolución. Una historia del mundo desde 1914. Barcelona: Crítica, 2017.

FREEDMAN, Estelle B.: No Turning Back. The History of Feminism and the Future of Women. New York: Ballantine, 2003.

GEORGE, Susan: Informe Lugano. Barcelona: Icaria/Intermón, 2001.

GERGES, Fawaz A.: The Far Enemy. Why Jihad Went Global. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

GRAEBER, David: En deuda. Una historia alternativa de la economía. Barcelona: Ariel, 2012.

HERRERO, Yayo: Els cinc elements. Una guia d’alfabetització ecològica. Barcelona: Arcàdia, 2024.

JUDT, Tony: Postguerra. Unahistoria de Europa desde 1945. Madrid: Santillana, 2006.

HARVEY, David: Breve historia del neoliberalismo. Madrid: Akal, 2007.

HESSEL, Stéphane: Indigneu-vos! Un al·legat contra la indiferència i a favor de la insurrecció pacífica. Barcelona: Destino, 2011.

HOBSBAWM, Eric J.: Historia del siglo XX. 1914-1991. Barcelona: Crítica, 1995.

HORN, Gerd-Rainer: The Spirit of ’68. Rebellion in Western Europe and North America, 1956-1976. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.

HUSTVEDT, Siri: Els miratges de la certesa. Reflexions sobre la relació entre el cos i la ment. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 2021.

KERSHAW, Ian: Descenso a los infiernos. Europa 1914-1949. Barcelona: Crítica, 2016.

—: Ascenso y crisis. Europa 1950-2017. Un camino incierto. Barcelona: Crítica, 2019.

KHALIDI, Rashid: Palestina. Cien años de colonialismo y resistencia. Madrid: Capitán Swing, 2023.

KLEIN, Naomi: La doctrina del xoc. Barcelona: Labutxaca, 2012.

LEWONTIN, R.C.; ROSE, Steven; KAMIN, Leon J.: No está en los genes. Crítica del racismo biológico. Barcelona: Grijalbo, 1996.

MURAD, Nadia: Jo seré l’última. La història del meu captiveri i la meva lluita contra l’Estat Islàmic. Barcelona: Rosa dels Vents, 2017.

NASH, Mary: Mujeres en el mundo. Historia, retos y movimientos. Madrid: Alianza, 2012.

POCH, Rafael: La actualidad de China. Un mundo en crisis, una sociedad en gestación. Barcelona: Crítica, 2009.

—: Entender la Rusia de Putin. De la humillación al restablecimiento. Madrid: Akal, 2018.

—: La invasión de Ucrania. Madrid: Contexto, 2022.

PRASHAD, Vijay. Las naciones oscuras. Una historia del Tercer Mundo. Barcelona: Península, 2012.

REVELLI, Marco: La lucha de clases existe… ¡y la han ganado los ricos! Madrid: Alianza, 2015.

RIECHMANN, Jorge: Ecologismo: pasado y presente (con un par de ideas sobre el futuro). Madrid: Catarata, 2024.

ROSS, Kristin: Mayo del 68 y sus vidas posteriores. Ensayo contra la despolitización de la memoria. Madrid: Acuarela / A. Machado, 2008.

SÁNCHEZ CERVELLÓ, Josep: La descolonización y el surgimiento del Tercer Mundo. Barcelona: Hipòtesi, 1997.

SERRA, Clara; GARAIZÁBAL, Cristina; MACAYA, Laura (coord.): Alianzas rebeldes. Un feminismo más allá de la identidad. Manresa: Bellaterra, 2021.

TAIBO, Carlos: La desintegración de Yugoslavia. Madrid: Catarata, 2018.

TOUSSAINT, Éric: Una mirada al retrovisor. El neoliberalismo desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad. Barcelona: Icaria, 2010.

TRAVERSO, Enzo: Els usos del passat. Història, memòria, política. Valencia: PUV, 2006.

—: A sangre y fuego. De la guerra civil europea (1914-1945). Valencia: PUV, 2009.

—: Las nuevas caras de la derecha. ¿Por qué funcionan las propuestas vacías y el discurso enfurecido de los antisistema y cuál es su potencial político real? Madrid: Clave Intelectual, 2021.

ZINN, Howard: La otra historia de los Estados Unidos (Desde 1492 hasta hoy). Hondarribia: Hiru, 2005.


Basic knowledge of word processing software (Word, LibreOffice, etc.) and proficiency in online sources.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(PAUL) Classroom practices 51 Catalan first semester afternoon
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 51 Catalan first semester afternoon