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Code: 101024 ECTS Credits: 3
Degree Type Year
2500502 Microbiology OB 2


Maria Constenla Matalobos


Andreu Salvat Saladrigas

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There is no official prerequisite, but it is advisable for students to review the general concepts of cell biology studied in the previous course. It is also recommended to bear in mind the generic differences between the "prokaryotes - eukaryotic" and "plant - animal" dichotomies studied in subjects of the previous year, such as Cell Biology and Animal Histology, Plant Biology,  Animal Biology and Microbiology.

It is also appropriate to study this subject with other subjects of the first semester of the second year of the degree of Microbiology, such as Molecular Biology of Eukaryotes or Physiology and Microbiological Metabolism.

Objectives and Contextualisation

This compulsory subject is a brief introduction to the knowledge of the protists, an eclectic and slightly artificial term, historically used to group a large diversity of groups that share the fact of being eukaryotes and unicellular (at least not reaching a complexity pluricellular).

As it is an introductory subject, it only establishes the bases to generate an overview of the characteristics of the main groups and their phylogenetic interrelations, as well as with other groups of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Also of basic form they will give notions of the paper of these organisms in the nature and their relations with the human being.

Objectives of the subject:

1. Identify the different structures that make up the protists, paying special attention to the exclusive parts of the forms of unicellular eukaryotes.

2. Describe the diversity of the protists, distinguishing the characteristics that define the different groups.

3. Interpret the phylogenetic hypotheses that relate the protists to each other as well as with the rest of prokaryotes and eukaryotic organisms.

4. Explore the role of the different groups of protists in the different ecosystems, as well as the different habits and vital strategies.

5. Recognise the relationshhip between protists and human beings.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM09 (Competence) Critically review the scientific contributions of women to the study of microorganisms and other sciences related to microbiology.
  2. CM10 (Competence) Integrate knowledge and skills from the field of microbiology, working individually and in groups to prepare and present in writing or orally and publicly a scientific work either in English or in one's own language.
  3. KM14 (Knowledge) Indicate the structural characteristics of microorganisms, paying special attention to the differences between acellular entities, prokaryotic organisms and single-cell eukaryotes.
  4. KM15 (Knowledge) Describe the metabolic and functional diversity of the microbial world, distinguishing the characteristics that define the different taxonomic groups.
  5. KM16 (Knowledge) Identify the main relationships established by microorganisms with each other, with other living beings, with their environment and in general with the ecosystem, and the methods for studying these interactions.
  6. SM13 (Skill) Relate the basic genetic components, structures and processes of replicative microorganisms and entities with their functions and the different ecophysiological mechanisms of adaptation to their environment.
  7. SM14 (Skill) Discover the role of microorganisms as causative agents of diseases in humans, animals and plants and the processes used to control them.


The contents of the subject are:

Origin and evolution of eukaryotes. Endosymbiosis Chloroplast and mitochondrial evolution.

Main phylogenetic groups that study protistology. Diversity.

Excavates. Discicrystals (Euglenoids, Quinetoplastids and Percozous) and Metamonadals (Diplomones, Retortamoniads, Parabasalid and Oximonids). Symbiotic relationships and pathological importance.

Heterokonta. Diatoms, ecological importance. Chrysophices. Opalines and Oomicets.

Archeplastida. Groups of interest Biotechnological applications.

Haptophyta. Cocolitophores, importance in marine phytoplankton.

Rizharia. Cercozoa (Chloracniophytes and Cercomonidides). Foraminifera and Radiolaria. Ecological and evolutionary importance.

Alveolata. Dinoflagellates, Apicomplexes and Ciliates. Ecology, outcrops, pathologies.

Amebozoa. Ameboid fungi and lobose amoebae, ecology and pathology.

Opistokonta. Coanozoa and Microsporidia. Economic importance

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 5 0.2 CM09, CM10, KM16, SM14, CM09
Seminars 20 0.8 CM09, KM14, KM15, KM16, SM13, SM14, CM09
Type: Autonomous      
Reading 8 0.32 CM09, CM10, KM15, KM16, SM13, SM14, CM09
Resolution of problems for the seminars 9 0.36 CM10, KM16, SM14, CM10
Study and self-learning assay 28 1.12 CM09, KM14, KM15, KM16, SM13, SM14, CM09

Teaching methodology and training activities:

The methodological approach of this subject aims to facilitate the active participation and construction of the learning process by the student, through different methodological strategies. In this sense, the sessions of this subject will be divided into master classes or lectures and seminars, which are programmed in an integrated way so that the student must relate throughout the course the content and the activities programmed to achieve the indicated competencies.

- Lectures: The student must acquire the scientific-technical knowledge of this subject by attending these classes, where explanations will be interspersed by the teachers with activities in the classroom and flipped classes, and complementing them with the personal study. At the beginning of the course, the student have a detailed calendar of the topics that will be dealt with throughout the course, as well as the bibliography that must be consulted to prepare each class and for the personal study. Before each session, the students will have at their disposal the materials to be worked on.

In the sessions of flipped classes, prior to each session, the students will have at their disposal a video of the topic to be discussed in each session, which they have to view before attending the session. Each session will begin with a small activity on the video (assessable) or online questionaries. After this activity, different activities will be worked on to highlight the importance of each group of protists treated in the topic that corresponds to the session. These activities can be solved individually, in groups or as a whole, depending on the activity and can also be evaluable.

- Seminars: The seminar sessions will be carried out in small groups. Current and real problems related to protists and the environment and / or society and public health will be addressed, with the aim of giving students a space for reflection and self-learning. As a complement tothe seminars, questionsrelated to the subject will be raised that can be discussed by students and professors in the virtual campus forum.

For a good follow-up of the subject, the student will have all material in the Virtual Campus of the subject. 

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Partials and continuous assessment activities throughout the course 70% 5 0.2 KM14, KM15, KM16, SM13, SM14
Troubleshooting seminars 30% 0 0 CM09, CM10, KM16, SM14

The assessment of the subject will be individual and continuous:

Assessment of the master classes (70% of the global mark):

 - There will be two partial tests.  A mark of al least 5 out of 10 is required to successfully pass the partial test. The overall of both partial test has a total weight of at least 60% on the global mark, but each partial has a weight of 25-30% and 30-35%, respectively. 

There will be a Re-assessment for students who failed one or both partial exams anf for students who wish to improve the mark of one or both partial exams (be aware that in this case, previous mark will be lost). In the re-assessment, a mark of at least 4 of each partial test is mandatory to be able to make the average. To participate in recovery, students must have previously been evaluated in a set of activities, the weight of which is equivalent to a minimum of two-thirds of the total grade for the subject.

 - Continuous assessable activities throughout the different master classes: the set of evidence collected during the master classes will have a total weight of 10% (maximum) on the global mark.

 Evaluation of the seminars (30% of the overall mark): The follow-up of the different seminar sessions will be evaluated, as well as the presentation of the final works (content, capacity for synthesis, rigor in expression, quality of documentary sources and adaptation to the established time), participation and attendance at all seminars.

It is mandatory to have a mark of at least 4 in each part (theory and seminars).


One-single  assessment:

 In the case of students with a one-single assessment for this course, the assessment will consist of a single common exam that will include both the contents of the entiretheory program and those covered in seminars. The mark obtainedin this synthesis test is 100% of the final mark of the course.

 The one-single assessment test will coincide with the same date schedule in the calendar for the last continuous assessment test and the same re-take system will be applied as for the continuous assessment.

 In this case, the students will also have to participate and present the corresponding group work in the seminar.

- Not assessable

Students will obtain the "Not assessable" qualification when the assessment activities carried out have a weighting of less than 67% in the final mark.




- ALBERTS B, JOHNSON A, LEWIS J, RAFF M, ROBERTS K, WALTER P. 2008. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5th Edition. Ed. Garland Science.
- ALBERTS B, BRAY D, HOPKIN K, JOHNSON A, LEWIS J, RAFF M, ROBERTS K, WALTER P. 2006. Introducción a la Biología Celular. 2ª Edición. Ed. Editorial Médica Panamericana.
- BOLD, H.C. et al. 1989. Morfología de las plantas y los hongos. Ed. Omega.
- BRUSCA, R. C. & BRUSCA, G. J. 2003. Invertebrados. 2º Edición. Ed. McGraw-Hill.
- CARRIÓN, J. S. 2003. Evolución vegetal. Ed. DM.
- HAUSMANN, K. HULSMANN N., RADEK R. 2003. Protistology. 3rd edition. Ed. E. Schweizerbart'sche Buchhandlung.
- HICKMAN, C.P., ROBERTS, L.S., KEENS, L., LARSON, A., L'ANSON, M., EISENHOUR, D.J. 2009. Principios integrales de Zoología. 14º edición. Ed. Interamericana.
- HISTÒRIA NATURAL dels Països Catalans. Vol. 4. Ed. Enciclopèdia Catalana.
- HISTÒRIA NATURAL dels Països Catalans. Vol. 8. Ed. Enciclopèdia Catalana.
- IZCO, J. et al. 2004. Botánica. Ed. McGraw-Hill-Interamericana.
- MARGULIS, L., CORLISS, J.O., MELKONIAN, M, CHAPMAN, D.J. 1990. Handbook of Protoctista. Ed. Jones & Barlett Publishers.
- MARGULIS, L., CHAPMAN, M. J. 2009. Kingdoms & domains: an illustrated guide to the phyla of life on earth. Ed. Elsevier, Academic Press.
- MAUSETH, J. D. 1998. Botany. An Introduction to Plant Biology, 2/e. Multimedia enhanced edition. Ed. Jones & Bartlett Publ.
- NABORS, W. 2006. Tratado de Botánica. Ed. Pearson.
- RAVEN, P.H., EVERT, R.F. & EICHHORN, S.E. 1991-1992. Biología de las plantas. Vols. 1 i 2. Ed. Reverté.
- SCAGEL, R.F. et al. 1987. El Reino Vegetal. Ed. Omega.
- SLEIGH, M. 1989. Protozoa and other Protists. Ed. Edward Arnold.
- SIMPSON, M.G. 2006. Plant Systematics. Ed. Elsevier, Academic Press.
- STRASBURGER, E. et al. 2004. Tratado de Botànica. Ed. Omega.

On-line books:

- Handbook of the Protists: https://mirades.uab.cat/ebs/items/show/152980




No specific software is used in this subject.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 721 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(PAUL) Classroom practices 722 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 72 Catalan first semester afternoon