Degree | Type | Year |
2500502 Microbiology | OT | 4 |
You can view this information at the end of this document.
This subject is complementary to the subject of Mycology, and deals with its most applied aspect. Therefore, it is requested to do a previous review to follow the subject correctly.
We may also refer to botanical issues, which is why it is interesting to keep this matter in mind.
In order to be able to attend the practices, the student must justify having passed the biosafety and security tests that he will find on the Virtual Campus and be
knowledgeable and accept the operating regulations of the Bioscience Laboratories
Objectives and contextualization
The subject of applied myology must be understood as complementary to the subject of Mycology (3rd year). The constant references that are made to groups and fungal species require a mycological basis that facilitates the understanding of the syllabus. We will develop several aspects of fungal biotechnology, a very wide and varied field, and with numerous interconnections that often hamper the thematic partition. The proposed objectives are:
1.- Understand the importance of fungi both in natural ecological systems and in the development and economy of human civilization, in the various industries in which they participate.
2.- Interpret the role of various fungi (especially lichens) in the biomonitoring of environmental quality (fungi as bioindicators)
3.- Recognize fungal biotechnological processes in the various industries and applications.
4.- Identify the importance of fungi as a source of alternative resources and renewable energy.
5.- Determine/visualize the diversity of fungal pathological processes, both from the animal and human side as well as from the plant side.
6.- Obtain the bases for developing biocontrol systems with fungal agents.
7.- Discuss the need for studies in basic and applied mycology to allow the development of various applied disciplines, especially biomedical, pharmaceutical, agricultural and forestry sciences.
8.- Obtain a global view of fungi, both from the perspective of their "destructive" role and their "creative" role.
The subject is structured in 6 blogs and 19 topics:
I-. Introduction.
1-. Fungi in the Biosphere
II-. Fungi in environmental biotechnology
2- Biodeterioration
Concepts: biodegradation, biodeterioration and bioremediation. Biodeterometer of inorganic and organic compounds (paper, paint, leather, glass, polystyrene, cables, tubes, etc.). Responsible
Biodeterioration of wood. Composition of wood. White rot (rot) or fibrous rot and brown (rot) or cubic rot. Dry rot (dry-rot) and wet rot (wet-rot). Responsible Chromogenic fungi.
3- Bioremediation
Introduction. Concepts
Degradation of lignin by "white-rot" fungi and its implications for bioremediation. What are phenols? Enzymatic equipment of ligninolytic fungi. Phanerochaete chrysosporium.
Degradation of organic pollutants. Use in the paper industry. The Kraft process and the alternatives. Biopulping. Biobleaching. Burglary of heavy metals.
II-. Fungi in agricultural and forestry systems
4- Phytopathology: fungi as phytopathogenic agents.
Introduction. Concepts The science of Phytopathology. A bit of history.
Parasitism and pathogenicity. The cycle of the disease or the pathogenesis. Inoculation Preperetration. Gene-to-gene hypothesis. Penetration
Infection. Dissemination. Survival during winter (overwintering) or during the summer (oversummering) of pathogens. Defenses of plants. Control of diseases.
Phytopathogenic fungi. Isolation Classification of mycosis.
5- Biological control: fungi as agents of biological control
Concepts Problems of Biocontrol. Advantages and disadvantages of fungi such as BCA. The Entomopathogen Fungi. Herbicides fungus. Fungi fungi.
6- Mutual Mushrooms: Endophytes and Mycorrhizae in agricultural and forestry systems. Introduction to mutualist fungi.
The Endophytes Mushrooms. Chemical synthesizers within the plants. Aspects of agricultural and livestock interest.
The Mycorrhiza. Definition and interest. Types of mycorrhiza. Plants without mycorrhiza.
Uses and applications of mycorrhizas.
7.- Lichens as bioindicators of environmental quality and other applications
Characteristics of symbiosis. Indicators of atmospheric quality. As a source of food Producers of secondary metabolites. Other applications.
IV-. Fungi and food biotechnology
8- Introduction.
Definition Types of fermentations. History Applications
9-. Production of alcoholic beverages and the bread industry
Wine industry (wine and cava). Beer industry. Other alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic fermentation of milk: kefir.
10-. Alcoholic fermentation in the cocoa and coffee industry
11-. Lactic fermentation Cheese industry
12-. Koji fermentation.
Oriental products. Sake. Shoyu. Tempeh. Tofu Miso.
13-. Mycophagia The cultivation of mushrooms. Medicinal mushrooms
Mycophyllia and Mycofobia. "The Hunters of Mushrooms".
Cultivation of Mushrooms. Examples. How to grow mushrooms. Cultivation of mushroom and shiitake. Medical use of mushrooms.
V.- Mushrooms as producers of metabolites of interest in the food and drug industry
14-. Primary metabolites. Definitions of primary and secondary metabolites. Alcohols. Organic acids. Vitamins. Carotenoids. Polysaccharides
15-. Secondary metabolites. Antibiotics Non-β-lactam antibiotics. Immunosupressors. Hypercholesterolemia. Antitumorals. Antidiabetic
VI-. Medical mycology
Diseases produced by fungi. Poisoning. Allergy. Mycosis
16-. Poisons: Mythologies:
Poisoning for the consumption of mushrooms. Classification of mushroom poisoning: short incubation and long incubation.
17-. Mycotoxicosis:
Introduction. The origin of mycotoxins: the biodeterioration of food. The people in charge Prevention of fungal growth. Raw and prepared foods.
Notable toxins: ergotism, aflatoxins, ocratoxins, tricotecens, fumonisines, etc.
18-. Fungi and allergy. The Micosis. Superficial mycosis Cutaneous mycosis Subcutaneous mycosis. Deep mycosis.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Class Theory | 30 | 1.2 | CM15, CM16, KM22, KM23, SM23, CM15 |
Laboratory sessions | 9 | 0.36 | CM15, CM16, KM22, KM23, SM23, CM15 |
Seminars | 8 | 0.32 | CM15, CM16, KM22, KM23, SM22, CM15 |
Visit in a related organism/ industry | 5 | 0.2 | CM15, CM16, KM23, SM23, CM15 |
Type: Supervised | |||
participation in the forum, interactive tools , etc.. | 6 | 0.24 | CM15, CM16, KM22, KM23, SM22, SM23, CM15 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Personal work | 89 | 3.56 | CM15, KM23, SM22, SM23, CM15 |
The subject of APPLIED MICOLOGY will be structured from the theoretical classes, from which a series of proposals for complementary training activities will be dealt with*:
1) THEORETICAL CLASSES: - They will be taught in the form of master lectures made with the help of ICT tools, and complemented with the teaching material prepared for this purpose and accessible to students in the Virtual Campus of the UAB. Class participation will be encouraged in the form of interventions and debates.
The student will have to complement the subjects explained with the personal study, and can resort to personalized tutorials in accordance with the requirements that the student and the professor consider necessary.
2) SEMINARS: - There will be 8 sessions of seminars that will be assigned at the beginning of the course. The participation is obligatory. In these sessions, combined activities of self-learning and directed work will be carried out in which subjects treated in class or complementary topics will be expanded. The format of these activities may vary from the following:
- Oral presentations (ppt or poster format). Group work that will be exhibited in a specific time (20-25 min) by presentation ppt to the rest of the class-seminar. The subject will be chosen by the group among various proposals made by the teacher or generated by the students themselves.
3) PRACTICAL SESSIONS: The practices allow to visualize concepts and processes explained in the theoretical classes, manipulate the microorganisms with the appropriate instruments, prepare and maintain fungal crops, etc. The 3 practice sessions have a duration of 3 hours and the teacher will guide the whole of the practice with the help of support material (scripts, ppt presentations, etc.).
4) EXTERNAL VISIT: An exit to an industry / cooperative dedicated to the transformation of foods through yeasts (eg, caves) will be carried out. The microbiological / mycological aspect of the process, the methodology, the dynamicsand the specific needs of the yeasts, the process of transformation from a biochemical and biological perspective, the incidence of phytopathogenic fungi in the vineyards, ecological treatments for the handling of fungal pests, etc.
4) TUTORIES: -To resolve doubts / problems that arise during the self-learning process, assignment tasks or theoretical classes. They will be done individually or in small groups depending on the requirements and the areas of the issues to be discussed. The place of completion and the schedule will be taken by mutual agreement between the teacher and the student (s) concerned.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
1rst Part Theory | 30 | 1.5 | 0.06 | CM15, CM16, KM22, KM23, SM23 |
2nd part Theory | 30 | 1.5 | 0.06 | CM15, CM16, KM22, KM23, SM23 |
Laboratory Sessions | 20 | 0 | 0 | CM15, CM16, KM22, KM23, SM22, SM23 |
Seminars | 20 | 0 | 0 | CM15, CM16, KM22, KM23, SM22 |
The subject will be evaluated based on the notes obtained in the two eliminatory partial examinations (with recovery), in the seminars and in the practices, as detailed below*:
1) 1st PART EXAM. Assess the corresponding theoretical part by means of an eliminatory test, with questions of type test and / or short answer.
A minimum score of 5 is nedded to pass. This partial represents 30% of the total subject score
2) 2nd PART EXAM. Assess the corresponding theoretical part by means of an eliminatory test, with questions of type test and / or short answer.
A minimum score of 5 is nedded to pass. This partial represents 30% of the total subject scoreubject.
3) RECOVERY EXAM. Only those who have to recover one or two partial exams will have to submit it. It will have the same structure as the partial examinations and will have the same weight (30% each block). It will be necessary to approve each partial with a minimum of 5 to be able to pass the subject. No compensation
To participate in the recovery, the students must have been previously evaluated in a set of activities whose weight equals to a minimum of two thirds of the total qualification of the student, subject or module.
4) SEMINARS. The evaluation of the seminars will count 20% of the final Note. The defense of the oral presentation will be evaluated (85%), and the preliminary work (15%)
5) PRACTICAL SESSIONS. The assistance is obligatory. During the course of the practices, a continuous assessment of the student will be carried out, taking into account the attitude (max 10% of the score) and the progress. The sudent progress will be assessed through the delivery of a report at the end of the course (70% 0f the score).
Visit to a related-indusrty. At the end of the exit a test will be done to evaluate the sudents (20%).
The whole practice block will count 20% of the final mark.
It is necessary to overcome each of the blocks (theory, seminars and practices) withaminimum of 5 to be able to compensate.
A student will receive the non-evaluble qualification when the assessment activities carried out have a weighting of less than 67% in the final qualification ".
Only the Theory part will be subject to the possibility of Unique Evaluation. There will be a single theoretical exam (test with the possibility of short questions) on the same day scheduled for the last evaluation activity (2nd partial date). It will represeunt 60% of the final mark. Recovery will take place on the same scheduled day as in the case of continuous assessment. A minimum of 5 is needed to pass the theoretical part.
The seminars and practices will be carried out in the same way as in the case of continuous evaluation.
AGRIOS, G.N. (2005). Plant Pathology. 5th ed. Elsevier. Academic Press.
ALEXOPOULOS, C.J., MIMS C.W. & BLACKWELL, M. (1996). Introductory Mycology. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York.
ARORA, D.K. (ed.) (2004). Handbook of Fungal Biotechnology. 2nd ed. Marcel Dekker Inc. New York, Basel.
ARORA, D.K., ELANDER, R.P. & MUKERJI, K.G. (eds.) (1992). Handbook of Applied Mycology. Vol. 4 Fungal Biotechnology. Marcel Dekker, INC. New York.
ESSER, K. & LEMKE, P.A. (eds.) (1994-2006). The Mycota. A comprehensive treatise on fungi as experimental systems for basic and applied research. Vols. I-XIII. Springer Verlag. Berlin.
HARLEY, J.L. & SMITH, S.E. (1984). Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. 2nd. print. Academic Press.
HOOG de, G.S., GUARRO, J., GENE, J. & FIGUERAS, M.J. (2004). Atlas of Clinical Fungi. Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures/ Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Baarn/Reus. VersióCD 2004.11. T. Weniger (ed.), Computer Science II, Univ. of Würzburg. Germany.
KENDRICK, B. (2000). The Fifth Kingdom. 3rd. ed. Focus Information Group Inc. Newburyport.
KIRK, P.M., CANNON, P.F., MINTER, D.W. & STALPERS, J.A. (eds.) (2008). Ainsworth & Bisby’s Dictionary of the Fungi. 10th ed. CABI Publ.Wallingford.
LLÁCER, G., LÓPEZ, M.M., TRAPERO, A. & BELLO, A. (1996). Patología Vegetal, Tomo II. Phytoma, Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
LLIMONA, X. (ed.) (1991). Els fongs i els líquens. Història Natural Països Catalans. vol. 5. Enciclopèdia Catalana. Barcelona.
MOORE, D., ROBSON, G.D., TRINCI, A.P.J. (2011). 21st Century Guidebook to fungi. Cambridge University Press.
MOORE-LANDECKER, E. (1996). Fundamentals of the fungi. 4rd. ed. Prentice Hall. New Jersey.
PITT, J.I. & HOCKING, A.D. (1999). Fungi and Food Spoilage. 2nd ed. AspenPub. Gaithersburg.
RICHARDSON, M.D. & WARNOCK, D.W. (2003). Fungal Infection. Diagnosis and Management. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. USA.
SAMSON, R.A., HOEKSTRA, E.S., FRISVAD, J.C. & FILTENBORG, O. (2002). Introduction to food- and airborne fungi. 6th ed. Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures. Utrecht. Netherland.
SCHENCK, N.C. (ed.) (1982). Methods and Principles of Mycorrhizal Research. American Phytopathological Society. USA.
SMITH, S.E. & READ, D.J. (2008). Mycorrhizal symbiosis. 3rd ed. Elsevier & Academic Press. USA.
WAINWRIGHT, M. (1995). Introducción a la Biotecnología de los hongos. ACRIBIA S.A. Zaragoza, España.
WEBSTER, J. & WEBER, R.W.S. (2007). Introduction to Fungi. 3rd. ed. Cambridge Univ. Press. New York.
ZHIQIANG A.N. (ed.) (2005). Handbook of Industrial Mycology. Marcel Dekker Publ. NY, USA.
ARORA, k.D, BERKA, R.M., & SINGH, G.B. Elsevier. 2015. Applied Mycology and Biotechnology. <>
ELLIS, D. 2015. University of Adelaide. Mycology Online.<>
RAI, M., BRIDGE, P.D. CAB International, UK. <>
We won't use any specific program.
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(PCAM) Field practices | 241 | Catalan | first semester | morning-mixed |
(PCAM) Field practices | 242 | Catalan | first semester | morning-mixed |
(PLAB) Practical laboratories | 241 | Catalan | first semester | afternoon |
(PLAB) Practical laboratories | 242 | Catalan | first semester | afternoon |
(SEM) Seminars | 241 | Catalan | first semester | morning-mixed |
(SEM) Seminars | 242 | Catalan | first semester | morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory | 24 | Catalan | first semester | morning-mixed |