Degree | Type | Year |
2500502 Microbiology | OB | 2 |
You can view this information at the end of this document.
Students must have got the learning competences of the courses programmed during the first course of the Degree. It is highly recommended some formation in Biochemistry, Cytology, Anatomy, Genetics and Cell Biology.
Immunology is an obligatory course, specific of the Microbiology degree and included in the Area “Sanitary Microbiology”. Immunology introduces students in the study of physiological and pathological mechanisms of defence and specific response of the organisms against the presence of antigens, as microorganisms and toxins. This course is integrative and students can address the inter-relation between pathogens and hosts from their knowledge acquired in cell biology, microbiology, biochemistry, genetics and animal biology.
Objectives of the course:
The 6 ECTS course of Immunology is split in three blocks with different objectives that the student will have to achieve at the end of the course.
Block I. Basic Immunology
• to know the concepts of innate and specific immunology and to recognize the important role of each of them during the response against pathogens.
• to identify the elements that play a role in both responses.
• to enumerate and explain the structural and functional features of the molecular and cellular components of the innate and adaptive immunity.
• to explain the features of the lymphoid organs and the recirculation of lymphocytes.
Block I. Organization of the Immune Response
• to integrate the elements described in the lessons of the Block I with the three phases of the immune response: 1) activation phase; 2) effector phase; and 3) regulation phase and homeostasis.
• to identify the type of immune responses activated for each infectious agent: bacteria, virus, fung and parasites.
Block III. Immunopathology and Immunotherapy
• to identify the disfunction of the immune system which is the cause of the immunopathologies: hypersensitivity, immunodeficiencies and autoimmunity.
• to analyze the association of an ineficient response against infectious agents and certain immunopathologies.
• to associate the targets of the immune response of different palliative and profilactic treatments.
Each block is divided in teaching units (TU) organized by lessons defining the specific learning descriptors associated to the corresponding competences.
Lesson 1 & 2. Introduction
Lesson 3. Organization of the organs of the immune system
TU-1. Innate immunity
Lesson 4. Innate immunity
Lesson 5 & 6. Cells of the innate immunity
Lesson 7. The complement system
TU-2. Antigen specific receptors, presenting molecules and antigen recognition
Lesson 8. Structure of immunoglobulins
Lesson 9. Organization of the genes of immunoglobulins
Lesson 10. B lymphocytes
Lesson 11. Structure and function of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules
Lesson 12. Antigen processing and recognition
Lesson 13. Genetic organization of the MHC
TU-3. Cells of the adaptative immune system
Lesson 14. T cell receptor (TCR)
Lesson 15. T lymphocytes
Lesson 16. Cytokines and chemokines
Lesson 17. Leukocyte recirculation
UD-4. Immune response
Lesson 18. Cellular immune system I
Lesson 19. Cellular immune system II
Lesson 20. Humoral immune system I
Lesson 21. Humoral immune system II
Lesson 22. Regulation of the immune response
UD-5. Immune response against pathogens and mechanisms of action
Lesson 23. Immune response against bacteria, fungs and parasites I
Lesson 24. Immune response against bacteria, fungs and parasites II
Lesson 25. Immune response against virus
UD-6. Immunopathology
Lesson 26. Reactions of hypersensitibity
Lesson 27. Autoimmunity
Lesson 28. Immunodeficiencies I
Lesson 29. Immunotherapy. Vaccines
Lesson 30. Tumor immunology
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Seminars | 15 | 0.6 | CM14, KM19, SM19, SM21, CM14 |
Theory lessons | 30 | 1.2 | CM14, KM19, SM19, SM21, CM14 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Preparation of a review article (bibliographic search, reading, experimental techniques) | 17 | 0.68 | CM14, KM19, SM19, CM14 |
Resolution of cases / ABP (bibliographic search, text reading and evaluation of the cases) | 17 | 0.68 | CM14, KM19, SM19, SM21, CM14 |
Study | 66 | 2.64 | CM14, KM19, SM19, SM21, CM14 |
Educational activities programmed for the course of Immunology of Microbiology degree are:
Lessons of the Didactive Units (UD) will be teached in 30 sessions.
For the seminars, the group will be split in two subgroups, G1-IMM and G2-IMM, with an estimated number of 30 students per group. A total of 15 sessions per group will be given with the following programmed activities:
Each classroom practice session will last 50 minutes. Information on each topic and application guidelines will be uploaded to the UAB Virtual Campus (Moodle). Students will raise doubts in tutorial sessions with the teacher
This activity will consist of the oral presentation of a review article corresponding to a thematic set of those already given in class, where the doubts or questions that the class, or where appropriate the teacher, raise in each session can be resolved. The final objective is to know how to search for and select appropriate information and develop it in public, selecting, synthesizing and conceptualizing the most relevant aspects of interest of the topic to the specific audience (Immunology students with intermediate level knowledge). There will be 8 sessions in which a review will be presented and questions will be asked.
4 problem-based learning (PBL) sessions have been scheduled, based on original articles of applied research on the immune response against pathogens. To solve the cases, the cooperative learning methodology will be applied. Students will have to work on the corresponding article in its entirety to understand, analyze, develop and defend it in public, as well as ask questions about the results, their interpretations,the consequences and the relationship with the syllabus. The final objective is to know how to clearly present a scientific work in public (introduction, statement of the hypothesis, presentation and interpretation of the results and discussion thereof), defend it with an analytical spirit and develop relevant questions about the different aspects.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Cases | 10% | 0 | 0 | CM14, KM19, SM19, SM21 |
Partial exam 1 | 40% | 2.5 | 0.1 | CM14, KM19, SM19 |
Partial exam 2 | 40% | 2.5 | 0.1 | CM14, KM19, SM19, SM21 |
Review article | 10% | 0 | 0 | CM14, KM19, SM19 |
Evaluation of the course will be individual and continuous through the next proves:
- Individual learning by parcial exams.
- Cooperative learning through forming activities during the seminar lessons.
The evaluation activities are:
Partial exams: Two partial exams are scheduled, at the end of Blocks I and III. Each test will be worth 40% of the final grade. They will be multiple choice exams with 5 options to choose one. In the correction, 1/5 of the value of each question will be subtracted for incorrect answers. The duration of each test will be a minimum of 2 hours. To weight the grades of the midterm exams, the student will have to obtain a minimum of 4 points in both midterms. The subject can be passed by partial exams as long as the average between the two tests and the PAUL is at least 5 (and 4 has been exceeded in both partial exams). The midterm exams are recoverable subjects..
PAUL reviews (REV): The students will carry out a bibliographic search and select reviews corresponding to different thematic blocks. The sessions will consist of the presentation of the topic by the group and solving the questions of the class and the teacher about it. The evaluation of the oral presentation will represent 10% of the final grade. The content, oral presentation, clarity of the slides and defense of the topic will be valued. The note will be individual..
PAUL cases (ABP): The cases are presented as cooperative work in groups of 7 students. They can be original articles on applied research on the immune response against pathogens or clinical cases. The final objective is to develop comprehensive self-learning capabilities, know how to clearly present a scientific work in public (introduction, statement of the hypothesis, presentation and interpretation of the results and discussion thereof), defend it with a critical spirit and propose relevant questions. on the different aspects (techniques, methodology, results, interpretations, possibilities for future development). The evaluation of the cases will represent 10% of the final grade and their oral presentation, the answer to questions about it and the posing of questions to another group will be evaluated. The grade will be given for the entire group and it will be the students who will have to distribute the grade depending on the effort and individual contribution to the group.
Retake exam: A final exam will be scheduled for students who have not obtained the minimum necessary (less than 5 in the total of the subject or less than 4 in any of the partial exams) or who want to raise their grade. The exam will have a value of 80% of the grade to which the grade percentage of the cases and the article will be added. This final exam will mainly consist of 40-50 multiple choice questions. The duration of the test will be a minimum of 2 hours.
Students who want to raise their grade in the final exam must renounce the grade they have in the midterm exams (corresponding to 80% of the final grade) and will keep the grade they get in the final exam.
To be eligible for the retake process, the student should have been previously evaluated in a set of activities equaling at least two thirds of the final score of the course or module. Thus, the student will be graded as "Not Evaluable" if the weighting of all conducted evaluation activities is less than 67% of the final score.
Unique assessment
The total set of theory (80%) can be examined in a singlea ssessment on the day of the second part of the course.
The same recovery system will be applied and on the same day as for the continuous assessment.
The revision of the final qualification follows the same procedure as for the continuous assessment.
The assessment of ABP (10%) and REV (10%) will be done in sessions in group, as in these cases, different transversal competencies will be evaluated which cannot be made individually in the unique assessment.
Janeway’s Immunobiology by K Murphy. Ltd/Garland Science, NY & London, 8th ed., (2012).
Kuby Immunology (with web support) by J.A. Owen, J Punt, S. A. Stranford. W.H. Freeman Co., 7th ed, (2013).
Cellular and Molecular Immunology by Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H. Lichtman, Shiv Pillai. Saunders, 8th ed, (2014).
Roitt's Essential Immunology, by Peter Delves, Seamus Martin, Dennis Burton, Ivan Roitt. Wiley-Blackwell Ed., 12th ed., (2011).
Immunology, 7 th Edition by David K. Male, Jonathan Brostoff, Ivan Maurice Roitt, David B. Roth Mosby Elsevier Ed. (2006).
Immunology, Infection and Immunity by Pier GB, Lyczak JB & Wetzler LM. ASM International (2004).
Medical Microbiology and Immunology by Warren Levinson. Lange Medical Books / McGraw-Hill, 10 th ed. (2006).
Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology by Warren Levinson. Lange Basic Sicence / McGraw - Hill, 11th (2010).
IMMUNOBIOLOGIA: El sistema inmunitario en condiciones de salud y enfermedad de C. Janeway Jr., P. Travers, L. Walport, M. J. Shlomchik. Traducción de la 4ª edición. Editorial Masson, S.A. Barcelona, (2003).
Inmunología Celular y Molecular de A.Abbas, W. Lichtman, R. Pober. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 5ª edición, (2004).
Introducción a la Inmunología Humana de L. Faimboim, J. Geffner. Ed Medica Panamericana, 5ª edición (2005).
Kuby Immunology (en español) by T.J. Kindt, R.A. Goldsby, B.A. Osborne. W.H. Freeman Co., 6 th ed, (2007).
Inmunología de P. Parham. Ed. Panamericana, 2ª ed. (2006).
Fundamentos de Inmunología de Roitt,I. M. Panamericana, 10ª ed. (2003).
Inmunología de I. Roitt, J. Brostoff, D. Male. Hartcourt Brace, 5ª ed. (2003).
Advances in Immunology
Annual Review of Immunology
Current Opinion in Immunology
Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection
Microbiology and Immunology
Nature Reviews in Immunology
Seminars in Immunology
Trends in Immunology
Trends in Microbiology
Immunobiology by C. A. Janeway, P. Travers, M. Walport and M. Shlomchik. Garland Science2001
Roitt's Essential Immunology, by Peter Delves, Seamus Martin, Dennis Burton, Ivan Roitt. Wiley-Blackwell Ed., 11 th ed., (2006).
Kuby Immunology (with web support) by T.J. Kindt, R.A. Goldsby, B.A. Osborne. W.H. Freeman Co., 6 th ed, (2006).
Microbiology and Immunology On line. School of Medicine, University of South Carolina
Faculty of Medicine, Dalhouse University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
The Infectious Diseases WebLink
Janeway's animations (també en podeu trobar d'animacions del llibre Janeway's Immunology a la web del yooutube)
- Microsoft PowerPoint.
- Adobe PDF.
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(SEM) Seminars | 721 | Spanish | first semester | morning-mixed |
(SEM) Seminars | 722 | Spanish | first semester | morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory | 72 | Spanish | first semester | afternoon |