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Criminological Language

Code: 100472 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500257 Criminology FB 1


Anna Melendez Pereto


Judit Xufre Calafell
Laura Zurera Benito

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Students are expected to have a good level of English (B1 required) in all skill areas (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) in order to get the most out of the course content. Students who do not have the recommended English level should be prepared to take measures to improve their English (external classes, language exchanges, study groups, or similar).

Students will be distributed in three groups, created on the bases of their english level ( informed by the students the first day of class).

Objectives and Contextualisation

Within the general framework of the related degree, students are expected to be able to demonstrate that they have attained and understood basic criminological theories and specific topics and can critically reflect on them in English. In addition, students should be able to transmit this knowledge to a specialized public and propose solutions to problems arising from crime and criminals while taking into account the rights and interests of the parties involved by referring to the values of social pacification, social integration and the prevention of new conflicts.

The specific learning objectives of the course are the following:   

  1. Be able to correctly define basic criminological vocabulary in English.
  2. Be able to write a basic text in English using criminological concepts correctly.
  3. Be able to talk about, explain and give presentations in English using criminological concepts correctly.


  • Ability to analyse and summarise.
  • Students must be capable of autonomously updating their criminological knowledge.
  • Students must demonstrate they comprehend the criminological theories.
  • Students must demonstrate they know the psychological and sociological concepts and foundations of criminology.
  • Verbally transmitting ideas to an audience.
  • Working autonomously.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Ability to analyse and summarise.
  2. Effectively interpreting theoretical written texts in English.
  3. Understanding the psychological and sociological vocabulary of English criminology texts.
  4. Using the scientific literature of the criminological field in order to learn the updates in that subject.
  5. Verbally transmitting ideas to an audience.
  6. Working autonomously.


  1. Basic criminological concepts in English
  2. Basic criminological theories in English
  3. Basic criminal justice concepts in English
  4. Basic penology concepts in English
  5. Basic victimology concepts in English
  6. Understanding crime.Specific types and trends 

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 19.5 0.78 2, 3, 4
Seminars 19.5 0.78 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Type: Autonomous      
Readings and textual analysis, homework assignments (essays and academic articles), listening activities, preparation of oral presentations 106 4.24 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

In order to improve students’ listening, writing, speaking and reading skills, the course will be organized as follows: 


During the course’s seminars, students will be expected to read, analyse and made written and oral exercises on readings. The classes are not passive and students are expected to actively contribute to and participate in class discussions as well as being able to relate readings’ content to the knowledge acquired throughout the course. 


To improve their ability to write a text in English by using an academic style, students are expected to complete at home some written assignments and, at the end of the course, a final written exam.


Many listening activities (watching videos and documentaries in English and listening to records on topics related to the course’s content) and practice tests will be carried out throughout the course and during the seminars in order to improve students’ listening skills. 


Finally, to improve their speaking skills, students are expected to give oral presentations on the topics agreed on the seminars and, at the end of the course, they will present their teamwork.

Notice that classes are not passive and students are expected to actively contribute to and participate in class discussions, as well as to complete the tasks and exercises assigned by the teacher. 

English level will be taken into account, if possible, in order to distrubute students into group seminars.

* Students will do a commun project based on the methodologies mentionedabove. It will be explained at the beginning of the course. 

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Project 40% 2.5 0.1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Speaking: Oral group presentations 10% 0 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Writing: Writing task 10% 0 0 1, 4, 6
Written exam about theoretical subjects ( based on power points and articles) 40% 2.5 0.1 1, 2, 3, 4, 6

 Attendance and Evaluation requirements:

1. Attendance

Attendance in class is extremely important. 100% attendance is obligatory. Justified absences are not negatively computed as long as a) they are for serious reasons and unavoidable (e.g., illness, death in the immediate family, and similars), and b) they are documented. Attending other instructional activities related to the degree would be considered a justified absence as long as it is approved previously by the professor and attendance at the activity is documented. 

If absent (justified or not), students are responsible for the work done in class and any homework assigned. 

Students who do not attend 80% of classes will not pass the subject.

2. Continuous evaluation

Evaluation will be based on active/proactive participation in class and completion of written and oral assignments both within the classroom and at home. Students will receive continuous feedbacks throughout the course in order to improve their level of English. The results on the various evaluated tasks will give clear indications to students as to the areas they need to improve.

In all evaluated aspects, students will be evaluated on their knowledge of criminological concepts presented throughout the course and their ability to express and discuss these concepts accuratelyand efficiently in English.  

 3. Requirements to pass the course

Students must have an average of 5,0/10 on the evaluated tasks a in order to pass the course ( the average of the three parts has to be a 5 or more).

A student that cheats or attempts to cheat in the exam will get a 0, loosing the right to a second chance. Plagiarism will conduct to a fail of the examand, incase of recidivism, the student will receive a fail mark.

Not Assessable students. In case any student cannot present enough activities to be evaluated could be considered as not assessable  (art 266.9 Normativa Acadèmica UAB)  In particular: " Students will be evaluate if they have presented 2/3 of the activities expeted to deliver. In case they do not achieve this amount, professors could consider the given student as not assessable. 

4. Others

Written assignements failing to be delivered within the deadline won't be accepted.

Justified absences due to reasons of force majeure or illness must be documented through an official certificate in order to be deemed as valid justifications. 

Classes start on time. Late arrival is not admitted, neither leaving the class before the end, without a reasonable justification.

5. Unique Evaluation

Students taking final evaluation may need to demonstrate having learned all the contents and skills spected for the subject. Evaluative activitis may consist in diferent parts ( exams):

1. Written theoretical activity  40 %

2. Practical written activity 40 %

3. Theoretico practicaloral activity 20 %

In caseof Failure there is a resit exam/activity. More info about the final evaluation system will be given on moodle at the beginning of the course. 




Newburn, T.  (2017). Criminology.  Routledge.


Davis, M. (2002). Concise Dictionary of Crime and Justice. Sage.

McLaughlin, E. & Muncie, J. (2019). The Sage dictionary of Criminology. Sage.

MANDATORY READINGS will be published at the beginning of the semester


There is no specific program

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.