Degree | Type | Year |
2500241 Archaeology | OT | 3 |
2500241 Archaeology | OT | 4 |
2500501 History | OT | 4 |
You can view this information at the end of this document.
No prerequisites are required, but knowledge of the geography of Catalonia is very useful.
The study, review of the evidence of the prehistoric settlement in the current territory of Catalonia and the closest regions, in order to know the cultural, socioeconomic evolution from the first settlement to the formation
of the Iberian societies. Emphasis is placed on the theoretical contributions update, the latest developments in research, and the status of the issue and historical interpretation within the active dynamics of current
research. The global nature of the territory is reviewed, exposing the most relevant scenarios of prehistoric archaeology in the wide geographical areas of the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. In this sense, research
projects under development give the key issues of human development (social dynamics of hunter-gatherer societies, the emergence of the first farming societies, first states formation). It will also address issues of
historical-archaeological and heritage to the general public of the Catalan archaeological record. It is intended that students know which are the main questions that Catalan prehistoric archaeology have at this time, and
what are the most significant discoveries and historical-archaeological findings that define each debate.
Block 1. Introduction and general concepts
- History of research, School of Barcelona and the dynamics of the 70's.
- Administrative structure related to the practice of prehistoric archeology in Catalonia
- Approach to the current state of the research and the study of prehistoric archeology in Catalonia - Main
methodological tendencies
Block 2. Study of the first hunters - gatherers
- Hunter-gatherers societies in the the Lower Paleolithic
- Hunter-gatherers societies in the Middle Paleolithic
- Hunter-gatherers in the Epipaleolithic
- Rock Art evidences in Catalonia
Block 3. Transition to first's farmers' societies
- Transition: Hunter-gatherers "versus" farmers
- First farmers' settlements: The Ancient Neolithic
- The golden age of the Catalan Neolithic: the Middle Neolithic
-Consolidation of the new economic system
- Funerary practices of the first farmer communities
- The megalithic phenomenon in Catalonia
Block 4. Consolidation and transformation of the farmer's societies
- The first metals and Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic
- Development of the first half of II on millennium: Chalcolithic - Early Bronze
- The dark period of the Catalan prehistory: the Middle Bronze Age
- Innovation and / or continuity in the middle of the 2nd millennium
- Funerary practices at the beginning of the Second Millennium: Southern Catalonia
Block 5. I st Millennium Complex Societies
- The transformations at the end of the second millennium and the first quarter of the I Millennium: Late Bronze
- New burial forms: incineration
- Late Bronze Age: Innovation and economic dynamism
- Debate about the Iron Age introduction in Catalonia
-Early Iron Age Societies and Iberization process
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Faculty-led seminar and practice sessions | 6 | 0.24 | 1, 4, 7, 9, 10 |
Theoretical classes led by faculty | 50 | 2 | 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 |
Type: Supervised | |||
Mentoring | 6 | 0.24 | 7 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
data processing | 17 | 0.68 | 1, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 |
GUIDED ACTIVITY -40% Learning: Lectures with ICT support and large group discussion. -Seminar sessions and practices led by the teaching staff. 10% Teaching-learning methodology: Introduction of the session, presentation of the text, assessment and collective critical discussion. Individual and/or group presentations and round of assessments.
SUPERVISED ACTIVITY 10% - Tutoring. 8% Teaching-learning methodology: Arranged sessions to resolve doubts and hold discussions on specific content of the subject, problems and seminars.
-Realization of structured learning exercises. 2% Teaching-learning methodology: Realization and correction of structured learning exercises.
AUTONOMOUS ACTIVITY 50% - Personal study. 30% Teaching-learning methodology: Integration of acquired knowledge. Creation of diagrams, conceptual maps, summaries.
-Reading texts. Writing of works. Preparation of oral comments and seminars. Bibliographic information search. 20%
Note: 15 minutes of a class will be set aside, within the calendar established by the center/degree, for students to fill in the teacher performance and subject evaluation surveys /module.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Analysis of the historical process on a temporal scale | 40% | 56 | 2.24 | 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 |
Analysis of the material remains of Catalonia's past | 20% | 12 | 0.48 | 2, 3, 7, 9 |
Case study: Analysis of the Catalan archaeological record | 40% | 3 | 0.12 | 1, 4, 9, 10 |
Evaluation system of the acquisition of competences and grading system:
Directed activities correspond to 50% of the work. These will be evaluated by means of written tests and correspond to 40% of the grade.
The supervised activities correspond to 40% of the activities consisting of (field trip, attendance to conferences and tutorials) will be weighted with 20%.
They will be evaluated by means of the module of presentations and discussions of texts in the classroom, with a weight of 20%.
Autonomous activities will account for the remaining 10%. These are evaluated by means of the module of delivery of works: the works will be evaluated with a weight of 20%.
Criteria to pass the course: To have obtained a grade of 5 or higher in the global evaluation. In case of not having passed the first call, the student will be able to retake the evaluation of theoretical knowledge,
which will again have a contingency of 50% in the final grade. For the other 50% of the grade (supervised and autonomous activities) the grade obtained in the continuous evaluation will be maintained.
The student will receive the grade of "Not evaluable" as long as he/she has not delivered more than 30% of the evaluation activities.
In case the student performs any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation of the grade of an evaluation act, this evaluation act will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instructed. In case of several irregularities in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final grade of this subject will be 0.
This subject does not contemplate the single evaluation system.
BOSCH, J. SANTACANA, J. (2009) : Blat, metalls i cabdills Catalunya del neolític a la iberització. Rafael Dalmau editor.
CRUELLS, W, MOLIST, M. & PONS, E. (Coord) (2003). "Miguel Tarradell, 40 anys de les Arrels de Catalunya". Cota Zero. Revista d'Arqueologia i Ciència, 18. Eumo Editorial (desembre, 2003).
MOLIST M. (1999). "Les primeres societats pageses (Neolític i Bronze Antic). in E. Giralt y J. M. Salrach, "Història agrària dels Països Catalans", Fundació Catalana per la Recerca.
AA.VV(1996): Els temps prehistòrics i antics. Fins al segle V. in Història. Política, Societat i Cultura dels Països Catalans. Vol.I. Enciclopedia Catalana. Barcelona 1996.
BOSCH-GIMPERA P.(1919): Prehistòria Catalana. Enciclopedia Catalana, Vol. XVI. Barcelona 300 p.
BOSCH-GIMPERA P.(1932): Etnologia de la Península Iberica. Edt. Alpha,. Barcelona,p.711.
MALUQUER DE MOTES J.(1987): Historia de Catalunya, I: Prehistoria i Edat Antiga fins al segle III. Edt. 62, Barcelona.
GÓMEZ BACH, A.; MOLIST, M. (2016). La prehistoria al pla de Barcelona. Documents per a una nova síntesis. Documents, n.11, Museu d'Història de Barcelona.
SERRA - RÀFOLS, J. de C., (1930): El poblament prehistòric de Catalunya. Barcelona, 1930.
TARRADELL,M.(1963): Història dels Catalans I, Prehistòria i Antiguitat . Barcelona, 1963.
TARRADELL, M.(1962): Les arrels de Catalunya. Ed. Vicens-Vives. Barcelona, 1962. AA.VV(1978): Història de Catalunya,
Vol I. [Coordinada per l'Institut d'Arqueologia i Prehistòria Universitat de Barcelona].Edt. Salvat. Barcelona
AA.VV(1982): Les excavacions arqueològiques a Catalunya en els darrers anys. Barcelona 1982.
AA.VV(1982): L'Arqueologia aCatalunya, avui. Generalitat de Catalunya Barcelona 1982.
Anuari de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans (anys 1915-1925)
EMPURIES (Museu Arqueològic de Catalunya)(Des de anys 1940 )
CYPSELA (Museu Arqueologia de Catalunya) (Des de 1975)
PYRENAE (Universitat de Barcelona) des de 1973 a 1980, segona etapa des de 1993. FONAMENTS (Edt.
Curial, Barcelona) (Des de anys 1979)
TRIBUNA D'ARQUEOLOGIA (Servei Arqueologia, Generalitat de Catalunya)(Des de 1981)
COTA ZERO (Edt. EUMO Vic) ( 1985-2010)
REVISTA ARQUEOLOGICA DE PONENT (Universitat de Lleida) des de 1991
RUBRICATUM (Museu de Gavà) des de 1994
Barcelona) Des de 2004.
Altres revistes d'àmbit local o general que tenen articles d'arqueologia prehistòrica:
ARRAHONA (Vallès),
AUSA (Osona),
ILERDA (Lleida),
OLERDULAE (Vilafranca del Penedes); GALA (St. Feliu de Codines),
ESTRAT (C.E.C.I. Igualada);
ACTA ARQUEOLOGICA DE TARRAGONA (Reial Societat Arqueològica Tarraconense).
COMPLUTUM (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
TRIBUNA D'ARQUELOGIA Servei d'Arqueologia. Barcelona. Edició per cursos. Novetats de la recerca a nivell de projectes d'excavacions a Catalunya.
Jornades d'Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona, Girona, Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya y Universitat de Girona (convocatòria anual. Novetats de recerca de les comarques Gironines)
Jornades d'Arqueologia de la Catalunya Central, Manresa-Vic, Servei d'Arqueologia, Museu de Manresa i Museu de Vic (convocatòria bianual.Novetats de recercade les comarques de la Catalunya Central)... Edicions també d'altres comarques de manera menys regulars.
COL.LOQUI INTERNACIONAL D'ARQUEOLOGIA DE PUIGCERDA. (Celebracions cada 2 anys, amb temes monogràfics que centren els debats; Publicació de les Actes.
CORPUS DE SEPULCROS MEGALITICOS. Edició dels anys 60 i 70 de les manifestacions de sepulcres megalítics de les principals comarques catalanes. Editat per l'Institut de Prehistoria i Arqueologia de la Diputació de Barcelona.
CARTES ARQUEOLÒGIQUES (Inventari del Patrimoni Arqueològic de Catalunya) (Servei d'Arqueologia /Departament de Cultura / Generalitat de Catalunya).- Consultable CORPUS DE PINTURES RUPESTRES
VOL. I LA CONCA DEL SEGRE (Generalitat de Catalunya.) VOL. I I L' Àrea Central i Meridional.(Generalitat de Catalunya.)
WEB PAGES (Inventari Arqueològic) 6 (Inventari Arqueològic) (Tribuna Arqueologia)
(Memòries arqueològiques) Unesco)
For written presentations, a standard word processor (Word, OpenOffice writer or similar) is recommended.
For oral presentations it is recommended to use PowerPoint or similar.
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(PAUL) Classroom practices | 1 | Catalan | first semester | morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory | 1 | Catalan | first semester | morning-mixed |