Degree | Type | Year |
2500501 History | OB | 3 |
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The subject of Contemporary History of Spain III. The Francoism and the Democracy has as objective train students in this matter, providing the necessary resources and instruments to
that acquire a solid knowledge of the processes and of the political, institutional phenomena, economic, social and cultural developments in Spanish society from the configuration of the
Franco dictatorship until the consolidation of the current democracy. In this way, the last one is covered section of the subject of Contemporary History of Spain.
In the content of the subject, particular consideration will be given to the different perspectives, interpretations and historiographical debates that derive from them.
1.- The configuration of the Franco dictatorship
2.- Self-sufficient Spain
3.- World war, cold war and consolidation of the Franco regime
4.- Economic growth and social change in a changing world
5.-From the fullness to the crisis of the Franco regime
6.- The transition from dictatorship to democracy
7.- The consolidated democracy
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
seminars and directed practices | 11 | 0.44 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 12 |
theoretical lessons | 39 | 1.56 | 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
Type: Supervised | |||
tutorials | 15 | 0.6 | 5, 6, 10 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
personal study, readings, writing and preparation | 52 | 2.08 | 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 11 |
Attendance at theoretical classes led by the teacher.
Attendance to sessions of seminars and practices directed by the teacher.
Comprehensive reading of texts.
Learning information search strategies.
Making reviews, work and / or analytical comments.
Personal study
Theoretical classes 39h Identify the key historical concepts of the Spanish society of the period. Identify and appropriately use sources of information for the historical research of Contemporary Spain.
Develop the capacity for analysis and synthesis.
Reason critically
Seminars and guided practices 11h Analyze historical documentation.
Tutorials 15 h. Resolve doubts, deepen knowledge.
Personal study 35h
Reading of texts. Writing of works. Search of bibliographic information. 17h
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
essays and text comments | 30% | 30 | 1.2 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 |
exams | 70% (35 and 35) | 3 | 0.12 | 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 |
The evaluation activities will be scheduled throughout the academic year. The dates of realization of the tests in the classroom and delivery of works and reviews will be communicated to the students in advance. There will be two written exams (35+35) and a minimum of two reviews or text commentaries (15+15).
The teacher will establish a specific schedule of tutorials for commenting on the evaluation activities performed.
Students who do not complete all the assessment tests scheduled in the classroom or do not attend compulsory evaluation activities for a value greater than 66% of the final grade will be rated as Not Valid, and will not be able to apply for the recovery. You can not recover the works and the text comments.
The orthographic, lexical and syntactic errors of the works and the exams will be penalized up to a maximum of 2 points in the final grade. Any irregularity committed by a student during the performance of a test (copy, plagiarism) will imply a grade of zero in the specific section of the evaluation. Various irregularities will imply a global score of zero.
Single evaluation
Students who so request at the beginning of the course may take a single evaluation. This will be based on 2 activities consisting of two written exercises, which will represent 30% and 70% of the final grade. The exercises corresponding to these activities will be done sequentially on a single day.
The recovery will consist of a global examination of the subject matter and will be held on the official dates established by the Faculty. Under no circumstances may recovery be considered as a means of improving the qualification of students who have already passed the subject in the normal continuous assessment process. The maximum note that can be obtained in the recovery is 5.0 (Approved).
General bibliography:
AA.DD., La Transición, treinta años después. De la dictadura a la instauración y consolidación de la democracia, Península, Barcelona, 2006.
R. CARR (Coord.); La época de Franco (1939-1975). Política, ejército, iglesia, economía y administración, a Historia de España Menéndez Pidal, vol. XLI, Espasa Calpe, Madrid, 1996.
J.P. FUSI (Coord.); La época de Franco (1939-1975). Sociedad, vida y cultura, a Historia de España Menéndez Pidal, vol. XLI.2, Espasa Calpe, Madrid, 2001.
J.Mª MARIN, C. MOLINERO, P. YSÀS; Historia política de España 1939-2000, Istmo, Madrid, 2001.
J. MARTÍNEZ (Coord.); Historia de España siglo XX, 1939-1996, Cátedra, Madrid, 1999.
C. MOLINERO, P. YSÀS; El règim franquista. Feixisme, modernització i consens, 2ª edició, Eumo, Vic, 2003.
C. MOLINERO, P. YSÀS; La Transición. Historia y relatos, Siglo XXI, Madrid, 2018.
E. MORADIELLOS; La España de Franco (1939-1975). Política y sociedad, Síntesis, Madrid, 2000.
J. NADAL, A. CARRERAS, C. SUDRIÀ (comp.); La economía española en el siglo XX. Una perspectiva histórica, Ariel, Barcelona, 1987.
E. NICOLÁS; La libertad encadenada. España en la dictadura franquista 1939-1975, Alianza Ed., Madrid, 2005.
M. REDERO (ed.); La transición a la democracia en España, Ayer, 15, 1994.
I. SAZ (ed): Crisis y descomposición del franquismo, Ayer, 68, 2007.
B. de RIQUER; La dictadura deFranco, Historia de España. Vol. 9, Crítica/Marcial Pons, Barcelona, 2010.
N. SESMA; Ni una, ni grande, ni libre. La dictadura franquista (1939-1977), Crítica, Barcelona, 2024.
J. TUSELL (Coord.); Latransición a la democracia y el reinado de Juan Carlos I, a Historia de España Menéndez Pidal, vol. XLII, Espasa Calpe, Madrid, 2003.
J. TUSELL, A. SOTO (Eds.); Historia de la transición, 1975-1986, Alianza Ed., Madrid, 1996.
A. VIÑAS (Ed); En el combate por la historia. República, la guerra civil, el franquismo, Pasado&Presente, Barcelona, 2012.
Specific bibliography:
C. BARCIELA et al., La España de Franco (1939-1975). Economia, Síntesis, Madrid, 2001.
X, CASALS, La transición española. El voto ignorado de las armas, Pasado&Presente, Barcelona, 2016.
J, CASANOVA, La Iglesia de Franco, Temas de Hoy, Madrid, 2001,
F. GALLEGO El evangelio fascista. La formación de la cultura política del franquismo (1930-1950), Crítica, Barcelona, 2014.
G. GÓMEZ BRAVO, J. MARCO, La obra del miedo. Violencia y sociedad en la España franquista (1936-1950), Península, Barcelona, 2011.
J. GRACIA, M.A. RUIZ CARNICER, La España de Franco (1939-1975). Cultura y vida cotidiana, Síntesis, Madrid, 2001.
E. HERNANDEZ SANDOICA, M.A. RUIZ CARNICER, M. BALDÓ, Estudiantes contra Franco (1939-1975), La Esfera de los Libros, Madrid, 2007
S. JULIÁ (Coord.); Víctimas de la guerra civil, Temas de Hoy, Madrid, 1999.
S. JULIÁ; Historia de las dos Españas, Taurus, Madrid, 2004.
J. C. LOSADA; Ideología del ejército franquista (1939-1959), Istmo,Madrid, 1990.
C. MOLINERO; La captación de las masas. Política social y propaganda en el régimenfranquista, Cátedra, Madrid, 2005.
C. MOLINERO, P. YSÀS; Productores disciplinados y minorías subversivas. Clase obrera y conflictividad laboral en la España franquista, Siglo XXI, Madrid, 1998.
C. MOLINERO, P. YSÀS; La anatomía del franquismo. De la supervivencia a la agonía, 1945-1977, Crítica, Barcelona, 2008.
M. ORTIZ HERAS (coord.), ¿Qué sabemos del Franquismo? Estudios para comprender la dictadura de Franco, Comares, Granada, 2018.
F. PORTERO; Franco aislado. La cuestión española (1945-1950), Aguilar, Madrid, 1989.
CH. POWELL; España en democracia, 1975-2000, Plaza&Janés, Barcelona, 2001.
P. PRESTON; Franco. Caudillo de España, Grijalbo, 1994.
R. QUIROSA (Ed.), La sociedad española en la Transición. Los movimientos sociales y el proceso democratizador, Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, 2011.
K. RICHMOND, Las mujeres en el fascismo español, Alianza Ed., Madrid, 2004
M. ROS AGUDO; La guerra secreta de Franco, Crítica, Barcelona, 2002.
D. RUIZ (dir.); Historia de Comisiones Obreras (1958-1988), Siglo XXI, Madrid, 1993.
M.A. RUIZ CARNICER; El Sindicato Español Universitario (SEU) 1939-1965. La socialización política de la juventud universitaria en el franquismo, Siglo XXI, Madrid, 1996.
J.J. RUIZ RICO; El papel político de la Iglesia católica en la España de Franco (1939-1971), Tecnos, Madrid, 1977.
I. SAZ, Españacontra España. Losnacionalismos franquistas, Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2003
N. SARTORIUS, A. SABIO; El final de la dictadura. La conquista de la democracia en España, noviembre de 1975-junio de 1977, Temas de Hoy, Madrid, 2007.
F. SEVILLANO; Propaganda y medios de comunicación en el franquismo, Publicaciones Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, 1998.
J.Mª THOMÀS, La Falangede Franco,Plaza & Janés, Barcelona,2001.
J. TUSELL; Carrero. La eminencia gris del régimen de Franco, Temas de Hoy, Madrid, 1993.
F. VILANOVA, El franquismo en guerra. De la destrucción de Checoslovaquia a la batalla de Stalingrado, Península, Barcelona, 2005.
A. VIÑAS; En las garras del águila. Los pactos con Estados Unidos, Crítica, Barcelona, 2003.
P. YSÀS; Disidencia y subversión. La lucha del régimen franquista por su supervivencia, 1960-1975, Crítica, Barcelona, 2004.
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(PAUL) Classroom practices | 1 | Catalan | second semester | morning-mixed |
(PAUL) Classroom practices | 2 | Catalan | second semester | morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory | 1 | Catalan | second semester | morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory | 2 | Catalan | second semester | morning-mixed |