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Advanced programming

Code: 100126 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500149 Mathematics OT 4


Vicente Soler Ruíz

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


It is convenient to have learned the knowledge in basic programming in C in the first courses of the Degree or in other subjects, although it is not essential.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The subject has two differentparts. A first objective is to achieve a good level of programming in C, so that students will be able to structure an application and to program a complex algorithm. A second objective is to achieve a training in object-oriented programming (with Java), creation of libraries and that serves as the basis for learning any object-oriented language.

The practices are based on making two games: one in C and the other in Java or Python.
The development of games as a basis for the practices of the subject provides the obligation to use many different aspects of the programming languages and makes the practices more attractive for the student. All this motivates the student to be more interested in the development of the subject.


  • Actively demonstrate high concern for quality when defending or presenting the conclusions of one's work.
  • Develop critical thinking and reasoning and know how to communicate it effectively, both in one's own languages and in a third language.
  • Distinguish, when faced with a problem or situation, what is substantial from what is purely chance or circumstantial.
  • Effectively use bibliographies and electronic resources to obtain information.
  • Generate innovative and competitive proposals for research and professional activities.
  • Recognise the presence of Mathematics in other disciplines.
  • Students must be capable of applying their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and they should have building arguments and problem resolution skills within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.
  • Students must have and understand knowledge of an area of study built on the basis of general secondary education, and while it relies on some advanced textbooks it also includes some aspects coming from the forefront of its field of study.
  • Use computer applications for statistical analysis, numeric and symbolic calculus, graphic display, optimisation or other purposes to experiment with Mathematics and solve problems.
  • Work in teams.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Actively demonstrate high concern for quality when defending or presenting the conclusions of one's work.
  2. Be able to fully or partially implement the program product and be able to design the verification and validation methods.
  3. Develop critical thinking and reasoning and know how to communicate it effectively, both in one's own languages and in a third language.
  4. Effectively use bibliographies and electronic resources to obtain information.
  5. Generate innovative and competitive proposals for research and professional activities.
  6. Have an understanding of communication machinery and systems.
  7. Know how to analyse, design and implement computer-based systems in general, using methods and techniques that guarantee their efficacy and efficiency.
  8. Know how to provide scientifically valid and technologically up-to-date solutions.
  9. Know the different activities implied in the phases of the life-cycle of program products and their applications.
  10. Master the methodologies and tools for developing information systems, database management systems and tools for automating the development of program products.
  11. Students must be capable of applying their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and they should have building arguments and problem resolution skills within their area of study.
  12. Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  13. Students must develop the necessary learning skills to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.
  14. Students must have and understand knowledge of an area of study built on the basis of general secondary education, and while it relies on some advanced textbooks it also includes some aspects coming from the forefront of its field of study.
  15. Understand the architecture and specifications for operating program products, understanding their nature and the possibilities offered by different programming languages.
  16. Work in teams


First part.

1. Reminder of structured and modular programming applied to C.
  1.1. Basic reminder

1.1.1. Structures and data types

1.1.2. Sequence, control and iteration structures

1.1.3. Procedures and functions

  1.2. Dynamic structures

1.2.1 Organization of pointers and memory adresses

1.2.2. Basic structres: stacks, lists and queues.

1.2.3. Trees

1.2.4. Dynamic matrices

2. Recursivity.

2.1. Fundamentals of recursivity

2.2. Search algorithms using trees:


2.2.1. Priority amplitude and priority depth.

2.2.2. Backtraking.


Second part

3. Object Oriented Programming

3.1. General concepts and features.

3.2. Classes and objects

3.3. Object oriented analysis and design.

4. Java

4.1. Language characteristics.

4.2 Classes, loops, functions and language structures

  5. Python in Object Oriented Programming


 *Unless the requirements enforced by the health authorities demand a prioritization or reduction of these contents.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures of theory, problems and practices 45 1.8 2
Type: Autonomous      
Personal study and development of practices 97 3.88 2


The concepts of the subject will be presented. Emphasis will be placed on the interpretation of the results and the relationship between these concepts and their applications. Examples will be presented in order to allow students to face autonomously how to solve problems.

The resolution of the proposed problems will be discussed.

The methodology of the subject will be absolutely practical. This implies that classes are done entirely on the computer. The theoretical concepts will be explained in each session and will be complemented with exercises proposed by the teacher, which must be programmed directly to the computer, with his supervision.


The teacher will supervise and evaluate student work. Students will propose the doubts that have arisen them in the resolution of the exercises proposed.

In the first tutoring sessions, the teacher will gather information on the background of each student and will advise him on how to imrpove. In the rest of the tutoring sessions, doubts will be resolved and the resolution of problems will be discussed.


Autonomous activities:

The exercises and practices must be developed individually. There is no point, in this subject, to create groups of practices of more than one student to develop the work.


*The proposed teaching methodology may experience some modifications dependingon the restrictions to face-to-face activities enforced by health authorities.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exam 33% 4 0.16 1, 3, 10, 14, 11
Practices delivery 66% 0 0 15, 9, 5, 2, 14, 13, 12, 11, 7, 8, 6, 16, 4
Resit exam 33% 4 0.16 1, 3, 10, 14, 11

Theory and problems module (weight 33%).

Midterm and final exam, making the student answer the theoretical concepts from programming problems.

To pass the subject, a minimum of 2.5 points must be obtained in the part of the exams. The midterm exam has a weight of 30% and the final 70% of the exam grade.


Practices module (weight  66%)
The two practices of the subject will count each one as 33% of the final grade



The maximum grade (Excellent with Honor) will not be awarded to students who must go to the resit exam.

The grade "Not assessable" will be applied to students who do not take the exam.

The resit exam is only applicable to students who have not passed the subject.


Single evaluation

Programació Avançada has not single evaluation.


*Students assessment may experience some modifications depending on the restrictions to face-to-face activities enforced by health authorities.



C/C++. Curso de programación. 4ª Edición.

Fco. Javier Ceballos Sierra;Fco. Javier Ceballos Sierra


eBook eBook | 2015



- Learning Java : An Introduction to Real-World Programming with Java

Marc Loy;Patrick Niemeyer;Daniel Leuck;Marc Loy;Patrick Niemeyer;Daniel Leu...


eBook eBook | 2020

- Java Cookbook : Problems and Solutions for Java Developers

Ian F. Darwin;Ian F. Darwin


eBook eBook | 2020

- Foundational Java : KeyElements and Practical Programming

David Parsons;David Parsons


eBook eBook | 2020




- High Performance Python : Practical Performant Programming for Humans
Micha Gorelick;Ian Ozsvald;Micha Gorelick;Ian Ozsvald
eBook eBook | 2020
- Python : An Introduction to Programming
Parker, James R.;Parker, James R.
eBook eBook | 2021
Guido van Rossum, "El Tutorial de Python" (Una introducción informal a Pyhon),

      - Python 2: http://docs.python.org.ar/tutorial/pdfs/TutorialPython2.pdf
      - Python 3: http://docs.python.org.ar/tutorial/pdfs/TutorialPython3.pdf

- Mark Lutz, "Learning Python", Ed. O'Reilly

- Raúl González Duque, "Python para todos", http://mundogeek.net/tutorial-python/

-"Python tutorial", https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/


Other books                                                                              
- "The C++ Programming Language", B.Stroustrup, 3ªed.,Addison-Wesley, 1997.

- "Java2: The Complete Reference", P.Naughton, H.Schildt, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 2000

- "Core Java" Volumes I y  II, C.S.Horstmann, G.Cornell, Sun Microsystems Press.





Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 1 Catalan first semester morning-mixed