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Critical Education and Diversity through the Arts and the Body

Code: 45018 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
4313815 Research in Education OT 0 1


Gemma Paris Romia

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There are not.

Objectives and Contextualisation

In this module we will explore epistemologies, methodologies and processes of research about values and diversity in education of the visual arts and physical education at school. We will consider the educational background of the investigations that encompass all levels of education systems and teacher training, raising the idea of community and social change from our areas in relation to the diversity of participants (children, young adults, women , migrant people and people with diverse capacities) and their learning opportunities.

 The objectives of the module are:

a) to promote reflection and debate to rethink the arts and physical activity in modern society and in education;

b) critically analyze inequalities and forms of exclusion in the dicourses of the school and the media; and

c) promoting projects and research models that incorporate social, cultural and gender, based on the educational actions through the arts and physical activity.

However, the school is not an isolated institution but is immersed in the community, for this reason, this module also address the relationship between school and art institutions, cultural, social and sporting events around them.

Learning Outcomes

  • CA53 (Competence) Formulate a research problem using research strategies that promote critical thinking and expose the existing diversity in the field of education.
  • CA54 (Competence) Make proposals for educational improvement and design small prototypes and/or innovation projects grounded on research-based evidence using the arts and physical/corporal education.
  • CA55 (Competence) Develop a critical spirit by assessing and detecting sex/gender based inequalities in the field of education.
  • KA54 (Knowledge) Recognise methodological paradigms, approaches and designs of research on education through the arts and the body.
  • KA55 (Knowledge) Understand problems and provide answers to current educational needs using innovative approaches in research on education through the arts and the body.
  • SA40 (Skill) Select, design and develop the most consistent methodology with the research goals in the area of education that one wishes to exercise in.
  • SA41 (Skill) Report a research study while adapting the tone to this field of education, also learning to use the typical formats of visual narratives in arts-based research.


It will address the following topics:

1. Innovation in educational action through visual arts and physical activity

1.1. Creative approaches at school. Innovation and creativity through the arts

1.2. Physical activity, sport and art as tools for social inclusion and education in values

1.2.1. Teaching and learning values: concepts and strategies for social intervention 

1.2.2. The role of the educator. The educator as an actor of change.  

              Hidden curriculum and preconceptions

1.2.3. Criticizing the media for education


2. Cultural, social and gender in art education and physical education

2.1. Theoretical perspectives and strategies in narrative research on diversity in art and physical activity

2.2. Researching cultural, social and gender diversity in art education

2.2.1. Gender and body in art educational research

2.2.2. Interculturalim and inclusion in research on art education

            Film and diversity: experimenting with the camera, visuality and embodiment

2.3. Researching cultural, social and gender diversity in physical education

2.3.1. Cultural, social and gender inequalities in Physical Educaction and Sport. Studies and research.


L’activitat formativa es desenvoluparà a partir de les dinàmiques següents:

- Disseny d'estudis i projectes d'investigació

- Exposició i discussió d’enfocaments conceptuals i d’investigació fonamentació

- Presentació, lectura i anàlisi d'articles, projectes d'investigació i innovació;

- Reflexió i debat sobre la interconnexió entre les dues àrees que conformen el mòdul.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Face-to-face sessions 36 1.44
Type: Supervised      
Presentations and tutoring 36 1.44
Type: Autonomous      
Activities 78 3.12


The evaluation of the subject will be carried out through the activities indicated. The evaluation dates will be during the development of the module and the final evaluation will be in the last session of the module.

The recovery date will be two weeks after the end of the module. The student can opt for a single assessment, the evaluation date will be the last session of the module.

The final mark will be the weighted average of the planned activities. To be able to apply this criterion, it will be necessary to obtain at least a 4 in all activities, those carried out during the development of the module and in the memory/final work of the module.

The review procedure of the qualifications will be carried out individually.

If the student copy will result in failure and will be reported to the degree coordinator.



Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Activities related to personal work 40% 0 0 CA53, CA54, CA55, KA54, KA55, SA40, SA41
Attendance and participation 20% 0 0 CA53, CA54, CA55, KA54, KA55, SA40, SA41
Report / individual work 40% 0 0 CA53, CA54, CA55, KA54, KA55, SA40, SA41


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International Journal of Art and Design Education: http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-JADE.html

Studies in Art Education: http://www.arteducators.org/research/studies

Visual Culture & Gender: http://vcg.emitto.net/

Narrative Inquiry: http://benjamins.com/#catalog/journals/ni/main


Associacions i programes

Canadian Association for Community Living. Diversity includes: www.no-excuses.ca/ 

Comunidades creadoras para gente con NEE (R. Steiner): www.camphill.net

Creative et Handicap Mental: www.creahm.be

Creative Growth Art Center: http://creativegrowth.org/studio/ 

European outsider art association: www.outsiderartassociation.eu


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