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Tourism and Planning

Code: 44473 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
4317118 Global East Asian Studies OT 0 2
4317520 Territorial Studies and Planning OT 0 2


Gemma Canoves Valiente

Teaching groups languages

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Maria Asuncion Blanco Romero


There is none, although an interest in the topics of tourism dynamics in the territory is expected. Emphasis will be placed on global, national and local dynamics at the level of tourism.

Reading level proficiency in English is recommended

Objectives and Contextualisation

General objectives

  • Assume theoretical and methodological knowledge at Master's level in relation to tourism studies.
  • Understand tourism as an activity that affects the territories and societies where it is implemented.
  • Understand the relevance of tourism at a local, national and international level.
  • Assume the basic instruments for tourism planning.

Specific objectives

  • Study the theoretical and methodological bases of tourism.
  • Study, based on cases, the repercussions of the various types of tourism and how each one of them interacts in societies and territories.
  • Study the basic instruments of territorial tourism planning.
  • Study the basic instruments of territorial tourism planning. Understand the dynamics of the phenomenon of tourism at a Global, National and Local level.

Learning Outcomes

  • CA16 (Competence) Evaluate tourism management models based on social equity.
  • CA17 (Competence) Design new tourism products in accordance with sustainability parameters.
  • CA18 (Competence) Accept working hypotheses that help to resolve the territorial, urban, social, economic and environmental impacts generated by the expansion of tourism.
  • CA26 (Competence) Assess tourism management models on the basis of social equity.
  • CA27 (Competence) Design new tourism products in accordance with sustainability parameters.
  • CA28 (Competence) Acknowledge working hypotheses that help to resolve the territorial, urban, social, economic and environmental impacts generated by the expansion of tourism.
  • KA11 (Knowledge) Identify instruments for the planning and management of sustainable and innovative tourism spaces.
  • KA12 (Knowledge) Relate tourism planning in map form with the keys to territorial development (urban, local and city).
  • KA13 (Knowledge) Recognise the value of the spatial and territorial projections of new forms of tourism: agro-tourism, ethno-tourism, ecotourism.
  • KA26 (Knowledge) Identify instruments for planning and managing sustainable and innovative tourist spaces.
  • KA27 (Knowledge) Link tourism planning mapping with the keys to territorial development (urban, local and city).
  • KA28 (Knowledge) Recognise the value of spatial and territorial forecasts of new forms of tourism: agro-tourism, ethno-tourism, ecotourism, etc.
  • SA19 (Skill) Plan the tourism sector in a gender-integrated manner.
  • SA20 (Skill) Communicate and disseminate the impacts of tourism expansion in a clear and concise way.
  • SA21 (Skill) Consider conflict situations between tourism and other economic activities from a planning perspective.
  • SA22 (Skill) Offer integrated plans for the tourism sector that take the gender perspective into account.
  • SA23 (Skill) Communicate and share the impact generated by tourism expansion in a clear and synthetic way.
  • SA24 (Skill) Reflect on examples of conflict between tourism and other economic activities from the perspective of planning.


  • Basic concepts in theory and methodology of the study of tourism.
  • Basic concepts in tourism planning.
  • Tourism and territorial dynamics.
  • Tourism and local development.
  • Case examples: rural tourism, sustainable tourism, accessible tourism, cultural tourism.


  • Directed activities: theoretical class sessions: 30 hours
  • Independent activities: preparation of readings, study and preparation of a report: 57.5 hours
  • Supervised activities: oral presentation sessions and classroom participation: 7.5 hours

Activities that cannot be done in person will be adapted to the possibilities offered by the UAB's virtual tools. The exercises, projects and theoretical classes will be carried out through virtual tools, such as tutorials, videos, Teams sessions, etc. The teacher will ensure that the student can access it or will offer him or her alternative means, which are within their reach.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Theoretical class sessions 30 1.2 CA16, CA17, KA11, KA12, KA13, SA20, CA16
Type: Supervised      
Sessions of oral presentations and participation in the classroom 7.5 0.3 CA18, CA26, KA13, KA26, SA21, SA22, CA18
Type: Autonomous      
Preparation of readings, study and preparation of a report 57.5 2.3 CA26, CA27, CA28, KA27, KA28, SA21, SA23, SA24, CA26


Unique assessment

The student who follows this modality will hand in the evaluation evidence on the date marked for handing in the end-of-course work

  • Course monitoring report 30%
  • Presentation of sessions 25%
  • Final course work 45%

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Course monitoring reports 30% 20 0.8 CA16, CA18, CA26, CA27, KA11, KA26, SA19, SA24
Final work of the course 45% 25 1 CA18, CA28, KA13, SA20, SA21, SA22
Participation and presentation of classroom sessions 25% 10 0.4 CA17, CA18, KA11, KA12, KA27, KA28, SA20, SA23


ANTON, CLAVE, Salvador (2005) Planificación Territorial del Turismo, Ed UOC.

BAGGIO, Rodolfo y KLOBAS, Jane (2011) Quantitative Methods in Tourism. Channel View Publications,

Bristol. England

Nelson, Fenando; Coll, Miquel; Brunet, Pere Joan i Monteserín, Obdulia. (2004) "Los Planes de Excelencia y

Dinamización Turística (PEDT), Un instrumento de cooperación a favor del desarrollo turístico". Revista

Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, nº 39, pàgs. 201-226.

FULLANA, Pere i AYUSO, Silvia (2002): Turismo sostenible. Barcelona. Rubes ed.

Hall, Derek et .al. (2003) New directions in rural tourism. Aldershot (Inglaterra), Ashgate.

HANLEY, Keith i WALTON, John K (2010) Constructing Cultural Tourism. Channel View Publications, Bristol.


MARTÍNEZ, A. (2004): Las políticas turísticas de las Comunidades Autónomas en 2004. Estudios Turísticos,

nº 229, págs. 23-28.

MORGAN, Michael et al (2010) The Tourism and Leisure Experience. Channel View Publications, Bristol.


SAEZ, Antonia et al (2006) Estructura económica del turismo. Editorial Sintesis, Madrid

SHAW, Gareth i WILIAMS, Allan (1995) Critical Issues in Tourism. Blakwell. England

TIMM KNUDSEN, Britta y MARIT WAADE, Anne (2010) Re-Ivesting Authenticity, Tourism, place and

Emotions. Channel View Publications, Bristol. England

TRIBE, John (1999) Economia del ocio y el Turismo. Editorial Sintesis, Madrid


None specific