Degree | Type | Year | Semester |
4317522 Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation | OB | 0 | 2 |
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This module is only available to students of the Master in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation.
The professional nature of the master’s degree is specified in the existence of the External Internship module of 15 ECTS, a compulsory semester module in which the student carries out 375 hours of work in the entity assigned to him. External internships are carried out during the second semester.
The aim of this module is to contribute to the professional training of master's degree students through field experience linked to social transformation projects. These projects can be in the development phase by the entities that will host the master's degree students, or in the design phase, in which case the students will participate in the genesis and initial development of the project. The design of the project can be carried out individually or collectively, in which case the internship students join the team designated by the entity to develop this project. The specific objectives are, therefore:
External internships are carried out in different entities –AAPP, companies, cooperatives, foundations, associations, mutual societies, insertion companies– with which collaboration agreements have been established.
The content of the practicum will be variable and will depend on the character of the receiving entity and the required profile of the students. In any case, the UAB academic tutor will ensure that this content focuses on the development of activities in which students can apply the knowledge acquired in the classroom and learn in a meaningful way in a professional environment.
In this sense, given the qualified and multidisciplinary profile of the typical students of the Master in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, the tasks that will develop the students in practices will have to be closely related with the following typology:
The plans, projects, and evaluation activities in which the master's degree students will develop their internships can be in any area of action with a social impact such as: educational, professional, cultural, religious, social, environmental, health, cooperative, and sports (without this list exhausting the existing possibilities).
Each collaborating entity designs its training plan which specifies the tasks to be carried out by the student and which fits into one of the contents indicated above.
Information session. Once the course has begun, the coordination of the internship module organizes an information session for students where it explains its operation, its main characteristics, as well as information on the collaborating entities, the profile of the places offered and the planned calendar.
All the documentation provided in this session can be found in the Moodle virtual teaching space created by this module.
Internship allocation process:
1. Selection. Each student selects an unlimited number of internships from the available offer and sorts the selection according to their preferences (1 preferred option, 2 next preferred option, and so on).
2. Assignment. The award criteria used by the Master's Committee are based mainly on the average grade of the academic transcript. In the event that the student has selected a number of internships less than the total number of internships offers; and (b) the average mark of your academic transcript does not allow you to access one of the selected internships, you will receive an ex officio assignment by the Master's Committee from among the non-selected internships.
3. Tutorial calendar. The order established in accordance with the previous point also serves to determine the schedule of tutorials. During the tutorial, the student confirms the assigned place of external internships with the approval of his / her academic tutor.
4. Delivery of documentation. The coordination of the module delivers the documentation to the students, with three copies signed by the coordinator of the master's degree of the specific agreement and of the file of the company where the data of the contact person appear. With this documentation, students should contact the company.
Assignment of academic tutors. The coordination of the External Internships module assigns an academic tutor to each student with a place assigned to the module. This tutor advises and guides students professionally.
Monitoring of professional internships. The tutor assigned by the institution guides and guides the students during their stay at the institution. The academic tutor ensures the correct development of the students’ internship and manages any possible problematic situations that may arise during the internship period.
Delivery of documentation and evaluation of external internships. At the end of their internship, the student sends the documentation to their academic tutor. This documentation consists of an evaluation report from the external tutor, in which he / she evaluates the tasks carried out by the students in the entity, and of the internship report carried out by the students, where makes a self-assessment. The academic tutor issues a final grade for the internship in accordance with this documentation and following the criteria indicated in the teaching guide.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Directed work / tasks development | 124.5 | 4.98 | |
Type: Supervised | |||
Supervised work / tasks development | 100 | 4 | |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Supervised work / tasks development | 150 | 6 |
The evaluation of the professional internship module is carried out by means of:
The tutor of the entity makes a report of the students, which has in mind the following criteria: the level of knowledge provided to the job, quantity and quality of the tasks performed, skill and interest shown in the performance of the work, initiative, and willingness to take on responsibilities and leadership, as well as the acquisition of new knowledge.
At the end of their internship period, the student makes a report or report of the internship detailing the work done and the results achieved during this period.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Academic tutor evaluation report | 40% | 0.5 | 0.02 | CA17, CA18, CA19, CA20, KA07, SA09, SA10, SA11, SA12, SA13 |
Evaluation report of the internship tutor at the institution | 60% | 0 | 0 | CA17, CA18, CA19, CA20, KA07, SA09, SA10, SA11, SA12, SA13 |
Fernández-Berrueco (2019): “Las prácticas externas desde la perspectiva de las entidades colaboradoras”, Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Evaluación Educativa, vol. 25 (1), DOI:
Geller, J., Zuckerman, N. i Seidel, A. (2016). Service-Learning as a Catalyst for Community Development: How Do Community Partners Benefit From Service- Learning? Education and Urban Society, 48(2), pp. 151–175. doi:
RD 1497/1981, de 19 de juny, sobre Programes de Cooperació Educativa
RD 1845/1994, de 9 de setembre, pel que s'actualitza el Reial Decret 1497/1981
RD 592/2014, d'11 de juliol, pel qual es regulen les pràctiques acadèmiques externes
What determines, if applicable, each collaborating entity.