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Counseling and Psychological Training Techniques for Atheletes

Code: 43889 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
4316214 Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity OB 1 1


Miquel Torregrossa Alvarez

Teaching groups languages

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Marta Borrueco Carmona
Eduardo Amblar Burgos

External teachers

Anna Vilanova
Susana Regüela Saez


This course is scheduled for the first semester of the first year and there is no established prerequisites for it.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The general objectives of this course are:

  • To describe and analyse the athletic career from a holistic and developmental perspective
  • To work on the career transitions and dual career (combination of sport and studies or work)
  • To work on the athletes’ environment role in their development (coaches, families, environments)
  • To describe and analyse the latest trends in sport psychology (e.g., women’s athletic career, LGTBI)


  • Analyze the psychological factors that impact sports initiation, performance and abandonment.
  • Apply psychological interventions to school-age children, with trainers and parents, in the field of sports performance and exercise in relation to health.
  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of psychological interventions in sports initiation, maintenance and performance.
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Know the main models of intervention in sports initiation and in the psychology of sport.
  • Optimize performance and prioritize the welfare of sportspersons with an ethical commitment.
  • Show skills in interpersonal relations with sports agents (trainers, judges, managers, sportspersons and fans) and the families of school-age sportspersons.
  • Use scientific terminology to argue the results of research in the context of scientific production, to understand and interact effectively with other professionals.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  2. Detect the effectiveness of applying the different techniques (e.g. Career assistance programs, visualisation).
  3. Detect the influencing factors and the techniques needed to mitigate or favour them as required.
  4. Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  5. Know and apply particular techniques for sports practitioners (e.g. visualisation, or self-talk).
  6. Optimize performance and prioritize the welfare of sportspersons with an ethical commitment.
  7. Show skills in interpersonal relations with sports agents (trainers, judges, managers, sportspersons and fans) and the families of school-age sportspersons.
  8. Synthesise intervention models, and the advantages and disadvantages of applying each one.
  9. Use scientific terminology to argue the results of research in the context of scientific production, to understand and interact effectively with other professionals.


Athletes and Athletic career from a holistic approach

  • Predictable and level specific transitions (e.g., junior to senior, retirement, secondary to university)
  • Predicable and holistic transitions (e.g., sporting migration, motherhood)
  • Unpredictable and level specific transitions (e.g., olympic cycle disruption)
  • Unpredictable and holistic transitions (e.g., covid lockdowns, war)

Athletes’ and entourage (coaches, families, etc.) counseling models

Dual career, cultural approach, gender and sport



  • Master classes
  • Oral presentations of exercises


  • Meetings with the tutor


  • Reading articles/reports of interest
  • Elaborating assignments and reports
  • Individual study


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Master Classes 32 1.28 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Type: Supervised      
Meetings with the tutor 22 0.88 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Type: Autonomous      
Reading and exercises 76 3.04 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


The single assessment will take place at the end of the semester. It will consist of a 4-hour face-to-face test in which the 4 evaluation evidences will be evaluated in the format: a) exam, b) oral presentations, and c) interview with an athlete/coach.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
EV1. Interview to an athlete and report 30% 10 0.4 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
EV2. Reflection based on the material provided by the teachers (Violence & LGTBIQ in sport) 25% 4 0.16 1, 4, 8, 9
EV3. Reflection based on the material provided by the teachers (Women & Sport) 25% 4 0.16 1, 4, 6, 9
EV4. Practical Cases: Sporting Career and Transitions 20% 2 0.08 4, 9


Pallarés, S., Azócar, F., Torregrosa, M., Selva, C., & Ramis, Y. (2011). Modelos de trayectoria deportiva en waterpolo y su implicación en la transición hacia una carrera profesional alternativa. Cultura, Ciencia Y Deporte, 6, 93–103. http://doi.org/10.12800/ccd.v6i17.36 

Pallarès, S., Torregrossa, M., & Pérez-Rivases, A. (2017). No es por casualidad. Seis historias de mujeres en el deporte. Barcelona: Amentia Editorial.

Torregrosa, M., Chamorro, J. L., & Ramis, Y. (2016). Transición de júnior a sénior y promoción de carreras duales en el deporte: una revisión interpretativa. Revista de Psicología Aplicada Al Deporte Y Al Ejercicio Físico, 1, 1–11.

Torregrossa, M., Chamorro, J. L., Prato, L., & Ramis, Y. (2021). Grupos, Entornos y Carrera Deportiva. In T. García-Calvo, F. M. Leo, & E. Cervelló (Eds.), Dirección de Equipos Deportivos (pp. 355–374).

Torregrosa, M., Ramis, Y., Pallarés, S., Azócar, F., & Selva, C. (2015). Olympic athletes back to retirement: A qualitative longitudinal study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 21, 50–56. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2015.03.003

Torregrossa, M., Regüela, S., & Mateos, M. (2020). Career Assistance Programmes. In D. Hackfort & R. J. Schinke (Eds.), The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Sport and Exercise Psychology (pp. 73–88). Routledge.

Vilanova, A., & Puig, N. (2013). Compaginar la carrera deportiva con la carrera académica para la futura inserción laboral: ¿una cuestión de estrategia? Revista de Psicologia Del Deporte, 22(1), 61–68.

Vilanova, A., & Puig, N. (2016). Personal strategies for managing a second career: The experiences of Spanish Olympians. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 51(5), 529–546. http://doi.org/10.1177/1012690214536168

