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Assessment and Intervention in Chronic Diseases, Disability and Ageing

Code: 43421 ECTS Credits: 9
Degree Type Year Semester
4314949 General Health Psychology OB 1 2


Joaquín Timoteo Limonero García

Teaching groups languages

You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.


Francesc Xavier Borras Hernandez
Antonio Font Guiteras
Joana Moix Queralto
Antonio Sanz Ruíz
Juan Deus Yela
Maria Soledad Fernández Gonzalo
Marina Gallardo Yeguas
Josep Devi Bastida
María José Gómez Romero
Martín Mora Martínez
Carmina Castellano Tejedor


There are no prerequisites but good knowledge of English at reading level is needed.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The student should be able to do the following:

  •      Do a biopsychosocial analysis of chronicity, ageing and disability.
  •      Know the different instruments and methods of psychological evaluation specific to chronicity, disability and ageing.
  •      Perform a specific psychological diagnosis in chronicity, disability and aging.
  •     Show knowledge of the psychological, neurocognitive and behavioural interventions that can be applied in chronicity, disability and ageing in different contexts      (individual, family, educational and social).
  •     Apply psychological, neurocognitive and behavioural interventions in chronicity, ageing, and disability.
  •      Analyse critically the different results obtained both in the evaluation and in the intervention and, if necessary  refer to a specialist or specific service.


  • Apply the principles of bioethics and the deliberation method to professional practice, in line with Law 44/2003, of 21 November, on organisation of the healthcare professions.
  • Communicate with other professionals and show mastery of skills needed in working in multidisciplinary teams.
  • Critically analyse and use clinical information sources.
  • Design, develop and, where appropriate, supervise and evaluate psychological intervention programmes, on the basis of the psychological evaluation and the individual and social variables of each case.
  • Display skills in interpersonal communication and appropriate handling of emotions for effective interaction with patients, family-members and carers in the processes of identifying the problem, evaluating, communicating the diagnosis and conducting the psychological intervention and follow-up.
  • Formulate working hypotheses in research and critically assess information for problem-solving, using the scientific method.
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Know in depth the different models of evaluation and intervention in the field of general health psychology, and the techniques and procedures deriving from these, to address behavioural disorders and the psychological factors associated with health problems.
  • Know in depth the psychological nature of human behaviour, and the social and biological factors that can affect it.
  • Know in depth the psychosocial factors associated with health problems and illness.
  • Know the framework for the activity of general health psychologists and be able to call in the corresponding specialists.
  • Plan, carry out and, where appropriate, supervise the psychological evaluation of human behaviour and of the psychological factors associated with health problems, in order to evaluate the latter.
  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Choose the most suitable procedures, techniques and instruments for evaluating behaviour and the most important psychological factors associated with chronic illness, disabilities and ageing.
  2. Communicate with other healthcare professionals involved in chronic illness, disabilities and ageing.
  3. Critically assess psychological intervention programmes in the field of chronic illness, disabilities and ageing, proposing guidelines for improvement.
  4. Discern the most suitable research methods and designs to respond to a hypothesis in the fields of chronic illness, disabilities and ageing.
  5. Formulate research questions, objectives and hypotheses appropriately for problem solving in the fields of chronic illness, disabilities and ageing.
  6. Gather and analyse information consistently with the research objectives and hypotheses, and interpret the results obtained appropriately, acknowledging the impact on individuals and communities in the fields of chronic illness, disabilities and ageing.
  7. Identify and analyse the impact on the psychosocial environment of chronic illness, disabilities and ageing.
  8. Identify and critically analyse relevant clinical documents for professional activity in the fields of chronic illness, disabilities and ageing.
  9. Identify cases that that call for specialist intervention, or for an interdisciplinary approach to be adopted.
  10. Identify ethically inappropriate professional practice in chronic illness, disabilities and ageing.
  11. Identify the main biopsychosocial variables affecting the development, evolution and approach to chronic illness, disabilities and ageing.
  12. Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  13. Know and critically analyse the different methods, instruments and evaluation strategies in chronic illness, disabilities and ageing.
  14. Know and critically analyse the different techniques and procedures for addressing problems of chronic illness, disabilities and ageing.
  15. Know the main psychosocial concepts that affect the most important chronic conditions.
  16. Know the support available, both in terms of healthcare and education, for all age groups and for the different additional problems of individuals with chronic illness, disabilities and ageing.
  17. Manage communicative resources in professional activities, adapting to individuals' characteristics and different social and cultural contexts.
  18. Propose effective psychological intervention programmes that take into account psychosocial factors associated with a health problem related to chronic illness, disabilities and ageing.
  19. Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.



 This subject is structured around on the following topics:

1. Biopsychosocial analysis of chronicity, aging, and disability. Impact on the quality of life throughout the lifespan  cycle in the person and in the environment

The impact of cultural and social factors on chronicity, ageing, and disability.

Disability (sensory, cognitive and motor) and its implications.

Prevention and early care in disability.

Critical situations associated with ageing and family dynamics.


2. Psychological assessment and intervention in chronicity, disability and ageing in different contexts (individual, family, educational and social): Models and practice based on evidence

Long-term care and attention focused on the person. Interventions with family caregivers and professionals, and prevention of abuse. Guidance and support for families.

The social inclusion of disabilities: Psycho-socio-communicative barriers.

Technical resources and general and specific psychoeducational strategies in different contexts.

Public care circuits for health, education and social care of chronicity, disability and ageing.

Psychogeriatric care for the elderly with psychopathological alterations: psycho-geriatric services care for the caregiver, ethical aspects of care for the elderly, legal aspects (competence of the disability), care for incapacity, institutionalization, alternatives to institutionalization.


3. Neurocognitive and behavioural assessment and intervention

Neurocognitive and behavioural intervention in ageing and dementia.

Neurocognitive and behavioural intervention in developmental disorders in disability.

Psychological treatment techniques in early care for people with intellectual disabilities and their families (caregivers).


4. Psychological assessment and intervention
4.1 Assessment and psychological intervention in the psychopathology associated with ageing and disability

Considerations related to the psychopathological assessment of the elderly. Cognitive and functional deficits in normal ageing.

Psychological a
ssessment instruments (psychopathological, cognitive, functional).

Psychosomatic and functional disorders; Anxiety disorders; Affective disorders; Sleep disorders.

Other mental disorders: late-onset psychosis, alcohol abuse, psychoactive substance abuse, sexual dysfunction, psychiatric disorders related to a medical illness, and personality disorders.


4.2. Psychological evaluation and intervention in chronic diseases

Stress and adaptation. Facing adversity.

Applications of Mindfulness in Health Psychology.

Pain and Fibromyalgia.

Psychological reactions and psychological intervention in acquired disability.

Psycho-oncology. Fields of intervention and type of psychological intervention.

End-of-life illness. Palliative Care. Psychological intervention.



This subject will be delivered through lectures and practical classes - Problem Based Learning (PBA) - with ICT support. The dynamic of the class will be active, with the participation of the students.

Each of the areas of this subject will be taught by different professors (lecturers)  specializing in the subject, working in coordination.

Each lecturer will provide the necessary resources and assign different tasks to be carried out by the students, in which the latter's critical reflection and active participation will be valued, and will give feedback to the group on the tasks carried out.

The activities that will be carried out to guide the student towards achieving the different learning objectives are of three types: directed, supervised and autonomous.

Directed activity

The sessions of directed learning will be carried out in two types of groups:

- Groups 1/2: Lectures with or without multimedia support, debates, and group discussions.

- Groups 1/4: Classes in four small groups to facilitate working in accordance with the principle of problem-based learning (PBL) and allow the students to self-assess their learning and acquire the skills, competencies, and attitudes proposed in the program.


The learning objectives of the practical classes in a small group will be based on the resolution of two practical cases. These activities will follow the teaching approach of Problem Based Learning (PBL) and will be carried out by a working group. There will be 9 2-hour sessions face-to-face teaching. For this course, two cases of PBL have been designed (5 and 4 sessions respectively). In face-to-face teaching sessions (working within the classroom), the teacher will supervise the work carried out by the working group, providing the necessary guidance for trying out the different activities that entail the resolution of the cases and advising on the learning process. The non-face-to-face sessions (working outside the classroom) are for autonomous work to be done by the working groups. Students will prepare proceedings of the in-class PBL sessions. Also, they must present and defend orally each PBL case and develop a conceptual map of each one.

Supervised activity

They will be carried out through face-to-face sessions or through the moodle classroom.


Autonomous activity

The different directed and supervised tasks are complemented by the autonomous work done by the student throughout the semester, which is fundamental to the achievement of the different learning results.

This autonomous activity is structured around a close reading of selected texts (compulsory and secondary material); preparation and presentation of the case study through the PBL methodology which includes written work -conceptual maps, proceedings of each session, and the presentation of the cases (PowerPoint)- and personal study.


Note: The teaching methodology and the proposed evaluation may undergo some modification depending on the restrictions on attendance imposed by the health authorities. The teaching staff will detail through the moodle classroom or the usual media the face-to-face or virtual/online format of the different directed and evaluation activities, taking into account the indications of the faculty depending on what allows the health situation.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 36 1.44 16, 13, 14, 15, 12, 19
Problem Based Learning (PBL) 18 0.72 2, 13, 14, 5, 18, 1
Type: Supervised      
Personal tutoring 11 0.44 15, 17, 7, 12, 19
Type: Autonomous      
Bibliographic search and comprehensive reading 30 1.2 12, 19
Personal study 40 1.6 17, 11, 12
Preparation of the case project (PBL) 66 2.64 14, 5, 8, 11, 18, 1



The competencies of this subject will be evaluated by means of different pieces of evidence: 

 EV1: Individual written test: 40% (official assessment period)

EV2: Oral defense of PBL cases: 40% (weeks 6 and 13 approximately)

EV3: Written report on the different PBL cases  (PowerPoint presentation, Conceptual map): 10%  (weeks 7 and 14 approximately)

EV4: Active participation in scheduled activities and presentation of proceedings of the PBL cases: 10%




In order to pass the subject, students need to achieve an average mark of 5 or above in the set of 4 evidences, and a mark of at least 2 for Evidence 1 (written test-multiple choice test).

Students who do NOT present all the pieces of evidence will NOT pass the subject, even if their total mark is 5 or above. Once the subject has been passed (grade ≥ 5), the final mark cannot be improved through additional papers or other activities.


A student who has presented learning evidence with a weight equal to or greater than 4 points (40%) will be considered eligible for assessment.

Students who have not passed the course but in the continuous assessment have obtained a mark of 3.5 or higher, but less than 5, can resit the written test for evidence 1. To be allowed to resit this test, they must previously have been assessed on a set of activities with a weight of at least two thirds in the overall grade for the subject. This new test will consist of written questions corresponding to Evidence 1. It may not be taken for the purpose of improving on a passing grade already obtained for the subject.  

The maximum grade that can be obtained for the subject in this new test is 5. Evidences 2, 3 and 4 cannot be reassessed since they are continuous assessment activities throughout the course.



No unique final synthesis test for students who enrol for the second time or more is anticipated.


Given the content of the subject and its teaching methodology, this subject does not provide for a single assessment system.


COPYING OR PLAGIARISM. In accordance with Article 116, Section 10 of the UAB Regulations, if a student commits any irregularity (copying, plagiarism, etc.) that could lead to a significant variation in the mark awarded for an assessment activity, he/she will receive a grade of 0 for that activity. If there are several irregularities in the assessment activities of the same subject the final grade for the subject will be 0.


For more information. The document with the evaluation guidelines of the Faculty of Psychology is on the following link


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
EV1: Individual written test 40% 2 0.08 16, 13, 14, 4, 15, 10, 9, 7, 11, 18, 1, 19, 3
EV2: Oral defence of PBL cases 40 2 0.08 2, 17, 5, 9, 8, 18, 12, 1, 19
EV3: Written report on the different PBL cases (Power Point presentation, Conceptual map) 10 2 0.08 13, 14, 5, 8, 7, 11, 18, 6, 1, 3
EV4: Active participation in scheduled activities and presentation of proceedings of the PBL cases. 10 18 0.72 4, 5, 7, 18, 12, 19



The different lecturers will provide specific, carefully selected bibliography for each of the different themes and topics covered in this subject. Some of these readings will be mandatory and they will be evaluated in the written test (Evidence 1). The typology of the bibliography will be specified by the lecturer responsible for each teaching content.



Not applicable.