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Gender Mapping: Transitions and Identities in Research

Code: 43218 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
4313815 Research in Education OT 0 2


Maria Montserrat Rifa Valls

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Joan Carles Melich Sangra
Patricia Olmos Rueda


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Objectives and Contextualisation

This module introduces a view into the problems, epistemologies and methodologies of research in education from gender studies, postcolonial studies and critical theory. Currently, the research about the construction of identity is being developed in different disciplines that can interact: education, psychology, anthropology, sociology and art, among others. Thus, we will approach to the emerging research topics on the construction of identities from a reading of gender, social class, ethnicity and age positions in the context of spaces and transitional processes in the educational practices.
The module will address the relationship between the epistemological and methodological frameworks to account for decisions in research and seeking the intersectionality of the categories of gender, social class, age and cultural diversity in the analysis. Finally, it focuses on the research of the construction of nomadic-and-in-transit identities in the context of minority communities and social groups (children, youth, women, immigrants, etc.). Moreover, it will analyse the sex-gender system in the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion, in dialogue with the construction of otherness, difference and power relations in educational contexts.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA69 (Competence) Prepare inquiry-based proposals and projects that are sensitive to gender and diversity in order to improve the situation of at-risk groups.
  2. CA70 (Competence) Conduct research in education and/or didactics in order to reverse sex/gender based inequalities.
  3. KA69 (Knowledge) Reconceptualise gender in the paradigms and approaches of educational research in order to reflect on its role in the production of knowledge.
  4. KA70 (Knowledge) Identify questions and solutions with regard to educational needs through innovative proposals that are sensitive to gender and diversity.
  5. KA71 (Knowledge) Assess research and/or innovation policies, programmes and projects from the ethics of care.
  6. SA55 (Skill) Identify relevant concepts, authors and texts for the incorporation of the gender perspective into research and/or innovation in education.
  7. SA56 (Skill) Include the gender perspective in the design phases of research methodologies and tools.
  8. SA57 (Skill) Performs a sex-gender analysis of research data, paying attention to intersectionality.


1. Introducing Gender Studies

1.1. Key concepts: sex-gender system, gender equality, difference…

1.2. Gender Studies (GS). Traits and precedents. Why are GS necessary?

1.3. Gender intersectionality: gender, social class, race, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and diversity


2. Social cartographies of gender and education for equality 

2.1. Gender in education.  Is this an inclusive issue? 

2.2. Gender equality in education. How can we understand it? 

2.3. Coeducation. Principles for gender equality in education 

2.4. Gender and educational research. Gender studies in education


3. Feminist, postcolonial and critical cartographies for research in education

3.1. Key concepts: Non-binary gender, identities, transitions, subalternity, diaspora...

3.2. Gender studies, postcolonial studies and critical theory in educational research

3.4. Research, pedagogies and feminisms: constributions from trans-feminism, queer therory and decolonial feminism

3.3. Interactions between theoretical and methodological approaches oriented to the study of gender, identities and difference


4Gender, identity and difference in the educational and cultural practices

4.1. Bodies, identities and processes of agencement 

4.2. Childhood and adolescence from a non-adultocentric vision

4.3. Feminization, care and education

4.4. New masculinities and gender identities


5Policies, institutions and gender culture

5.1. Gender and organizational culture

5.2. Organizational culture and percepcion of gender equality and equity

5.3. Gender and organizational leadership

5.4. Strategies and best practices to incorporate gender perspective in organizations.



The training activity will be developed from the following dynamics:
- Explanations and reflection on the different theoretical and methodological approaches of research in education, from a gender reading
- Presentation, reading and analysis of different articles and research projects
- Debate and analysis to rethink the interconnection between the knowledge, problems, perspectives, categories and methodologies associated with the module.
Our teaching approach and assessment procedures may be altered if public health authorities impose new restrictions on public gatherings for COVID-19.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Face-to-face sessions 36 1.44
Type: Supervised      
Tutoring 36 1.44
Type: Autonomous      
Readings and cartography 78 3.12


The evaluation of the subject will be done through the activities indicated.
The final grade will be the weighted average of the planned activities. In order to apply this criterion it will be necessary to obtain at least a 4 in all the activities, both during the development of the module and in the memory / final work of the module.
Class attendance is mandatory. In order to obtain a positive final evaluation the student must have attended a minimum of 80% of the classes.
The procedure for reviewing the grades will be done individually.
The delivery date for the portfolio is June 5. Regarding the re-assessment, the classroom activities cannot be reassessed, but the protfolios can. The recovery date for the portfolio will be June 12. The activities that are assessed during the development of the module are carried out in the scheduled sessions with the three responsible teachers in the classroom.

The date for the unique assessment is June 5, students who opt for the unique assessment must then deliver the activities carried out and the portfolio.

The copying or plagiarism of material constitutes a crime that will be sanctioned with a zero in the activity or work. In case of recidivism, the entire subject will be suspended. There is no possibility of re-evaluation when plagiarism is detected.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Activities related to individual work 30% 0 0 CA70, KA70, KA71, SA57
Attendance and participation 20% 0 0 CA69, SA55, SA56, SA57
Portfolio 50% 0 0 KA69, KA70, KA71, SA55


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Ahmed, s. (2018b). Vivir una vida feminista. Barcelona: Bellaterra.

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Eckert, P. (1989). Jocks & Burnouts: Social Categories and Identity in the High School. Teacher College Press: New York.                                                                                                                               

Ellsworth, E. (2005). Places ofLearning. Media, Architecture, Pedagogy. New Yok: Routledge.

Espinosa, Y. (2022). De por qué es necesario un feminismo descolonial. Barcelona: Icaria. 

Foucault, M.(2007). Historia de la sexualidad I. La voluntad de saber. México: Siglo XXI [1976].

Foucault, M. (2018). El orden del discurso. Barcelona: Austral [1971].

Haraway, Donna (1995). Ciencia, cyborg y mujeres: la reinvención de la naturaleza. Madrid: Cátedra; Instituto de laMujer; Valencia: Universitat de València.

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Hesse- Biber, Ch. (Ed.) (2012). Handbook of Feminist Research: Theory and Praxis. New York: Sage Publications.

Gibson, M. (1988). Accommodation without Assimilation. Sikh immigrants in an American High School. New York. Cornell University Press

Gilligan, C. (1998/1982). In a different voice. Psychological Theory and Women’s Development. Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London: Harvard University Press.

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RIDEG. Revista interdisciplinar de Estudios de Género. http://observatori-diagnostics.uab.es/RevistaElectronica/mig.asp

Revista Gender & education [http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/cgee20, accés electrònic a través de la biblioteca de la UAB]



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