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Catalan Language: Analysis, Coding, Communication and Learning

Code: 42498 ECTS Credits: 10
Degree Type Year Semester
4313382 Advanced Studies in Catalan Language and Literature OT 0 1


Teresa Cabre Monne

Teaching groups languages

You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.


Ana Bartra Kaufmann
Gemma Rigau Oliver

External teachers

Cląudia Pons
Jordi Fortuny


Those required for the master program.

Objectives and Contextualisation

This module analyses the linguistic bases and criteria governing the fixing of oral and written standards. The relationship is also studied between the grammatical description conceived as a system of linguistic competence and production and prescriptive grammar.


  • Apply the research methods of linguistics and literary studies.
  • Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Construct a well-argued critical evaluation of a linguistic or literary analysis.
  • Contextualise texts for analysis and production.
  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Seek out information in the scientific literature using appropriate channels, and use this information to formulate and contextualise a research topic.
  • Show respect for the opinions, values, behaviours, and practice of other researchers and professionals.
  • Solve problems in new or little-known situations within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.
  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply the difference between descriptive grammar and normative grammar.
  2. Apply the difference between descriptive grammar and pedagogical grammar.
  3. Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  4. Construct a well-argued critical evaluation of the different aspects of codification.
  5. Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously
  6. Evaluate the sociolinguistic context in which the Catalan language operates.
  7. Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  8. Know the new linguistic theories and their methodologies.
  9. Seek out information in the scientific literature using appropriate channels, and use this information to formulate and contextualise a research topic.
  10. Show respect for the opinions, values, behaviours, and practice of other researchers and professionals.
  11. Solve problems in new or little-known situations within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.
  12. Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.


See the detailed contents in the Catalan version.


Lectures, exercises, debates, practical activities and personal study.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Participation and debates in classs 50 2 1, 2, 8, 7, 11
Type: Supervised      
Supervision and coaching 70 2.8 4, 3, 5
Type: Autonomous      
reading assignments, writing assignments and study 120 4.8 8, 7, 11, 5


Each part of the module will be assessed by means of one or two activities. When two activities are submitted, none of them will represent more than 50% of the final mark. Each bloc corresponds to the 25% of the final score.

Previous evaluation of a set of activities equivalent to two thirds of the total value of the assignments is required to opt for a recovery exam. The student will be able to access to a recovery exam of the whole module only when his/her final score is between 3,5 and inferior to 5. The recovery exam will consist in an activity for each part of the module.


On carrying out each evaluation activity, lecturers will inform students of the procedures to be followed for reviewing all grades awarded, and the date on which such a review will take place.

Students will obtain a Not assessed course grade unless they have submitted more than 30% of the assessment items.

In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.

In the event that tests or exams cannot be taken onsite, they will be adapted to an online format made available through the UAB’s virtual tools (original weighting will be maintained). Homework, activities and class participation will be carried out through forums, wikis and/or discussion on Teams, etc. Lecturers will ensure that students are able to access these virtual tools, or will offer them feasible alternatives.

Single assessment: students who wish to take the single assessment must carry out four activities at the end of the year that will correspond to the four scheduled blocks



Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Activity of part 1 25% 2.5 0.1 1, 2, 6, 9, 4, 8, 10, 7, 11, 3, 5, 12
Activity of part 2 25% 2.5 0.1 1, 2, 6, 9, 4, 8, 10, 7, 11, 3, 5, 12
Activity of part 3 25% 2.5 0.1 1, 2, 6, 9, 4, 8, 10, 7, 11, 3, 5, 12
Activity of part 4 25% 2.5 0.1 1, 2, 6, 9, 4, 8, 10, 7, 11, 3, 5, 12


See the Contents section in the Catalan version.

