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Appraisal and Acces

Code: 42113 ECTS Credits: 10
Degree Type Year Semester
4312208 Archival and Records Management OB 2 2


Anna Maria De la Fragua Cobo

Teaching groups languages

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Anna Maria De la Fragua Cobo
Javier Miranzo Díaz


No previous requisites are required

Objectives and Contextualisation

There will be two formative lines; Access to information and data protection (L1); and Records appraisal (L2)

L1. Access to information and data protection

  • Know the data and information that must be published in order to comply with the requirements of transparency.
  • To know the regulation of the right of access to public information in order to properly handle the applications that are submitted in exercise of this right.
  • To know the regulation of the right to the protection of personal data, so that these data are treated correctly, and compliance with the obligations imposed by the regulations of this matter.

L2. Records appraisal

  • That the students have theoretical knowledge and skills to evaluate the documentation and apply criteria to manage the records life cycle in real cases.
  • These skills are essential in order to manage, work and implement records management systems, taking into account that evaluation becomes one of the pillars of these.
  • At the end of the course students will have the ability to appraisal, apply the removal procedure and the Catalan disposition rules (TAAD), design retention schedules
  • and apply elimination and preservation policies.
  • To achieve the objectives the formative line is composed of theoretical and practical lessons in class as well as some individual exercises to be done outside the classes.


  • Apply document-evaluation systems.
  • Argue critically and demonstrate ethical and social commitment to and respect for diversity and multiculturalism.
  • Carry out team work in interdisciplinary ways.
  • Recognise the legal system and regulations pertaining to document preservation and access and to data protection, and apply these.
  • Update and recycle knowledge through continuous training.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply assessment tables.
  2. Argue critically and demonstrate ethical and social commitment to and respect for diversity and multiculturalism.
  3. Carry out team work in interdisciplinary ways.
  4. Create and apply access plans for information and data protection.
  5. Create evaluation proposals.
  6. Describe the legal and regulatory framework of documentary evaluation.
  7. Identify the instruments and mechanics of evaluation.
  8. Intervene in data processing to adapt this to regulations on access and protection.
  9. Prepare data-file statements.
  10. Recognise European and Spanish regulations on access to documentation and on data protection.
  11. Recognise static and dynamic security measures.
  12. Recognise the concepts and procedures of documentary evaluation.
  13. Update and recycle knowledge through continuous training.


L1. Access to information and data protection

Topic 1. Transparency and right of access to public information

1.1. Transparency as a democratic value.

1.2. Transparency in the ICT society

1.3. Active transparency in Spain.

1.4. Government open and open data.

1.5. The reuse of public information.

1.6. The right of access to public information in Europe.

1.7. The right of access to public information in the Spanish State.

1.8. Content of the right of access to public information.

1.9. Limits to the right of access to public information.

1.10 Procedure for exercising the right of access and guarantee regime.

1.11. Subjects with sectoral legislation of the right of access.

1.12.Transparency and right of access in the processing of administrative procedures.

Topic 2. The protection of personal data.

2.1. The right to the protection of personal data in Europe.

2.2. The right to the protection of personal data in Spanish law.

2.3. General principles of the right to the protection of personal data.

2.4. Duties and obligations in the processing of personal data.

2.5. The rights of people in the field of data protection.

2.6. The Data Protection Authorities

L2. Records appraisal

Topic 1. Records appraisal
1.1. Introduction to the theoretical foundations of records appraisal
1.2. General principles and basic terminology
1.3. The origin of the Records appraisal

Topic 2. Legislation and legal framework of the Records appraisal
2.1. The state legislation
2.2. Catalan autonomous legislation
2.3. Municipal evaluation committees and other evaluation boards
2.4. The National Commission for Evaluation and appraisal of Catalan Public Documentation (CNATD)
2.5. The records appraisal model in Catalonia

Topic 3. The main concepts of Records appraisal
3.1.The values of the archive documents and the evaluation (Appraisal Concept)
3.2. Methodology of the document evaluation procedure. Presentation model for proposals a the CNATD
3.3. The conservation / elimination schedules in a document management system. Concept of disposition
3.4. The preservation policies of the documents, in relation to their conservation / elimination

Topic 4. The application of the Records appraisal
4.1. Study and analysis of TAD (access tables and document evaluation)
4.2. Proposals and dispositions of the CNAATD
4.3. Proposals for evaluation to be submitted to the CNAATD

Topic 5. The elimination procedure
5.1. The document removal file
5.2. Documentation registration deleted
5.3. Sampling and removal techniques for documents

Topic 6. Substitution of supports. Secure digitalisation, from paper to electronic.
6.1. The agreement 1/2010 of the CNAATD
6.2. The Technical Standard of interoperability of the authentic copying procedure and replacement of supports
6.3.Examples of other countries

Topic 7. Appraisal of other support and formats.
7.1. Appraisal of photographs and videos

Topic 8. Electronic records appraisal
8.1. The application the conceptsof evaluation, retention, disposition, freezing in the systems of electronic records management
8.2. Evaluation in a data centric model. How to evaluate data in the Big Data world.
8.3. Evaluation of databases
8.4. Deletion metadata
8.5. Audit, registration and traceability of record elimination


L1. Access to information and data protection

The methodology of this formative line consists of face-to-face classes in which the teacher addresses the syllabus and contents contemplated in content section, with theoretical explanations accompanied by the approach of practical cases. During the semester, three mandatory activities are proposed, which are complemented by the final exam.

L2.Records appraisal

The methodology of this training line is theoretical and face-to-face classes, combined with some practical classes, where students must solve some compulsory exercises. During the semester they must do four mandatory activities and class participation, which make up the final grade.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
L1. Lessons with students participation 36 1.44 4, 8, 9, 2, 10, 11, 3
L1. Study and analysis of the materials provided 51 2.04 13, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11
L2. Lessons with the participation of the students 25 1 1, 5, 6, 7, 12
L2. Study and analysis of the materials provided 30 1.2 13, 1, 5, 6, 7, 12
Type: Supervised      
L2. Content activities 30 1.2 1, 5, 6, 7, 12


L1. Access to information and data protection

The evaluation system takes into account various activities and aspects. On the one hand, the three activities carried out during the semester are evaluated, with a weight of 20% for each activity. Finally, the student must carry out the final exam that deals with all the content of the subject, and this exam has a weight of 40%, provided that the three activities carried out during the semester have been approved. In the case of not having passed, the final mark of the student will be the one obtained in this final exam.

L2. Records appraisal

The evaluation system takes into account various activities and aspects. Four different activities carried out during the semester are evaluated, in class and at home, with a weight of 95%, it will be necessary to approve the four activities. Class participation is granted 5%.

It is necessary to pass each training line separately in order to average the module and pass the module.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
L1. Final test 40 2 0.08 13, 4, 8, 9, 2, 10, 11
L1. Practical about access to information 20 12 0.48 13, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11
L1. Practical about active transparency 20 12 0.48 13, 2
L1. Practical about data protection 20 12 0.48 4, 8, 9, 10, 11
L2. Attendance and participation in face-to-face classes 5 3 0.12 13, 1, 5, 6, 7, 12, 3
L2. Document removal proposal 30 11 0.44 13, 1, 6, 12
L2. Exercice about retention schedule 30 11 0.44 13, 1, 5, 7, 12, 3
L2. Presentation 5 4 0.16 6, 7, 12
L2. Proposal of disposition rule (PAD) 30 11 0.44 13, 1, 5, 3


L1. Access to information and data protection







CERRILLO, Agustí i Alfredo GALÁN (coordinadores) (2006). La reutilización de la información del sector público. Granada : Comares..




CERRILLO MARTÍNEZ, Agustí i PONCE SOLÉ, Juli –coordinadors- (2015). “Comentaris a la Llei 19/2014, de 9/12, de transparència, accés a la informació pública i bon govern”. Barcelona. UOC-EAPC.




FERNÁNDEZ RAMOS, Severiano (2001). Los concejales y el acceso a la información. El derecho de los concejales de acceso a la documentación local. Granada : Comares (Temas básicos de derecho administrativo).




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GUICHOT REINA, Emilio (Coordinador) (2014). “Transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno : estudio de la Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre”.  Madrid : Tecnos.


MATAS 2009-I


MATAS, Josep (2009, vol. 29). “Accés amb reserves: llums i ombres de la normativa d’accés a la informació pública” a Lligall.




MATAS, Josep (2009). “Arxius, ciutadania i accés a la informació” dins Manual d’arxivística i gestió documental, Barcelona : Associació d’Arxivers de Catalunya.


RAMS 2009


RAMS RAMOS, Leonor (2009). Derecho de acceso a archivos y registros administrativos. Madrid : Reus.




RODRÍGUEZ-ARANA MUÑOZ, Jaime (2014). “Comentarios a la Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre, de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno” . Granada : Comares.




VILLORIA MENDIATA, Manuel (2014). “La Publicitat activa en la Llei de transparència : accés a la informació i bon govern : possibilitats i insuficiències. Barcelona : Generalitat de Catalunya.


PIÑAR 2016


PIÑAR MAÑAS, José Luis (2014). “Reglamento General de Protección de Datos. Hacia un nuevo modelo europeo de privacidad”.




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TRONCOSO REIGADA, Antonio -coordinador- (2021). “Comentario al Reglamento General de Protección de Datos y a la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos Personales y Garantia de los Derechos Digitales".

Pamplona. Editorial Civitas.


L2. Records Appraisal




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CSCDA (MinisterioCultura)





Metodologia CNAATD





InterPares Project




- Appraisal task force report de InterPares2

- Record/Archives Appraisal in Latin America


InterPares Project




Comissió Municipal de Barcelona








Pais Basc





Nova Zelanda










Scottish Council on Archives





Arxiu Municipal de Roses





Calendaris de conservació


Arxiu Municipal de Barcelona





Govern de Navarra





Ministeri de l’Interior





Arxius de l’Estat de Queensland





Registres d’eliminació


Ajuntament de Castellbisbal





Ajuntament de Terrassa




Eines d'arxiu: calendari de conservació 1996-2016



Ajuntament de Sant Cugat





Ajuntament de Salt






Norma Tècnica d’Interoperabilitat



Norma Tècnica de copiat i conversió de documents electrònics





Còpia autèntica Generalitat de cat







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