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Basic Principles of Sociology

Code: 106977 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2503878 Sociocultural Gender Studies FB 1 2


Ariadna Peralta Llado

Teaching groups languages

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Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of this course is to introduce the sociological perspective to students to analyse social phenomena beyond common sense.



Learning Outcomes

  • CM11 (Competence) Incorporate the ethics of care when carrying out research, intervention projects and in professional practice in general.
  • CM12 (Competence) Interpret current world events from an intersectional feminist sociological perspective.
  • CM13 (Competence) Evaluate the existence of inequalities based on sex, gender and sexuality in social problems by using sociological theoretical perspectives and data analysis.
  • KM15 (Knowledge) Compare sociological theoretical approaches to social phenomena without applying a gender bias.
  • KM16 (Knowledge) Contextualise the main processes of sociological knowledge generation and the androcentric sociological canon and its critique.
  • KM17 (Knowledge) Identify the basic sociological notions, especially those involving structuring, institutionalisation, socialisation, social change and dissidence for analysing social phenomena, and those specifically related to gender.
  • KM18 (Knowledge) Identify the basic components of the methods and techniques used to analyse social phenomena from an intersectional feminist sociological perspective.
  • SM13 (Skill) Use social indicators to analyse sex, gender and sexuality inequalities during research and intervention projects.
  • SM14 (Skill) Use the basics of the main sociological concepts to analyse sex, gender and sexuality inequalities when conducting research and intervention projects.


1. The sociological perspective

2. Social institutions and socialization

3. Power, legitimacy and social control

4. Social Inequalities

5. Sociology of gender

6. Non-sexist methodology in sociology



Courses, reading at home

15' Survey

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Theoretical sessions 40 1.6 KM15, KM16, KM17, KM18, KM15
Type: Supervised      
Research 55 2.2 CM11, CM12, CM13, KM18, SM13, SM14, CM11
Seminaries 15 0.6 CM11, CM12, CM13, KM15, CM11
Type: Autonomous      
Reading at home 12 0.48 KM15, KM16, KM17, KM18, KM15


50% group research

40% exam

10% seminaries for the group research

A minimum of 4 both in the exam and the group research is needed.


Assessment of work group or/and exam is compulsory if 1) they obtain a grade less than 4; 2) the final grade does not arrive to 5

Single assesment:

Complete an individual research (50%)
Send 2 activities of the seminaries, based on sociological articles (10%)
Exam (40%)
The same re-assessment method as continuous assessment will be used.


Students will obtain a Not assessed/Not submitted course grade unless they have submitted more than 1/3 of the assessment items.

In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this
activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities, students will be given a 0 for this course.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exam 40 2 0.08 CM12, CM13, KM15, KM16, KM17, KM18
Research 50 20 0.8 CM11, CM12, CM13, SM13, SM14
Seminaries 10 6 0.24 CM12, CM13, KM15, KM16, KM17, KM18


Abbott, Pamela, Wallace, Claire, & Tyler, Melissa (2005). An introduction to Sociology. Feminist Perspectives.
New York: Routledge.
Addams, Jane (2014). Veinte años en Hull House. Murcia: Editum-Universidad de Murcia.
Álvarez-Uría, Fernando i Varela, Julia (2004). Sociología, capitalismo y democracia, Madrid, Morata.
Berger, Peter L. (1963). Invitació a la sociologia. Barcelona, Herder.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1999). La dominación masculina. Barcelona, Anagrama.
Cardús, Salvador (coord.) (1999). La mirada del sociòleg. Barcelona, Proa/UOC.
DD.AA. (1999). Monogràfic Marx, Engels i Durkheim. Commemoració de tres clàsics. Papers. Revista de
Sociologia, núm 57. Disponible a http://ddd.uab.cat/pub/papers/02102862n57p1.pdf

Illouz, E. (2007). Intimidades congeladas. Madrid, Katz.

Lengermann, Patricia M., & Niebrugge, Gillian. (2011). "Las primeras sociólogas y la teoría sociológica clásica:
1830-1930". A: George Ritzer, Sociología clásica. México: McGraw Hill, pp. 299-332.
Mills, Charles Wright (1959). La imaginación sociológica. Barcelona, Herder.

