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Ancient History

Code: 106846 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2504611 Archaeology FB 1 1


Isaias Arrayas Morales

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Any Ancient History textbook published in the last 10 years can be a good starting point for the subject.

Objectives and Contextualisation

This course will analyze the main political, social and economic processes of ancient civilizations. It will explain how the main political and social models that emerged throughout Antiquity were generated and developed. To achieve our goal we will study the political, social and economic models of the Near Eastern and Greco-Roman worlds.

Learning Outcomes

  • CM02 (Competence) Assess the potential of certain findings for preservation and adaptation to a wider audience.
  • CM03 (Competence) Preserve historical archaeological materials to provide a fair, ethical vision of societies in the past.
  • KM05 (Knowledge) Match materials with their corresponding period to recognise their chronology and their function within an archaeological context.
  • SM04 (Skill) Apply historical knowledge to explain the archaeological remains at a certain historical site.
  • SM05 (Skill) Analyse materials from different periods to associate them with specific activities of a historical moment.
  • SM06 (Skill) Describe in written or oral form the result of the interpretation of certain materials in a specific archaeological structure.


1.- The Ancient History. Discipline and chronological limits.

2.- The origins of the ancient states: Mesopotamia and Egypt in the third and second millennium.

3.- Geopolitical changes in the Ancient Near East in the first millennium.

4.- The birth of the Greek world. The pólis. Sparta and Athens.

5.- From the Greco-Persian Wars to the Peloponnesian War.

6.- The Hellenism: Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic kingdoms.

7.- The origins of Rome. The monarchy.

8.- The Roman Republic and the conquest of the Mediterranean.

9.- The crisis of the Roman Republic.

10.- The Principate. From Augustus to the Severan dynasty.

11.- The Dominate. From the crisis of the third century AD at the fall of the Western Roman Empire.


- Attendance to the lectures led by the teacher.

- Attendance to classroom practice sessions led by the teacher.

- Visits to museums/sites.

- Comprehensive reading of texts and interpretation of cartographies, graphics, tables, and archaeological documents.

- Carrying out reviews, works, and analytical comments.

- Personal study.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 41 1.64 CM03, KM05, SM04, SM05, CM03
Type: Supervised      
Classroom practices 13 0.52 CM02, CM03, KM05, SM04, SM05, SM06, CM02
Type: Autonomous      
Study of the course documents, and commentary of sources and maps 79 3.16 CM02, CM03, KM05, SM04, SM05, SM06, CM02


The evaluation will be based on the following specific exercises:

1.- Continuous Evaluation (70%):

-Critique and commentary of texts (50%). It is expected to commission two continuous evaluation practices to be delivered throughout the course, which will consist of critical commentary of texts (and other documents).

-Two short exam-tests are expected (20%): Near East-Egypt and Greece-Rome.

2.- Exam (30%): final exam (questions to be developed).

On carrying out each evaluation activity, lecturers will inform students (on Moodle) of the procedures to be followed for reviewing all grades awarded, and the date on which such a review will take place.

Students will obtain a Not assessed/Not submitted course grade unless they have submitted more than 1/3 of the assessment items.

In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.

In the event that tests or exams cannot be taken onsite, they will be adapted to an online format made available through the UAB’s virtual tools (original weighting will be maintained). Homework, activities and class participation will be carried out through forums, wikis and/or discussion on Teams, etc. Lecturers will ensure that students are able to access these virtual tools, or will offer them feasible alternatives.

The possibility of taking a "Single Evaluation" is offered. This option assumes a single evaluation date, but not a single evaluation activity. Therefore, the "Single Evaluation" will be done from two notes:

- PRACTICES (50%): Two practical activities (comments from primary sources) will be proposed for which a brief written commentary mustbesubmitted. The student must deliver these activities, equivalent to those of the Continuous Evaluation, on the established evaluation date.

- FINAL EXAM (50%): It will be done on the established evaluation date and will consist of: a) Test 30 short questions (20%); b) Exam of two themes to develop, to choose between four options (30%).

Single Evaluation exercises may coincide with dates reserved for Continuous Evaluation.

The same assessment method as continuous assessment will be used.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Continuous Evaluation 70% 14 0.56 CM02, CM03, KM05, SM04, SM05, SM06
Exam 30% 3 0.12 KM05, SM04, SM05, SM06


ALVAR, J. et alii (1994), Manual de Història Universal. 2 Història Antigua, Historia 16. Madrid.

BRADLEY, K. (1998), Esclavitud y sociedad en Roma, Península, Barcelona.

BRAVO, G. (1994), Història del mundo antiguo. Una introducción crítica, Alianza Editorial, Madrid.

BRODRICK, M., MORTON, A.A. (2001), Diccionario básico de la Arqueología Egipcia, Ediciones Obelisco, Barcelona.

CHRISTOL, M., NONY, D. (1992), De los orígenes de Roma a las invasiones bárbaras, Akal, Madrid.

CORNELL, T.J. (1999), Los orígenes de Roma. C, 1000-264 a.C., Crítica, Barcelona.

CRAWFORD, M. (1981), La República romana, Taurus, Madrid.

DE LA VILLA, J. (ed.) (2004), Mujeres de la Antigüedad, Alianza, Madrid.

DOMINGUEZ MONEDERO, A. et alii (1999), Historia del mundo clásico a través de sus textos. 1- Grecia, Alianza Editorial, Madrid.

FORNIS, C. (2016), Esparta. La historia, el cosmos y la leyenda de los antiguos espartanos, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla.

GARCIA MORENO, L. et alii (1999), Historia del mundo clásico a través de sus textos. 2- Roma, Alianza Editorial, Madrid.

GARNSEY, P., SALLER, R. (1991), El Imperio romano. Economía, sociedad y cultura, Crítica, Barcelona.

GIARDINA, A. (ed.) (1991), El hombre romano, Alianza Editorial, Madrid.

KINDER, H.; HILGEMANN, W. (2007), Atlas Histórico Mundial: de los orígenes hasta nuestros días, Akal, Madrid.

LIVERANI, Mario, (1995), El Antiguo Oriente: historia, sociedad y economía, Crítica, Barcelona.

LÓPEZ BARJA, P., F.J. LOMAS, (2004), Historia de Roma, Akal, Madrid.

MOSSÉ, C.(1987), Historia de una democracia: Atenas, Akal, Madrid.

PÉREZ LARGACHA, A. (2006), Historia antigua de Egipto y del Próximo Oriente, Akal, Madrid.

PINA POLO, F. (1999), La crisis de la República (133-44 aC), Síntesis, Madrid.

PLÁCIDO, D. (1997), La sociedad ateniense. La evolución social en Atenas durante la guerra del Peloponeso, Crítica, Barcelona.

ROUZÉ, F., AMOURETTI, M.C. (1987), El mundo griego antiguo, Akal, Madrid.

SANMARTÍN, J., SERRANO, J.M. (1998), Historia antigua del Próximo Oriente: Mesopotamia y Egipto, Akal, Madrid.

SHIPLEY, G. (2001), El Mundo griego después de Alejandro : 323-30 a.C., Crítica, Barcelona.

VEYNE, P. (2009), El imperio grecorromano, Akal, Madrid.

(*) To cite bibliography, see: "Com citar i elaborar la bibliografia: https://www.uab.cat/web/estudia-iinvestiga/com-citar-i-elaborar-la-bibliografia-1345708785665.html".


Virtual campus (Moodle).