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Code: 106802 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2504602 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology FB 1 1


Joan Orobitg Huguet

Teaching groups languages

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Joan Torregrosa Arus
Jose Maria Gallegos Saliner


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Objectives and Contextualisation

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Learning Outcomes

  • CM07 (Competence) Solve real-world problems that occur in the field of science and technology using mathematical tools and methods.
  • KM08 (Knowledge) Identify the elementary mathematical models and tools used in calculus, linear algebra and differential equations.
  • SM09 (Skill) Express oneself clearly using basic mathematical language.
  • SM09 (Skill) Express oneself clearly using basic mathematical language.
  • SM10 (Skill) Solve simple problems related to matrix calculus, linear equations and first order differential equations.
  • SM12 (Skill) Use graphical and numerical methods to explore, describe and interpret data.
  • SM12 (Skill) Use graphical and numerical methods to explore, describe and interpret data.


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1. Notion of ordinary differential equation, separate variables.
2. Review of basic concepts of differential and integral calculus in one variable.
3. Taylor's formula in one variable.
4. Numerical series, power series and improper integrals.
5. Differential calculation in several variables.
6. Integral calculation in several variables.






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Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Exercises classes 10 0.4 CM07, KM08, SM09, SM10, SM12, CM07
Practice classes 6 0.24 CM07, KM08, SM09, SM10, SM12, CM07
Theory classes 36 1.44 CM07, KM08, SM09, SM10, SM12, CM07
Type: Supervised      
Delivery of practices 6 0.24 CM07, KM08, SM09, SM10, SM12, CM07
Type: Autonomous      
Theory study and problem solving 84 3.36 CM07, KM08, SM09, SM10, SM12, CM07


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Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Delivery of practices 20% 1 0.04 CM07, KM08, SM09, SM10
Final exam 80% 3 0.12 CM07, KM08, SM09, SM10, SM12
Mid term exam 40% 2 0.08 CM07, KM08, SM09, SM10, SM12
Mid term exam 40% 2 0.08 CM07, KM08, SM09, SM10, SM12


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