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Integrative Project II: Regional Management

Code: 106762 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2504604 Environmental Sciences OB 2 2


Eduardo Ariza Sole

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Aline Concha Dimas
Pere Serra Ruiz



Be taking or have taken the courses of Anàlisi de la geoinformació, Recursos energètics i naturals, Planejament sostenible urbà i rural and Ciències del Mar of the new degree in Environmental Sciences.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The Projecte Integral II aims to address several practical environmental case studies that allow a diverse approach in line with the different courses taught throughout the semester. Socio-environmental dynamics and territorial and urban planning-analysis will be addressed in the Llobregat Delta case study. The most important conflicts in the territory and relevant policies, plans, programs and planning instruments will be analyzed. The subject will mainly integrate knowledge of geography and geology. Specifically, concepts and tools introduced during the semester in the subjects of Geoinformation Analysis, Energy and Natural Resources, Sustainable Urban and Rural Planning and Marine Sciences will be applied. The participation of expert professionals in specialized seminars related to the subject of study will be promoted. Students will work on group assignments and oral presentations on the studied area.

Learning Outcomes

  • CM30 (Competence) Evaluate real case studies on environmental problems and conflicts.
  • CM31 (Competence) Evaluate factors related to the Sustainable Development Goals associated with a specific environmental problem.
  • CM32 (Competence) Undertake environmental projects based on real case studies, working in small groups.
  • KM41 (Knowledge) Establish the main conflicts associated with territorial management and the policies, plans, programmes and planning instruments that condition it.
  • SM38 (Skill) Incorporate the scientific, technological and social knowledge associated with a specific available problem.
  • SM39 (Skill) Apply the main techniques and elements for environmental sampling and to obtain qualitative and quantitative data relevant to environmental sciences.
  • SM41 (Skill) Use techniques, material and instruments related to the collection of geological and/or biological samples in the field.


The socio-ecological dynamics of the deltaic space will be analyzed, providing an overview of the existing conflicts and the impacts suffered by the actors in the territory. A detailed analysis of the main existing conflicts in the different sectors of the deltaic space will be carried out, paying attention to the history of the conflict, the actors involved and its management.

Through theoretical classes, expert seminars and field trips, students will analyze conflicts at different scales (as a whole of the delta, main sectors and internal dynamics in each sector). The territory will be divided into 8 sectors. Groups of 4-6 students will be created and a sector will be assigned to each of the groups. Each group of students will analyze and respond to existing conflicts in the assigned sector.

The sectors and some of the conflicts (and their planning), among others, to be studied, in each sector, are the following:

• The sea front: The processes of erosion, flooding and salinization of the aquifer and assessment of the effects on the beach and the beach. The planning and specific management of the territory will be analyzed.

• The Agricultural Park: Analysis of the types of production processes, changes in land use and human and environmental impacts on agricultural activity.

• Urban space: Urban expansion in the delta, demographic aspects, the imperviousness of the territory, flooding, pollution and urban planning.

• Natural spaces: Hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes, the ecological state, pollution and human activities.

• The industrial-logistics zone: Economic activities, imperviousness and fragmentation of the territory and pollution.

• The infrastructures (Port, Airport, Water Treatments Plants and Desalination Plant): The operation and services provided, the social and environmental impacts they generate, water and flood management.

• The transportation ways: the associated economic activities, the imperviousness and fragmentation of the territory, the flood.

• The lower section of the Llobregat river: The artificialization of the riverbed, recreational activities, the ecological state and the contribution of sediments to the coastal area


The subject is divided into theoretical classes, seminars, laboratory practices, classroom practices and field trips.

Theory classes

The theory classes will include an introduction to environmental geology and fluvial and coastal morphology as well as explanations of qualitative and quantitative data analysis methodologies and territorial planning of the delta. The teachers will provide the students with the theoretical material through the Virtual Campus, which will require independent work on their part. In class they will make a synthetic presentation of the contents. In the last class, the different groups will present the poster, explaining the analysis of the conflicts in the assigned sector.

Laboratory practices

An applied GIS workshop will be conducted for students to locate the various geographic sectors and analyze the spatial processes associated with the Delta conflicts. The digital material will be offered in the practical classroom with the Faculty's computers and in the Virtual Campus.

Specialized seminars

Experts in the social and ecological processes of the delta will be invited to conduct three seminars on the geographical (two seminars) and geological (1 seminar) aspects of the delta conflicts. At the end of the seminars, the students will have to present a report detailing the convergences and divergences between experts.

Practice in the classroom

Preparation of the field trips: with the class as a whole and separately with each of the groups, an itinerary for each of the field trips will be created and the relevant elements for the specific analysis of the conflicts will be reviewed.

Orientation to do the work: after the trips, several sessions will be held with each group to guide the completion of the work and make follow-up tutorials.

Field trips

There will be three field trips of eight hours each. Two of these trips will allow the analysis of the geographical aspects of the conflicts and one of the geological/geomorphological aspects. For each sector, students will have an on-site explanation of existing conflicts and the application of existing planning. At the end of the trips, the students will have to present an analysis report of the main conflicts of the entire Delta del Llobregat.

Note: 15 minutes of a class will be set aside, within the calendar established by the center/degree, for students to fill in the teacher performance and subject evaluation surveys /module

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Classroom practices 9 0.36 CM30, CM32, KM41, SM38, SM39, CM30
Expert seminars 3 0.12 CM30, KM41, SM38, CM30
Field trips 24 0.96 CM30, CM32, KM41, SM38, SM39, SM41, CM30
Laboratory practices 2 0.08 CM32, KM41, SM38, SM39, CM32
Theory classes 12 0.48 CM30, CM31, KM41, CM30
Type: Supervised      
Field trip preparation 1.5 0.06 CM30, CM32, SM38, SM39, SM41, CM30
Type: Autonomous      
Poster preparation 39 1.56 CM30, CM31, CM32, KM41, SM38, SM39, SM41, CM30
Report preparation 9.25 0.37 CM30, CM31, CM32, KM41, SM38, CM30
Study 50 2 CM30, CM31, CM32, KM41, SM38, SM39, SM41, CM30


The assessment is based on three different tests: the seminar report, the field trips report and the poster presentation.

Submission of both reports is mandatory and in order to average the poster presentation grade, both reports must be submitted. If this requirement is not met, the final mark will be "not presented". The total value of the two reports is 50% of the grade (25% the seminar report and 25% the field trip report). The presentation of the poster constitutes the remaining 50% of the grade of the subject. For the grade of the reports to be averaged with the grade of the poster, you must have achieved a grade of no less than 4 in each of them.

Second chance examination:  The examination will consist of a written test on the contents of ALL the posters presented.

Copying or plagiarism of material, both in the case of assignments and in the case of exams, constitutes a crime that will be sanctioned with a zero in the activity. In case of recidivism, the entire subject will be suspended. Remember that work that reproduces all or a large part of another colleague's work is considered a "copy". "Plagiarism" is the act of presenting all or part of an author's text as one's own, without citing the sources, whether on paper or in digital format.

In the event that the student commits any irregularity that could lead to a significant variation in the grade of an assessment act, this assessment act will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instituted. In the event that several irregularities occur in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be 0.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Field trip report 25% 0 0 CM30, CM32, KM41, SM38, SM39, SM41
Poster presentation 50% 0.25 0.01 CM30, CM31, CM32, KM41, SM38, SM39, SM41
Seminar report 25% 0 0 CM30, CM31, KM41, SM38


Albaladejo, M. J. (2015). La preservació del medi natural en un context metropolità. Materials del Baix Llobregat, 21, 53-57

Capmany, J. (2004). «La colonització del delta occidental del Llobregat (Gavà i Castelldefels). A: Prat, N. i Tello, E. (eds.). El Baix Llobregat, història i actualitat ambiental d’un riu. Centre d’Estudis Comarcals del Baix Empordà, 160-17

Codina, J. (1966). Delta del Llobregat. La gent del fang. El Prat: 965-1965. Granollers: Montblanc.

Codina, J.  (1971). Inundacions al delta del Llobregat (Flooding at the Llobregat Delta). R. Dalmau.

DEPANA. (2017) Espacios Naturales del Delta del Llobregat. Lliga per a la Defensa del Patrimonio Natural, DEPANA. Oficina del Programa de Conservación del Litoral. 

Dominguez Mielgo A. (2015) Estudio de la evolución mofodinámica del río Llobregat en su tramo final. Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya. Tesis de Màster de Ingenierìa Hidràulica, Marítima i Ambiental.

Esteban, P.; Laredo, S.; Pino, J. i Valverde Martínez, A. (2018). «El context deltaic: situació, origen geològic i història del poblament humà». A: Germain i Otzet, J. i Pino i Vilalta , J. (eds.). Els sistemes naturals del delta del Llobregat. Barcelona: Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, 27-41.

García Burgos, E. y Godé, L.(2006) La recuperación del Baix Llobregat. Evolución Histórica. Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente CONAMA 8.

Germain, J.; Pino, J. (2018) Els sistemes naturals del delta del Llobregat. Barcelona, Treballs de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural, núm. 19.

Gracia, V. i Calafat , A. (2019). «El hemidelta sur del Llobregat. Un sistema natural controlado por la acción humana. The southern lobe of the Llobregat delta: A natural system controlled by human activity». X Jornadas de Geomorfología Litoral: libro de ponencias, 265-269. https://doi.org/10.20350/digitalCSIC/8956

Ibáñez, C. i Prat , N. (2020). «El delta de l’Ebre i el canvi global». L’Agró Negre de Depana.

Perelló, M.X.; Durán R.; Valero, L. I Guillén J. (2019). Evolución geomorfològica de la costa del delta del Llobregat mediante datos LIDAR (2008-2017). X Jornadads de Geomofologia Litoral.

Roa, E. de i Esteban, P. (2018). «Els reptes actuals i futurs per a la conservació de la biodiversitat en el delta del Llobregat. A: Germain i Otzet, J. i Pino i Vilalta,J. (eds.). Els sistemes naturals del delta del Llobregat. Barcelona: Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, 679-689.

Roda, R. (2015). «El consorci del parc agrari del Baix Llobregat». Materials del Baix Llobregat, 21, 19-26.



Mapa hidrogeològic del tram baix del Llobregat i el seu delta. Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Institut Geològic de Catalunya, Comunitat d'usuaris d'aigües del Delta del riu Llobregat. https://www.icgc.cat/es/Administracion-y-empresa/Servicios/Hidrogeologia/Otros-mapas-hidrogeologicos


The programs to be used in class are:

ArcMap, QGIS and MiraMon