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Work Placement

Code: 106547 ECTS Credits: 15
Degree Type Year Semester
2501233 Aeronautical Management OT 4 0


Xavier Verge Mestre

Teaching groups languages

You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.


Those defined in the permanence regulations, within the section of registration progression. It is mandatory to have passed at least all the subjects of the first year and a total of 120 ECTS of the first three years.

However, as the main objective of external internships is that students can put into practice the knowledge acquired during the degree it is advisable that the student is finishing the degree (who has completed the first three courses), as well as having time to be able to carry out a work task outside the UAB.

To take the subject:

  • the student must have been selected for a position (once their suitability has been assessed according to the attitudes, knowledge and accredited competences);
  • the student must register for the subject at the time he/she is selected for the position;
  • the agreement has to be signed with the company that establishes the current regulations and, in any case, the specific agreement for the student (where his work plan is defined);

The information on the protocol to be followed, the calendar and the practical management platform is specified in the Virtual Campus (coordination space) and on the School's website.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The training objectives of the external academic practices are:

  • Allow the student to apply and complement the skills and knowledge, theoretical and practical, acquired throughout their academic training.
  • Encourage the acquisition of technical, methodological and participatory skills that prepare the student for the exercise of professional activity, preferably in the aeronautical sector
  • Facilitate knowledge of the work methodology appropriate to the professional reality in which students must operate, contrasting and applying the knowledge acquired.
  • Encourage the consolidation of personal skills such as the ability to work as a team, the entrepreneurial spirit, the resolution of problems in new environments, creativity and communication skills.
  • Obtain a practical experience that facilitates the insertion in the labor market and improves future employability.


  • Act ethically and professionally.
  • Communication.
  • Identify, develop and maintain the necessary resources to meet the tactical and operative needs inherent to air transport activities.
  • Personal attitude.
  • Personal work habits.
  • Thinking skills.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Adapt to unexpected circumstances.
  2. Communicate knowledge and findings efficiently, both orally and in writing, both in professional situations and with a non-expert audience.
  3. Critically assess the work done.
  4. Design and create the system that the project centres on.
  5. Develop critical thought and reasoning.
  6. Develop curiosity and creativity.
  7. Develop systemic thinking.
  8. Develop the ability to analyse, synthesise and plan ahead.
  9. Generate innovative and competitive proposals in professional practice.
  10. Make decisions.
  11. Manage time and available resources. Work in an organised manner.
  12. Plan the project to be conducted within a company.
  13. Prevent and solve problems.
  14. Take on the social, ethical and professional responsibilities deriving from professional practice.
  15. Work independently.


External practices may be carried out in different departments of airlines, airports, as well as engineering companies related to the aeronautical sector with which the corresponding collaboration agreements have been established for this purpose. Activities in companies and/or departments related to the field of Logistics, in general, may also be evaluated.

The type of activities will depend, therefore, on the tasks carried out. Before beginning the stay, it will be necessary to define a training project (that accompanies the specific agreement for educational cooperation for the realization of practices), agreed with the company or centre, which details the tasks and the contents of the tasks that are They will realize, and the educational objectives will be specified. This training project must be validated by the professor responsible for the subject.

The contents of the subject, therefore, will be developed by means of the formalization, for each student, of the training project, where it will be established:

  • The data of the training project (start and end dates, place of development, schedules, possible compensation in terms of study aid, ...)
  • The general objective of the internship stay
  • The competences and learning outcomes that the student must have at the end of their stay
  • The detailed content of the tasks to be performed
  • The follow-up procedure by the tutor designated by the collaborating entity

These aspects will be defined in the activity proposal document, available on the website of the School of Engineering, which the student will formalize in collaboration with the company.

Contents of the report (Final report of internships)

  • The memory will have a size between 8 and 10 pages and must follow the format and content proposed for the coordination of the Degree, which includes:
  • Personal data of the student, the collaborating entity and the external and academic tutors.
  • Description of the company (or entity) and the department/area/service where the practices have been developed (activity sector, organization, number of workers, position in the market, infrastructure available at the workplace, existing support material, ...).
  • Assessment of the tasks developed regarding the knowledge and competences acquired in the subjects of the Degree. Adaptation of the lessons received at the School for the development of internships.
  • Relationship of the problems raised and the procedure followed to solve them.
  • Identification of the contributions that, in the field of learning, has meant the internship.
  • Justification of the way they have been achieved during the internship, the competencies established in the teaching guide of the subject.
  • Description of other skills and abilities acquired with the practices.
  • Personal assessment of the learning achieved. Self-assessment of the achievement of skills and competencies throughout the internship.
  • Most significant positive and negative aspects related to the development of the practices.
  • Suggestions for improvement (personal, company and practical program)
  • Declaration of responsibility

The student must maintain professional secrecy over any confidential information of the collaborating entity that he knows as a result of the realization of the practices.


There are three mechanisms to carry out the practicum in a company:

  1. Practicums proposed by the Coordination of the Degree, in companies or collaborating centres. The offer will be made by the School.
  2. Practices promoted by the student himself through direct contact with the company. The internship coordinator must also validate the training project and meet the other requirements of the subject.
  3. Practicums through UAB's Employability office when the academic recognition has been validated by the coordination (prerequisite at the beginning of the stay)

It is recommended that from the beginning of the course students enrol in the Employability office.

In any of the cases, the student must obtain the approval of the coordination prior to the beginning of the practicum in order to be valid.

In all cases, the student will have the supervision of an academic tutor and an external tutor. The external tutor will be the person of the company or center that will host the student, assign the work according to the defined training project, follow up and issue the relevant evaluation reports. The academic tutor will be a professor of the university who will monitor the work, ensuring that the objectives of the subject are met, and will also issue the grade.

The stay in the collaborating entity will be at least 280 hours. The calendar and schedules must be compatible with the academic, training, representation and participation of the student in the university, and will be established for each student, according to the characteristics of the practices and according to the availability of the collaborating entity.

Once the practices are finished, the student will write a report, which must be presented according to the established format (available on the School's website) and within the deadlines established by the coordination of practices.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Planning and monitoring of internships 35 1.4 7, 12, 13
Type: Autonomous      
Internship 280 11.2 1, 14, 2, 7, 8, 6, 5, 4, 9, 11, 12, 10, 13, 15
Internship report 60 2.4 14, 3, 2, 7, 8, 5, 9, 11, 15


At the end of the internship the coordination of studies will evaluate the practices, in the reports issued by the academic tutor who will evaluate the Planning Report of the work to be developed (10% of the final grade), the practice report presented by the student (40 % of the grade) and the report issued by the external tutor of the collaborating entity (50% of the grade).

The Planning Report of the work to be developed will be signed by the student and must be sent to the Academic Management within a maximum period of 15 days from the start of the stay.

The company's internship tutor will assess the degree of satisfaction with the practices carried out by means of a document prepared by the degree coordinator and that is available on the website of the degree. This report, signed and stamped by the company, will be delivered together with the practice report, signed by the student, in the Academic Management within a maximum period of 15 days from the end of the stay.

Assessment Criteria of the student's final report

Content (50% note):

  • Rigorous information in the description of the company and the tasks carried out
  • The domain of specific knowledge
  • Reflection on the work done during the practices (content and contributions)
  • Critical analysis in the acquisition of skills and competences
  • Proposals to improve your intervention, the company and the internship program

Writing and format (50% note):

  • Clear and concise language
  • Use of technical and professional vocabulary
  • Spelling and syntactic correction
  • Trusty of the contents in the indicated points
  • Presentation

The non-compliance, without justified cause, by the student of the agreements signed, will be cause for termination of the agreement as well as a grade of Fail (numerical note 0) in the subject.

Once the internship begins, the grade of "No assessment possible" can't be obtained.

According to the coordination of the Degree and the direction of the School of Engineering this subject is not recoverable, due to its eminently practical nature.

Granting a Distinction grade (A+) is the decision of the faculty of the subject. The regulations of the UAB indicate that distinctions can only be granted to students who have obtained a final grade equal to or greater than 9.00 and must be granted to no more than 5% the total number of students enrolled. For this subject specifically, it will be granted ONLY if the final grade of each and every one of the three assessment activities of the subject is equal to or greater than 8 points.

Without prejudice to other disciplinary measures deemed appropriate, the irregularities committed by the student that may lead to a variation of the grade of an evaluation act will be scored with a zero. Therefore, copying, plagiarism, cheating, letting copy, etc. in any of the evaluation activities will involve suspending with a zero.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
External tutor report 50% 0 0 1, 14, 3, 2, 7, 8, 6, 5, 4, 9, 11, 10, 13, 15
Internship report 40% 0 0 1, 14, 3, 2, 7, 8, 6, 5, 4, 9, 11, 10, 13, 15
Planning report 10% 0 0 14, 2, 7, 8, 6, 5, 9, 12, 13, 15




Very diverse, it depends on the characteristics of internship