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Nineteenth Century Spanish Narrative

Code: 106361 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2504211 Spanish Language and Literature OT 3 1
2504211 Spanish Language and Literature OT 4 1


Montserrat Amores Garcia

Teaching groups languages

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By obtaining the minimum of credits in basic training subjects, students have demonstrated to have acquired the basic competences and they will be able to express themselves orally and in writing.

It is also expected that students know the general rules of submission of an academic work. However, students could apply the specific rules that the teacher of the subject may indicate to them, if they deem it necessary.

Objectives and Contextualisation

“Texts of Modern Spanish Narrative” is integrated into the subject of Contemporary Spanish Literature, and is part of the 54 optional credits which the student must attend during the fourth year of the Degree in Spanish Language and Literature. It's one of the subjects offered within the Spanish and Hispanic-American Literature category, acknowledgement that students receive if they attend at least 30 of the 54 optional credits among the subjects assigned specifically to the said category.

It is intended to offer an overview of the development of Spanish novel from the Revolution of 1868 to the end of the century. One of the basic specific objectives of the subject is that students know some novels of Benito Pérez Galdós and Emilia Pardo Bazán, as well as its main works, and is able to comment appropriately on any narrative text of the period. The course also includes the use of the methods and tools of textual criticism and related disciplines, as well as the annotated edition of texts and auxiliary instruments.


    Spanish Language and Literature
  • Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
  • Demonstrate the ability to work autonomously and in teams in order to achieve the planned objectives in multicultural and interdisciplinary contexts.
  • Develop arguments applicable to the fields of Hispanic literature, literary theory, Spanish language and linguistics, and evaluate their academic relevance.
  • Identify the most significant periods, traditions, trends, authors and works in Spanish-language literature in their historical and social context.
  • Recognise the main theories, themes and genres of literature in the different Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Students must have and understand knowledge of an area of study built on the basis of general secondary education, and while it relies on some advanced textbooks it also includes some aspects coming from the forefront of its field of study.
  • Use digital tools and specific documentary sources to gather and organise information.
  • Use the methodology and concepts of literary analysis taking into account sources and contexts.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the features of 19th-century Spanish narrative.
  2. Assess, through the analysis of literary productions, the prejudices and discriminations that may be included in actions or projects, in the short or long term, in relation to certain people or groups.
  3. Comment on a text taking into account the figures of thought and expression.
  4. Contextualise historically, socially and ideologically the literary production of 19th century Spanish narrative.
  5. Critically interpret bibliography.
  6. Critically interpret literary works taking into account their historical and social context.
  7. Elaborate summaries or reviews of academic works.
  8. Justify the characteristics of the texts and literary periods under study in different types of academic writing (written exams, academic papers, summaries and reviews).
  9. Recognise the principles of the discipline of study and its main sources.
  10. Use appropriate terminology in the construction of an academic text.
  11. Use digital tools to obtain, classify, interpret and analyse relevant data related to the study of Spanish language and literature.
  12. Use the appropriate terminology in the construction of an academic text and in the transmission of their knowledge.
  13. Use traditional sources to obtain, classify, interpret and analyse relevant data related to the study of Spanish language and literature.
  14. Write and present academic works.




1. La Fontana de Oro and realistic novel. a novela realista. Female models and symbols

            * Lectura obligatoria:

            Pérez Galdós, Benito, La Fontana de Oro, Madrid, Alianza.

2. Pardo Bazán’s La Tribuna. Female workers in the Spanish XIX century narrative.

         * Mandatory reading:

Pardo Bazán, Emilia, La Tribuna

Ed. by Benito Varela Jácome, Madrid, Cátedra, 1989.

3. Pérez Galdós’ Tomento. The study of temperament.

         * Mandatory reading:

         Pérez Galdós, Benito, Tormento.

Ed. by Teresa Barjau y Joaquim Parellada, Barcelona, Crítica (Clásicos y Modernos, 20), 2007.

Ed. by Teresa Barjau y Joaquim Parellada, Barcelona, Vicens Vives (Clásicos Hispánico, 29), 2010.

4. Pardó Bazán’s Los Pazos de Ulloa. Provincial and rural spanish women.

*Mandatory reading:

Pardo Bazán, Emilia, Los Pazos de Ulloa.

Ed. by Mª de los Ángeles Ayala, Madrid, Cátedra (Letras Hispánicas, 425), 1997.

Ed. by Ermitas Penas, Barcelona, Crítica (Biblioteca Clásica, 111), 2000.

Ed. by Montserrat Amores, Teresa Barjau y Rebeca Martín, Vicens Vives (Clásicos Hispánicos, 35), 2015.


The learning of this subject by the students is distributed as follows:

- Directed activities. These activities are divided into master classes and seminars and classroom practices led by the faculty, in which theoretical explanation is combined with discussion of all types of texts.

- Supervised activities. These tutorials are programmed by the teacher, dedicated to correcting and commenting on problems at different levels of literary analysis.

- Autonomous activities. These activities include both time devoted to individual study and production of papers and analytical comments written, as well as oral presentations.

- Evaluation activities. The evaluation of the subject will be carried out through written tests.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Master classes, seminars and classroom practices 52.5 2.1 1, 4, 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 2
Type: Supervised      
Programmed tutorials. Preparations and presentatio of works 19.5 0.78 3, 14, 7, 11, 13, 5, 10, 2
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous work 75 3 1, 4, 12, 11, 13, 5, 9, 10


In order to pass the course, it is compulsory to have completed all the course readings.

The evaluation of the course will be based on the following activities (the specific weight of each of them in the final grade is indicated in brackets):

1) The philological annotation of a fragment of one of the novels studied [20%].

2) A written test in the middle of the semester on the first two readings of the course [30%].

3) A written test at the end of the semester on the last two readings of the course [30%].

4) A paper on one of the topics related to the syllabus [20%] to be provided by the teacher at the beginning of the course.

In terms of written expression, the student must write paragraphs with full, coherent and well-developed content. Faults (spelling, syntax, punctuation errors, unnecessary repetitions, Anglicisms, Catalanisms, etc.) will be deducted 0.25 points each. With more than ten faults, the exam will be graded Fail.

The activities, practices and work presented in the course must be original and under no circumstances will total or partial plagiarism of other people's material published in any medium be allowed. The student must make the authorship of all quotations and the use of other people's materials explicit, according to the uses of bibliographic documentation. The eventual presentation of non-original material without adequately indicating its origin will automatically lead to a grade of failure (0), with no possibility of recovery. In the event that the student carries out any type of irregularity (plagiarism, non-indicated use of AI...) that may lead to a significant variation in the grade of a specific act of evaluation, this will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may result from it. In the event that several irregularities are verified in the assessment acts of the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be 0.

The review of the tests will take place in a previously agreed interview with the teacher, who will inform the students (Moodle) of the date of the grade review.

Students may resit the course if they fail two of the four tests and have a minimum overall mark of 3.5. The result of the recovery tests will replace the grade of the failed ones to calculate the final grade of the course.

It will be considered "Not evaluable" when the student does not take up to two of the four tests or activities. The completion of two activities implies the student's willingness to be assessed in the subject.


Single assessment

In order to pass the course, it is compulsory to have completed all the readings of the course. The evaluation will include the delivery of an exercise consisting of: the annotation of a fragment of one of the novels studied in the course [20%]; a written test on the first two readings of the course [30%]; a written test on the last two readings of the course [30%]; a paper on one of the topics related to the syllabus [20%] that will be provided by the teacher at the beginning of the course.

The same assessment method as continuous assessment will be used.

For the rest of the considerations regarding the correctness of written expression, plagiarism, revision of tests and the grade of "Not assessable", the rules of continuous assessment will be applied.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Delivery of paper 20% 0 0 1, 3, 4, 14, 7, 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 2
First written text 30% 1.5 0.06 1, 3, 4, 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 2
Philological annotations exercice 20 0 0 1, 4, 14, 12, 13, 5, 6, 10, 2
Second written text 30% 1.5 0.06 1, 3, 4, 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 2




The teacher will provide students with a specific bibliography (articles, book chapters, books, etc.) for each block. Most of these resources will be published on the Virtual Campus.

Aldaraca, B. (1992), El ángel del hogar: Galdós y la ideología de la domesticidad en España. traducción de Vivián Ramos, Madrid, Visor.

Alonso, Cecilio (2010), Historia de la literatura española. 5: Hacia una literatura nacional. 1800-1900, Barcelona, Crítica.

Arencibia, Yolanda, Galdós. Una biografía, Barcelona, Tusquets.

Armstrong, Nancy (1991), Deseo y ficción doméstica. Una historia política de la novela, Madrid, Ediciones Cátedra-Universitat de Valencia-Instituto de la Mujer.

Ayo, Álvaro A., Conquistando la leyenda negra: imperio, fraternidad universal uy el individuo moderno en Pardo Bazán y Blasco Ibáñez (1898-1914), New Jersey, Juan de la Cuesta.

Baquero Goyanes, M. (1986), La novela naturalista española. Emilia Pardo Bazán, Universidad de Murcia.

Blanco, Alda (2001), Escritoras virtuosas: narradoras de la domesticidad en la España isabelina, Granada, Universidad.

Burdiel, Isabel (2019), Emilia Pardo Bazán, Madrid, Taurus.

Burrow, John W. (2001), La crisis de la razón. El pensamiento europeo, 1848-1914, Barcelona, Crítica.

Clark, Linda L. (2008), Women and Achievement in Nineteenth-Century Europe, New York, Cambridge University Press.

Casalduero, Joaquín (1970), Vida y obra de Galdós (1843-1920), Madrid, Gredos.

Caudet, Francisco (1995), Galdós, Clarín. El Naturalismo en Francia y España, Madrid, Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Caudet, Francisco, y J.M. Martínez Cachero (1993), Pérez Galdós y Clarín, Madrid, Júcar.

Caudet, Francisco (2002), El parto de la modernidad: la novela española de los siglos XIX y XX, Madrid, Ediciones de la Torre.

Clémessy, Nelly (1981), Emilia Pardo Bazán como novelista, Madrid, Fundación Universidad Española, 2 vols.

Charle, Christophe (2000), Los intelectuales en el siglo XIX. Precursores del pensamiento moderno, Madrid, Siglo Veintiuno de España Editores.

Chevrel, Yves (1982), Le naturalisme, Paris, PUF.

Correa, Gustavo (1977), Realidad, ficción y símbolo en Galdós, Madrid, Gredos.

Díaz Lage, Santiago (2020), Escritores y lectores de un día para todos. Literaturas periódicas en la España del siglo XIX, Zaragoza, Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

Dorca, Toni (2002), Volverás a la región. El cronotopo idílico en la novela española del siglo XIX, Madrid, Iberoamericana.

Dubois, Jacques (2000), Les romanciers du réel. De Balzac à Simenon, Paris, Éditions du Seuil.

Faus, Pilar (2003), Emilia Pardo Bazán. Su época, su vida, su obra, Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza.

Frau, Juan (2028), Poética del folletín. La fórmula del relato inacabable, Sevilla: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.

Fuentes, Víctor (2019), Galdós, 100 años después, y en el presente. Ensayos actualizadores, Madrid, Visor.

Gilman, Stephen (1985), Galdós y el arte de la novela europea, 1867-1887), Madrid, Taurus.

Gullón, Germán (1976), El narrador en la novela del siglo XIX, Madrid, Taurus, 1976

Gullón, Germán (1983), La novela como acto imaginativo, Madrid, Taurus, 1983.

Gullón, Germán (1990), La novela del XIX: estudio sobre su evolución formal, Ámsterdam-Atlanta, Rodopi, 1990.

Gullón, Germán (1992), La novela moderna en España (1885-1902), Madrid, Taurus, 1992.

Jagoe, Catherine, Alda Blanco y Cristina Enríquez de Salamanca, (1998) La mujer en los discursos de género. Texto y contextos en el siglo XIX, Barcelona, Icaria-Antrazyt.

Jiménez Asensio, Rafael (2023), El legado de Galdós. Los mimbres de la política y su ‘cuarto oscuro’ en España, Madrid: Catarata.

Labanyi, Jo (2011), Género y modernización en la novela realista española, trad. de Jacqueline Cruz, Madrid, Cátedra, pp. 205-255.

Lissorgues, Yvan, ed. (1988), Realismo y naturalismo en España en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, Barcelona, Anthropos.

Lissorgues, Yvan y Gonzalo Sobejano (1998), Pensamiento y literatura en España en el siglo XIX. Idealismo, positivismo, espiritualismo, Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Mirail.

López, Ignacio Javier (2014), La novela ideológica (1875-1880). La literatura de ideas en la España de la Restauración, Madrid, Ediciones de la Torre.

López-Sanz, M. (1985), Naturalismo y espiritualismo en la novelística de Galdós y Pardo Bazán, Madrid, Pliegos.

Mainer, José-Carlos (2012), La escritura desatada. El mundo de las novelas, Madrid, Temas de Hoy, 2000; ed. muy ampliada en Palencia, Menoscuarto.

Martínez Arancón, Ana (2006), La ciudadanía imaginada. Modelos de conducta cívica en la novela popular de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, Madrid, Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Mitterand, Henry (1986), Zola et le naturalisme, Paris, PUF, 1986.

Montesinos, J.F. (1968, 1969, 1972), Galdós I, II, III, Madrid, Castalia.

Nash, Mary (ed.) (2014), Feminidades y masculinidades. Arquetipos y prácticas de género, Madrid, Alianza editorial.

Núñez Ruiz, D. (1975), La mentalidad positiva en España: desarrollo y crisis, Madrid, Tucar Ediciones.

Oleza, Joan (1984), La novela del XIX. Del parto a la crisis de una ideología, Valencia, Ed. Bello, 1972; Barcelona, Laia.

Ortiz Armengol (1995), Pedro, Vida de Galdós, Barcelona, Crítica.

Pavel, Thomas (2005), Representar la existencia. El pensamiento de la novela, Barcelona, Crítica.

Petit, Marie-Claire (1972), Les personnages féminins dans les romans de Benito Pérez Galdós, París, Les Belles Lettres.

Ramos, María Dolores (coord.) (2014), Tejedoras de ciudadanía. Culturas políticas, feminismos y luchas democráticas en España, Málaga, Atenea. Estudios de Mujer, Universidad de Málaga.

Ramos, María Dolores y Mª Teresa Vera (coords.) (2002), Discursos, realidades, utopías. La construcción del sujeto femenino en los siglos XIX y XX, Barcelona, Anthropos.

Rogers, D., ed. (1973), Benito Pérez Galdós, Madrid, Taurus.

Romero Tobar, Leonardo,coord. (1998), Historia de la Literatura española. Siglo XIX (II), Madrid, Espasa.

Román Gutiérrez, Isabel (1988), Historia interna de la novela española del siglo XIX, Sevilla, Alfar ediciones, 2 vols.

Rubio Cremades, Enrique, ed. (2001), Panorama crítico de la novela realista-naturalista española, Madrid, Castalia.

Sánchez Llama,Íñigo (2000), Galería de escritoras isabelinas. La prensa periódica entre 1833 y 1895, Madrid, Ediciones Cátedra-Universitat de València-Instituto de la Mujer.

Scanlon, Geraldine M. (1986), La polémica feminista en la España contemporánea (1868-1974), Madrid, Akal.

Smith, Alan E. (2005), Galdós y la imaginación mitológica, Madrid, Cátedra.

Sotelo Vázquez, Ignacio (2002), El Naturalismo en España: crítica y novela, Salamanca, Ediciones Almar.

Varela Olea, Mª Ángeles (ed.) (2021), Galdós. Cien años de actualidad, Berlin, Peter Lang.

White, Sarah L., “Liberty, Honor, Order: Gender and Political Discourse in Nineteenth-Century Spain”, en Victoria Lorée Enders y Pamela Beth Radcliff, Constructing Spanish Womenhood, State University of New York Press, 1999, pp. 233-258.

Zavala, Iris.M. (coord.) (1982), Romanticismo y Realismo, volumen V de Historia y Crítica de la Literatura Española, Barcelona, Crítica.

Zavala, Iris M., coord. (1994), Romanticismo y Realismo, suplemento al volumen V de Historia y Crítica de la Literatura española, Barcelona, Crítica.

Zubiaurre, María Teresa (2000), El espacio en la novela realista. Paisajes, miniaturas, perspectivas, México, FCE.


Moodle, Teams