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Bachelor's Degree Final Project

Code: 105821 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500000 Sociocultural Gender Studies OB 3 2


Maria Angeles Torras Frances

Teaching groups languages

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Two thirds of the study plan, that is 120 credits, must have been passed to enroll in the TFG. The dissertation is carried out during the second semester of the 3rd year. Students enrolling in the TFG a second time or have any duly justified personal circumstance may take the TFG during the first semester of the 3rd year, with prior authorization from the Teaching Commission.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The sole aim of the subject is the preparation and presentation of an academic work that allows the overall and synthetic evaluation of the level of achievement of the specific and transversal competences of the degree by the students.

Two training activities are included in this work:

1º) The realization of an essay in which a specific research topic is developed within the framework of the subjects included in the Degree Study Plan. Exceptionally, other presentation formats will be accepted, but in any case they must be accompanied by a written presentation.

2º) The public defense of the dissertation before a tribunal specifically constituted for that purpose.


  • Demonstrate ability to work autonomously, self-analysis and self-criticism.
  • Express correctly and in a non-sexist or homophobic manner both orally and in writing.
  • Formulate, argue and discuss your own and others' ideas in a respectful, critical and reasoned way.
  • Incorporate the non-androcentric perspective in the work carried out.
  • Interpret gender inequalities in relation to sexuality, class, ethnicity and territory based on the concepts and approaches of sociocultural analysis. 
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills in order to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply the concepts and methodologies acquired to deconstruct the relationships and representations of gender in different socio-cultural areas.
  2. Defend orally the results of a work before an expert court.
  3. Define precisely the hypotheses and objectives of a project in the field of sociocultural gender studies.
  4. Distinguish the effects of the sex and gender variables in the empirical analyzes.
  5. Explain the intersection of gender inequality with other axes of inequality (class, race, sexuality and gender identity / expression, functional diversity, etc.).
  6. Express yourself using the conventions of an academic work.
  7. Make an inclusive use of language.
  8. Make valuations and corrections of your own work.
  9. Prepare an organized and correct speech, orally and in writing, in the corresponding language.
  10. Search, select and manage information autonomously, both in structured sources (databases, bibliographies, specialized journals) and in information distributed on the network.
  11. Students must develop the necessary learning skills in order to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.
  12. Use the specific technical vocabulary and own interpretation of the required disciplines.


The end of degree dissertation (TFG) is a project is geared to the development of a basic-level research or an innovation developed in the professional field of sociocultural gender studies. In either case, the TFG will be required to have the corresponding sections of a research project and will have to showcase the specific and general competences acquired in the degree. Multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary work will be valued, as well as a regard that problematizes the building of knowledge and that poses relevant questions and challenges to the area of sociocultural gender studies. Moreover, the TFG may become a space of social contribution in which to materialize the academy-society dialogue and, with critical thinking and ethical value, propose projects that are analytical, experimental, artistic, narrative, activist, etc. with actions that give back to society. It is for this reason that different formats will be accepted according to the specific needs of each TFG, from empiric research to experimental writing or audiovisual productions, the assembly of an exhibition, the preparation of a comic book or a fanzine. In any of the cases, it is the Student that will propose their project to the committee that will assess its viability and will give appropriate guidelines to follow.

The TFG is conceived as a primarily autonomous activity done around a topic agreed upon with the professor that will supervise the assignment. In principle, the final TFG document must be different and individual to each Student. Therefore, no projects showing identical content to another will be accepted. This does not imply that students may not share knowledge or take part in other projects. Exceptionally, commissions will allow a TFG done by two people given that it is announced from the first stage and that the pair work is justified by the specific demands of their project. In this case, both students will receive the same qualification.


The elaboration of the TFG is designed as a continuous process across the entire academic course, and it is divided into 4 stages: an initial one, in which the work is specified and formulated, a developmental stage and a finalizing and closing stage that entails the written submission followed by an oral defense.



The TFG assessment will follow the procedure established in the protocol (https://www.uab.cat/doc/Protocol-TFG). Thereby, the committee will determine a weighted average based on:

1.     The written dissertation (70%), assessed by the person in charge of supervising the process (using different pieces of evidence) and by a second person of the committee, who will also judge the oral presentation;

2.     The public defense of the project (30% of the final mark).




I.               Proposal

1st committee meeting (8-22 January)

10 % (1 point)

II.              Development

2nd committee meeting (5-28 de March)

20% (2 points)

III.            Final submission (written dissertation)

7-11 June

40% (4 points)

IV.            Defense

3rd committee meeting, subdivided by tribunals (1-2 July)

30% (3 points)


If a student does not provide one of the pieces of evidence, the mark for that area will be 0.

This subject does not incorporate single assessment. 

The TFG does not have a reassessment option, as established in the Protocol for final dissertations by the Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres.

A specific committee will award, if need be, the appropriate Honors Distinction (Matrícula d’Honor).

Characteristics of the assessed evidence:

Evidence 1. Proposal

The 1st piece of evidence assessed is the document where students will present the project to be developed in their TFG. This document will be presented to the committee and must contain a description of the approach of their TFG, the chosen format and the objectives of the project, understanding that it is a proposal that will be evolving throughout the course. After the Meeting with the committee, it will be completed with the supervisor, mentioning the working plan proposed, as well as the theoretical framework, the methodology and the references intended to use. This document will serve as the first piece of evidence to be assessed.


Evidence 2. Development

For this 2nd piece of assessed evidence, the development of the project must be presented to the committee based on what will have been structured in the first section assessed and taking into account the indications given in the previous stage, as well as the supervisor’s . In this second stage, a more accurate document will be produce, including the theoretical framework and the methodology, as well as all other fundamental aspects of the project (bibliographic research, field work, etc.)


Evidence 3 (Written dissertation)

The 3rd piece of evidence is the written dissertation of the TFG. It may be written in Catalan or Spanish. The written dissertation of the TFG will be assessed by the supervisor, in conformity with another member of the committee (who will be present in the oral defense). The TFG must be original. In the case that the student proceeds with irregularities that may lead to a significant variation of the qualification of a piece of assessment (like plagiarism), that piece will be qualified with a 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that might take place.


Evidence 4 (Oral defense)

The oral presentation of the TFG will be done in front of a tribunal formed by 2 members of the committee (one who knows the dissertation and another one that doesn’t necessarily do so), that under any circumstances will be the supervisor. The student will have 15 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for the tribunal to pose the necessary questions. This tribunal will only assess the oral defense and not the written document. Given that the defenses are public, other than the tribunal and the called students, other people may attend, like family members, friends, other students or other professors who wish to be there, as long as timings and defense procedures are respected. Students must attend the complete defense act programmed for the day they are called.



Students can choose between three modalities to approach and structure their TFG: the professionally-oriented option, the research-oriented (which can be an empirical research or a bibliographic revision and meta-analysis one) and the action-participation option. Regardless of the chosen modality,students may agree with the tutor upon the presentation method: an essay, a scientific article or a cultural product (see next section).


All projects must present a reference section (following APA rules). APA rules are available on https://ddd.uab.cat/pub/recdoc/2016/145881/citrefapa_a2016.pdf


1.     PROFESSIONALLY-ORIENTED MODALITY: Development of an intervention/innovation project in a specific context.

It consists on the development of a feminist action proposal in a specific context following a study of that particular reality. This modality should include either the design and/or implementation of a project in a professional field, or the implementation and assessment of an already-existing project (it must be executed and, thus, evaluate its results and specific conclusions). These can also implement learning and service (ApS) projects.


In the case that the TFG is contextualized in the same center or institution where the external practicum takes place, students may use specific context analysis together with other data. However, under no circumstance can the two reports be written with the same content. That is to say, the practicum project and the TFG cannot be the same in any of their sections. This will be considered self-plagiarism and, therefore, the TFG will be a fail.



empirical research project

It consists on an analytical project that will include a theoretical framework, a working hypothesis or specific objectives, an empirical stage with its results, discussion and conclusions. This modality should include research methodologies and basic techniques (research, selection and use of tools to gather information, as well as an analysis and interpretation of the information).


Examination based on systematic bibliographic revision

Consists on a study of theoretical Foundation (essay or monographic) that entails a theoretical, critical o comparative analysis as a base for the detailed exposition or argumentation around a subject. This modality must include a thorough bibliographic revision on the topic and an explicit discussion on the theoretical framework and available knowledge.


Consists on developing a research or intervention with the participation of social entities for which the TFG responds to a necessity of these subjects. This modality should include an observation by the own entity or by the student that describes the needs detected, as well as a design that includes methodologies of action-participation to offer solutions.



Regardless of the TFG modality chosen, the 3rd piece of evidence assessed, corresponding with the written dissertation, may be presented in two different formats:



 Students using this format will have to follow the following formal aspects:

  i.     Extension of around 70.000 characters (spaces included) (20/25 pages approximately) – Bibliographic references and annexes aside, where complementary information will be exposed (it does not belong to the body of the project)

 ii.     The cover must include:

Name of the author

Title of TFG

Degree of the student

Name and department of the supervisor


Academic course


After the cover, a table of contents must be included with page numbers, as the project must be correctly paged. It will also be compulsory to include an abstract in Catalan, Spanish and English.


Students using this TFG format will have to follow a presentation policy similar to that of a scientific journal. The objective is to simulate that the student is presenting a text to be published. For that, the following general guidelines are presented: 

-  Articles must have an extension of around 30,000 characters, spaces included (10-12 pages approximately).

-  7-8 line abstract in Catalan or Spanish, as well as in English.

-  List of 5-8 keywords.

-  Bibliographic references section using APA rules.

-  The following information must be included: name and surname, email address. Supervisor’s name and department must also appear.

-  Structure: introduction, context analysis, theoretical approach, methodology or Planning suggested, results, conclusions and final comments.


At the end of the text, students may attach table, graphics, pictures and video/audio recordings to make the content of the article more intelligible.


In the completion of the TFG, this degree invites the students to explore, experiment and innovate through new narrative formats, in accordance to the subject, the context and the theoretical approach of the project. In this light, the use of artistic, literary, communicative and/or activist products are justified, such as audiovisual projects, exhibitions, comic books, poetry, novel, art installation, website, drama piece, scale model, campaign, dissemination or educational material, amongst other possibilities.

-      The indication for the cultural product will be agreed upon with the supervisor and will be suited in each case to the artistic, literary, communicative and/or activist genre chosen.

-      The product will be complemented with a short essay of a maximum of 30,000 characters including spaces (around 10-12 pages), following the guidelines for the essay format.


There are no teaching activities in the classroom.

The teaching methodology is based on:

Guided activities: 4h (group tutorials, informative sessions ...)

Supervised activities: 10h (individual tutorials)

Autonomous activities: 135h

Students on an Erasmus stay during the third year can carry out the TFG remotely, except for the oral presentation, which must be in person.

The course will have a general calendar for the assignment of the topic/Commission/ tutor, the supervision and the evaluation, which will be published at the beginning of the course in the MOODLE classroom. The possibility of working with ApS (Aprendizaje Servicio, Service Learning) methodology will be offered.

If the presentation cannot be done in person, their format will be adapted (without altering its evaluation) to the possibilities offered by the UAB's virtual tools. Efforts will be made to ensure student access to such resources or other alternatives within their reach.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Group tutoring and briefings 4 0.16
Type: Supervised      
One-by-one tutoring 10 0.4
Type: Autonomous      
Writing of the Degree Project 135 5.4


In assessing the final degree project, the procedure stablished in the ‘Protocol de l 'assignatura’ ‘ Treball Final Grau’ (https://www.uab.cat/doc/Protocol-TFG) will be followed in order to perform a weighted average of:

  • the written essay (70%), assessed by the person in charge of the tutoring throughout the process (through various evidences) in concert with a second person from the commission, who will also be responsible of evaluating the oral presentation;
  • the presentation and public defense of the final essay (30% of the final mark)

This subject does not incorporate single assessment.

The final degree project has no second-chance-examination, as stated in the protocol of the subject “Treball de Final de Grau”, of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.

If applicable, Honors shall be granted by a specific commission.

In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities, the student will receive a zero as the final grade for the class.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Preparing process and writing 70% 0 0 1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 9, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12
Public presentation and discussion 30% 1 0.04 1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 9, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12


Specific bibliography will be given by each DP Commission.


MOODLE (Campus virtual)

Word processing (with the possibility of conversion to Word and pdfs).

Pdf reader

Power point or similar.


As well as any software that the specific characteristics of the proposed Final Degree Project require.

Free software is welcome, as long as the documents can be delivered in the required format.