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Crime and Women

Code: 105813 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500000 Sociocultural Gender Studies OT 3 1


Lorena del Pilar Garrido Jimenez

Teaching groups languages

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It is recommended to have studied any module  with contents in legal issues

Objectives and Contextualisation

a)    General learning objectives:

The objective of this module is to analyse the processes through which gender relationships are constructed within the scope of the criminal justice system. The objectives are manifold: firstly, to point out how criminology knowledge reproduces and generates structures of subordination towards women, through the study of traditional criminology schools of thought and of the most recent criminology and gender theories; secondly, to understand the gender exclusion mechanisms used by the criminal system, that increase their own particular selectivity and generate new exclusion (for instance, in the case of women’s prisons); thirdly, gender perspective addresses how the solution of some social problems affecting predominantly women are tackled.

b) Objectives concerning the development of skills:

With this module, we aim to provide students with a new critical perspective (i.e. gender perspective), to study the criminal system and its application.

c) Objectives centred on the learning of values:

This module will contribute to the learning of non-sexist values and respect towards gender diversity. All these will be use to delve into the development of the human rights culture.


  • Express correctly and in a non-sexist or homophobic manner both orally and in writing.
  • Identify the basic legal concepts, legislation and jurisprudence related to the rights of the collectives affected by gender inequalities. 
  • Propose and analyze the results of gender policies and plans of equality and equity in institutions, companies, public, private and non-governmental organizations.
  • Proposing corrective actions of the violences tha ttrigger the types and degrees of discrimination on the basis of sex, gender and sexual orientation.
  • Students can apply the knowledge to their own work or vocation in a professional manner and have the powers generally demonstrated by preparing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Work cooperatively and energize multidisciplinary and diverse teams, assuming and respecting the role and diversity of those who make them up.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply the basic legal concepts to the prevention of crimes of sexist violence.
  2. Apply to the legal practice specific debates on gender and law, bioethics, law and technology, and sociology of law.
  3. Describe criminological interventions focused on the criteria of gender, peace, integration and social prevention.
  4. Make an inclusive use of language.
  5. Propose criminological interventions based on the analysis and study of inequality.
  6. Put into practice skills to work in a team: commitment to the team, habit of collaboration, ability to promote problem solving.
  7. Students can apply the knowledge to their own work or vocation in a professional manner and have the powers generally demonstrated by preparing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study.
  8. Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.


1. Androcentrism in criminology and in the analysis of female crimes.

1.1. Sexism and criminal law.

1.2. Sexism and criminology

1.3. Stereotypes about female crimes.

 2. Women: women in prison.

2.1 Historical perspective of women’s prisons.

2.2 Characteristics of women’s imprisonment. 

3. Contemporary problems of women’s imprisonment.

3.1 Migrant/foreign imprisoned women.

3.2 Maternity and prison.

3.3 Reintegration of imprisoned women.

4. Sex work, prostitution and women’s trafficking.

4.1 Feminist debates about prostitution and sex work. Abolitionist and pro-rights proposals.

4.2 Legal regulation of prostitution. Prohibitionist, abolitionist and regulatory models.

4.3 Public policies about women’s trafficking and protection mechanisms.

5. Women’s control over their bodies: abortion as a crime.

5.1 Feminist recognition of abortion. Several viewpoints on the role of the State.

5.2 Possible legal systems: the system of indications. Bio-ethics debate.

5.3 The symbolic control of reproduction.

6. Sexual harassment and sexual violence against women.

6.1 Definition of sexual harassment and sexual violence.

6.2 Legal and social strategies of interventions in cases of sexual harassment.

6.3 Sexual violence in armed conflicts.

7. Prevention and Safety in terms of gender.

7.1 Sexism in the conceptualisation of safety.

7.2 Safety guidelines and planning with gender perspective.

8. Specific processes for female criminalisation. 

8.1 Young women and crime.

8.2 Women and drugs.

9. Women’s rights in criminal systems.

9.1 Women’s movements: epistemologies.

9.2 Human rights with a gender perspective and the role of criminal justice.



Each week a mandatory reading will be discussed and there will be a group presentation on a theme of the program.

During the course the individual work of the student will be developed, divided into a research work and a commentary about compulsory readings

The methodology with use seminar discussions, individual and group presentations

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 19.5 0.78
Seminar 19.5 0.78
Type: Supervised      
Evaluation activities 5 0.2
Type: Autonomous      
Individual work 53 2.12
working grups 53 2.12



Requirements to pass the course

1. Conditions for assessment: 80% attendance in classes and active participation in class. Submission of individual and group work.

2. Requirements to pass the module: a minimum grade of 5 is required for each type of assessment activity to obtain a pass.


If a student does not pass any of the assessment activities, a resit will be granted. The resit for group work and participation will take place during the teaching term. Individual work and the final test will take place during the resit weeks.

Fruadulent conduct

Plagiarism in the submitted work and copying during the test will entail a grade of 0 in the module and a resit will not be allowed.

In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities, the student will receive a zero as the final grade for the class.

In the event that tests or exams cannot be taken onsite, they will be adapted to an online format made available through the UAB’s virtual tools (the original weighing will be maintained). Homework, activities and class participation will be carried out through forums, wikis and/or discussion on Teams, etc. 



Single evaluation:

The single evaluation will consist of an exam of 5 compulsory readings of the subject (50%), which will be determined by the teacher, and the development of two individual assignments (25%+25%) that will be done on the same date as the exam.

It is necessaryto pass the exam to add the note of the individual works.

If one / a student / does not pass any of the activities will have a chance to recover.


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Working groups 40% 0 0 1, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7
debats and participation 10% 0 0 2, 4, 7
individual work 50% 0 0 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 7


Mandatory readings

1. Maqueda, María Luisa (2020). Trata Prostitución Forzada y Esclavitud Sexual de las Mujeres. Bases para un Debate Libre de Dogmatismos. Revista de Derecho Penal, 28, 213-223.

2. Heim, Daniela (2019). Feminismos y Derecho Penal: de las alianzas estratégicas al desarrollo de derechos. Cuestiones Criminales, 2, 167- 177.

3. Almeda, Elisabet (2017). Criminologías feministas, investigación y cárceles de mujeres en España. Papers, 102(2),151-181. http://dx.doi.org/10.5565/rev/papers.2334 

4. Bodelón, Encarna (2014). Violencia Institucional y Violencia de Género. Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 48, 131-155. 

5. Martínez Perza, Carmen; Quesada Arroyo, Pedro; de Miguel Calvo, Estibaliz; Dzvonkovska Natalia; Nieto Rodríguez, Lucía (2021). Situación de las Personas con Adicciones en las Prisiones Españolas. Una visión con Perspectiva de Género. Unión de Asociaciones y Entidades de Atención al Drogodependiente (UNAD), Madrid. https://www.unad.org/ARCHIVO/documentos/biblioteca/1676366563_2023_01_16_estudio_prisiones_version_digital.pdf

6. Heim, Daniela (2012). Más allá del Disenso, los Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres en Contextos de Prostitución. Derechos y Libertades, 26, 297-327. http://hdl.handle.net/10016/18235

7. Toledo, Patsili, Bodelón, Encarna, Tur, Neus & Martínez- Berruete, Jimena (2016). Marc jurídic internacional, Estatal i Autonòmic de les Violències Sexuals (matrimonis forçats, mutilacions genitals femenines, tràfic d'essers humans amb finalitatd'explotació sexual, assetjament i agressions sexuals). Institut Català de les Dones. http://dones.gencat.cat/web/.content/03_ambits/docs/vm_abordatge_violenciessexuals_2.pdf

8. Igareda, Noelia & Bodelón, Encarna (2014). Las Violencias sexuales en las Universidades: cuando lo que no se denuncia no existe. Revista Española de Investigación Criminológica, 12, 1- 27. https://doi.org/10.46381/reic.v12i0.79

9. Navarro, Carmen (2018). El Encarcelamiento Femenino (pp. 69-103). Atelier.

10. Gonzalez-Prado, Patricia (2020). Jurisprudencia Comparada sobre Aborto: Cuando los Feminismos Impregnan el Derecho. Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho , 42 , 135-157. http://dx.doi.org/10.7203/CEFD.42.16026


Complementary readings

Almeda, Elisabet (2003). Mujeres Encarceladas. Ariel.

Almeda, Elisabet & Bodelón, Encarna (2007). Mujeres y Castigo: un Enfoque Socio-Jurídico y de Género. Dykinson. 

Almeda Elisabet, Camps, Clara & Ortiz Monera, Rosa (2022). Mujeres, Cárceles y Feminismos. Revista Española de Investigación Criminológica, 20, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.46381/reic.v20i2.699

Arella, Celeste, Fernández-Bessa, Cristina, Nicolás, Gemma & Vartabedian, Julieta, (2007). Los Pasos (In)Visibles de la Prostitución. Estigma, Persecución y Vulneración de Derechos de las Trabajadoras Sexuales en Barcelona. Virus. 

Barcons, Maria (2016). Legislación y Políticas Públicas sobre matrimonios forzados en el Estado español. En La Barbera & M Cruells López (Eds), Igualdad de Género y No Discriminación en España: Evolución, Problemas y Perspectivas (pp. 435-451). Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales. https://www.cepc.gob.es/publicaciones/libros?IDP=2664

Barrère, Maggy; Bodelón, Encarna; Gala, Carolina; Gil, Juana María; Morondo, Dolores & Rubio, Ana (2013). Assetjament Sexual i Assetjament per Raó de Sexe: Actuació de les Administracions Públiques i de les Empreses. Consejo General del Poder Judicial. https://ddd.uab.cat/pub/llibres/2013/113560/asssexassrao_a2013.pdf

Bodelón, Encarna (2009). Las Mujeres y las Nuevas Legislaciones sobre sus Derechos: el caso del Derecho a la Seguridad. Revista Catalana de seguridad pública, 20, 73-85.

Bodelón, Encarna (Ed.) (2012). Violencia de Género y los Sistemas Penales. Didot. 

Bodelón, Encarna; Aedo, Marcela (2015). Las Niñas en el Sistema de Justicia Penal. Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 49, 219-236. https://doi.org/10.30827/acfs.v49i0.3283

Bodelón, Encarna, & Gala, Carolina (2014). Teoría y Práctica de los Protocolos frente al Acoso Sexual. Nueva Revista Española de Derecho del Trabajo, 162, 95-124.

Carlen, Pat (Ed.) (2002). Womenand Punishment. The struggle for justice.  Willan.

Carlen, Pat (2012) Women’s Imprisonment: an Introduction to the Bangkok rules. Revista Crítica Penal y Poder, 3, 1-10.

Garrido, Lorena; Velocci, Clarisa y Valiño, Vanessa (2011). Análisis Socio-Jurídico de la Trata con Fines de Explotación Forzada. Observatori Desc, Genera & Grup Antígona UAB. http://www.observatoridesc.org/sites/default/files/Analisis_SocioJuridico_Trata_PF_-_Genera_-Desc_-Antigona_Nov2011_0.pdf

Heidennsohn, Frances & Gelsthorpe, Loraine (2007). Gender and Crime. En M. Maguire, R., Morgan &  R. Reiner (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, 4th ed. (pp. 381-420). Oxford University Press.

Heim, Daniela (2012). Más Allá del Disenso, los Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres en Contextos de Prostitución. Derechos y Libertades, 26, 297-327. http://dx.doi.org/10.1400/216303

Hester, Marianne (2015). Reflections on criminal (in)justice in cases of rape, Papers from the British Criminology Conference, 15, 26-42. 

Juliano, Dolores (2002). La Prostitución: el Espejo Oscuro. Icaria.

Juliano, Dolores (2012). Presunción de Inocencia. Riesgo, delito y pecado en Femenino. Gakoa https://traficantes.net/libros/presunci%C3%B3n-de-inocencia

Juliano, Dolores. (2016). Feminismo y Sectores Marginales. Logros y retrocesos de un diálogo difícil. Cuadernos PAGU, 47. https://doi.org/10.1590/18094449201600470004

Laurenzo, Patricia, Maqueda, María Luisa & Rubio, Ana (Eds.) (2008). Género, Violencia y Derecho. Tirant lo Blanch.

Lagarde, Marcela (1990). Los Cautiverios de las Mujeres. Horas y horas. 

López-Precioso, Magdalena, & Mestre, Ruth (2006). Trabajo sexual. Reconocer Derechos. La Burbuja.

Maqueda, María Luisa (2014). Razones y Sinrazones para una Criminología Feminista. Dykinson. 

Moreyra, María Julia (2007). Conflictos armados y Violencia sexual contra las mujeres. Editores del Puerto. 

Maqueda, María Luisa (2009). Prostitución, feminismos y Derecho Penal. Comares.

Naffine, Ngaire (1997). Feminism and Criminology.  Allen and Unwin.

Nicolas, Gemma & Bodelón, Encarna (Eds.) (2009). Género y Dominación. Críticas Feministas del Derecho y el Poder. Anthrorpos.

Olmo, Rosa (del) (1998). Criminalidad y Criminalización de la Mujer en la Región Andina. Nueva Sociedad.

Pitch, Tamar (2003). Un Derecho para Dos. La Construcción Jurídica de Género, Sexo y Sexualidad. Trotta.

Ribas, Natalia, Almeda, Elisabet, Bodelón, Encarna (2005). Rastreando lo invisible. Mujeres extranjeras en las cárceles. Anthropos.

Rodriguez, Ricardo & Bodelón, Encarna (2011). No es No. Las violencias Machistas contra las Mujeres. Universitat Autónoma Barcelona.

Roig, Aura (2013). L'estigmatització de les dones consumidores d'heroïna.  Crítica Penal y Poder, 4, 101-131.

Rubio, Ana (2008). La teoríaAbolicionista de la Prostitución desde una Perspectiva Feminista. En  P. Laureno, M. Maqueda & A. M. Rubio  (Eds.), Género, Violencia y Derecho (pp. 251-272).

Stanko, Elisabeth (2009). ¿Se Puede Reducir el Miedo a la Delincuencia que tienen las mujeres?. Revista catalana de seguridad pública, 20, 51-65.

Toledo, Patsilí (2014). Femicidio / feminicidio. Didot.


