Degree | Type | Year | Semester |
2500000 Sociocultural Gender Studies | OB | 3 | 1 |
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A good level of English is required, at reading and oral level.
For many centuries, half of humanity has been ignored as an object of study in the social sciences. Only forty years ago, thanks to the feminist movement and the evolution of the situation of women in society (employment, education, political participation, living conditions), the scientific process of making visible the other half of the world has developed. Geography has also been incorporated into this process, first observing and analyzing the differential patterns of women in their relationship with space and later recognizing the gender structure in society as a key element in understanding economic and social changes of the contemporary world and the way the geographical environment is constituted and used by the population.
Geography has traditionally regarded society as a neutral, asexual, and homogeneous, without considering the profound differences between people in the use of space. Geography with a gender perspective argues that space is not gender neutral and this implies the need to incorporate social differences between men and women and territorial differences in gender relations to explain reality anywhere and at any scale. Both people and spaces have gender and social relationships and spatial relationships are mutually constituted. The courtse also considers the diversity of identities that are articulated with gender such as age, social class, sexuality, ethnicity and functional diversity.
The training objectives are as follows:
- Understand the definitions, basic concepts and objectives of geography and gender.
- Understand how the incorporation of the gender perspective alters and increases knowledge about the relationship between society and the environment.
- To be able to reformulate geographical research incorporating the gender perspective.
- Assess the introduction of this perspective in current geographical studies.
- To develop the capacity for reflection, analysis, discussion and interpretation, both individually andin groups.
- Understand the contribution of geography in gender studies and vice versa
The leitmotif will be the relationship of people with places in their daily lives, in public and private space and at various geographical scales: the body, the home, the workplace, the city, public space and the rural space and the nature. Given that places are the intersection between local and global processes in a given time and are therefore defined by the socio-spatial relationships that occur in them and distinguish them, a series of places will be analyzed where everyday life develops and different gender relations are created.
It is about examining the extent to which men and women experience places differently and showing that these differences are part of the social constitution of both place and gender.
The contents of the subject are structured in 5 themes:
1. Gender and Geography: concepts and genealogy of research
2. The body in space and the body as a place
3. Home and workplace
4. The city and public space
5. The rural space and the nature
Course contents will be developed through oral classes from the professor, reading and discussion of the reading material, and two assignments (one individual and another in small group).
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Practical classes | 15 | 0.6 | |
Theory classes | 30 | 1.2 | |
Type: Supervised | |||
Exam | 5 | 0.2 | |
Individual and small group meetings | 25 | 1 | |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Assignments | 25 | 1 | |
Individual readings | 25 | 1 | |
Individual study | 25 | 1 |
The evaluation of the subject will be done continuously from three activities: Exercise 1 (20%), Exercise 2 (30%) and Examination of fundamental contents (50%). In order to be evaluated, you must take at least 2 of the 3 activities and one must be the exam.
An unrepresented assessment activity counts as 0.
Exercise 1 and Exam can be re-evaluated. To apply for re-evaluation you must have failed. The maximum grade in the recovery is 5.
If one student presents only one activity of evaluation or none, he/she will obtain the qualification of "no evaluated".
The exercises and the examination of contents will be valued the capacity of analysis, the critical reflection, the personal contribution, the originality, the capacity of synthesis of the results, the clarity in the exhibition and the formal presentation.
In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.
The evaluation will be based on 3 activities: Exercise 1 (20%), Exercise 2 (30%) and Exam (50%). In order to be evaluated, you must do at least 2 of the 3 activities and one must be the Exam. The activities and the exam will be delivered on the day indicated in the subject program.
An assessment activity not submitted counts as 0.
Exercise 1 and the Exam can be re-evaluated. To apply for a re-evaluation you must have failed. The maximum grade in re-evaluation is 5.
When a student presents only one assessment element or none, he/she will be graded as "not assessable".
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Exam | 50% | 0 | 0 | 1, 4, 2, 3, 6, 5, 7 |
Exercise 1 | 20% | 0 | 0 | 1, 4, 5, 7 |
Exercise 2 | 30% | 0 | 0 | 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 7 |
BRU, Josepa (1997), Medioambiente: poder y espectáculo. Gestión ambiental y vida cotidiana, Barcelona, Icària/Antrayt, pp. 119-166
BROWN, Gavin & BROWNE, Kath (eds.) (2016), Companion to Geographies of sex and sexualities, Abingdon: Routledge.
DATTA, Aniditta et al. (2019), Routledge handbook of gender and feminist geographies. London: Routledge
DOCUMENTS D’ANÀLISI GEOGRÀFICA, números monogràfics 14 (1989), 26 (1995, Dona, treball i vida qüotidiana), 35 (1999, Gènere i medi ambient) i 49 (2006, Geografia i gènere al món).
DOMOSH, Mona; SEAGER, Joni (2001), Putting women in place, London, Guilford Press
GARCIA RAMON, M.Dolors; BAYLINA, Mireia (eds.) (2000), El nuevo papel de las mujeres en el desarrollo rural, Vilassar de Mar, Oikos Tau
GENDER, PLACE AND CULTURE. A journal of feminist geography, Carfax Publishing
HANSON, Susan & PRATT, Geraldine (1995), Gender, work and space, London, Routledge
MCDOWELL, Linda (1999), A feminist glossary of human geography, London, Arnold
MCDOWELL, Linda (2000), Género, identidad y lugar. Un estudio de las geografías feministas, València, Cátedra
MCDOWELL, Linda (2003), Redundant masculinities. Employment change and white working class youth, Oxford, Blackwell
OBERHAUSER, Ann et al. (2018), Feminist spaces: gender and geography in a global context, London: Routledge.
RODÓ DE ZÁRATE, Maria (2021), Interseccionalitat. Desigualtats, llocs, emocions. Manresa: Tigre de paper.
ROSE, Gillian (1993), Feminism and geography, Minnesota, University of Minnesota Press
SABATÉ, Ana; RODRÍGUEZ, Juana María; DÍAZ, María Ángeles (1995), Mujeres, espacio y sociedad. Hacia una Geografía del género, Madrid, Síntesis
SILVA, J.M. et al. (2017), Diálogos Ibero-Latino-Americanos sobre geografías feministas e das sexualidades, Ponta Grossa: Todapalavra
von BENZON, Nadia; WILKINSON, Catherine (eds.) (2019), Intersectionality and difference in childhood and youth. London: Routledge
WOMEN AND GEOGRAPHY STUDY GROUP (eds.) (1984), Geography and gender. An introduction to feminist geography, London, Hutchinson
WOMEN AND GEOGRAPHY STUDY GROUP (eds.) (1997), Feminist geographies. Explorations in diversity and difference, Essex, Longman
WOMEN AND GEOGRAPHY STUDY GROUP (eds.) (2004), Geography and gender reconsidered, CD (Newsletter de la Comissió de Geografia i Gènere de la Unió Geogràfica Internacional).
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