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Interdisciplinary Seminar

Code: 105809 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500000 Sociocultural Gender Studies OT 3 2


Sonia Parella Rubio

Teaching groups languages

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Enrico Mora
Maria Teresa Sorde Marti
Sonia Parella Rubio


It is an optional subject without prerequisites.

Objectives and Contextualisation

It is an optional subject in the area of knowledge of Sociology. It raises the main critical debates on gender relations. The main objective is to introduce elements of theoretical reflection and empirical analysis that help to understand the complexity of current debates from a gender perspective. The specific objectives are specified in the presentation of five approaches according to fields of sociological specialization:

Specific objective 1:

To show the complex social reality that migrant women experience during the different stages of the migration process, from an intersectional, holistic perspective and combating stereotypes and prejudices that consider them devoid of agency capacity.

To analyse the crossroads between multiculturalism and feminism

Specific objective 2:

To explore the role of gender in the explanation of educational inequalities from a historical perspective and show different explanatory frameworks to understand the relationship between gender and educational inequalities.

To analyse issues such as access to different types of studies, the educational trajectories of students, the curricular and pedagogical models of educational centers and the students' own identities as learners.

Specific objective 3:

To analyse the gender production of corporality and its discomforts, as well as the new forms of resistance and dissent to the hegemonic bodily mandates of the contemporary western patriarchy

Specific objective 4:

To know and explore the different positions of feminism in relation to the LGTBI reality.

Specific objective 5:

To analyse the emergence and development of equality policies

To explore the main discussions about gender justice and citizenship


  • Express correctly and in a non-sexist or homophobic manner both orally and in writing.
  • Formulate, argue and discuss your own and others' ideas in a respectful, critical and reasoned way.
  • Incorporate the non-androcentric perspective in the work carried out.
  • Interpret gender inequalities in relation to sexuality, class, ethnicity and territory based on the concepts and approaches of sociocultural analysis. 
  • Propose and analyze the results of gender policies and plans of equality and equity in institutions, companies, public, private and non-governmental organizations.
  • Students can apply the knowledge to their own work or vocation in a professional manner and have the powers generally demonstrated by preparing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills in order to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze the impact of the application of social policies with a gender perspective.
  2. Analyze theoretically ethnographic examples of cultural diversity in the fields of education, gender and inclusion-exclusion systems.
  3. Distinguish the effects of the sex and gender variables in the empirical analyzes.
  4. Make an inclusive use of language.
  5. Prepare an organized and correct speech, orally and in writing, in the corresponding language.
  6. Relate the most current debates around the different gender approaches with the social and historical context in which they arise.
  7. Students can apply the knowledge to their own work or vocation in a professional manner and have the powers generally demonstrated by preparing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study.
  8. Students must develop the necessary learning skills in order to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.
  9. Use the specific technical vocabulary and own interpretation of the required disciplines.


Theme 1

Rethinking diversity and multiculturalism from gender

Gender, ethnicity/race, rights and citizenship: Current debates


Theme 2

Current challenges of gender-based violence in its prevention and approach

Analysis of gender violence: Research on the case of gypsy women


Theme 3

The social and gender production of corporeality and discomfort

Body dissent


Theme 4

Feminist movement versus institutional feminism?

About policies: redistribution versus recognition?

From theory to practice: gender mainstrem or intersectionality?


The contents of the subject will be developed through the following activities:

- Master lessons

- Reading

- Debates, seminars, oral presentations and student participation

- Tutoring students 

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Master lessons and seminars 45 1.8
Type: Supervised      
Tutoring students and practices 30 1.2
Type: Autonomous      
Reading articles, team work, presentation in seminars, papers 75 3


The evaluation model will be continued and will include six learning evidences:

- Individual paper (40%)

- Foor brief group work according each theme of the subject (15% each one)

On carrying out each evaluation activity, lecturers will inform students (on Moodle) of the procedures to be followed for reviewing all grades awarded, and the date on which such a review will take place

In order to pass this subject, students must obtain an overall grade equal to or greater than 5, this grade resulting from the calculation of the grades obtained from the five learning evidences (the sum of the grades proportional to the percentages indicated for each learning evidence). Students obtaining a global average grade of less than 5 will be deemed to have failed the subject.

Conditions to be evaluated: Participate actively in the classes, as well as deliver and pass with an average final grade higher than 5 points the individual and group work.

It will be considered "Not assessable" when a person presents less than 2 evidence of learning, otherwise, the grade resulting from the proportional computation of the number of evidence of learning presented will be indicated.

In order to opt for re-assessment, students must have obtained a final overall grade of between 3.5 and 4.9 in this phase. In the re-assessment phase, students may have those evidences re-assessed that have previously been assessed as insufficient; these will be analogous to those submitted during the continuous assessment process. 

In the event that tests or exams cannot be taken onsite, they will be adapted to an online format made available through the UAB’s virtual tools (original weighting will be maintained). Homework, activities and class participation will be carried out through forums, wikis and/or discussion on Teams, etc. Lecturers will ensure that students are able to access these virtual tools, or will offer them feasible alternatives.

In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will begiven a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.

FINAL EXAMINATION: Delivery on a single date of the individual paper on one of the proposals formulated by the teaching staff (40%) and preparation of 2 individual exercises (to choose between the 4 thematic blocks) (30% each exercise)

Plagiarism or copying: if this is detected in any of the work submitted, the assessment grade for that work will be 0. If this occurs more than once, the subject as a whole will be awarded a Fail grade.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Group working theme 1 15 0 0 5, 8, 7, 9
Group working theme 2 15 0 0 5, 8, 7, 9
Group working theme 3 15 0 0 5, 8, 7, 9
Group working theme 4 15 0 0 5, 8, 7, 9
Individual paper 40 0 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 6


Theme 1

N. Fraser y A. Honneth, ¿Redistribución o reconocimiento?, Morata, A Coruña, 2006,

S. Benhabib, Las reivindicaciones de la cultura, Katz, Buenos Aires, 2006.

S. Moller Okin  Is multiculturalism bad for women?, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1999;H.

H. Zlotnik, The Global Dimensions of Female Migration, Migration Information Source, disponible en http://www.migrationinformation.org/Feature/display.cfm?id=109, 2003  

S. Mahler, ‘Engendering Transnational Migration: A Case Study of Salvadoreans, American Behavioral Scientist, vol.42, no.4, 690-719, 1999 

C. Gregorio Gil, Migración femenina. Su impacto en las relaciones de género, Narcea, Madrid, 1998;   

Theme 2

Aiello, E., Amador-López, J., Munté-Pascual, A., & Sordé-Martí, T. (2019). Grassroots

Roma women organizing for social change: A study of the impact of ‘Roma women

student gatherings’. Sustainability, 11(15), 4054.

Berkowitz, R. Student and teacher responses to violence in school: The divergent views

of bullies, victims and bully-victims. School Psychology International, SAGE

publications. First Published November 18, 2013


Coker, A. L., Bush, H. M., Fisher, B. S., Swan, S. C., Williams, C. M., Clear, E. R., &

DeGue, S. (2016). Multi-College Bystander Intervention Evaluation for Violence

Prevention. American journal of preventive medicine, 50(3), 295–302.


Flecha, R. (2021). Second-Order Sexual Harassment: Violence Against the Silence

Breakers Who Support the Victims. Violence Against Women. First Published February

26, 2021  https://doi.org/10.1177/1077801220975495

Jones, L.M., Mitchell, K.J. & Turner, H.A (2015). Victim Reports of Bystander

Reactions to In-Person and Online Peer Harassment: A National Survey of Adolescents.

J Youth Adolescence. 44: 2308. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-015-0342-9

Ruiz-Eugenio, L.; Racionero, S.; Duque, E.; & Puigvert, L. (2020). Female university

students’ preferences for different types of sexual relationships: implications for gender-

based violence prevention programs and policies. BMC Women’s Health, 20(266). ---

https://doi.org/10.1186/s12905-020- 01131-1

Sordé, T., Aiello, E., Castro, M. et al. (2017). Guía para la comunidad educativa de

prevención y apoyo a las víctimas de violencia escolar. Madrid: Ministerio de


Sordé, T., Aiello, E., & Castro, M. et al. (2017). Guía para la comunidad educativa de

prevención y apoyo a las víctimas de ciberacoso en el contexto escolar. Madrid:

Ministerio de Educación.

Thornberg R, Tenenbaum L, Varjas K, Meyers J, Jungert T, Vanegas G. (2012).

Bystander Motivation in Bullying Incidents: To Intervene or Not to Intervene?. West J Emerg Med. Aug;13(3):247-52. doi: 10.5811/westjem.2012.3.11792


Theme 3 

Butler, Judith (2017). Vulnerabilidad del cuerpo y política de coaliciones. A: Cuerpos aliados y lucha política. Barcelona: Paidós, pp. 125-155. 2015.

Curiel Pechardo, Ochy (2014). Construyendo metodologías feministas desde el feminismo decolonial. A: Irantzu Mendia Azkue, Marta Luxán, Matxalen Legarreta, Gloria Guzmán, Iker Zirion y Jokin Azpiazu Carballo (Eds.)  Reflexiones, herramientas y aplicaciones desde la investigación feminista. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco - Hegoa - Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, pp. 45-60.

Das, Veena (2008). Lenguaje y cuerpo: transacciones en la construcción del dolor. A: Francisco A. Ortega (Ed.) Veena DasSujetos del dolor, agentes de dignidad. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, pp. 343-373. 1996.

Esteban, Mari Luz (2004).Antropología encarnada. Antropología desde una misma. Papeles del CEIC, 12: pp. 1-21.

Illouz, Eva (2007). Sufrimiento, campos emocionales y capital emocional. A: Intimidades congeladas. Las emociones en el capitalismo.  Barcelona: Katz, pp. 93-147.

Shilling, Chris (1993). The Body and Social Theory. London, Sage.

Tubert, Silvia (2000). Deseo y representación. Convergencia de psicoanálisis y teoría feminista. Madrid, Síntesis.

Velasco, Sara (2009). Sexos, género y salud. Madrid, Minerva Ediciones.

Theme 4

Agustín Ruiz S. (2013) “ Famimilias homoparentales en España: integración social, necesidades y derechos” Working paper. Universidad Autònoma de Madrid

Coll- Palnes G., Missé M. (2015) “ La identidad en disputa. Conflictos alrededor de la construcción de la transexualidad”  Papers 100/1 pp 35-52.

Golombok, S., Readings, J., Blake, L., Casey, P., Marks, A. and Jadva, V. (2011). Families created through surrogacy: mother-child relationships and children's psychological adjustment at age 7‟. Developmental Psychology47, 1579-88

González, M-M., Chacón, F., Gómez, A. B., Sánchez, M. A., & Morcillo, E. (2003). Dinámicas familiares, organización de la vida cotidiana y desarrollo infantil y adolescente en familias homoparentales. Estudios e Investigaciones 2002, 521-606. Madrid: Oficina del Defensor del Menor de la Comunidad de Madrid

Igareda N. (2015) “ La inmutabilidad del principio “mater sempre certa est” y los debates actuales sobre la gestación por substitución en España” en Revista de Filosofia, Derecho y Política, nº 21 pp 3-19.

Krimmel,H. (1995).“La posición en contra de la maternidad sustituta” en Luna, F.y Salles, A., Decisiones de Vida y muerte, Sudamericana, Buenos Aires.

Jadva, V., e Imrie, S. (2013) The significance of relatedness for surrogates and their families. En: T. Freeman, F. Ebtehaj, S. Graham, y M. Richards M. (eds.) We are Family? Perceptions of relatedness in assisted conception families. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pichardo Galán, J. I. (2009). Entender la diversidad familiar: Relaciones homosexuales y nuevos modelos de familia. Barcelona: Bellaterra.

Valcárcel A. (2004) La política de las mujeres Madrid : Cátedra : Universitat de València : Instituto de la Mujer.

Theme 5 

Arruzza, C. (2018). Dos siglos de feminismos. Los ejemplos más destacados, los problemas más actuales. Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños.

Astelarra, J. (2005). Veinte años de políticas de igualdad. Madrid: Cátedra.

Butler, J. (2016). El marxismo y lo meramente cultural. En VVAA. Redistribución o reconocimiento un debate entre marxismo y feminismo. Madrid: Editorial Traficantes de Sueños.

Coll-Planas, G., & Cruells, M. (2013). La puesta en práctica de la interseccionalidad política: el caso de las políticas LGTB en Cataluña. Revista Española de Ciencia Política, (31), 153-172.

De la Fuente, M. (2017). Reptes actuals del(s) feminisme(s). Nous Horitzons, 56: 36-50.

Esteban, M.L. (2020). Elfeminismo y las transformaciones en la política. Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños.

Fraser, N. (2016). ¿De la redistribución al reconocimiento? Dilemas de la justicia en la era «postsocialista». En VVAA. Redistribución o reconocimiento un debate entre marxismo y feminismo. Madrid: Editorial Traficantes de Sueños.

Fraser, N. (2016b). Heterosexismo, falta de reconocimiento y capitalismo. En VVAA. Redistribución o reconocimiento un debate entre marxismo y feminismo. Madrid: Editorial Traficantes de Sueños.

Galceran, M (2016) Introducción. En VVAA. Redistribución o reconocimiento un debate entre marxisme y feminismo. Madrid: Editorial Traficantes de Sueños

Goetz, A. M. (2007). Gender justice, citizenship and entitlements. Gender justice, citizenship and development, 16-57.

Lovenduski, J. (1997). Feminismo institucional: Género y Estado. En Elizondo (ed.) Mujeres en política. Análisis y práctica. Barcelona: Ariel.

Martínez, M. (2013). Identidades de género, Identidades colectivas: trayectorias militantes en los feminismos contemporáneos. Ponencia XI Congreso FES.

Mendez, L. (2014). Feminismos en movimiento en el estado español: ¿Re-ampliando el espacio de los político? Revista Andaluza de Antropología, 6: 11-30

Valiente, C. (1994). El feminismo de Estado en España: El instituto de la Mujer, 1983-1994. Revista Internacional de Sociología, 13:163-204.

Woodward, A. (2004). Building velvet triangles: Gender and informal governance. Informal governance in the European Union, 76-93.




