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Communication and Management Strategies in Hotel Management Hem invertit els dos elements perquè el nom sigui més llegible

Code: 103759 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2502904 Hotel Management OT 4 2


Maria Jose Aguar Martinez

Teaching groups languages

To check the language/s of instruction, you must click on "Methodolody" section of the course guide.


There are no prerequisites

Objectives and Contextualisation

Through the contents of this subject, students will be able to:

  • Understand how to order and structure information in different media.
  • Identify their strong and weak points as communicators.
  • Apply their ability to analyze, reflect and summarize.
  • Develop lines of argument and persuasion in their speeches.
  • Understand, apply and develop key elements in teamwork.
  • Adopt a hands-on approach on empathy, active listening and assertiveness.


  • Analyse, summarise and evaluate information.
  • Be able to self-evaluate knowledge acquired.
  • Define and apply the policies and management of human resources for companies in the hotel and catering sector.
  • Demonstrate ethical behaviour is social relations and the ability to adapt to different intercultural situations.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of and apply standards of quality and sustainability in the process of company management in the hotel and catering sector.
  • Demonstrate leadership abilities in the management of human resources in hotel and catering companies.
  • Develop a capacity for independent learning.
  • Manage and organise time.
  • Manage communication techniques at all levels.
  • Manage techniques of internal and corporate communication in hotel and catering companies.
  • Work in teams.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Acquire communication and conflict management skills.
  2. Analyse, summarise and evaluate information.
  3. Apply personal management techniques which promote good management though the application of internal information systems.
  4. Be able to self-evaluate knowledge acquired.
  5. Demonstrate ethical behaviour is social relations and the ability to adapt to different intercultural situations.
  6. Demonstrate leadership abilities in the management of human resources in hotel and catering companies.
  7. Develop a capacity for independent learning.
  8. Manage and organise time.
  9. Manage communication techniques at all levels.
  10. Use communication techniques applicable in human resources management in hotel and catering companies.
  11. Work in teams.


I Expressing yourself: public speaking

  • Presenting information: key points, secondary information, examples and anecdotes
  • Rhetoric for public speaking
  • The proper use of information and communication technologies
  • Non-verbal communication

II Knowing the environment: corporate and media communication

  • The 5 Ws of communication
  • Knowing your audience
  • Adapting to the channel

III Thriving in the environment: curricula, interviews, debates and meetings

  • Tips and resources to prepare curriculums
  • Tips and resources to prepare job interviews
  • Professional meetings

IV Asserting yourself: the good leader

  • Empathy and assertiveness
  • Teamwork and managing teams
  • Leadership and types of leadership


a) Theoretical approach
The professor will provide theoretical explanations in a master class format to introduce and engage
students in the topics illustrated through the contents of the subject, emphasizing the use of case
studies. Visual, textual, and moving image references will be provided as well throughout these
b) Practical approach
The theoretical lectures will be followed and interspersed with debates and dialogues among
students and with the professor. Short exercises and problem-based activities will also be devised
so that students apply the knowledge acquired in each block. Subsequently, each learning block will be
evaluated in either group or individual activities. Cooperative learning will be particularly encouraged
for this approach.

 Language in which the subject is taught: Spanish

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Classroom 40 1.6 7, 9, 4
Type: Supervised      
Learning by doing 6 0.24 1, 6, 5, 10
Resolution directed activities 14 0.56 1, 5, 9, 8
Tutoring 16 0.64 7, 9, 8
Type: Autonomous      
Elaboration works 56 2.24 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 8, 11


Continuous assessment of this subject:

a) A theoretical exam on current issues, as well as on the topics of the communicative and managerial field developed in class: 40% of the final mark.

b) Practical work proposed throughout the course and delivered within the established deadline: 40% of the final mark.

c) Attitude and active participation in dynamics, forums and sessions: 20%. It requires a minimum attendance of 80% by the students.

A minimum average mark of 5 out of 10 is required to pass the course.

 1a) Re-evaluation of the continuous assessment
A re-evaluation is foreseen for students who, having failed the course, have obtained more than 3.5 in the exam.

Single assessment of this subject:

a) An oral theory exam on current affairs, as well as topics in the field of communication and management: 40% of the final mark.

b) Completion of a communication project: 40% of the final mark.

c) Reading and review of three monographs that the teacher will indicate on the established dates: 20% of the final mark.

In order to pass the course, a minimum average mark of 5 out of 10 must be obtained.

1a) Re-assessment: "The recovery of the subject by single assessment will be the same as that of the rest of the students and in order to take the re-assessment it will be necessary for the student to have obtained at least a 3.5 in the set of evidence of which the single assessment consists".

Note: partial or total plagiarism in any activity or project will imply the non-accreditation of the whole course.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Discussions-Forums 20% 2 0.08 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 8
Exams 40% 4 0.16 2, 8, 4
Oral presentations 40% 12 0.48 1, 2, 6, 11, 10



    • Anderson, Chris (2016): TED’s secret to great public speaking
    • Aran, Gina. (2015). Comunicación persuasiva en las entrevistas de trabajo (Vol. 340). Editorial UOC.
    • Baró, Teresa. (2012). La gran guía del lenguaje no verbal. Editorial Paidos. Barcelona.
    • Bariso, J. (2018) EQ Applied: the real-world guide to Emotional Intelligence 
    • Bengoechea, Mercedes (2010). «La comunicación femenina. Claves, desde la perspectiva de género, para entender qué pasa cuando hablamos» en Uso del lenguaje en el mundo laboral. La comunicación femenina. Gobierno Vasco. Fondo Social Europeo
    • BERNAL-TRIVIÑO, Ana, Hacia una comunicación feminista. Como informar e informarse sobre violencia machista, Barcelona, UOC (2019)
    • BERNARDEZ, Asunción (2015) Mujeres en Medio(s). Propuesta para analizar la comunicación masiva con perspectiva de género, Fundamentos, Madrid
    • Cockcroft, Robert (1992): Persuading people: an introduction to rhetoric. Hampshire; Macmillan Press
    • Davis, Flora (1976): La comunicación no verbal. Madrid: Alianza
    • Foster, Clare & McCabe, Scott (2010): “Management Development Skills in the Hospitality and Tourism Sector: Needs and Issues from a Regional Perspective”. Tourism & Hospitality Planning& Development, vol. 7, is. 4. Taylor & Francis Online
    • GALLEGO, Juana (2014), De reinas a ciudadanas. Medios de comunicación, ¿motor o rémora para la igualdad? Barcelona, Icaria (2013) y UOC (2014)
    • García, L. R. T. (2019). INTELIGENCIA EMOCIONAL para que puedas dirigir tu vida. Lulu. com.
    • Illán, J. F. R. (2021). Comunicación efectiva y trabajo en equipo. Ediciones de la U.
    • James, Judi (1995): El lenguaje corporal.Barcelona: Paidós
    • Knapp, Mark L. (1980): La comunicación no verbal. Barcelona: Paidós
    • McCabe, Scott (2008). Marketing Communications in Tourism and Hospitality. London:Routledge
    • Motion, Judy (2016): Social media and public relations: a guide for professionals. London:Routledge.
    • Naisdat, Ivy (2004): Hablar sin miedo. Barcelona: Oniro
    • Nguyen,Kenny; Murillo, Gus; Killeen, Robert y Jones,Luke(2017) Presentaciones memorables. Crea experiències únicas que cautiven a tu audiència. Empresa Activa
    • Sebastián, Carmen (2001): La comunicación emocional. Madrid: Prentice Hall
    • Sherer, Anita & Mössenlechner, Claudia (2009): “Key competencies of tourism graduates: the employer’s point of view”, Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, vol. 9, iss. 3-4, pp. 266-287.Taylor & Francis Online 4 08.03.001Rev.: 02
    • TAMARIT VALERO, Amparo (2019 ) Información y comunicación con perspectiva de genéro: ( Servicios Socioculturales y a la Comunidad)  Síntesis. Madrid
    • Whetten, David and Cameron, Kim (2015). Developing Management Skills, London: Pearson Education Limited

Collection of texts and articles prepared by the teacher

