Degree | Type | Year | Semester |
2501933 Journalism | OT | 3 | 2 |
2501933 Journalism | OT | 4 | 2 |
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There are no specific requirements, but it is assumed that students have an interest in practicing feminist communication. The subject approaches communication from the perspective of feminism and diversity.
The media are a fundamental tool when it comes to transforming imaginaries and creating new social consciousnesses, but they are also a fundamental tool when it comes to perpetuating sexist and discriminatory discourses. To get the media to contribute to transforming society into a world that respects equality, the
diversity and non-discrimination, it is necessary to deconstruct current discourses and create new ones from feminisms.
Learning to decipher the implicit and explicit messages transmitted by the media, both traditional and through the networks, is fundamental to being able to build new imaginaries that are not sexist or discriminatory with any expression of society's diversity.
It is necessary to recognize the absences and presences of women and the different expressions of gender in the diversity of social reality in order to contribute to transforming the sexist view, still deeply rooted, which does nothing but perpetuate heteropatriarchal power roles.
We want to promote a critical feminist perspective that allows us to decipher the messages that reproduce stereotypes and sexist roles and build new informative models that value social diversity and that do not condemn to otherness all those people who do not define themselves from the subject man located at the center of the speeches.
The detailed schedule of the specific content of the different sessions will be specified on the day of the presentation of the subject.
The subject's methodology combines theory and practice.
1) Theoretical explanation of the basic and fundamental concepts of the subject.
2) Practical exercises will be assigned, in groups and individually, which will have to be defended and argued in the classroom.
3) Analysis and reflection work will be assigned on different topics worked on in the classroom.
4) Debates will be opened on the exercises carried out and it will be necessary to demonstrate the oral argumentative ability of the topic discussed.
In order to be able to carry out the exercises and the debates in the classroom, it will be necessary to have read the recommended bibliography and to demonstrate the critical and analytical capacity based on the previous readings.
The students will have to demonstrate the assimilation of knowledge and the capacity for critical and argumentative analysis with the texts, reflection exercises and interventions in the classroom.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Follow and oral exposition in the class of the practical exercises assigned in the Course | 30 | 1.2 | 5, 2, 1, 8, 12, 11, 22 |
Type: Supervised | |||
Written Essays about different topics included in the Programme | 50 | 2 | 2, 1, 6, 8, 11, 9, 22, 14, 16, 21 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Written Reports about different topics included in the Programme | 70 | 2.8 | 2, 7, 10, 13, 11, 16, 19, 17, 18 |
The evaluation will be continuous and will consist of the following types of activities:
a) Individual preparation of an analytical text on one of the topics addressed in the program and which provides proposals for improvement applicable to the media report (35% of the final mark).
b) Elaboration (individual or group) of argumentative texts on the various aspects worked in the program (35% of the final mark). It is estimated that 2 to 4 argumentative texts can be written during the semester.
c) Presentation and oral defense (individual or group) of different practices that analyze media discourses and propose substantial improvements to change them (30% of the final grade). At least 50% of the practices carried out must have been presented orally.
Attendance and participation in class will also be considered in the final evaluation (You must attend at least 75% of the sessions).
Calendar of assessment activities:
The practices must be delivered and must be exhibited during the following two consecutive weeks of having been assigned. They cannot be handed in outside the established deadline and the practice will be recorded as suspended.
In order to pass the subject, a minimum of 5 must be obtained in activities a, b and c.
The student will have the right to a make-up exam for the subject if he/she has been evaluated for the set of activities whose weight is equivalent to a minimum of 2/3 parts of the total qualification of the subject.
If you have obtained less than 3.5 points and have not been able to follow the continuous assessment, you will have to take a final exam on the syllabus established in the program and you will have to present the practices that have not been done and that are determined by the teacher.
The delivery deadline for these practices will be set by the teacher with sufficient time to complete them.
The subject's unique assessment system is based on the following percentages:
A) 50% Theory test which will be a mandatory face-to-face exam on the taught subject and must be passed (5 or more) to pass the subject. On the same date, the other activities detailed below must be delivered.
B) 20% Delivery of two analysis texts and reflections on two of the theoretical topics worked on in class.
C) 30% Elaboration of a communication campaign proposal on a topic that will be proposed by the teacher.
In the case of a second registration, the student will be able to take a single synthesis test which will consist of a written exam on the points contained in the program plus an analysis of a text for the practical part.
In order to pass the subject, you must have passed the exam and the practical. If you fail one of the two tests, the subject will be suspended.
In the event that the student commits any irregularity that could lead to a significant variation in the grade of an assessment act, this assessment act will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instituted. In the event that several irregularities occur in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be 0.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Presentation and oral defense (individual or group) of different practices that analyze media discourses and propose substantial improvements to change them | 30 | 0 | 0 | 1, 9, 14, 15, 20, 19, 17 |
Elaboration (individual or group) of argumentative texts on the various aspects worked in the program | 35 | 0 | 0 | 6, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 18, 4 |
Individual preparation of an analytical text on one of the topics addressed in the program and which provides proposals for improvement applicable to the media report | 35 | 0 | 0 | 5, 2, 3, 8, 12, 11, 9, 22, 16, 21 |
Basic bibliography
BENGOECHEA, Mercedes (2006) Rompo tus miembros uno a uno (Pablo Neruda). De la reificación a la destrucción en la iconografía literaria de la amada. Universidad de Alcalá
BEARD, Mary (2017) La veu i el poder de les dones. Dues conferències. Editorial ARCADIA.
BERNAL-TRIVIÑO, Ana. (2019) Hacia una comunicación feminista. Como informar e informarse sobre violencia machista, Barcelona, UOC
BRAH, Avtar i Phoenix, Ann (2004) ¿No soy una mujer? Revisando la interseccionalidad publicat a Journal of International Women Studies
BUTLER, Judith, El género en disputa.El feminismo y la dubversión de la identidad. Barcelona, Paidós (2007)
BUTLER, Judith, Deshacer el género, Paidós (2006)
CASTELLÓ BELDA, Remei i GIMENO BERBEGAL, Anna (2018) Manual d'estil per al tractament de la violència masclista i el llenguatge inclusiu en els mitjans de comunicació. Unió de Periodistes Valencians i Ajuntament de Castelló
CONSELL DE L'AUDIOVISUAL DE CATALUNYA. Recomanacions per als mitjans de comunicació (Com informar sobre les violències masclistes; el tractament de la comunitat mitjana; el tractament de les persones LGTBI i per una publicitat igualitària.
GARCÍA, Violeta i MUNTANÉ, Isabel (2018) Dones valentes. Guia per informar sobre les agressions sexuals
LLEDÓ CUNILL, Eulàlia Cambio lingüístico y prensa. Problemas, recursos y perspectivas. Editorial LAERTES
VASALLO, Brigitte (2021) Lenguaje inclusivoy exclusión de clase. Editorial Larousse. Barcelona
OBSERVATORI PER A LA IGUALTAT DE GÈNERE DE LA UAB (2011). Guia per a l'ús no sexista del llenguatge a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
WACC, Who makes the News, (1995, 2005,2010,2015, 2020)
Supplementary bibliography
DOMINGUEZ, Yolanda, Maldito estereotipo, Penguin Random House, Barcelona (2021)
EUROPEAN COMISSION, “Breaking gender stereotypes in the media” Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, (2010).
FAUSTO-STERLING, Anne (1998) Los cinco sexos a "Transexualidad, transgenerismo y cultura" José Antonio Nieto (comp.) Editores: Talasa
FERNÁNDEZ, June (2016) 10 ingobernables. Historias de transgresión y rebeldía. Libros del K.O.
FERNÁNDEZ, June (2020) Abrir el melón. Una década de periodismo feminista. Libros del K.O. Madrid.
GALLEGO, Juana (directora): La prensa por dentro. Producción informativa y transmisión de estereotipos de género, Barcelona, Los Libros de la Frontera (2002)
hooks, bell (2020) ¿Acaso no soy yo una mujer? Mujeres negras y feminismo. Ed. Consonni. Bilbao
LAGARDE Y DE LOS RÍOS, Marcela (1996) 'La perspectiva de género', en Género y feminismo. Desarrollo humano y democracia, Ed. horas y HORAS
LLEDÓ CUNILL, Eulàlia (2005). L'espai de dones als diccionaris: silencis i presències. Eumo editorial
REQUENA, Ana (2020)Feminismo vibrante. Roca Editorial
VVAA (2014) Indicadores de Género para Medios de Comunicación. Marco de indicadores para evaluar la sensibilidad en materia de género en las operaciones ycontenidos mediáticos. UNESCO
No extra applications are needed in this Subject.