Degree | Type | Year | Semester |
2502445 Veterinary Medicine | OB | 2 | 2 |
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It is essential to have completed the first year of degree and have acquired the knowledge of Morphology I, Morphology II, Biochemistry and Animal Management and have learned how to approach animals.
It is highly recommended to be taking Pathology. It is advisable to have adequate knowledge of Physics to understand and know the physical bases of the different image techniques.
The subject of Exploratory Methods is a second course subject and therefore, it is included in the basic initial subjects of the Veterinary degree. It is essential and essential for later clinical studies. It teaches the bases to elaborate the clinical history and to carry out the handling and the subjection with security of the animals. Also teaches the general and detailed exploration of animals, the collection of samples, their processing and interpretation, the application of imaging techniques in order to obtain the necessary information to be able to issue clinical trials that will be taught in the following courses of degree. Provides the basic methodology to perform an ordered, systematic and complete necropsy of the animal.
The specific objectives are that the student knows:
The learning process of the contents of the subject is done in an integrated way when attending the theoretical classes and the practical sessions. The subject is structured in four large blocks that are distributed independently each one of them and sometimes overlapping in time.
BLOCK 1. (Direct Methods)
BLOCK 2. (Biopathology)
BLOCK 3. (Imaging diagnostics)
BLOCK 4. (Necropsies)
A combined teaching methodology will be used, with theoretical teaching as lectures and practical teaching. In this way bases will be given so the students will have to extend with the reading and consultation of the suitable bibliography. The teaching material used in the subject will be available on the Virtual Campus platforms and Moodle classrooms.
Theoretical teaching. Master classes
The lectures will be taught with schematic aids in power point so that the student can follow the explanations. The necessary and basic information will be given so that, afterwards, the knowledge and learning can be completed with the consultation of suitable texts. Each class will begin with a script and with the teaching objectives of the subject.
Theoretical teaching. Flipped class and team-based learning collaborative
The theoretical teaching of the Imaging diagnosis block taught by David Prandi and the theoretical block of Biopatology will follow the flipped class and Team-Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC) systems. The students will have teaching material available before the classroom session, and they will have to prepare it in order to be able to carry out group-learning activities led by the teacher in the classroom.
Practical teaching
The practical sessions serve to apply and determine the knowledge that the students have acquired in the theory. The student will develop the ability to observe and the skill to integrate knowledge.
During the Direct Methods and Image practices, the student has contact and works with live animals. In these practices, the student learns to perform a careful physical examination of animals of different species, knowing the appropriate approach measures to avoid injuries, as well as the technique of collecting samples of biological fluids and their analysis (Biopathology), learn to perform and interpret the different image techniques (Image) and finally learns to perform necropsies in corpses (Necropsies).
Block 1. Direct methods
The practical classes will consist, on the one hand, in exploratory sessions in the Exploration Room with three species: horse, cow and dog. Firstly, the basic handling of the different animal species will be taught, as well as theapplication of the appropriate subjection methods for their exploration. Subsequently, the exploration of the different organs and systems of each one of the species will be taught. On the other hand, a practical session of five hours during one whole morning will taught the basic handling and exploration of wild animals. The student will have to choose one of the options offered, consisting each one in a visit to a wildlife rescue center.
Block 2. Biopathology
The practices will take place in the laboratory. The first one will teach the operation of a clinical analysis laboratory, with special emphasis on veterinary hematology. In the second, the student will study the normal characteristics of the blood of different animal species from cytology preparations. In the third practice, the student will perform a urinalysis, and finally in the fourth, and again through cytology preparations, the student will learn the characteristics of normality of different biological fluids, as well as the alterations observable to the microscope of the most common pathologies of these liquids.
Block 3. Imaging diagnosis
In Imaging practices, ultrasound studies in teaching animals will be carried out, followed by practices at the Hospital Clínico Veterinario (HCV) with real patients who have to undergo imaging tests (ultrasound, radiography, resonance ...). In these practices, the positioning, processing of images, and interpretation with the description of the images will be learned, as well as an initial approach to differential diagnoses andcollection of samples for cytological or histopathological diagnosis.
In the seminars and also in the HCV practice, radioprotection measures will be learned. In the seminars the students will learn, through images and a model artificial horse, how to recognize the normal radiological anatomy of pet animals, horses, and exotic animals and some of the most common pathologies.
The practical teaching of the Imaging diagnostic block taught by David Prandi will follow the flipped class and Team-Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC) systems. The students will have teaching material available before the classroom session, and they will have to prepare it in order to be able to carry out group-learning activities led by the teacher in the classroom.
Block 4. Necropsies
Necropsy practices will teach the correct way to perform necropsies in different domestic species: a monogastric mammal (pig), a polygastric mammal (sheep) and a bird (chicken). In addition to learning the specific technique in each one of the species, the student will learn to evaluate the macroscopic characteristics (form, consistency, color, etc.) of the different organs and tissues of fresh corpses that, in more advanced courses, will serve as a basis to identify macroscopic lesions. Likewise, the student will also learn the sampling methodology for the different laboratory diagnoses after necropsy: histopathology, microbiology, virology and toxicology.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Biopathology Practices | 8 | 0.32 | 1, 8, 14 |
Direct Methods Practices (PCAM wild animals) | 5 | 0.2 | 1, 3, 9, 6, 11, 14, 5 |
Direct Methods Practices (PLABEsp examination with animals) | 22 | 0.88 | 1, 3, 9, 6, 11, 14, 5 |
Imaging Practices (PLAB) | 7.5 | 0.3 | 1, 7, 12, 14 |
Imaging Practices (PLABEsp ultrasonography with teaching animals) | 1.5 | 0.06 | 1, 7, 14 |
Imaging Practices (PLABEspc at FHCV) | 15 | 0.6 | 1, 7, 9, 12, 14 |
Imaging Practices (seminars) | 4 | 0.16 | 1, 12, 14 |
Master classes | 36 | 1.44 | 3, 7, 9, 8, 6, 11, 12, 5 |
Necropsy Practices (PLABEsp) | 12 | 0.48 | 1, 2, 10, 14 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Non-directed work and Study | 110 | 4.4 | 1, 3, 7, 12 |
General rules
This subject does not contemplate the single evaluation system.
It is necessary to pass each of the practical and theoretical exams separately to pass the course. The failure of one of the practical or theoretical exams will represent the failure of the subject.
Those who do not pass any of the practical or theoretical exams will have the opportunity to recover them during the exam period at the end of the semester.
In case of failure of the subject, only during the following academic year will be kept the grades of the approved blocks. Therefore, to keep the mark for the image block, you must have passed both theoretical and practical exams. The blocks of direct methods and biopathology form a unit, so in order to keep the grade, the theoretical exam and the two practical exams must be passed. However, logically, it is understood that the person will have to enroll in the entire subject.
For the blocks of Direct Methods, Biopathology and Imaging, there is the possibility of improving the grade in the recovery exams (both theoretical and practical), taking into account that the grade that will finally be recorded will be that of the repeated exam, even if it is lower than the previous exam or even if it is suspense.
Theoretical teaching
Evaluation BLOCK 1 (Direct methods) and Evaluation BLOCK 2 (Biopathology). It corresponds to 25% of the total final grade for the subject.
The written exams will allow evaluating the integration of theoretical knowledge with those acquired in the practical sessions of the subject, the ability to relate concepts and analysis and, ultimately, show the final maturity of the person.
There will be a written exam of the contents of the theoretical classes that will have to be passed in order to take the average with the other parts of the subject in order to pass it. The exam will consist of 50 multiple choice multiple choice questions with only one valid answer and four options. Unanswered questions will subtract points (every nine unanswered questions will subtract one point. If there are less than nine or more than nine unanswered questions, it will subtract proportionally).
Evaluation BLOCK 3 (Imaging). It corresponds to 25% of the total final grade for the course.
In the written exam, the ability to integrate the theoretical and practical knowledge achieved by the person will be evaluated. The exam will consist of multiple choice questions, with a single valid answer and four possible answers, which must be passed in order to take the average with the other parts of the subject in order to pass it. It will suppose 2/3 of the global mark of the theory of image.
The topics in this block, taught by David Prandi, will be available online in the form of videos with which people will have to interact before the corresponding face-to-face class. This previous interaction will constitute 20% of the theoretical score corresponding to these topics.
These topics will be evaluated continuously during their teaching and, with a theoretical exam, which will mean 1/3 of the overall theoretical mark of the image. The grade obtained will be included in the theoretical exam for the other topics in the block in proportion to the total number of topics in the block.
In the event of failing any of the theory parts, the person will have to attend the recovery of the entire theoretical image block.
Evaluation BLOCK 4 (Necropsies). There is no theoretical exam for this block.
Practical teaching
Evaluation BLOCK 1 (Direct methods). It corresponds to 20% of the total final grade for the course.
An individual test will be carried out. All students must demonstrate before the animals that they have integrated and achieved the practical knowledge studied. Ten questions will be asked (four about the dog, three about the horse and three about the cow) that correspond to the objectives, or a part of them, of the practice script. To pass it is necessary to obtain a 5 out of 10. However, if the grade obtained in one species is 0, the exam will be considered failed, even if the grade for the other two species adds 5 or more points). It is necessary to pass this evaluation to be able to do the average with the other parts of the subject to pass it.
Evaluation BLOCK 2 (Biopathology). It corresponds to 3% of the final grade for the subject.
There will be a continuous evaluation during the practices and an image interpretation test, in the form of a short question written exam, where the theoretical and practical knowledge achieved by the person will be evaluated.
Evaluation BLOCK 3 (Image). It corresponds to 20% of the total final grade for the course.
An image interpretation test will be done, in the form of a short question written exam, where the theoretical and practical knowledge achieved by the person will be evaluated, which represents 85% of the practical evaluation of 2/3 of block 3. Students must pass this evaluation.
Evaluation BLOCK 4 (Necropsies). It corresponds to 7% of the final grade for the course.
A written exam will be carried out in which the knowledge and skills in carrying out the necropsy will be evaluated. In that part there will be no possibility of raising a note on the recovery exams.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Continuous evaluation Block 2 (Biopathology) | 3% | 0 | 0 | 1, 8, 13, 14 |
Continuous evaluation Block 4 (Necropsy) | 7% | 0 | 0 | 2, 10, 14 |
Practical exam Block 1 (Direct methods) | 20% | 0.5 | 0.02 | 1, 3, 4, 9, 8, 6, 11, 13, 14, 5 |
Written exam (Blocks 1, 2 and 3) | 50% | 2.5 | 0.1 | 1, 3, 7, 9, 6, 12 |
Written exam Block 3 (Imaging) | 20% | 1 | 0.04 | 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14 |
BLOCK 1 (Direct Methods)
BLOCK 2 (Biopathology)
BLOCK 3 (Imaging)
Angosto, A. Atlas de ecografia en animales exóticos y silvestres. Círculo Rojo. 2021.
. Mensa-Díaz, G.; López, J. And Weller, R. A. A practical guide to equine radiography. 5, Publishing. 2021.
The Vet Site
Kansas State University website
UAB Veterinary Radiology website
BLOCK 4. (Necropsies)
This course does not require a syllabus.