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Work Placement

Code: 102609 ECTS Credits: 9
Degree Type Year Semester
2502445 Veterinary Medicine OB 5 2


Maria Lourdes Abarca Salat

Teaching groups languages

You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.


Francesc Accensi Alemany


Requirements for enrolling are:

  1. It is possible to apply for an internship only if at least 80% of the 5th year ECTS (not counting TFG and external practices, i.e. 36 ECTS) were done and successfully obtained all credits of First course and, at least 2/3 parts of the credits of the previous courses (160 ECTS) of the degree of veterinary.
  2. In case it is carried out by an international exchange, each case will be evaluated separately.
  3. In addition, it will be necessary to be enrolled at the time of starting the stay and having paid the amount of accident insurance and civil liability according to the rates regulations.
  4. Do not have contractual or family relationship with the collaborating entity where practices or a family relationship of up to second grade with a director or with the external tutor. Exceptionally, when the student wants to develop external academic practices in an entity where he maintains a working link or a family relationship of up to second degree with a director or with the external tutor, the coordinator of the graduation or equivalent charge, after supervision of the suitability and reality of the practices, will request the competent Vice-Rector in the matter an authorization for the student to develop the practices in the entity with which he maintains an employment relationship or the aforementioned circumstances are given.
  5. External practices can only be carried out with entities that have signed the specific agreement of educational cooperation with the faculty.
  6. Carrying out the subject must be compatible with the academic and formative activity of the other grade subjects

Objectives and Contextualisation

In graduate curriculum in veterinary, in 5th year, the subject "External practices" appears with 9 ECTS (equivalent to 225 h) and is mandatory.

This subject is a set of training activities that the student performs in a company, entity, or agency (private or public and national or international), with the aim of complementing his/her university training, and bringing him/her closer to the realities of the professional sphere where he/she will exercise the activity after graduation.

The student will be able to:

  • Contribute to integral training by complementing theoretical and practical learning.
  • Obtain knowledge of the adequate work methodology to the professional reality in which he/she will work.
  • Develop technical, methodological, personal, and participatory skills.
  • Get a practical experience that facilitates the insertion in the labor market and improves its future employability.
  • Improve the values of innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship.


  • Comunicar la informació obtinguda durant l'exercici professional de manera fluïda, oralment i per escrit, amb altres col·legues, autoritats i la societat en general.
  • Draft and present satisfactory professional reports, always maintaining the required confidentiality.
  • Integrate knowledge, skills and attitudes gained from the degree course in the professional setting of any of the many veterinary fields
  • Work effectively in single or multidisciplinary teams and show respect, appreciation and sensitivity for the work of others.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply the knowledge acquired on the course to the professional field.
  2. Communicate information obtained during professional exercise in a fluid manner, orally and in writing, with other colleagues, authorities and society in general.
  3. Demonstrate the attitudes acquired on the course in the professional field.
  4. Draft and present satisfactory professional reports, always maintaining the required confidentiality.
  5. Use the skills acquired on the course in the professional field.
  6. Work effectively in single or multidisciplinary teams and show respect, appreciation and sensitivity for the work of others.


The specific contents on which the student must work depend on the type of center where the practices are carried out.

The activity can be carried out in companies from different sectors: veterinary clinics, companies in the agri-food sector, sector of the production of animals, laboratories, research centers, and centers for animals and fauna rescuing, etc.

In all cases, the content should always keep a close relationship with any of the areas of the veterinary profession.


The person in charge of the External Internships will be the Vice Dean of Students and extra-optional internships and will be assisted by a Coordinator who will be nominated by the Center and approved by the Commission of teaching of the grade. This charge will rotate each academic year between teachers / tutors of the subject.

During the internship, the student will have the guidance of an academic tutor and a tutor from the collaborating entity. The collaborating entity will designate a tutor to organize the student's training activities in accordance with the person responsible of the subject.

Development of the Intership:

Prior to the beginning of the internship, the entity should have defined the training project, activities and competences that the student will develop during the internship.

The student will agree with the entity the specific start and end dates of the practices, as well as the time they are going to be done.

The student must communicate by email to his academic tutor on the day of joining the collaborating entity, and after finishing the stay (within a maximum period of 2-3 weeks), the student must do a face-to-face tutoring with the academic tutor.

During the practices, the student will comply with the internal rules of the collaborating entity.

Training activities (% of ECTS) and teaching-learning methodology are summarized below:

  • Carrying out individual practices in concerted entities (90%) (203h): practices in companies and external agencies of the veterinary field in its broader concept (hospitals, clinics, consultations, farms, diagnostic laboratories, research centers, pilot plants, slaughterhouses , Serveisde public administration, etc.)
  • Preparation of the Practice Memory and the Tutoring (10%) (22h). The memory should be presented within 7 days once the stay is finished.

As a result of the practices (in addition to the aforementioned memory presented by the student), the receiving center will also have to write a report / memory on the development of the internship.

The subject will be carried out during the 5th year, always outside the academic period. The student's stay in an entity will be 203 hours, equivalent approximately to an intensive stay of 6 weeks at 35 h / week. The hours of conducting the practices will be established in accordance with the characteristics of the internship and the availability of the collaborating entity. Schedules, in any case, must be compatible with the academic and training activity.

The student will find all the information regarding this subject and how he/she must apply for a place and all the procedures derived from the award of a place on the website of the faculty. The person responsible for the subject will schedule each specific information session.

Note: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate the professors and the subject or modules through filling a questionnaire.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Supervised      
Activity Collaborating Entity 203 8.12 2, 3, 6
Tutorial 2 0.08 2
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous study and consultation of bibliography 5 0.2
Elaboration and preparation of memory 15 0.6 1, 2, 4, 6


The Coordinator will carry out the final evaluation by numerical rating according to the Academic Tutor Report and the External Tutor Report:

  • The Academic Tutor's report has a weight of 40% (in this report the final memory and the tutoring made with the student are evaluted)
  • The final report issued by the external Tutor has a weight of 60%

The External Tutor or the Collaborating Entity, in accordance with the standardized model or form established by the Faculty, will prepare a final report when the practices are completed, which should be sent to the Coordinator of the Subject in a maximum period of 7 days from the date of Completion of the internship, and with sufficient anticipation in order to be qualified in the corresponding call. In exceptional cases, which must be authorized by the person responsible of the subject, this period can be extended.

The final memory made by the student according to the model facilitated by the faculty must be delivered in a maximum of 7 days after having finished the stay and with sufficient anticipation to be qualified in the corresponding call. In exceptional cases, which must be authorized by the person responsible of the subject, this period can be extended.

The student's academic tutor will perform a report according to a standard model, performing the evaluation that will be communicated to the Coordinator of the subject who will make the final rating. It will be taken into account the degree of compliance with the tutoring and the instructions of the final memory, as well as the adequacy of the contents to the different paragraphs of the proposed model.

This subject/module does not include single evaluation.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Evaluation of the Academic Tutor: Final Memory and Tutorials 40% 0 0 1, 2, 6, 5
Evaluation of the Tutor Contributor Entity: Report 60% 0 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5


The bibliography will be variable and will refer to the specific task that each student will develop during his/her internship and what needed for the elaboration of the final memory.


  • Prior to the beginning of the internship, the collaborating entity will have defined the training project, activities and skills that the student will develop during the realization of it.
  • The student will agree with the entity the specific start and end dates of the practices, as well as the time they are going to be carried out.
  • The student must communicate by email to his academic tutor on the day of joining the collaborating entity, and after finishing the stay (within a maximum period of 2-3 weeks), the student must do a face-to-face tutoring with the academic tutor.
  • Performing the individual practices in concerted entities (90%) (203h): practices in companies and external agencies of the veterinary field in its broader concept (hospitals, clinics, consultations, farms, diagnostic laboratories, research centers, pilot plants, slaughterhouses, public administration, etc.)
  • Preparation of the final memory of practices and the tutoring (10%) (22h). The memory should be presented within 7 days once the stay is finished.
  • The subject will be carried out during the 5th year, always outside the academic period, in a 203-hour stay, which is approximately an intensive stay of 6 weeks at 35 h / week.