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Gender and Law

Code: 102280 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500786 Law OT 4 0


Noelia Igareda Gonzalez

Teaching groups languages

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Lucia Ortiz Amaro
Noelia Igareda Gonzalez
Barbara Lirios Monllor Taltavull


No prerequisite is required

Group 51 . Bárbara Monllor. Spanish

Group 1 Noelia Igareda. English

Group 2 Lucía Ortiz. Catalan

Objectives and Contextualisation

The objectives are:
1. Critical analysis of the creation, application and interpretation of Law from a gender perspective.
2. Identify the factors that prevent real and effective equality in diverse areas of the legal system.
3. Case study on the alleged neutrality of Law through Spanish and European jurisprudence.


  • Arguing and laying the foundation for the implementation of legal standards.
  • Demonstrating a sensible and critical reasoning: analysis, synthesis, conclusions.
  • Drawing up legal texts (contracts, judgements, sentences, writs, rulings, wills, legislation...).
  • Identifying and solving problems.
  • Identifying, assessing and putting into practice changes in jurisprudence.
  • Integrating the importance of Law as a regulatory system of social relations.
  • Properly analysing the issues related to equality between men and women.
  • Students must be capable of demonstrating a critical awareness of the analysis of the legal system and development of legal dialectics.
  • Students must be capable of perceiving the impact and implications of the decisions taken.
  • Students must be capable of producing initiative, creative and innovative knowledge, as well as new ideas.
  • Students must be effective in a changing environment and when facing new tasks, responsibilities or people.
  • Working in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary fields.
  • Working in teams, being either a member or a coordinator of working groups, as well as making decisions affecting the whole group.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Applying the current discussions about gender and law, bioethics, law and technology and sociology of law to the legal practice.
  2. Associating law and current social problems.
  3. Demonstrating a sensible and critical reasoning: analysis, synthesis, conclusions.
  4. Describing the evolution of jurisprudence in relation to the contemporary problems about gender and law, bioethics, law and technology and sociology of law.
  5. Describing the problems related to the equality between men and woman in legislation and jurisprudence.
  6. Distinguishing the different critical contributions to the theory of Law.
  7. Exploring the law-society relations in the fields of gender and law, bioethics, law and technology and sociology of law.
  8. Identifying and solving problems.
  9. Identifying in the jurisprudence the several problems proposed by subject.
  10. Identifying the factors for the discrimination in the legal practice.
  11. Identifying the problems of law implementation.
  12. Identifying the socio-legal problems in the current socio-legal theories.
  13. Interpreting the contributions of gender and law, bioethics, law and technology and sociology of law.
  14. Students must be capable of perceiving the impact and implications of the decisions taken.
  15. Students must be capable of producing initiative, creative and innovative knowledge, as well as new ideas.
  16. Students must be effective in a changing environment and when facing new tasks, responsibilities or people.
  17. Working in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary fields.
  18. Working in teams, being either a member or a coordinator of working groups, as well as making decisions affecting the whole group.


1. The false neutrality of Law
1.1. The neutrality and abstraction of modern Law
1.2. Why the Law has a gender impact
1.3. Feminist jurisprudence
2. Equality and non-discrimination from a gender perspective
2.1. Concept of discrimination
2.2. Dimensions of equality
2.3. Anti-discriminatory Law
3. Theories of justice and gender. 
3.1. Criticism of classical contractualist theories
3.2. Ethics of care
3.3. Feminist theories of justice
4. Citizenship and gender
4.1. Birth of the Rule of Law. The exclusion of women in the foundations of the modern State
4.2. Citizenship of Liberal Law
4.3. Social State and Rule of Law
5. Equality laws
5.1. The international and European influence on gender equality
5.2. The equality law at the State level
5.3. The equality laws at the Autonomic level
6. Sexist violence and legal instruments 
6.1. State and autonomic legislation on gender-based violence
6.2. Catalan law against sexist violence
6.3. Sexual harassment and harassment on grounds of sex
6.4. Female genital mutilation and forced marriages
7. Care and gender
7.1. Labour market and homo economicus
7.2. Gender inequalities in the Welfare State
7.3. Protection of maternity, paternity and associatedcircumstances
8. Public and private: the family
8.1. Gender inequalities in family breaks 
8.2. New models of families and the role of Law
8.3. The problems of intersectional discrimination of migrant women
9. Bioethics and gender
9.1. Sexual and reproductive rights
9.2. Maternity and paternity
9.3. Debates on abortion
9.4. Assisted reproduction techniques
9.5. Human biotechnology
10. Sexuality and Law
10.1. The construction of sexuality and contributions of the queer theory
10.2. The debate on prostitution and sex work
10.3. Women trafficking for sexual exploitation 



The teaching of the subject and training of students is based on the following activities:
1. Guided activities: 
1.1 Lectures: where students reach the conceptual bases of the subject and its legal and jurisprudential framework. Lectures are the activities in which less interactivity is required from the student, and are conceived as a presentation to establish the conceptual referents in each topic.
1.2. Seminars: where students, in small groups, analyse, along with the teacher, practical cases previously elaborated. In specific situations, the cases will be drawn up in class. The basis of practical classes is the understanding and application of the concepts explained in the lectures.

Attendance at seminars, except in some case of justified reason, will be compulsory for students


1.3. Assessment: ongoing evaluation activities and final exam

2. Supervised activities
These are activities that students develop in the classroom, with the supervision and support of the teacher. The students will elaborate some practical case during the class. 
3. Autonomous activities:
3.1 Preparation of documents of practical activities that will be delivered and analysed in the class.
3.2 Searching bibliography and jurisprudence adequate for the resolution of practical cases. In some cases, the students will have to do the autonomous search of documentation. 
3.3 Comprehensive reading of legal texts, including decisions, norms, articles, as well as recommended manuals. 

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Master classes 30 1.2 1, 16, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 2
Practical classes 15 0.6 1, 5, 4, 7, 10, 11, 9, 8, 15, 14, 2
Type: Autonomous      
Assessment 5 0.2 3, 11, 8, 2
Reading legal texts 30 1.2 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 8, 15, 14, 2
Searching bibliography and jurisprudence 30 1.2 3, 5, 4, 10, 11, 9, 8, 14, 18, 17
Study 40 1.6 1, 16, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 14, 2


The final grade will be obtained from the following elements:
1.1 Continuous assessment (50% of the final grade)
The date of  the evaluable activities and their content will be included on the virtual campus before the start of the classes.
The students are advised to attend regularly to classes and carry out the programmed activities during the course (readings, comments on legislation, analysis of case law, etc.) 

The evaluable activities will be:

- Resolution of a practical case (25%)

- Analysis of a case (25%)

1.2 Final exam (50% of the final grade)
The reevaluation will be done only on the final exam
The final exam must be approved with a grade equal to or higher than 5, to be averaged with the grade of the continuous assessment.
There will be a second chance exam. The maximim grade of the reevaluation cannot more than 6.

A student who cheats or try to cheat an exam will have a 0 as a mark. A Student who submits a paper o practical in which there is evidence of plagiarism will have a 0 as a mark and will receive a warning. In case of repetition, the students will fail the subject.

Single evaluation
The single evaluation will mean the completion on the same date of:
Final exam (50% of the final grade)
Practical case (25% of the final grade)
Analysis of a Sentence (25% of the final grade)
The reevaluation of the single evaluation will be like that of the continuous evaluation.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Continuous assessment 50% 0 0 1, 16, 3, 5, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 9, 13, 8, 15, 18, 17, 2
Final Test 50% 0 0 1, 16, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 8, 15, 14, 2


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LAURENZO, Patricia; MAQUEDA, Mª Luisa; RUBIO, Ana (coord.) (2008): Género, Violencia y Derecho, Tirant lo Blanc.
LAURENZO, Patricia (coord.) (2010): La violencia de género en la ley, Madrid:  Dyckinson.
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NICOLÁS, Gemma; BODELÓN, Encarna (comps): Gènero y dominación. Críticas feministas del derecho y el poder, Barcelona: Antropos, pp. 95-116.
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RUBIO, Ana; HERRERA, Joan (coord.) (2006):Lo público y lo Privado en el contexto de la Globalización, Sevilla: Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer, pp. 23-66.
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