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Teaching Experimental Sciences

Code: 102089 ECTS Credits: 5
Degree Type Year Semester
2500798 Primary Education OB 3 1


In the Continous Assessment section the following information is missing: “If the recoverable tasks are approved, the grade of the recovered task will be 5.”


Carme Grimalt Alvaro

Teaching groups languages

You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.


Concepcio Marquez Bargallo
Carme Grimalt Alvaro
Anna Marba Tallada
Victor Lopez Simo


It is advisable to have passed the module "Teaching and Learning about the Natural, Social and Cultural Environment in Primary Education".

Objectives and Contextualisation

This module forms part of the Programme of Primary Teacher Education and is intended to deepen the content knowledge and competencies necessary to teach the module "Environmental Knowledge" in primary schools. 

This module puts an emphasis on the scientific ideas that should be discussed with primary school students (what we call “content knowledge of school science”). This module also looks at pedagogical approaches that promote an understanding of science as an activity that integrates inquiry, modelling and communication.

The objectives of the module are:

1) To identify and discuss basic content knowledge of school science - key ideas - that are studied in primary education.

2) To embed pedagogical approaches that promote an understanding of school science as an activity that integrates inquiry, modelling and communication (doing, thinking and talking).

3) To become familiar with, design and evaluate teaching activities that promote students’ development of scientific competencies in primary school.


  • Design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity that take into account gender equality, equity and respect for human rights and observe the values of public education.
  • Design, plan and evaluate education and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals at the centre.
  • Develop the functions of tutoring and guidance of pupils and their families, attending to the pupils' own needs. Understand that a teacher's functions must be perfected and adapted in a lifelong manner to scientific, pedagogical and social changes.
  • Foster reading and critical analysis of the texts in different scientific fields and cultural contents in the school curriculum.
  • Know and apply information and communication technologies to classrooms.
  • Know the curricular areas of Primary Education, the interdisciplinary relation between them, the evaluation criteria and the body of didactic knowledge regarding the respective procedures of education and learning.
  • Know the school curriculum for these sciences.
  • Maintain a respectful attitude to the natural, social and cultural environment to foster values, behaviours and practices that attend to gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.
  • Make changes to methods and processes in the area of knowledge in order to provide innovative responses to society's needs and demands.
  • Raising and solving problems related to everyday life.
  • Reflect on classroom experiences in order to innovate and improve teaching work. Acquire skills and habits for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it among pupils.
  • Understanding the basic principles and fundamental laws of the experimental sciences (physics, chemistry, biology and geology).
  • Value science as a cultural event.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply knowledge of science education to critically analyse the curriculum and establish interdisciplinary relations with other curricular areas.
  2. Being able to apply scientific knowledge in order to understand and act on the phenomena in everyday life.
  3. Being able to evaluate teaching units as a way of guiding the processes for improving the quality of teaching.
  4. Being able to use basic models of the experimental sciences in order to interpret and act on the phenomena in everyday life.
  5. Being able to use the diversity of cognitive-linguistic skills to reflect on the processes of teaching/learning in the sciences.
  6. Being capable of developing innovative didactic units for teaching and learning the scientific content in the area of Environmental Studies that incorporate attention to diversity and the interdisciplinary focus of the curriculum.
  7. Demonstrate a critical ability to use a range of cognitive linguistic skills to reflect on processes in the teaching and learning of science.
  8. Demonstrate an understanding of science as part of cultural heritage.
  9. Demonstrate that attitudes regarding human rights as knowledge and tools for coexistence, as well as gender equality, are identified, practiced and defended.
  10. Demonstrate that attitudes regarding sustainability of the natural environment are identified, practiced and defended.
  11. Demonstrate the ability to incorporate the above values in the school curriculum.
  12. Demonstrate the ability to work in teams when designing a curriculum.
  13. Identifying the purposes, content and structure of the experimental sciences in the environmental studies curriculum in primary education.
  14. Meaningfully apply ICT resources to educational proposals.
  15. Propose new methods or well-founded alternative solutions.


1. Learning and teaching about the Earth and its changes in primary school.

What are the key ideas? What does the official curriculum include? What are the most common students' previous ideas? How to make them evolve?

2.  Learning and teaching about materials and their changes in primary school.

What are the key ideas? What does the official curriculum include? What are the most common students' previous ideas? How to make them evolve?

3.  Learning and teaching about living beings in primary school.

What are the key ideas? What does the official curriculum include? What are the most common students' previous ideas? How to make them evolve?

4. Learning and teaching about physical systems in primary school.

What are the key ideas? What does the official curriculum include? What are the most common students' previous ideas? How to make them evolve?

5. Transversal issues:  Attitudes towards science, gender and science, field trips, interdisciplinarity


Whole group sessions:

Teacher presentations about basic content knowledge. These sessions are offered to the whole group and allow for discussion of the main contents promoting students' active participation. These sessions include activities that can be performed individually, in pairs or in small groups of students, and then, the results of their reflections and discussions are shared with the rest of the group.  


Workspaces in small groups (1/2 out of the whole group) supervised by the teacher. These sessions are aimed at embedding the contents studied in whole group sessions.  Seminars are held at Lab. Lab coat required.


Tutorials to address queries and questions about the topics studied during the course in order to prepare for the written exam or the assignments to be submitted. Exam review.

Students' autonomous work:

Students' elaboration of papers, seminar reports, and tasks related to the whole group sessions. Students search for information and materials, study and preparation for exams, and readings.

Transnatura Project
Transnatura is the title of the multidisciplinary project designed by the teaching teams of five subjects in the 3rd year of the Degree in Primary Education. It consists of a two days trip and a night out in Vall de Núria, aimed at providing an intense and formative experience in the natural environment which, besides working on specific objectives of each of the disciplines, also facilitates the approach of transversal aspects such as sustainability, healthy living, coexistence and the relationship between school and nature, among others. 
Subjects involved: Didactics of Experimental Sciences, Learning and Development II, Visual Music Education and Learning, Physical Education andits Didactics I, Language and Learning. 
The departure will be held on the 23rd and 24th of October for groups 21 and 71, and on the 26th and 27th of October for groups 31 and 41, so it involves an overnight stay. Attendance is mandatory. If someone cannot attend it, they will have to prove the reason for missing it and perform compensatory work previously agreed with the teaching team. The activities carried out during the trip will be part of the continuous evaluation of the different subjects. At the beginning of the academic course, each teacher will specify the learning evidence and the corresponding evaluation criteria.  
With the information available in June we can announce that:
Meeting point: UAB (bus stop of the Faculty of Education )
Price: 50 euros APPROXIMATELY (includes the bus, rack railway, dinner, sleep, breakfast and lunch on the second day)
During the 1st term, the UAB opens a call for scholarships to finance the departure

The 1st class starts at 8h or at 16h for the morning or afternoon groups, respectively (whole group class). A detailed chronogram is published in the Campus Virtual.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Seminars 15.5 0.62
Whole group sessions 22.5 0.9
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 25 1
Type: Autonomous      
Students' work 62 2.48



The evaluation of the Science Education course consists of 3 evaluative activities:

1. Individual exam (50% of the final grade): final evaluation test where to develop different issues related to both conceptual and pedagogical aspects worked throughout the course. Not recoverable.

2. Individual activities of scientific competence (25% of the final grade):

Individual activity that must be delivered through the virtual campus one week after the end of each block of content. In these activities, we will ask you to answer questions related to the scientific contents of each block, in order to be able to evaluate how you have understood the different blocks and what doubts you have.

Individual activity of scientific description related to Transnatura. It must be delivered one week after departure.

3. Didactic reflection group activities (25% of the final grade). Group activity where you will put into practice what you learned both conceptually and didactically.

4. Finally, throughout the course, some activities that are compulsory will be requested, despite not having a specific associated grade.

All the individual activities of scientific competence and the didactic reflection group activities are recoverable. During the course, the teaching staff will inform about the recovery tasks and the deadlines.


As a guideline, and according to the number of credits of the course, you should invest 68h of personal work in the course, according to the following proposal:

Final exam 


Scientific competence activities* 

Geology block 




Chemical block


Biology block 


Physical block 


Didactic reflection activities* 

Chemistry block 


Biology block 





Final exam 



Scientific competence activities* 


Geology block 



31/10/2023 (21)

03/11/2023 (41)

Chemical block 


Biology block 


Physical block 


Didactic reflection activities* 

Chemistry block






Final exam 



Scientific competence activities* 


Geology block 



31/10/2023 (71)

03/11/2023 (31)

Chemical block 


Biology block 


Physical block 


Didactic reflection activities* 

Chemistry block



* These dates may vary if due to unplanned circumstances, the timeline must be modified.

All the assessment tasks carried out throughout the course must be submitted before the deadline established in the subject program by the professor.



The evaluation of the science didactics subject consists of 3 types of evaluation activities:

  • Individual exam (50% of the final mark): final assessment test where the development of several questions related to both conceptual and didactic aspects worked on throughout the course is requested. You must have a minimum grade of 5 to be able to calculate the subject average.
  • Evaluation of didactic reflection on the design, implementation and analysis of activities (25% of the final mark): Presentation and defence of the design and implementation of classroom activity and its analysis taking into account communicative approaches, difficulties expressed by the students and evolution of their ideas about the matter or chemical change model.
  • Didactic reflection evaluation on the use of models (25% of the final grade). Presentation and analysis of the design of a model to answer a question about the living being model. Didacticreflection on the contribution and limitations of models as a didactic resource.

The three evaluation activities will take place on the same day, 21/12/23 (groups 21 and 41), 18/12/23 (groups 31 and 71).
If the exam is failed or if, despite having passed it, the average does not reach 5, a make-up exam must be taken. The make-up exam will collect the three aspects described in the previous assessment and will be done:

  • G31: Monday 5/2/24 8-10h.
  • G71: Monday 5/2/24 18-20h.
  • G21: Thursday 8/2/24 8h-10h.
  • G41: Thursday 8/2/24 18-20h

If the make-up exam is passed, the overall grade for the subject will be a 5.



The grades on each paper and the exam will be available 1 month after their submission at most.

Attendance at the outdoor visit is compulsory. there is no minimum attendance at the seminars.

In case of failing the final exam or average final grade, the final mark will be 4.5 (if the average grade is equal to or higher than this grade) or the average grade itself (if it is lower than 4.5).

To pass this subject, students must show good general communicative competence, both oral and written and should master the working languages included in the teaching guide. Therefore, in all (individual and group) tasks, linguistic accuracy, appropriate writing and presentation formal aspects will be taken into consideration.  

Students should be able to express themselves fluently and accurately and show a high degree of understanding of academic texts. Any task can be handed back (without any assessment) or failed if the professor considers that it does not fulfil these requirements.

Take into consideration that, in the case of the Catalan language, in 1st and 2nd-grade students are required to have a linguistic competence equivalent to Level 1 for preschool and PrimaryEducation Teachers; and from 3rdgrade on students must have proved a linguistic competence equivalent to Level 2 for Pre-school and Primary Education Teachers (more information on these levels at 


In accordance with UAB regulations, plagiarism or copying of any individual or group paper will be punished with a grade of 0 on that paper, losing any possibility of the remedial task. During the elaboration of a paper or the individual exam in class, if the professor considers that a student is trying to copy or s/he discovers any non-authorised document or device, the student will get a grade of 0, without any chance to take a make-up exam.

For further general details, the so-called General assessment criteria and guidelines of the School of Educational Sciences.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Cientific competence activities 25% 0 0 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15
Didactic reflection activities 25% 0 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Written exam about content knowledge 50% 0 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15


Relevant bibliography

*Furman, M. (2016) Educar mentes curiosas:la formación del pensamiento científico y tecnológico en la infancia. Es pot descarregar des de https://expedicionciencia.org.ar/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Educar-Mentes-Curiosas-Melina-Furman.pdf

National Research Council (2012) A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Es pot descarregar gratuitament des de nap.edu/13165

*Skamp, K. (2014). Teaching primary science constructively. 5th Edition. Cengage Learning.

Basic Bibliography

*Arcà, M. (1990). Enseñar Ciencias. ¿Cómo empezar? Reflexiones para una educación científica de base. Barcelona:Paidós.

*Driver, R. I alt (1989) Ideas científicas de la infancia y la adolescencia. Madrid. Morata.

Giordan, A. (1988). Los origenes del saber: de las concepciones personales a los conceptos científicos.Sevilla: Díada Editores.

Giordan, A. (2001). El meu cos, la primera maravella del món. Barcelona: la Campana

*Izquierdo, M.; Aliberas, J. (2004) Pensar, actuar i parlar a la classe de ciències. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions UAB

*Izquierdo, M (ccord) (2011). Química a Infantil i Primària. Ed Graó*

Jorba, J.; Sanmartí, N. (1994) Enseñar, aprender y evaluar: un proceso de regulación continua. Madrid: Centro de Investigación y Documentación Educativa

*Márquez, C, Prat, A (coord.) (2010). Competencia científica i lectora a Secundària. L'ús de textos a les classes de ciències. Barcelona: Dossiers Rosa Sensant, 70

Martí, J. (2012). Aprendre ciències a l'educació primària. Barcelona: Graó

NGSS Lead States (2013).Next Generation Science Standards: For states, by states. Washingotn, DC: The National Academy Press.

*Pujol, R.M. (2001). Les ciències, més que mai, poden ser una eina per formar ciutadans i ciutadanes. Perspectiva escolar, 257, 2-8.

Ramiro, E. (2010). La Maleta de la ciència: 60 experiments d'aire i aigua i centenars de recursos per a tothom. Barcelona: Graó.

*Pujol, R.M. (2003). Didáctica de les Ciencias en la educación primaria. Madrid: Síntesis

*Sanmartí, N. (2007). 10 ideas clave. Evaluar para aprender. Barcelona:Graó

*Skamp, K. (2012). Teaching primary science constructively. 4th Edition. Cengage Learning.

Oficial documents

Al web següent i trobareu el currículum vigent així com d'altes documents d'orientació curricular


Innovation and research journals  (open acces or UAB acces)

Alambique. http://alambique.grao.com 

Enseñanza de las ciencias. Revista de Investigación y Experiencias Didácticas. https://ensciencias.uab.es/ (en obert)

Ciències: Revista del Professorat de Ciències d'Infantil, Primària i Secundària. https://revistes.uab.cat/ciencies (en obert)

Aula de Innovación Educativa

Perspectiva Escolar

Infancia y Aprendizaje 

Webs of interest

CDEC (Centre de Documentació iExperimentació en Ciències) https://serveiseducatius.xtec.cat/cesire/

Projecte Primary Science (1995). Nuffield Foundation. http://www.nationalstemcentre.org.uk/elibrary/collection/448/nuffield-primary-science

Projecte Seeds of Science, Roots of Reading. University of California Berkeley http://www.scienceandliteracy.org/

Aplicatiu de Recobriment Curricular (materials didàctics del CDEC) http://apliense.xtec.cat/arc/cercador

Guies Habitat per a l'educació ambiental https://www.sostenible.cat/article/guia-habitat-activitats-per-a-leducacio-ambiental

Grup Kimeia, grupkimeia.blogspot.com.es


Harlen, W. (2010). Principios y grandes ideas de la educación en Ciencias. http://www.gpdmatematica.org.ar/publicaciones/Grandes_Ideas_de_la_Ciencia_Espanol.pdf*

Mapes conceptuals de continguts en progressió d’aprenentatge (del Science Continuum P10, Victoria, Australia)


*Couso, D., Jimenez-Liso, M.R., Refojo, C. & Sacristán, J.A. (Coords) (2020) Enseñando Ciencia con Ciencia. FECYT & Fundacion Lilly. Madrid: Penguin Random House. Document en línea: https://www.fundacionlilly.com/es/actividades/citas-con-la-ciencia/inde

 & Sacristán, J.A. (Coords) (2020) Enseñando Ciencia con Ciencia. FECYT & Fundacion Lilly. Madrid: Penguin Random House. Document en línea: https://www.fundacionlilly.com/es/actividades/citas-con-la-ciencia/index.aspx

* Written by women

