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The Teaching and Learning Process

Code: 101634 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500260 Social Education OB 1 2
2500261 Education Studies OB 1 2


Antonio Navio Gamez

Teaching groups languages

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The basis of teaching and learning process is configured during the first year. Highlights the importance of the subject Theory and History of Education because it provides understanding of the teaching and learning process.

Objectives and Contextualisation

1) To analyze aspects that take part of the educational and institutional realities in formal and non-formal educational contexts

2) Analyze educational and training needs to design teaching and learning processes.

3) To design, develop and assess processes, projects, programs and activities to take part in educational and training contexts.

4) To analyze, from a critical point of view, proposals and alternatives of the profession.

5) To base educational practice on the principles that govern the process of teaching and learning from the perspective of General Didactics.


    Social Education
  • Design evaluation plans and processes in accordance with different purposes, techniques and instruments, moments and perspectives of educational evaluation.
  • In an articulated manner, design plans, programs, projects, activities and tasks in various socio educational contexts.
  • Use ICT to learn, communicate and collaborate in educational contexts.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).
    Education Studies
  • Design plans, programs, projects, activities and resources adapted to the education and training contexts, in the face-to-face and virtual forms.
  • Diagnose people's development needs and possibilities to support the development of educational and training activities.
  • Evaluate teaching-learning processes and education agents.
  • Incorporate information and communications technology to learn, communicate and share in educational contexts.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the characteristics of learning groups.
  2. Design projects and actions adapted to the education environment and the recipients thereof.
  3. Develop learning assessment devices specifying all components (object, instruments, agents, moments).
  4. Form teams that are capable of carrying out activities effectively
  5. Form teams that are capable of carrying out activities effectively both in person and remotely in different ways.
  6. Using ICTs in designing, developing and drawing up practical work.
  7. Using virtual platforms as a communication and management tool for directed and supervised activities.


I. Substantiation of Teaching and Learning Process (1 ECTS)

1. The Didactic point of view of teaching and learning process: analysis of the “didactic act” taking into account the different components that are involved: teaching, learning, instruction and training; and from the variables involved: nuclear and contextual.

II. Programming Teaching and Learning Process (3 ECTS)

2. The design of plans, programs and projects: conceptualization and features, models of planning and design, curricular specification and contextualization.

3. Elements of programming: students

4. Elements of programming: aims and goals 

5. Elements of programming: contents

6. Elements of programming: methodological strategies, media and resources.

III. Assessment of Teaching and Learning Process (2 ECTS)

7. Principles of assessment: concept and dimensions.

8. Planning and techniques for the assessment of teaching and learning process.



Allow the presentation of content and the active participation of all. Although it is an activity carried out by the teacher. Obviously, it should be considered the active participation of students, especially sharing the learning achievements or those who are being achieved. In this moment is when the practical activities that will form part of the subject and to be developed individually or in groups are presented.


Allow to work in medium-sized groups (25-30 people approx.) To reinforce individual work and small group work (5 persons approx.). It is also adequate space for discussion and to customize, without losing reference to group learning.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Assessment 0 0 1, 5, 2, 3, 6, 7
Class Group 30 1.2 1, 2, 3, 7
Seminars 15 0.6 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
Type: Supervised      
Group and Individual Supervision 30 1.2 1, 5, 2, 3, 6, 7
Type: Autonomous      
Study, Readings, etc. 75 3 1, 5, 2, 3, 6, 7



Realization of 8 activities based on the resolution of practical cases based on group work. They will be delivered within the established deadlines agreed on the first day of class. Feedback will be done within a maximum period of 2 weeks and in case of obtaining a qualification lower than 5 the task must be reworked.


Realization of two individual examns. If the exams are failed (less than 5 rating) or not presented, it will enable a specific day at the end of the period to make appropriate treatment. Can not be recovered examinations if the student has not been submitted to any of the planned evaluations. The test scores will be reported within a maximum period of 15 days after its completion.


Two individual exercises of reflexive character will be carried out during the development of the subject. The qualification will be communicated within a maximum of 2 weeks after delivery.


It is an indispensable condition to overcome all the assessment tests (individual reflexive exercises, examns and solving practical cases) with a rating equal to or greater than 5 to pass the course

Attendance at the different activities will be considered both at the group and individual level. In case plagiarism is detected, the mark of the subject will be FAILED.


Pedagogy: Exam first part of the subject: 3/21/2024. Exam second part of the subject: 6/20/2024. Reassessment: 7/4/2024.

Social Education: Exam first part of the subject: 3/19/2024. Exam second part of the subject: 6/18/2024. Reassessment: 7/2/2024.


Since this subject follows the option of single evaluation, the deadline for submitting the different evaluation activities previously planned will be on the following dates and format:

Theoretical exams: both exams will be conducted on June 20, 2024, for the Pedagogy degree and June 18, 2024, forthe Social Education degree.

Practical cases: the 8 planned practical cases will be submitted in portfolio format on June 20, 2024, for the Pedagogy degree and June 18, 2024, for the Social Education degree.

Individual reflective exercises: the 2 reflective exercises will be submitted in portfolio format on June 20, 2024, for the Pedagogy degree and June 18, 2024, for the Social Education degree.

All single evaluation activities can be made up on the following dates: July 4, 2024 (Pedagogy degree) and July 2, 2024 (Social Education degree).

The weighting of the evaluation activities in the case of single evaluation is the same as in continuous assessment.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exams 50% 0 0 1, 2, 3
Reflexive individual exercises 15% 0 0 1, 5, 4, 2, 3, 6, 7
Resolution of practical cases 35% 0 0 1, 5, 4, 2, 3, 6, 7


BOLÍVAR, A. (2008): Didáctica y Currículum: de la modernidad a la postmodernidad. Ediciones Aljibe.

CABRERA, F. A. (2000): Evaluación de la formación. Editorial Síntesis.

CASTILLO, S.; CABRERIZO, J. (2010): Evaluación educativa de aprendizajes y competencias. Pearson-UNED.

FALCÓ, J.M. (2023). Otra evaluacion es necesaria. Guía para hacerla posible. Editorial CCS.

HERNÁNDEZ, C.A.; GUÁRATE, A.Y. (2017): Modelos didácticos para situaciones y contextos de aprendizaje. Narcea.

MEDINA, A.; SALVADOR, F. (Coord.) (2009): Didáctica General. Pearson.

MONTANERO, M. (2019): Didáctica General. Planificación y práctica de la enseñanza primaria. Universidad de Extremadura.

NAVARRO, R. (Coord.) (2007): Didáctica y Currículum para el desarrollo de competencias. Dykinson.

RODRÍGUEZ ROJO, M. (Coord.) (2002): Didáctica General. Qué y cómo enseñar en la sociedad de la información. Biblioteca Nueva.

SALVADOR MATA, F.; RODRÍGUEZ DIÉGUEZ, J.L.; BOLÍVAR, A. (Dtores.) (2004): Diccionario enciclopédico de Didáctica. Ediciones Aljibe (2 vols.).

SÁNCHEZ HUETE, J: C. (Coord.) (2008): Compendio de Didáctica General. Editorial CCS.

SEVILLANO, M.L. (2004): Didáctica en el siglo XXI. Ejes en el aprendizaje y enseñanza de calidad. McGraw-Hill.

TEJADA, J. (2005): Didáctica-Currículum. Diseño, desarrollo y evaluación curricular. Davinci.

TEJADA, J.; GIMÉNEZ, V. (Coords.) (2006): Formación de Formadores. Escenario aula. Thomson.


No specific software is used for the development of this subject.