Degree | Type | Year | Semester |
2500251 Environmental Biology | FB | 1 | 1 |
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Since the Cell Biology & Histology is a subject taught in the first semester of the first year of the Environmental Biology Degree, there are no compulsory pre-requisites. However, in order to make sure that the student is able to fluently follow the subject and to achieve the learning objectives proposed, it is recommended for the student to have achieved previus knowledge regarding the general structure of the eukaryotic cell and its basic metabolic routes, especially those referring to:
- General structure of the cells as well as their basic components (proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates).
- Basic functions of cell organelles
- Cellular metabolic pathways
- Basic characteristics of animal and vegetable tissues
It is highly advisable to have -at least-, a basic knowledge of english, as bibliography and information sources are mainly available in this language.
This is a compulsory first year subject of the Environmental Biology Degree that introduces students to the basics of cell biology and to the tissular organization of vertebrates and plants. The subject is divided into two thematic modules: (1) the study of the eukaryotic cell and (2) how the eukaryotic cells are organized to form different animal and plant tissues.
The central object of study of Cell Biology is the eukaryotic cell, the knowledge of the intracellular organelles and their functions and the relationship between these organelles and the metabolic pathways of the cell. On the other hand, the Histology module studies the cellular associations that constitute the animal and plant tissues and their relation to the tissue function.
The specific objectives of the Cell Biology & Histology subject are the following:
1- Describe the structure of the eukaryotic cell and understand the relationship of its structure with its specific cellular functions.
2- Understand the functions of cell organelles and compartments, relate their origin and functions and understand that their coordinated operation is essential so that the cells can develop their functions.
3 - Recognize cellular and tissue structures. Identify the differential characteristics of animal and plant tissues.
4- Use the appropriate scientific terminology and be able to express and describe the knowledge acquired with clearly and properly.
5- Work appropriately in a basic biology laboratory.
6- Use the optical microscope correctly. To know how to differentiate, basically, the animal cell of the plant, as well as to identify different characteristic components. Know how to identify the basic characteristics of various tissue and animal tissue organizations.
7- Search, analyze and synthesize information from different sources to create knowledge independently.
The subject of Cell Biology & Histology has a basic character in the Environmental Biology Degree. After finishing it, the student should have acquired solid knowledge about the structural organization, functioning and regulation of the eukaryotic animal and vegetal cell and of the animal and plant tissues that these form. This biological knowledge is complemented with those of other basic and compulsory subjects in the Degree, such as Genetics, Biochemistry, Plant and Animal Physiology or Phylogeny and Evolution. All of these subjects will provide the Environmental Biology student with a good understanding of the structural and functional organization of living organisms. On the other hand, the theoretical knowledge acquired in the Cell Biology & Histology subject is complemented by practical training in the laboratory. The basis that this sublject will provide are fundamental for the follow-up of many of the aforementioned subjects, as well as for the follow-up of some of the optional subjects that are included in the Degree, which is why this subject is taught in the first semester and the first year of the Degree.
Topic 1. Introduction to the eukaryotic cell.
Topic 2. Plasma membrane. Structure, composition and functions of the plasma membrane.
Topic 3. Transport of molecules through the plasma membrane. Simple diffusion and osmosis. Transport of ions and small molecules. Passive transport for permeases and for channel proteins. Primary and secondary active transport.
Topic 4. Nucleous. Structure, composition and functions: nuclear envelope, nuclear lamina and nucleolus. Bi-directional nucleus-cytoplasm transport. Chromatin: composition, organization and structure.
Topic5. Cytosol. Composition, structural organization and functions of the cytosol. Intracellular compartments and intracellular protein trafficking.
Topic 6. Endoplasmic reticulum. Structure,composition and functions of the smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Basis of the vesicular transport.
Topic 7. Golgi apparatus. Structure, composition and functions of the Golgi apparatus.
Topic 8. Endosomes, lysosomes and vacuoles: structure, composition, classification and function.
Topic 9. Mitochondria. Structure, composition, biogenesis and functions. Mitochondrial genome.
Topic 10. Microtubules. Structure, biogenesis, composition and functions. Polymerization of thetubulin. Proteins associated with microtubules.
Topic 11. Microfilaments. Structure, biogenesis, composition and functions. Polymerization of actin. Actin-binding proteins.
Topic 12. Intermediate filaments. Structure, biogenesis, composition and functions. Polymerization proteins associated with intermediate filaments.
Topic 13. Introduction to cell cycle and cell division. Interphase and mitotic and meiotic cell division. Cytokinesis
Animal tissues
Topic 1. Concept of animal tissue. Cellular and extracellular components. Classification of animal tissues.
Topic 2. Epithelial tissue. Differentiations of the surface of the epithelial cell. Cellular polarity and intercellular junctions. Basal sheet coating epithelium: structural and physiological characteristics. Types of coating epithelium. Glandular epithelia: secretory cell types. Classification and general properties of exocrine glands.
Topic 3. Conjunctive tissue. Extracellular matrix: fibers and essential substance. Fixed and free cells of the connective tissue. Fibroblast and fibrogenosis. Mastocytes. Plasmocytes. Macrophages and mononuclear phagocytic system. Varieties of connective tissue.
Topic 4. Adipose tissue.The adipocyte. Unilocular and multilocular adipose tissue: structure, function and distribution.
Topic 5. Cartilaginous tissue. Cartilaginous matrix. Chondrocyte varieties of the cartilaginous tissue: hyaline, elastic and fibrous. Histophysiology.
Topic 6. Bone tissue. Architectural organization of the bone. Bony matrix osteoblasts-osteocytes: structure and function. Osteoclasts and bone resorption. Histophysiology. Varieties of the bone tissue: laminar and non-laminar. Osteons, interstitial and circumferential systems.
Topic 7. Blood. Plasma blood and elements forms. Erythrocyte: structure and function. Thrombocytes and platelets:blood clotting. Leukocytes: Granulocytes: neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. Agranulocytes: monocytes and lymphocytes.
Topic 8. Muscle tissue. Varieties of muscle tissue. Striated muscular tissue: Contractile apparatus. Miofibrils and sarcomeres. Cytophysiology of muscle contraction. Cardiac muscle tissue: Intercalary discs. Smooth muscle tissue
Topic 9. Nervous tissue. Neuron: morpho-functional regionalization. Neuroglia.
Vegetal tissues
Topic 10. Peculiarities of the plant cell. Cellular wall. Specializations of the cell wall: plasmodesms and pores. Apoplastic and simplistic transport. Classification of plant tissues.
Topic 11. Meristems. Cytophysiological bases. Primary and secondary meristems. Apical meristems: histogenic organization and proliferative patterns. Cambium Vascular. Phellogen.
Topic12. Parenchyma. Morphofunctional features of the parenchymatic cell. Patterns of tissue organization. Chlorophyll and reserveparenchyma.
Topic 13. Mechanical tssues. Colenchymal: General characteristics. Distribution, tissue organization and type. Sclerenchima: General characteristics. Fibers and sclereids.
Topic 14. Vascular tissues. Components, structural and histophysiological characteristics. Xylem: conductive elements: tracheids and members of the vessel. Secondary swabs and perforated wall plates. Floema: conductive elements: cribous cells and members of cribous tubes. Wall thicknesses, crankscreens and plaques. Organization of conductiveelements.
Topic 15. Dermal tissues. Structural and histophysiological characteristics. Primary tissues: epidermis; Secondary tissues: peridermis.
The theoretical part of Cell Biology (CB) will be taught in 20 hours and that of Histology (H) in 20 hours. Theoretical classes will be given with support of slides and other audiovisual materials. During the theory classes, students will be asked to participate actively through brief questions related to the contents taught. In this way it is intended to stimulate the capacity for relating different topics, deduction and reasoning of the students, as well as to improve the degree of knowledge achieved.
NOTE: 15 minutes of a class will be set aside, within the calendar established by the center/degree, for students to fill in the teacher performance and subject evaluation surveys /module.
ATTENTION: attendance at practices is mandatory. NOT attending practical lessons without a justified reason will result in the student not being able to pass the subject.
The practical lessons are compulsory. They will allow the student to become familiar with a basic biology and histology laboratory. Each group will perform 4 practical lessons in the laboratory: 2 related to the contents of CB and 2 related to the contents of H. The 2 main objectives of these practices are: (1) learning the handling of the optical microscope and (2) by means of the use of the optical microscope, the student will have to (2.1) differentiate the animal cell from the vegetal cell; (2.2) recognize subcellular structures of the two cell types; (2.3) recognize different cell types; (2.4) recognize the basic characteristics of animal and plant tissues; (2.5) recognize and identify the specific animal and vegetable tissues that form the cells.
ATTENTION: In order to be able to attend the practical lessons, the student must be able to demostrate that thay have passed the biosafety and security tests that they will find in the Virtual Campus/ Moodle. These tests allow the student to learn the basic knowledge and behaviour rules of the laboratories of the Biosciences Faculty.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Practical lessons | 10 | 0.4 | 3, 5, 8, 7, 9 |
Theory lessons | 40 | 1.6 | 3, 4, 8, 7, 9 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Achievement of concepts and establishing relationshps among them | 96 | 3.84 | 4, 8, 7 |
The Cell Biology part supposes 50% of the mark, and the part of Histology the other 50%. Each of these modules will have a practical evaluation (10% of the mark) and a theoretical evaluation (40% of the mark).
To pass the subject, the final weighted grade of Cell Biology & Histology must be greater than or equal to 5.
Attendance to the practical lessons is mandatory. Failure to attend to one practical lesson (of CB or H) without proper justification will result in the reduction of the average mark of the questionnaires to 75%. Non-attendance to two or more practical lessons (of Cell Biology or Histology) without proper justification the student will not be able to pass the Cell Biology& Histology subject.
The practical part represents 20% of the final mark of the subject. At the end of each practical session, a questionnaire of about 5 minutes will be carried out which will be the evaluation of that practice. Practices 1 and 2, corresponding to the CB part, will represent 10% of the final mark. Practices 3 and 4, corresponding to the H part, will represent 10% of the final mark. In H practices, in addition to the questionnaire, a test of visual recognition of tissues will be performed on the microscope. The average mark of the 4 questionnaires will be the practical mark, and it will represent 20% (10% CB + 10% H) of the final mark of the subject.
The practice mark will be a weighted average with the corresponding theoretical exam of each module (Cell Biology or Histology).
In order to be able to attend the practical lessons i n the lab, students must prove that they have passed the biosafety and security tests that they will find in the Virtual Campus and that they are familiar with andaccept the operating rules of the laboratories of the Faculty of Biosciences.
1.2 - THEORY
Cell Biology (CB): the theory module of CB will be evaluated with 2 partial tests. The first test will be done when approximately half of the theory lessons havebeen taught, and will involve approximately 40% of the contents and of the final mark of the module. The second partial test will be carried out once the theoretical hours of the module have been completed and will involve approximately 60% of the contents and the final mark of the CB module. The sum of the two partials will suppose 40% of the final mark of the subject (Cell Biology & Histology).
Histology (H): the theory module of Histology will be assessed with a single test that will represent 40% of the final mark of the subject (Cell Biology & Histology). The students who obtain a theory mark below 4 will have to take the make-up test. The theory mark of Histology will be averaged with the practical lessons' mark if the qualification obtained in the theory part is equal to or greater than 4.
Cell Biology & Histology: In order for the Cell Biology and Histology theory grades to form a weighted average, the average grade of the BC midterms or make-up exams must be equal to or greater than 3.5 and the Histology must be equal to or greater than 4.
To be able toaccess the recovery test, students must have attended 67% of the scheduled assessment activities, considering as assessment activities: i) any test to assess the theoretical content; ii) the set of practices for each module.
Students who opt for the single assessment must request it within the deadline and form indicated by the Faculty.
ATTENTION: even if students opt for the single assessment, they must do the practicals in face-to-face sessions. Attendance at the practicals is MANDATORY and INDISPENSABLE to pass the subject.
Failure to attend to one practical lesson (of CB or H) without proper justification will result in the reduction of the average mark of the questionnaires to 75%. Non-attendance to two or more practical lessons (of Cell Biology or Histology) without proper justification the student will not be able to pass the Cell Biology& Histology subject.
The practical part represents 20% of the final mark of the subject. At the end of each practical session, a questionnaire of about 5 minutes will be carried out which will be the evaluation of that practice. Practices 1 and 2, corresponding to the CB part, will represent 10% of the final mark. Practices 3 and 4, corresponding to the H part, will represent 10% of the final mark. In H practices, in addition to the questionnaire, a test of visual recognition of tissues will be performed on the microscope. The average mark of the 4 questionnaires will be the practical mark, and it will represent 20% (10% CB + 10% H) of the final mark of the subject.
The practice mark will be a weighted average with the corresponding theoretical exam of each module (Cell Biology or Histology).
In order to be able to attend the practical lessons in the lab, students mustprove that they have passed the biosafety and security tests that they will find in the Virtual Campus and that they are familiar with and accept the operating rules of the laboratories of the Faculty of Biosciences.
2.2 - THEORY
The theory part represents 80% of the final mark of the subject.
The single evaluation of the theory will consist of a single exam that will consist of test-type questions and/or some short questions and that will include all the theory content of Cell Biology and Histology, and that will be carried out on the same day, time and classroom than the partial test of Histology. The recovery of the single assessment will be on the same day, time and classroom as the recovery test of the continuous assessment.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
2nd partial theory test of Cell Biology | 23% | 1 | 0.04 | 4, 5, 8, 9 |
Cell Biology practical lessons | 10% | 0.25 | 0.01 | 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 |
Fisrt partial theory test of Cell Biology | 17% | 0.75 | 0.03 | 4, 5, 8, 9 |
Histology practical lessons | 10% | 0.25 | 0.01 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 |
Theory test of Histology | 40% | 1.75 | 0.07 | 3, 4, 8, 7 |
Alberts B, Heald R, Johnson A, Morgan D, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P, Wilson J, Hunt T. 2022. Molecular Biology of the cell. 7th Edition. W.W. Norton & Co.| E-book: ISBN: 978-0-393-42708-0:
Alberts B, Bray D, Hopkin K, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P. 2011. Introducción a la Biología Celular. 3ª Edición. Editorial Médica Panamericana.
Lodish H, Berk A, Kaiser CA, Krieger M, Bretscher A, Ploegh H, Martin K, Yaffe M, Amon A,. 2021. Molecular Cell Biology. 8th Edition. Editorial macmillan. E-book: ISBN:9781319365028:
Lodish H, Berk A, Kaiser CA, Krieger M, Bretscher A, Ploegh H, Amon A, Scott MP,. 2016 . Biología Celular y Molecular. 7ª Edition. Editorial Panamericana.
Karp G, Iwasa J, Marshall W. 2019. Biología Celular y Molecular. 8ª Edición. Editorial Mc Graw-Hill.
Karp G, Iwasa J, Marshall W. 2018. Karp's Cell Biology, Global Edition. Editorial Wiley | E-book: Karp G, Iwasa J, Marshall W. 2021. Karp’s Cell and Molecular Biology. 9th Edition. Editorial Willey
Part del contingut d’alguns llibres proposats a la bibliografia es poden consultar online:
Bloom & Fawcett. 1995. Tratado de Histología. Ed: Interamericana McGraw-Hill.
Esau, K. : 1985. Anatomía vegetal (ed. Omega).
Gartner, L.P. Hiatt, J.L.: 2002. Texto Atlas de Histología. 2ª Edición. McGraw Hill.
Geneser, F.: 2006. “Histología. Sobre Bases Moleculares”. 3a Edición. Editorial Panamericana. Argentina.
Junqueira, L.C. y Carneiro, J.: 2006. Histología Básica, texto y Atlas. 6ª Edición.Masson, Elsevier.
Histologia básica (ed. Masson).
Krstic, R.V.: Los tejidos del hombre y de los mamíferos (ed. McGraw Hill).
Paniagua, R. y col.: 2007. Citología e Histología Vegetal y Animal.Vol2. Histología Vegetal y Animal. McGraw-Hill/ Interamericana.
Ross, M.H. y Pawlina, W: 2007. Histología. Texto y Atlas color con biología celular y molecular. (ed. Panamericana).
Stevens, A. y Lowe, J.: 2006. Histología Humana. (ed. Elsevier).
Young, B. y Heath, J.W. Histologia Funcional. Texto y Atlas en color. (ed.Harcourt).
Welsch. U.: 2009.Histología. 2a Edición, Editorial Panamericana. Argentina.
Virtual microscopy laboratory:
There are no concrete program/software specifications for this subject.