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Bachelor's Degree Final Project

Code: 100463 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year Semester
2500257 Criminology OB 4 A


Esther de la Encarnación Ordóñez

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Jose Cid Moline


In order to register the Final Year Dissertation (FYD) students must:

1) Have passed all the first year subjects. 

2) Have passed at least 2/3 of the credits (160 ECTS) of the Criminology degree.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The FYD consists on an individual final written and oral presentation of a dissertation based on criminological contents. 


  • Ability to analyse and summarise.
  • Accessing and interpreting sources of crime data.
  • Analysing the conflict and criminology by using the criminological theories and their psychological and sociological foundations.
  • Applying the quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques in the criminological field.
  • Assessing the results of a prevention or intervention program when crime is concerned.
  • Clearly explaining and arguing a carried out analysis about a conflict or crime problem and its responses in front of specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Designing a criminological research and identifying the appropriate methodological strategy to the proposed goals.
  • Drawing up an academic text.
  • Formulating research hypothesis in the criminological field.
  • Using non-discriminatory and respectful language when referring to the several parties involved in conflict and criminality.
  • Verbally transmitting ideas to an audience.
  • Working autonomously.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Ability to analyse and summarise.
  2. Applying the criminological science to the analysis of delinquency.
  3. Arguing with scientific accuracy about a criminal act.
  4. Choosing the appropriate methodology according to the drafted research objectives.
  5. Doing research through qualitative or quantitative models in the criminological field.
  6. Drawing up an academic text.
  7. Effectively determining the obtained results in a program of criminological intervention.
  8. Efficiently designing a research with hypothesis.
  9. Locating and interpreting scientific information about criminological content.
  10. Using a vocabulary free of discriminatory connotations and lack of respect when explaining professional arguments in front of the parties involved in a criminal act.
  11. Verbally transmitting ideas to an audience.
  12. Working autonomously.


The contents are related to the type of FYD that is carried out. There are three possible types of FYD:

1) Research project: Consists on designing and doing a research project based on a criminological topic. It needs to include a literature review; the hypothesis and a specific methodology in order to accomplish with the aims of the research. Finally students may need to present and discuss the results, as well as to conclude with some final conclusions linked to the literature and future research lines.

2) Systematic Review: Consists on a literature review on a specific criminological topic. The aim of the review is to be relevant for future research or criminological intervention on a specific topic. It needs to include national and international literature. The method used needs to follow the standards of a systematic review –criteria, relevance, topic-. Conclusions need to be arised and comented.

3) Prevention-intervention programme: Consists on a design of a programme and its evalutation based on a chosen topic. Students have to look for literature and current programs that are being aplied to identify the specific needs for the chosen topic in order to design a prevention program (primary, secondary or terciary). Finally, students must include an evalution to verify the efectivity of the programm. In this type of FYD, it is possible to develop the work through the ApS methodology (it will be necessary to assess this option with the Coordination of the FYD).


Assignment process

A list of general topics and lecturers will be provided to the students at the beginning of the first semester. Students will be able to choose among the topics and lecturers available, according to their academic records. Once students have a lecturer and a general topic assigned, during the first tutorial students and lecturers may discuss about the specific topic of the dissertation.

1. List of FYD supervisors available on Moodle and informative session: September

2. FYD Supervisor choice: October (using an specific app managed by the Law Faculty staff) http://www.uab.cat/web/estudiar/graus/graus/treball-de-fi-de-grau-/-master-1345716724164.html

3. Assignation: October (will be published on Moodle)

Once the final assignment has been completed, the students be able to write to the assigned supervisor to carry out the first tutorial. Students will have the responsibility to contact the supervisor.


The Final Year Dissertation needs to be supervised by a pre-assigned lecturer, the supervisor. The Supervisor needs to do a follow-up consisting on 4 tutorials. Students will have the responsibility to contact the supervisor to realize the follow-up tutorials. 

  • The first-contact tutorial
  • Two follow-up sessions
  • One final- feedback based tutorial

a) Following-up registration form

Supervisor and student must use a following-up registration form in order to plan and organise chronologically the project development. The follow-up document will be available on campus and students may need to update it after every tutorial session. It has to be delivered at the same time the FYD will be in a different file.

Supervisor could suggest Students -directly or throughthe FYD coordinator- to ask for extra advice to solve legal, metohological or theoretical aspects of their FYD.

b) Submissions

To be evaluated, students have to submit 5 documents, showing the evolution of the project. Supervisors need to give some feedback in order to let the students improve their work.

  • Initial submission: (only via moodle) title, topic and first structure draft
  • First submission: (to the supervisor and via Moodle). Topic concretion, dissertation structure and literature review completed. Methodology draft
  • Following-up submission: (to the supervisor and via Moodle). Literature review and theoretical framework adopted. Methodology and design/program completed.
  • Final version-Draft: (to the supervisor and via Moodle). Dissertation completed including annexes.
  • Final submission: (to the supervisor, via Moodle and one printed version delivered in the SLIPI of the Faculty of Law). Printed version must be double-sided.

Supervisors must give feedback to the students after each submission so they can improve their work.

In case that the mentioned tutorials sessions and/or the submissions are not carried out without justifiable cause, the right to be evaluated will be lost.

FYD Course

It is mandatory to take a virtual course run by the UAB Library Service. This course consists of 6 modules and its aim is to work onrelevant aspects for the development of the FYD. At the end of each module, there is a multiple choice exam that students must pass with a minimum score of 7 points. The course is in Catalan.


Structure for research project and systematic review:

Cover. Student name, title, subtitle, subject information (name, degree, course), supervisor name, number of words used, submission date

Abstract and key words.Abstract between 150 and 250 words and max. 5 key words.

Table of contents (with pages)

1. Introduction. topic presentation and general objectives, dissertation structure presentation

2. Literature review/ theoretical framework. Theoretical and legal framework adopted

3. Objectives. Reseach question/s. Generl and specific aims. If necessary (quantitative research), hypothesis.

4. Methodology.Method and design

5. Results 

6. Discussion and conclusions. Results discussion and theoretical and practical implications. Limitations of the research. Future research suggestions. Synthesis of the results linked to the theoretical framework adopted and the method used. 

7. References. APA 2020 is the reference style used for this purpose. All the references must be in APA style. (https://apastyle.apa.org/)


Structure for intervention program:

Cover. Student name, title, subtitle, subjectinformation (name, degree, course), supervisor name, number of words used, submissiondate

Abstract and key words. Abstract between 150 and 250 words and max. 5 key words.

Table of contents (with pages)

1. Introductiontopic presentation and general objectives, dissertation structure presentation.

2. State of art. Theoretical approach adopted, contextualization, regulatory framework if applicable. Review of existing programs and their effectiveness.

3. Program. Justification. Aims. Activities. Resources. Evaluation.

4. Discussion and conclusions. Theoretical and practical implications. Limitations of the research. Future research suggestions. Synthesis of the results linked to the theoretical framework adopted and the method used.

5. References. APA 2020 is the reference style used for this purpose. All the references must be in APA style. (https://apastyle.apa.org/)



According to the UAB and the School of Law rules plagiarism is forbidden and punished. The detection of a plagiarism in a FYD may imply a Failed(0) and the possibility to take disciplinary actions. There is no resit available in this case and the faculty and/ or the universitymay decide whether the student can register the subject again.

Formal requirements

Regardless of the chosen modality, all FYD must respect the following formal requirements:

  • Extension. Maximum 8500 words (including figures and quotations). The title page, acknowledgments, abstract, table of contents, bibliography and annexes are not included in this maximum. The number of words must be indicated on the cover page. It is possible to use annexes, however the comitee do not have to read them in order to evaluate the project
  • Style. The text must be writtenin Times New Roman or similar, size 12. The text must be justified and the line spacing must be 1.5 points. The margins must be: upper and lower 3 cm; insideand outside: 3.5 cm.
  • Languages. The work may be written in Catalan, Spanish, or English. The writing in English will be especially valued.
  • APA style. It is mandatory to follow the APA standards both in style (textual citations, examples, figures, tables, etc.) and in the references (both in the text and in the final references).

The projects that don't respect this formal requirements will be penalized. 


Timeline is susceptible to be changed. The dates will be published on Moodle at the beginning of the course.


Publication of the topic and supervisor’s list at moodle and first meeting


Topic and Supervisor’s election


First meeting with the supervisor


Initial submission


First submission


Work session


Following-up submission


Final version- Draft


Final submission


Supervisors evaluation form 


Commission evaluation form


Oral presentation preparation session


Oral presentation


Final marks



Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
A. First session 1 0.04 2, 4, 9
B. Work session 1 0.04 2, 3, 7, 8, 4, 5, 9, 6, 1, 10
C. Oral presentation preparation session 1 0.04 11
D. Tutorials 6.5 0.26 2, 3, 7, 8, 4, 5, 9, 6, 1, 11, 12, 10
Type: Supervised      
FYD Course 10 0.4 8, 4, 5, 6, 12
Type: Autonomous      
A. Literature review and theoretical framework writing-up. Methodology 95 3.8 3, 7, 5, 12
B. Empirical research / Systematic review / Program design 95 3.8 8, 4, 9, 1, 12
C. FYD Writing 90 3.6 3, 7, 6, 1, 12, 10


The FYD has four written submissions (initial, follow-up and final) and an oral presentation. Supervisors may need to fill and evaluation form, containing a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the FYD. All the submissions are compulsory. In case students do not accomplish with them, supervisor may be able to evaluate them negatively, with the possibility of marking them with a failure.

The committe may count with three members –lecturers or professors- designated by the dean of the Faculty of Law in charge of evaluating the oral presentation. Students may have 15 minutes to present their FYD and afterwards may need to answer to the questions and comments raised by the commitee. The committee will freely decide the final mark taking into account all the reports: the supervisor evaluation form, the member of the committe evaluation form and the oral presentation.


In case of obtaining a grade between 4 and 5 the commission may offer the possibility to modify some aspects of the dissertation in order to let thestudent pass the subject. The student may have time to introduce the changes and submit again the FYD the present academic year. The maximum mark students can get on the resit is a 5. It is possible to fail the resit. In that case, student may need to register again de FYD the following academic year. However, in case of obtaining less than a 4 students will not be able toresit and may need to register and doagainthe FYD the following academic year.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Oral presentation 100% 0.5 0.02 2, 3, 7, 8, 4, 5, 9, 6, 1, 11, 12, 10


References may be specfic for each FYD. It is recommended to use the following databases:







To cite the references, it is mandatory to follow the APA 2020 standards: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples


No software is specifically needed.