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Improving the Quality of Food From the Food Industry

Code: 43033 ECTS Credits: 9
Degree Type Year Semester
4313796 Quality of Food of Animal Origin OB 0 1


Victoria Ferragut Perez

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)

Other comments on languages

100% Spanish


Marta Capellas Puig
Montserrat Mor-Mur Francesch
Antonio José Trujillo Mesa
Manuel Castillo Zambudio
Bibiana Juan Godoy


No official requirements are defined for this course. However, we strongly recommend that the student has basic knoledgement in general process at the food industry, and Food chemistry and composition.

Objectives and Contextualisation

To establish criteria for proper food processing to ensure its quality, taking into account all stages until the food reaches the consumer.

To study conventional processes applied in the agri-food industry to products of animal origin, referred to the quality module from the farm as well as their derivatives. It involves using appropriate criteria to the characteristics of processed food consumption and identifying relevant issues that affect and determine their quality at different stages of the process, from previous treatments until the product reaches the consumer. It’s also included the study of different aspects that affect and guarantee product quality such as composition, physical, chemical, biochemical and microbiological properties as well as the proper use of additives.


  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  • Design, organise and execute projects related to this field of study, working alone or in a unidisciplinary or multidisciplinary team, displaying a critical sense and creativity, and the ability to analyse, synthesise and interpret information.
  • Distinguish the quality parameters of fresh and processed foods in accordance with their standards.
  • Establish appropriate processes for maintaining or improving the quality of fresh and processed foods in accordance with their quality standards.
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Search for information using the appropriate channels and use this information to solve problems in the work context.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Choose the correct packaging and storage conditions for the product until it is consumed.
  2. Choose the most important quality-control parameters for the process and the final product and the parameters for determining the food's shelf life.
  3. Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  4. Decide on ingredients to use, and identify their functions.
  5. Describe the stages of food production, identifying their impact on the overall process and on the characteristics of the final product.
  6. Establish the essential quality parameters for defining quality.
  7. Identify the modifications that can take place during the processing and storage of the product.
  8. Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  9. Present one's own work or discussions arising from the different courses within the module, in oral and/or written form and following scientific and technical criteria.
  10. Relate the composition of a food to its characteristics.
  11. Use scientific and technological criteria when choosing treatments to be applied.
  12. Use search tools correctly when completing the activities in the module, and show that the information found has been used, interpreted and integrated.


Milk and dairy products

  • Milk: Influence of previous treatments on the quality of milk and derivatives. Influence of heat treatments on the quality of milk and derivatives.
  • Yogurt and fermented milks: Initial quality of milk for the preparation of yogurt and fermented milks. Influence of the process on the quality of the final product. Use of microbial cultures for quality improvement. Defects in yogurts and fermented milks.
  • Cheese: Initial quality of milk for cheese making. Cheese production procedures and their influence on the quality of the final product. Cheese defects.
  • Other dairy products: Ice cream, cream, butter, milk powder, condensed milk.

Meat and meat products

  • Quality of fresh meat: strategies in slaughterhouses and cutting rooms. Sanitary, organoleptic quality and shelf life.
  • Injected meats: differentiation between legislation, organoleptic and nutritional quality. Ingredients and additives according to their function. Industrial performance.
  • Restructured meats: applicable technologies, ingredients and necessary additives. Design potential of meats of desired composition.
  • Quality of heat-treated meat derivatives according to business objectives: desirable properties of raw materials and evolution of products over the years.
  • Quality of the fermented meat derivatives according to business objectives: desirable properties of the raw materials and evolution of the products over the years.

Fish and derived products.

  • Optimization of the processing offishery products: based on the quality factors already known for each type of product and pursuing benefits for the environment, for the industry and for the consumer.
  • Assessment of the quality of fish and processed products: delve into the most recent contributions of instrumental and sensory analytical methods.

Eggs and egg products.

  • Quality assessment: current methodologies applicable to shell eggs, non-destructive and to the most widely used isolated components and their derivatives in the industry.


The methodology of the module will be based on master classes, lectures by professionals, seminars, laboratory practices and work presentations by students through self-study work. Some visits are also scheduled.

Milk and dairy products:

  • General introduction and quality control in milk, yogurt and fermented milks, and cheese: master classes.
  • Quality control in the dairy industry producing pasteurized / sterilized milk: visit to a laboratory.
  • Influence of the factors of the yogurt production process on the quality and quality control of the final product: laboratory practice.
  • Influence of the coagulation of milk and curd whey on cheese quality: laboratory practice.
  • Cheese quality control: laboratory practice.
  • Ice cream quality in the industry: conference dictated by a professional of the sector.
  • Self-learning: students, in small groups (2-3 people depending on enrolled), will study the main effects that determine the quality of different dairy products by oral presentation.

Meat and meat products:

  • Theoretical content: master classes.
  • Self-learning: students, in small groups or individually will study one of the topics proposed in more depth by oral presentation.
  • Use of additives in meat products and their influence on the final quality: laboratory practice

Fish and derived products

  • Theoretical content: master classes.
  • Quality and fishing industry: visit to the food market and an industry of the fish sector

Eggs and egg products

  • Theoretical content: master classes.
  • Methods of evaluation of the quality of the raw material: laboratory practice

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Laboratory 18 0.72 6, 7, 8, 3, 10, 2
Lectures 31 1.24 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 2, 1
Seminars and conferences 21 0.84 8
Type: Supervised      
Supervised work 32 1.28 4, 12, 5, 6, 7, 9, 8, 3, 10, 11, 2, 1
Type: Autonomous      
Bibliographic work and autonomous study 123 4.92 4, 12, 5, 6, 7, 9, 8, 3, 10, 11, 2, 1


The part corresponding to the competences evaluation of this module will be assessed by subjects:

  • Milk and dairy products: completion, presentation and discussion of self-learning work (33.3%).
  • Meat and meat products: completion, presentation and discussion of the self-learning work (33.4%)
  • Fish and egg products: will be evaluated together. Completion, presentation and discussion of self-learning work (33.3%)


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assistance and active participation in lectures 5-10% 0 0 12, 8
Co-evaluation of work by classmates 15-20% 0 0 8, 3
Oral defense of self-learning 60-65% 0 0 4, 12, 5, 6, 7, 9, 8, 3, 10, 11, 2, 1
Tutorial attendance: 10-15% 0 0 12, 9, 8, 3


Milk and dairy products:

  • BRITZ, T. J., ROBINSON, R. K. (2008). Advanced Dairy Science and Technology. John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA.
  • CHANDAN, R. C.; KILARA, A., SHAH, N.P. (2008). Dairy Processing and Quality Assurance. John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA.
  • GRIFFITHS, M. W. (2010). Improving the Safety and Quality of Milk, Volume 1 - Milk Production and Processing, Volume 2 - Improving quality of milk products. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  • FOX, P.F. (2004). Cheese: chemistry, physics and microbiology. Vol. 1. General aspects. Vol. 2. Major cheese groups. Elsevier Academics, Amsterdam.
  • HUI, Y.H. (1993). Dairy Science and Technology Handbook, Volumes 1-3. John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA.
  • RICHARDSON, P. (2001). Improving the Thermal Processing of Foods. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  • RICHARDSON, P. (2001). Thermal Technologies in Food Processing. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  • ROBINSON, R., WILBEY, R. (2002). Fabricación de queso. Acribia, Zaragoza.
  • ROGINSKI, H., FUQUAY, J.W., FOX, P.F. (2002). Encyclopedia of dairy sciences. Academic Press, Londres.
  • SMIT, G. (2003). Dairy Processing - Improving Quality. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  • STOGO, M. (1998). Ice cream and frozen desserts: a commercial guide to production and marketing. JohnWiley & Sons, Nueva York, USA.
  • TAMINE, A. Y. (2009). Dairy Fats and Related Products. John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA.
  • TAMINE, A. Y. (2009). Dairy Powders and Concentrated Products. John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA.
  • TAMINE, A. Y. (2009). Milk Processing and Quality Management. John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA.
  • TAMINE, A.Y., ROBINSON, R.K. (2007). Yogur: science and technology. Woodhead, Cambridge.
  • WALSTRA, P., GEURTS, T.J., NOOMEN, A., JELLMA, A., Van BOEDEL, M. (2001). Ciencia de la leche y tecnología de los productos lácteos. Editorial Acribia, Zaragoza.
  • WEHR, H.M., FRANK, J.F. (2004). Standard methods for the examination of dairy products. American Public Health Association, Washington, USA

Electronic resources:

Meat and meat products

  • BELLO, J. 2008. Jamón curado. Aspectos científicos y tecnológicos. Perspectivas desde la Unión Europea.Díaz de Santos, Madrid.
  • BRAUER, H. 2009. Technology for boiled sausage production. Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main, Alemanya.
  • BRAUER, H. 2009. Technology for cooked ham production. Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main, Alemanya.
  • GUERRERO-LEGARRETA, I., A. D. ALARCÓN-ROJO, G. CHERIAN I F. GUERRERO-AVENDAÑO. 2010. Handbook of poultry science and technology. Vols. I i II. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, Regne Unit.
  • KERRY, J. P. I D. A. LEDWAR, D. 2009. Improving the sensory andnutritional quality of fresh meat:new
  • technologies. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, Regne Unit.
  • LAWRIE, R. A. I D.A. LEDWAR, D. 2006. Lawrie's Meat science, 7a ed. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge.
  • TARTÉ, R. 2009. Ingredients in meat products: properties, functionality and applications. Springer Science + Business Media, Nova York, Nova York, EUA.
  • TOLDRÁ, F. (Ed.). 2008. Meat biotechnology. Springer, New York.
  • TOLDRÁ, F. 2010. Handbook of meat processing. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, Regne Unit.
  • WARRIS, P.D. 2010. Meat science: an introductory text. Wallingford. 2nd ed.

Electronic resources (acces from a PC conected to a UAB IP or throuot xpv):

  • http://www.knovel.com/web/portal/main (apartado Food Science)
  • http://www.sciencedirect.com
  • Encyclopedia of meat science
  • Encyclopedia of food and nutrition
  • Scientific and technic journals:
  • Fleischwirtschaft International
  • Journal of Muscle Foods
  • Meat Science
  • Poultry Science


  • American Meat Institute (AMI): http://www.meatami.com.
  • International Meat Secretariat (IMS): http://www.meat-ims.org.
  • World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA): http://www.wpsa.com.
  • Asociación Española de Empresas de la Carne (ASOCARNE): http://www.asocarne.com.
  • Asociación de Industrias de la Carne de España (AICE): http://www.aice.es.

Fish and derived products

  • ALASALVAR C. I TAYLOR T. (2002) Seafoods - Quality, technology and nutraceutical applications. Ed.Springer
  • BREMNER H.A. (2002) Safety and quality issues in fish processing. CRC Press .
  • DORE I. (1992) Seafood scams and frauds and how to protect yourself!Urner Barry Publications
  • HALL G.M. (2001) Tecnología del procesado del pescado. Ed. Acribia, SA
  • LOVE R.M. (1988) The food fishes: their intrinsic variation and practical implications. Ed. Avi Book
  • LUTEN J.B. [et al.] (2003) Quality of fish from catch to consumer: labelling, monitoring and traceability.Wageningen Academic Publisher
  • MARTIN R.E., CARTER E.P., FLICK GJ, JR., DAVIS L.M. (2000) Marine & freshwater Products Handbook.Technomic pub.
  • PARK J.W (2005) Surimi and surimi seafood Marcel and Dekker, 2nd edition
  • PEARSON A.M. I T.R. DUTSON (1995) Quality attributes and their measurement in meat, poultry and fish products. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
  • SHAMIDI F., JONES Y. I KITTS, D.D. (1997) Seafood safety processing, and biotechnology. Ed. Technomic Pub. Lancaster, USA.
  • Electronic resources (on-line)
  • El Pescado Fresco: Su Calidad y Cambios de su Calidad - 1999 FAO
  • Safety and Quality Issues in Fish Processing (en www.knovel.com)
  • Seafood Quality and Safety - Advances in the New Millennium (https://app.knovel.com/web/toc.v/cid:kpSQSANM03/viewerType:toc/root_slug:seafood-quality-and-safety---advances-in-the-new-millennium)


  • http://www.fao.org/
  • http://www.seafood.nmfs.noaa.gov/Program_Services.html
  • http://www.qim-eurofish.com/
  • http://www.seafoodsource.com/
  • http://www.eurofishmagazine.com/
  • http://www.ift.org/
  • http://www.intrafish.com/
  • http://www.conxemar.com/v_portal/apartados/apartado.asp


Eggs and derived products:

  • CASTELLÓ LLOBET, J. A. (2010) Producción de huevos Arenys de Mar, Real Escuela de Avicultura.
  • MEAD G. C. (ed.) (2009) Análisis microbiológico de carne roja, aves y huevos. Ed. Acribia Zaragoza.
  • NAU F. (2010) Science et technologie de l'oeuf. Tec & Doc / Lavoisier, París.
  • SIM J.S. I S. NAKAI (1994) Egg uses and processing technologies. New developments. CAB Int. Oxon.
  • STADELMAN W.J. I O.J. COTTERILL (1990) Egg science and technology. 4th ed. Ed. Avi Pub. Co. Inc.,Wesport, USA.
  • THAPON J-L IBOURGEOIS C-M (1995) L'Oeuf et les ovoproduits Tech & Doc, Paris WELLS R.G. I
  • C.G. BELYAVIN (Eds.) (1987) Egg quality- Current problems and recent advances. Ed.
  • Butterworth & Co. Kent, UK.
  • YAMAMOTO T. (1997) Hen eggs: their basic and applied science Boca Raton CRC.
  • Electronic resources
  • Egg marketing: a guide for the production and sale of eggs FAO 2003
  • Risk assessments of salmonella in eggs and broiler chickens FAO 2002
  • Biochemistry of Foods (Third Edition) en http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780122423529


  • http://www.aeb.org/
  • http://www.institutohuevo.com
  • http://www.wpsa-aeca.es/
  • https://www.internationalegg.com
  • http://www.sanovogroup.com/



No specific programs are required.