Degree | Type | Year | Semester |
4313227 Media, Communication and Culture | OT | 0 | 2 |
There are no special requests in this Course, yet students who choose this topic should be interested in gender inequality. The theoretical perspectiva in this subjec is the Historical Materialism and Gender perspective, conssidering gender as a social construction. The Queer Theory is not adopted in this course.
Main Goals:
The goals of this subject are to reflect about the importance that Mass Media has achieved in the contemporary society, especially in the reproduction and perpetuation of gender roles and stereotypes. Mass-Media has been important since they were born, but nowadays are a fundamental actor of the social process, which can't be understood without its action.
Conventional Media (printed press, magazines, radio, television) as well as the new forms of communication that have appeared with internet (from digital newspapers to Social Media) are an stretegic new forum where most of the public and private events are treated and depicted. The theoretical pespective adopted in this course is the historial materialism, not the Queer Theory.
This Course proposes a critical approach to the matter from an historical materialism perspective and Gender Studies, understanding gender as a social construction. Mass media can be useful for the reproduction of conventional gender stereotypes, but also they depict new models of identification and help to renovate the collective imaginery.
a) To reflect and analyze mass media contents from a gender perspective. Mass Media reproduces the cognitive basis of the society, presenting different interpretations of the events that are crucial to the society phenomena perception.
b) To study the interdependence between the Mass Media and the Society, and how they produce, maintain and reproduce social change, specially related to gender rols and stereotypes.
Content of these Course
Theme 1. Basic concept about gender. Sex/Gender System. Different agents in socialitzación process. Myths, archetypes and Stereotypes. The Gender Roles.
Theme 2. Mass Media as an strategic forum of power. Different types of discourses: information, advertisement, enterteinment, cinema, etc. New communicational formats. The social conditions in the production of information. The situation of Freedom of Expression in the World. The impact of the Social Media.
Theme 3. The Production of the Information. Information Mechanisms and Production of Gender Stereotypes. Workers in the Mass Media Industry and Gender. The Glass Ceiling and the Sticky Floor.
Theme 4. Gender Asymmetry Representation in the Mass Media. Gender Dimorphins. The most common gender stereotypes in the Mass media. Different journalistic fields: politics, society, culture, sport, etc. Invisibility of other gender identities.
Theme 5. Gender Perspective and Information. Recommendations to avoid gender stereotyping treatment in the Mass Media. Mass Media Representation of Gender Based Violence against Women. Analiys of some Cases.
Theme 6. Advertising as and Euphoric Discours. Consumer Society and Advertising. The impact of Advertising in the Society. Supreme values and Advertising discourse. The most Common Gender Stereotypes in the Adversiting Industry. New masculins and femenins models in advertising. Femvertising.
Theme 7. Entertainment and fiction. Gender Stereotypes in the new Television Series. New femenins and masculins roles in the audiovisual narrative.
Theme 8. New communicative models: The impact of Social Media in Communication System. Other formats: music videos, Youtube, clips, webseries, etc.
Theme 9. The cinema. Fiction as constructor of the Social Imaginery. Most common gender roles in fictional narrative. Cinema and series after the #MeToo Movement.
Theme 10. Social Responsability of Mass Media. Creative use and social response to overcome sexism andgender stereotypes in the Media. Future Perspectives.
The Methodology of the Subject is as follow:
1) Theoretical explanation of basic and fonamental concepts of the Subject. The professor will assigns some practical exercises that students will present in the next session (2 hours)
2) Students present the exercises assigned by the professor in the previous class. The different excercises must be presented orally during the class. (1 hour).
3) Some basics readings must be done to understand the Subhect Content and Debate during the sessions.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Debating and discussing int he class specific topics about Mass Media content | 20 | 0.8 | 1, 3, 8, 6 |
Theoretical Explanation of basic concepts of the Subject | 30 | 1.2 | 1, 9, 8 |
Type: Supervised | |||
Written Essays about different aspects included in the Program | 50 | 2 | 1, 3, 7, 2 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Reading basic and complementary texts of the Bibliography | 30 | 1.2 | 1, 9, 3, 2, 6 |
Searching and explaining specific media content in class | 20 | 0.8 | 3, 8, 6 |
The subject consists of the following evaluation activities:
A. Written Reports about different aspects treated in the theoretical sessions. About 4 to 6 assignments are expected to be handed in. (This Activity represents 40% of the final grade).
B. Written Essays about an aspect included in de Program. About 2 to 4 assignments are expected to handed in. (This Activity represents 40% of the final grade).
C. Oral Exposition of some of the exercises done Weekly. (This Activity represents 20% of the final grade). (To be able to pass the subject is necessary to have done the 75% of the total proposed exercises)
D. Attendance to classes and active participation is also considered in the final grade. (75% of classes attendance required).
Students will be entitled to the revaluation of the subject. They should present a minimum of activities that equals two-thirds of the total grading
If the student has obtained less than 3 in the normal evaluation, she/he will have to reelaborate the exercises and do a final exam about the aspects included in the Programme.
In the case of a second enrolment, students can do a single synthesis exam that will consist of answering some questions related to de program content, and an analysis of a text to evaluate de pràctical part of the subject,
The grading of the subject will correspond to the grade of the synthesis exam and the pràctical assignment.
In the event that the student performs any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation of an evaluation act, this evaluation act will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that could be instructed. In the event, that several irregularities occur in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be 0.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Oral exposition in the class of the practical exercises included in the Program | 20 | 0 | 0 | 9, 4, 7, 2 |
Written Essay about different topics included in the Program | 40 | 0 | 0 | 1, 5, 7, 8 |
Written Reports about any point included in the Program | 40 | 0 | 0 | 1, 9, 3, 6 |
BERNAL-TRIVIÑO, Ana, Hacia una comunicación feminista. Como informar e informarse sobre violencia machista, Barcelona, UOC (2019) (libro en línea)
BERNARDEZ, Asunción, Mujeres en Medio(s). Propuesta para analizar la comunicación masiva con perspectiva de género, Madrid, Fundamentos, (2015)
BYUNG-CHUL, Han, Infocracia, Taurus, (2022)
CAC/ICD, Gènere i mitjans de comunicació. Eines per visibilitzar les aportacions de les dones, CAC, ICD, Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya, Barcelona (2011).
CASTEJÓN, Maria, Rebeldes y peligrosas en el cine. Vaqueras, guerreras,vengadoras, femme fatales y madres, Lengua de Trapo, (2020)
DJERF-PIERRE, Mónica and EDSTRÖM, Maria, Comparing Gender and Media Equality Across de Globe, Nordicom, Suecia (2020)
DOMINGUEZ, Yolanda, Maldito estereotipo, Penguin Random House, Barcelona (2021)
EUROPEAN COMISSION, “Breaking gender stereotypes in the media” Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, (2010).
GALLEGO, Juana y SILVEIRINHA, M.Joao, "Género y Comunicación: avances y retrocesos en una península ibérica en crisis", en Tradiciones de Investigación en Diálogo, Estudios de Comunicación en America Latina y Europa, Media XXI (2020)
GALLEGO AYALA, Juana, "Las mujeres ya no son lo que eran. Nuevos modelos femeninos y masculinos en la narrativa audiovisual", (pp.358-378 ) en Cuestiones de género. De la igualdad y la diferencia, Monográfico sobre La Agencia femenina en las narrativas audiovisuales, núm. 16 (2021) disponible en
GALLEGO AYALA, Juana, "Retos académicos y profesionales para una comunicación con perspectiva de género", en Comunicación y Género, Madrid, Ameco (2018)
GALLEGO, Juana, De reinas a ciudadanas. Medios de comunicación, ¿motor o rémora parala igualdad? Barcelona, Aresta (2013) y UOC (2014). (Libro en línea)
GALLEGO, Juana (directora): La prensa por dentro. Producción informativa y transmisión de estereotipos de género, Barcelona, Los Libros de la Frontera (2002)
GAMEZ, M. José y MASEDA, Rebeca, Gender Violence in Spanish Culture. From Vulnerability to Accountability, Peter Lang, New York. (2018)
IJF, Getting the Balance. Gender Equality in Journalism, International Journalists Federation, Brussels (2009)
IWMF, Global Report on Status of Women in the News Media, International Women MediaFoundation, Washington, (2010) www.iwmf.o
NUÑEZ, TRINIDAD, El papel de las mujeres en la publicidad, Santillana, Madrid (2019)
ROSS, Karen, y PADOVANI, Claudia, Gender Equality and the Media. A Challenge for Europe, Routledge, New York, (2017)
SANCHEZ-GUTIERREZ, Bianca y LIBERIA, Irene. Aquelarre. La emancipación de las mujeres en la cultura de masas., Advook, Sevilla,(2020)
STOCK, KATHLEEN, Material Girls. Por qué la realidad es importante para el feminismo, Shackleton Books, (2022)
UNESCO, Indicadores de género para medios de comunicación, París, (2014)
VV.AA. Sexo,mujeres y series de televisión, Continta me tienes, Madrid, (2015)
VV.AA. El sexo en disputa. Madrid, CEPC (2021)
VELEZ, Anabel, Mujeres en las series. (eBook y papel). (2019)
WACC, Who makes the News, 2005, 2010
BUTLER, Judith, El género en disputa.El feminismo y la dubversión de la identidad. Barcelona, Paidós (2007)
BUTLER, Judith, Deshacer el género, Paidós (2006)
GALLEGO, Juana "De prostituta a trabajadora sexual: legitimación de la prostitución a través del relato cinematográfico", en Revista Atlánticas, número 3, 1 (2018).
GALLEGO, Juana: Putas de película. Cien años de prostitución en el cine, Barcelona,Luces de Gálibo (2012)
GALLEGO, Juana: "Cine y prostitución: Una lectura del sexo de pago en la ficción cinematográfica". Quaderns del CAC, número 35, diciembre, pp- 63-71, (2010) (versió en català i anglès)
LLEDÓ, Eulàlia, Cambio lingüístico y prensa. Barcelona:Laertes, (2013).
GILL, Rosalind Gender and the Media, Polity Press, Cambridge (2007)
RIPPON, Gina, El Género y nuestros cerebros, Galaxia Gutenberg, Barcelona, (2020)
In this Subject no special applications are needed, except Microsoft Offices and othera similars: Power Point, Word, Videos Mp4, etc. Virtual Campus and Teams will be used frequently.