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Greek Civilisation

Code: 104212 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2503702 Ancient Studies OB 2 2


Marta Oller Guzman

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Enrollment in this course requires both the knowledge and the skills that the student has acquired throughout his or her pre-university and university education.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The course proposes an approach to the study of the main cultural and historical milestones of the Greek civilization through the texts. Special emphasis will be placed on the analysis of the intellectual and ideological innovations of the classical world, as well as its relationship with neighboring cultures.

The student will be able to recognize the relevance of the contribution of Greece to Western thought, especially in regard to history, philosophy, political ideas, jurisprudence, mythology and religion.


  • Recognise the impact of some important aspects of the ancient world in contemporary culture and society.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.
  • Understand and interpret the evolution of ancient societies in the Mediterranean – from Egyptian civilisation to the disbanding of Western imperial Rome – through analysis of the political, historical, social, economic and linguistic factors.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Establishing relationships between science, philosophy, art, religion, politics, etc.
  2. Explain the main characteristics of Greek idiosyncrasy.
  3. Identify and assess the main cultural and civilising achievements of the Greek world.
  4. Recognise the most significant contributions of Greco-Roman thought and civilisation to contemporary thought.



1. Ancient Greece geographical frame

2. Main historical periods of Ancient Greece

3. Kosmos: origins and ideas about the world

4. Life cycle: birth, growth and death

5. Community life: from Mycenaean palaces to polis

6. Law and justice

7. Education:  from Homer to Sòcrates

8. Work: peasants, traders and craftsmen

9. War and peace

10. Leisure: games and espectacles

11. Hygiene and health


Teaching activities:

– lectures on course topics;

reading and interpreting a selection of texts that will be uploaded in Campus Virtualand two literary works (The Wasps by Aristophanes and On the Murder of Eratosthenes by Lysias);

– tracking activities;

– reading and commenting on specific bibliography on each course topic; 

– completing a research paper on a specific course topic.



Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures on course topics 45 1.8 1, 3, 4
Participation in commenting and reading texts 5 0.2 2, 3, 4
Type: Supervised      
Tutorship and supervision of a research paper 4 0.16 1, 4
Type: Autonomous      
Reading bibliography and preparing course activities 60 2.4 1, 2, 3
Research paper 30 1.2 1, 3, 4



The evaluation of this subject is continuous and will be done according to the evaluation activities which are stated in the table below.

 It is an essential requirement to obtain a minimum grade of 4 in each of the assessment activities to make a weighted average of all the grades that make up the final grade, an average that must reach 5 to pass the course.

In the event that the tests cannot be done in person, their format will be adapted (maintaining their weighting) to the possibilities offered by the UAB's virtual tools.

Homework, activities and class participation will be done through forums, wikis and / or discussion discussions through Teams, ensuring that all students can access them.

The student will receive the grade of Not assessable as long as he / she has not completed more than 30% of the assessment activities.



In the event that the student commits any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade of an assessment act, this assessment act will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instructed.

In the event of several irregularities in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be 0.


Procedure for reviewing grades

At the time of each assessment activity, the teacher will inform the students of the procedure and date of revision of the grades in the Moodle space of the classroom.


Reassessment procedure

To participate in the reassessment, students must have previously been assessed in a set of activities whose weight is equivalent to a minimum of 2/3 of the total grade.

Reaching a minimun mark of 4 in every evaluation activity is an essential requirement to do the final weighted average mark, which must be 5 or more to pass the subject.

Only students who have failed the control, the exam and/or the written research paperwith a mark below 4, or have not reach 5 in the final weighted average mark, can resit at the reevaluation.

Only the control on Greek Geography, the exam and the written research paper can be resitted.


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Control exam on Greek geography 10% 1.5 0.06 2
Course Readings Activities 10% 1.5 0.06 2, 3, 4
Exam about the course topics 40% 1.5 0.06 1, 2, 3, 4
Participation in reading and commenting on texts in the classroom 10% 1.5 0.06 1, 3, 4
Written research paper 30% 0 0 2, 3, 4


Alsina, Josep (1983). Comprendre la Grècia clàssica. Barcelona.

Arnason, Johann P.; Raaflaub, Kurt A.; Wagner, Peter (ed.) (2013). The Greek Polis and the Invention of Democracy. A Politico-cultural Transformation and Its Interpretations, Malden, MA-Oxford-Chichester.

Amouretti, Marie-Claire; Ruzé, François (1999). Le Monde grec antique: Des palais crétois à la conquête romaine. Paris. [Trad. cast. Madrid, 2004].

Artigas, Esther; Homar, Roser (2016). L’escena antiga. Martorell.

Austin, Michel; Vidal-Naquet, Pierre (1972). Économies et sociétés en Grèce ancienne. Paris.

Bloomer, W. Martin (ed.) (2015). A Companion to Ancient Education. Chichester.

Boardman, John (1995). Les grecs outre-mer. Colonisation et commerce archaïques. Paris.

Bourriot, Felix (1975). El trabajo en el mundo helénico. Barcelona. [Trad. cast. orig. fr. Paris, 1960].

Cantarella, Eva (2003). Ithaque. De la vengeance d'Ulysse a la naissance du droit. Paris.

Chadwick, John (1976). The Mycenaean World. Camdridge. [Trad. cast. Madrid, 1977].

Cartledge, Paul (2016). Democracy. A Life. Oxford.

Connolly, Peter (2001). The Ancient City. Life in Classical Athens and Rome. Oxford.

Corvisier, Jean-Nicolas (1999). Guerre et société dans les mondes grecques (490–322 av. J.-C.). Paris.

Dargie, Richard (2007). Ancient Greece Health and Disease. Minneapolis.

De Romilly, Jacqueline (1997). Los grandes sofistas en la Atenas de Péricles. Barcelona. [Trad. cast. orig. fr. Paris, 1988]

— (2002). La loi dans la pensée grecque. Paris.

De Souza, Philip; Hecker, Waldemar; Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd (2004). The Greeks at War from Athens to Alexander. Oxford.

Dodds, Eric R., Los griegos y lo irracional. Madrid 2019 [Trad. cast. orig.angl. Oxford 1957].

Duhoux, Yves; Morpurgo Davies, Anna (2008). A Companion to Linear B. Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World. Louvain-la-Neuve.

Faure, Paul (1973). La vie quotidienne en Crete au temps de Minos (1500 av. J-C). Paris

— (1978). La vie quotidienne des colons grecs: De la mer Noire à l'Atlantique au siècle de Pythagore, VIe siècle avant J.-C. Paris.

Finley, Mosses I. (1985a). Los griegos de la antigüedad. 6a edició, Barcelona.

— (1985b). El món d'Ulisses. Barcelona.

Flacelière, Robert (1959). La vie quotidienne en Grèce au siècle de Périclès. Paris. [Trad. cast. Ediciones Temas de Hoy, Madrid 1993].

Gagarin, Michael; Cohen, David (2005). The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Law. Cambridge.

Garland, Robert (20012). The Greek Way of Death. Ithaca; New York.

Gretener, Y. (1994). La Grèce antique. Carte de la Grèce archaïque et classique d’après les textes anciens (Hérodote – Thucydide – Strabon). Marly-le-roi.

Joint Association of Classical Teachers (20082).  The World of Athens. An Introduction to Classical Athenian Culture. Cambridge. [Trad. cast. PPU, Barcelona 1988].

Lévy, Edmond (1995). La Grèce au Ve siècle. De Clisthène à Socrate. Paris.

López Melero, Raquel (20009). Así vivían en la Grecia Antigua. Madrid.

MacDowell, Douglas M. (1978). The Law in Classical Athens. London.

Marrou, Henri-Irenée (1998). Historia de la educación en la Antigüedad. México [Trad. cast. orig. fran. Paris, 19812].

McClure, Laura K. (2020). Women in Classical Antiquity: From Birth to Death. Medford, MA.

McEvedy, Colin; Woodcock, John (2002). The New Penguin Atlas of Ancient History. Londres.

Morkot, Robert (1999). Atlas de la Grèce antique. 6500 à 30 av. J.C. París.

Mossé, Claude (1971). Histoire d’une démocratie: Athènes. Paris.

— (1984). La Grèce archaïque d’Homère à Eschyle. Paris.

— (1991). Les institutions grecques. Paris.

Nestle, Walter [1944] (1975). Historia del espíritu griego desde Homero hasta Luciano. 2a edició, Barcelona

Osborne, Robin (1998). La formación de Grecia 1200–479 a.C. Barcelona.

Phillips, David J.; Pritchard, David (2003). Sport and Festival in the Ancient Greek World. Swansea.

Plácido, Domingo (1993). Las claves del mundo griego. Barcelona.

Pomeroy, Sarah (1991). Diosas, rameras, esposas y esclavas. Mujeres en la Antigüedad clásica. Madrid.

Pòrtulas, Jaume; Grau, Sergi (2011). Saviesa grega arcaica. Martorell.

Raaflaub, Kurt A.; Van Wees, Hans (ed.) (2013). A Companion to Archaic Greece. Chichester,

Rawson, Beryl (2011). A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds. Chichester.

Sánchez Ruipérez, Martín; Melena Jiménez, José Luis (1990). Los griegos micénicos. Madrid.

Schmitt Pantel, Pauline (ed.) (2002). Histoire des femmes en Occident. I. L’Antiquité. Paris.

Segura Munguía, Santiago; Cuenca Cabeza, M. (2007). El ocio en la Grecia Clásica. Bilbao.

Simon, Erika (1983). Festivals of Attica. An Archaeological Commentary. London.

Snell, Bruno (1966). Las fuentes del pensamiento europeo. Madrid.

Talbert, Richard J.A. (1985). Atlas of Classical History. Londres (r. 2008).

Vermeule, Emily (1981). Aspects of Death in Early Greek Art and Poetry. Berkeley.

Vernant, Jean-Pierre (ed.) (1999).Problèmes de la guerre en Grèce ancienne. Paris.

Vernant, Jean-Pierre et al. (1991). L’uomo greco. Roma-Bari. [Trad. cast. Madrid, 1993].

Villalba Varneda, Pere (1992). Olímpia. Jocs i esperit. Barcelona.

Vintró, Eulàlia (1973). Hipócrates y la nosología hipocrática. Barcelona.

Wilson, Peter (2007). The Greek Theatre and Festivals. Documentary Studies. Oxford.

Zurbach, Julien (2017). Les hommes, la terre et la dette en Grèce c. 1.400 – 500 a.C., I-II. Bordeaux [Scripta Antiqua 95].


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