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Children's Literature

Code: 103537 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500798 Primary Education OT 4 1


Anna Juan Cantavella

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


To pass this course, the student should show a good general communicative competence, both orally and in writing and a good command of the language and communication language contained in the syllabus.

In all activities (individual and group) will be considered, therefore, proofreading, writing and formal presentation. Students should be able to express themselves with fluency and accuracy and should show a high degree of understanding of academic texts.

Recall that in the case of Catalan in 1st and 2nd year students are required to have an ability equivalent to Level 1 for teachers and Primary Education; and from 3rd year Bachelor students must have demonstrated competence equivalent to Level 2 for Teachers and Primary Education (more on this level desktop athttp: //www.uab.cat/web/ the-studies / -Terms-linguistic-1345698914384.html)

We recommend you have previously approved and language subjects and curriculum and learning and languages.

Objectives and Contextualisation

Elective course aimed at deepening the literary education of children in school. Takes the form of practical workshop on acquired knowledge about the literary corpus and develop skills and dynamism of literary material through fictional literary projects and encourage reading.

The main objectives are to achieve knowledge and develop skills on:

1. Planning literary education at the primary stage.

2. The characteristics of children's literature in different formats and media, print and screen.

3. The criteria for evaluation and selection of texts for school learning activities.

4. The design of educational activities according to different targets and different techniques of realization.

5. The familiarity with a broad outlook and digital library resources, both in production for children as sources of support for the activities, which is useful for the professional work of teachers.


  • Acquire literary training and know about children's literature.
  • Be familiar with the languages and literature curriculum.
  • Effectively address language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts.
  • Foster reading and critical analysis of the texts in different scientific fields and cultural contents in the school curriculum.
  • Foster reading and encourage writing.
  • Incorporate information and communications technology to learn, communicate and share in educational contexts.
  • Know and apply the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom and master the social skills required to foster a classroom atmosphere that facilitates learning and coexistence.
  • Take sex- or gender-based inequalities into consideration when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply the knowledge gained to the selection, reading and interpretation of texts from different scientific and cultural domains.
  2. Assessing the value of reading and writing encouragement practices with literary education criteria.
  3. Being able to develop activities and didactic material focusing on language learning adapted to the social and specific contexts of each educational centre.
  4. Being aware of the possibilities of constructing knowledge in collaborative situations and being able to manage them.
  5. Communicate using language that is not sexist or discriminatory.
  6. Consider how gender stereotypes and roles impinge on the exercise of the profession.
  7. Design practices to promote reading and writing that incorporate the criteria of literary education at the different school levels
  8. Design proposals for teaching and assessment that address the different forms of language learning, so as to adequately address all curricular content in the area and respond to cultural diversity.
  9. Know and appreciate appropriate educational software and web sites for the teaching and learning of primary school literature.
  10. Know and appreciate the characteristics of audiovisual and digital literary products for children.
  11. Know and appreciate the production of children's literature for selecting texts aimed at the different areas of literary reading at school.
  12. Know and use children's literature for the development of language learning activities in primary education.
  13. Manage teamwork and know how to analyse the aspects and difficulties of interest.
  14. Selecting literature appropriate to the school's different educational goals.
  15. Using ICTs and CLTs in developing and drawing up practical work and in designing didactic proposals.
  16. Using children's literary production for the educational goals of literary education at school.
  17. Using the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom in discussions about literary texts that help build detailed interpretations of the texts collaboratively.


1. The corpus and sources of support

1.1. Types and genres of children's literature printed production, audiovisual and digital.

1.2. Relations between codes: text and image reading screens, trasvàs the works of other code. Relations and interactions between texts, readers and authors.

1.3. The assessment of the quality of texts. Children's literature as a reflection of the world value proposition educational situation in the artistic trends of the time and situation in Catalan cultural tradition.

1.4. The selection of literary texts, literature and popular literature for children in school. Adaptations for children, children's classics and the collective imagination.

1.5. Establishing a personal experience suitable text in the primary stage. 

2. The design of literary activities 

2.1. The use of digital and bibliographical sources for the selection and design of the corpus of literary activities.

2.2. Organization of space planning and teaching different types of activities.

2.3. Project design and literary activities according to the chosen parameters: specific educational objectives, areas of action school recipients and type of text.

2.4. Techniques and types of activities: literary writing, explaining stories, expressive reading, drama, group discussion, games, poetry, etc.


Workshop based on the work on different materials and varied types of group activities and individual premetran students perform and experience a wide range of classroom practices through which they develop the course content.

Students will also perform independent activities and group work outside the classroom and eventually make their presentation and class discussion. They will also make reading literature and children's books indicated.

The course is aimed at preparing materials directly usable in classrooms. The work program on complementary aspects and made available to the whole group so that every student ends up having a range of ready resources for the classroom.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Presencial 45 1.8 11, 17, 2
Type: Supervised      
Tutoring in the preparation activities 30 1.2 4, 13
Type: Autonomous      
Preparation work, preparation of activities and lectures 75 3 1, 12, 9, 11, 10, 7, 8, 14, 16, 2


Attendance at classes of the course is required. 80% attendance is the minimum to qualify for the evaluation; otherwise it will be considered not evaluable. With this prerequisite, evaluation is carried out through the evaluation activities described.

To pass the course must submit all activities. Do not approve any presentation, work, written or oral activity that does not demonstrate a good command of the language. Students who have completed the course proper monitoring of the course, but do not reach the minimum to pass it, have the opportunity to pass the course with additional work freelance, retracing some of the activities or through specific mechanisms established by the teachers. We will study each case and establish the specific procedure according to the situation of each student.

Evaluation dates:

Individual recitation practice: November 24, 2022

Preparation of a literary project in primary school: December 1, 2022

Selection of the children's book corpus for a primary school year: December 15, 2022

Preparation of a reflection on literary education: December 22, 2022

Recovery: to agree

The results of each evaluation will be returned to students within a maximum period of three weeks after the delivery date and offered a review within 10 days following its publication.

According to the regulations UAB, plagiarism or copying of any work will be penalized with a 0 to note that the possibility of losing work to retrieve it, whether an individual or in a group (in this case, all members of the group will have a 0). If during the performance of an individual class, the teacher believes a student is trying to copy or you discover any kind of document or device by unauthorized staff, will qualify the same at 0, no recovery option.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Preparation of a project group of literary education in primary 25% 0 0 1, 12, 7, 8, 14, 3, 17, 16, 2
Selection group corpus of children's books for a classroom grade 35% 0 0 4, 11, 10, 13, 14, 15
Theoretical and practical individual reasoned reflection on literary education 25% 0 0 1, 9, 11, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 2
literary gathering script 15% 0 0 1, 5, 12, 14, 3, 16, 6


BASSA, R. i altres (2009): Ombra viatgera. Els poemes a l'educació infantil i primària. Palma: Moll.

BRYANT, Sara C. (2008): Com explicar contes. Barcelona: Biblaria

BULLICH, E.; MAURE, Mercè (1996):  Manual del rondallaire. Barcelona: La Magrana

CALLOW, J.; ZAMMIT, K. (2002). “Visual literacy: from picture books to electronic texts”. En: M. Monteith (ed.). Teaching primary literacy with ICT. Buckingham: Open University Press: 188-201.

CHAMBERS, Aidan (2009): Dime. Los niños, la lectura y la conversación. México: FCE.

CHAMBERS, Aidan (2007): ¿Quieres que te cuente un cuento? Una guía para narradores y cuentacuentos. “Fomentos lectores”. Caracas: Banco del Libro.

COLOMER, Teresa (2005): Andar entre libros. La lectura literaria en la escuela. México: FCE.

COLOMER Teresa (2010): Introducción a la literatura infantil y juvenil actual. Madrid: Síntesis.

COLOMER, Teresa (dir.) (2002): Siete llaves para valorar las historias infantiles. Madrid: Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez.

DESCLOT, Miquel (2007): Poesies amb suc. Antologia de poesia per a infants. Barcelona: La Galera

DESCLOT, Miquel. “Parlar de poesia amb infants”, text escrit per a Gretel:  http://literatura.gretel.cat/content/miquel-desclot

DURAN, Teresa; LUNA, Marta (2002): Un i un i un… fan cent. Barcelona: La Galera.

LLUCH, Gemma (ed.) (2000): De la narrativa oral a la literatura per a infants. Invenció d'una tradició literària. Alzira: Bromera.

LLUCH, Gemma; Caterina VALRIU (2013):La literatura per a infants i joves en català. Anàlisi, gèneres i història. Alzira: Bromera.

MOLIST, Pep (2008): Dins del mirall. La literatura infantil explicada als adults. Barcelona: Graó.

OLID, Bel (2011): Les heroïnes contraataquen.Models literaris contra l'universal masculí a la literatura infantil i juvenil. Lleida: Pagès editor. VIII Premi Rovelló d'assaig de literatura infantil i juvenil 2010. 

PRATS, Margarida (2002): “La poesia per a infants: un gènere entre el folklore i l’obra d’autor”. Colomer, Teresa (ed.): La literatura infantil i juvenil catalana: un segle de canvis. Bellaterra: ICE-UAB, pp.45-56.

PORTELL, Joan (ed.) (2004): M’agrada llegir. Com fer els teus fills lectors. Badalona: Ara llibres.

REGÀS, Rosa. (2001). Hi havia una vegada. Una tria de contes populars catalans. Barcelona: La Magrana.

RODARI, G. (2009): Gramàtica de la fantasia. Barcelona: Columna.

RODRÍGUEZ ILLERA, J. l.;  LONDOÑO, G. (2010): “Los relatos digitales como textos multimodales”. En El ebook y otras pantallas. Nuevas formas, posibilidades y espacios para la lectura. 18 Jornadas de Bibliotecas Infantiles, Juveniles y Escolares. Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. Salamanca. pp.73-83.

TEBEROSKY, Ana [amb col·laboració de COLOMER, T.] (2001): Proposta constructivista per aprendre a llegir i a escriure. Barcelona: Vicens Vives.

UNSWORTH, L. (2006). E-literature for children. Enchanging digital literacy learning. New York. Routledge. 

Webs de recursos i centres de documentació

 - Biblioteca Artur Martorell:


- Biblioteca Xavier Benguerel. Centre de Documentació del Llibre infantil: http://www.bcn.cat/bibxavierbenguerel

- ClijCAT (Consell Català del Llibre Infantil i Juvenil): http://www.clijcat.cat/

- Contacontes. Persones o grups que expliquen contes, tant en centres culturals diversos com en centres d’ensenyament. N’hi ha un gran nombre, alguns d’agrupats en l’associació “Contacontes: directori de contacontes en català”: http://www.contacontes.cat/directori.html

“Hores del conte”: n’ofereixen la majoria de biblioteques públiques i n’hi sol haver per a diverses franges d’edat.

- Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. Centro de Documentación e Investigación: www.fundaciongsr.es

- GRETEL: Pàgina de Literatura infantil de la UAB: http://www.literatura.gretel.cat Inclou una cinquantena de contes curts per a ser escoltats al apartat “Invitats. Narradors”

http://www.didacticolite.com/cat/index.php: propostes de contes i activitats per a l’escola infantil i primària.

http://www.edu365.cat/infantil/poesia/portada.htm: per a educació infantil amb poemes recitats, escrits i il·lustrats per temes i d’autors molt diversos.

- JOLIBERT, J. (coord.) (1992):  Formar infants productors de textos. Barcelona: Graó.

-Musiquetes.cat: recull de cançons infantils tradicionals per escoltar en xarxa, forma part d’un dels projectes de la Bressola de la Catalunya Nord: http://www.musiquetes.cat/canco/num/16.

Quins llibres...?:Tria feta pel Seminaride Bibliografia infantil i juvenil de l’Associació de Mestres RosaSensat. S’hi pot accedir tant a través del web de l’Associaciaó (http://www.rosasensat.org/textos/16/), com a través del web del Departament d’Educació, dins de l’apartat d’Escola Oberta(http://www.xtec.net/epergam/quins/quins.htm?codi=quins_llib).

- Seminari de bibliografia infantil i juvenil de "Rosa Sensat"llibres recomanats (http://www.xtec.net/epergam/quins/quins.htm?codi=quins_llib).

- Servicio de Orientación a la Lectura (FGSR): llibres recomanats (www.sol-e.com).

- Tantàgora: associació de foment d’activitats de literatura oral (http://www.tantagora.net/doc/home.php?l=ca).

- Una mà de contes: contes per veure i escoltar, que es poden triar a partir del tema, l’autor, l’il·lustrador, l’origen geogràfic... (http://www.unamadecontes.cat/).

Llibres al replà: http://llibresalrepla.blogspot.com.es/

- Bloc de l’Escola Francesc Aldea: http://blocs.xtec.cat/cepcescaldea3r/2011/01/16/video-de-la-talpeta/

- Bloc de la Biblioteca de l’Escola Orlandai: http://bibliotecaorlandai.blogspot.com.es/

- XTEC, webdel Departament d’Educació (http://www.xtec.cat/). En podem destacar l’apartat “Escola oberta”, que inclou materials de tot tipus per a totes les assignatures i tots els nivells educatius (http://www.xtec.cat/escola/index.htm). A l’apartat de llengua catalana: “Una mà de contes”, “Racó de contes”, “El pou de la goja. Revista interactiva de literatura oral”, “Els contes d’en Tom i la Laia”, etc.

http://www.edu365.cat/infantil/poesia/portada.htm (per a Educació infantil amb poemes recitats, escrits i il·lustrats per temes i d’autors molt diversos)

- Recullde webs de poesia per a infantil i primària: http://www.xtec.cat/crp-bages/html/poesia/poesia_pri1.htm

http://www.samfainadecolors.cat/ Espectacles basats en cançons tradicionals.

http://cosdelletra.blogspot.com Blog del grup Cos de Lletra. Espectacles sobre poesia.

