Degree | Type | Year | Semester |
2501572 Business Administration and Management | OT | 4 | 2 |
2501573 Economics | OT | 4 | 2 |
The subject 102.348 External Practices Program Universidad Empresa I is a subject taught within the framework of the Cooperativa Educativa en alternancia PROGRAMA UNIVERSIDAD EMPRESA (PUE) with a duration of two academic years ( The PUE facilitates the deployment of two full-time practices, one per course, to companies and institutions in accordance with a practice profile established and supervised by an academic tutor.
It is a voluntary program and must submit the application for pre-enrollment in the Faculty of Economics and Business in the terms authorized in this regard.
The subject "102348 external practices program university company I" optional of 12 ECTS collects the development and evaluation of the first period of practices in the first course of the two that form the PUE.
Prerequisites before the beginning of the subject:
To be admitted by the Admission Committee to the PUE Mention established in the Faculty of Economics and Business by applying the academic merit criteria that include academic record, number of ECTS passed, linguistic competence and suitability of the student to the profiles of internships.
This subject is availabe only to students in Economía or Busienss Administration in catalan / spanish
Being a subject of the University-Business Educational Cooperation Program that makes it possible to obtain the PUE mention to the corresponding degree, the academic development makes it possible and necessary a level of the PUE Seminar (computer skills) sufficient and appropriate to the profile of practices to companies and institutions. The PUE Seminar teaches the first semester before the beginning of the first period of practices that defines this subject.
If the practices are outside of Spain, you must pass the language proficiency test.
The University-Business Program (PUE) is a program of Educational Cooperation that incorporates supervised external practices by tutor in companies and institutions for the students of the Degrees of ADE and ECO in the last two academic years. (
The PUE is a training program in alternation that corresponds to two courses, it is structured in five sections two of them of full time internships in companies and institutions. The program was born in the 1989/1990 academic year in order to meet the need to combine studies of Business Administration and Management and practices in companies and institutions.
The participating company in the PUE hosts previously selected students according to academic record and with the appropriate profile to carry out the tasks planned in the training project without implying a labor relationship (Royal Decree 1707/2011).
Two are the fundamental objectives of the PUE:
- Facilitate the professionalization of the student through their practical training in the company.
- To bring the University closer to the company in order to efficiently cover common needs.
The practices in companies outside Spain allow, in addition, an improvement of their third language.
This first period of practices included in the subject 102348 External Internship Program University Company I offers the student the possibility of applying and complementing the knowledge received in the University favoring the acquisition of competences that prepare for the professional exercise, facilitating its insertion into the labor market and fostering its entrepreneurial capacity.
The UAB and the company appoint individual tutors for students.
The student receives a Study Aid throughout the four months of the duration of the internship. This aid is extended to the case of internships outside Spain.
The content of the practices is detailed in the training project of each one of the practices once it is agreed between the company and the academic tutor. The university and the company call individual tutors for students who watch for the correct deployment of the training project of the practice and at the end of the period evaluate it.
The profile of the training projects offered in the course 2017_18 corresponds to tasks of recent graduation in the 35 companies that accommodate the 72 practices; of them four correspond outside Spain. See details of companies at and especially in the activities report of the last year
The students know, simultaneously, the profiles of the practices offered and express their preferences. The participating company in the PUE hosts previously selected students according to academic record and with the appropriate profile to carry out the tasks planned in the training project without involving a labor relationship (Royal Decree 1707/2011).
Alternative training of the PUE allows the student to finish the last two courses in a different calendar, modified to cover the two periods of four month practice each.
It is a Program that focuses on two academic years and includes five sections:
Third Grade Course: 1st Semester (September-December)
• Teaching of the subjects of the first semester.
• Tutorials and evaluation tests, December.
• Allocation of students to companies, November.
Activities PUE:
Third year of the Degree: 2nd Semester (January-April)
• Practices in companies, 1st period.
• Help for students of the PUE.
• Evaluation of the first period of internships.
Third Grade Course: 3rd Semester (May-July)
• Teaching of the subjects of the third semester.
• Tutorials and evaluation tests, July.
Fourth Grade Course: Fourth Semester (September-December)
• Practices in companies, 2nd period.
• Aid for students of the PUE.
• Evaluation of the second period of internships.
End of Degree Project (1)
University-Company Scholarships:
In its twenty-second edition, a Jury will award PUE Scholarships to the five best end-of-degree projects.
Fourth Grade Course: 5th Semester (January-May)
• Teaching of the subjects of the fifth semester. (1)
• Evaluation final work of Degree
• Tutorials and evaluation tests, June.
• Delivery Mention PUE, July.
• PUE Scholarship Delivery, July.
(1) During the 2019-20 academic year, teaching is planned jointly with the other groups of the faculty.
The number of 300 hours of practical training is understood as a minimum throughout the periods of practice considered in the PUE
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Supervised | |||
Practices in the company | 296.5 | 11.86 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
The evaluation of the subject will be determined by 60% based on the report of the company tutor and 40% by the academic tutor and taking into account the evaluation made of the student.
15% of the grade corresponds exclusively to the academic tutor who will take into account the active participation of the student in the academic activities that define the PUE (conferences, seminars, visits ... among others).
A qualification below five implies the impossibility of repeating the subject in subsequent courses.
This asset is not matched by other subjects and / or work experienc
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Assessment period of internships by the company | 60% | 2 | 0.08 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
Evaluation of the intership by the professor in charge | 40% | 1.5 | 0.06 | 1, 2, 4, 5 |
Good knowledge of Microsoft Office, specially Excel, and some skills of a statistical package to analyse data.