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Teaching Knowledge of the Natural and Social Environment in Early Childhood Education II

Code: 101988 ECTS Credits: 4
Degree Type Year Semester
2500797 Early Childhood Education OB 3 2


Victor Pastor Castro

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Neus Banqué Martínez

External teachers

laura valdes



It is recommended that the student has completed the Didàctica del Coneixement del medi Social i Natural I.

Objectives and Contextualisation

Context: It is a subjecte third year focused on a specific teaching shared by two areas of knowledge: social sciences and experimental.

The Didactics of Knowledge of the Natural and Social Environment in Ed.Infantil II is a subject that gives continuity and completes the learning process of the Knowledge Didactics of Natural and Social Environment course that the students will have done in the previous semester . The new course proposes developing the professional competences related to the application in the classroom of the knowledge acquired in the previous subject and the ability to properly justify its practice. It focuses on the knowledge, analysis and design of educational situations for teaching and learning in the area of discovery of the natural and social environment in children's education.
Learning objectives:

  1. Analyze teaching situations according to the parameters of the theory and curriculum to make a diagnosis on their relevance and appropriateness in the classroom.
  2. Understand, be able to analyze and innovate didactic sequences previously designed and / or implemented in the classroom, from theory justifying the appropriateness of the proposed practice.
  3. Know and be able to analyze interdisciplinary classroom teaching practices for children, identifying the contents of the uncovered area of the environment and other areas that are working.
  4. Design situations and / or personal and innovative didactic sequences, based on the theory worked and curriculum guidelines and educational context, which demonstrate the creativity and autonomy necessary to exercise its teaching profession competently.
  5. Learn to communicate with players in the professional world linked to children's education in order to solve educational problems shared and effective manner.


  • Consider classroom practical work to innovate and improve teaching.
  • Develop educational proposals in relation to the interaction between science, technology, society and sustainable development.
  • Make changes to methods and processes in the area of knowledge in order to provide innovative responses to society's needs and demands.
  • Promote and facilitate early infant learning, from a global and integrative perspective of different cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and developmental dimensions.
  • Promote interest and respect for the natural, social and cultural environment through appropriate educational projects.
  • Promoting experiences of initiation into information and communication technologies.
  • Properly express oneself orally and in writing and master the use of different expression techniques.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse a situation and identify its points for improvement.
  2. Analyse an educational situation and make a diagnosis of its relevance and make innovative alternative proposals.
  3. Apply basic ICT skills to the presentation of work.
  4. Apply the global and integrative perspective to educational proposals that are developed.
  5. Be able to draw on best practices to create new and personal ones.
  6. Demonstrate oral and written proficiency when presenting work on the subject, based on the use of correct forms, rigorous content and an appropriate level of argumentation.
  7. Demonstrate proficiency in the application of digital technologies to the infant classroom in proposed teaching situations.
  8. Design didactic proposals involving the interrelation between science, technology, society and sustainable development.
  9. Propose new methods or well-founded alternative solutions.
  10. Recognising and assessing the overall and integrating perspective in the teaching-learning situations analysed from children's education.
  11. Representing explicitly in the design of educational proposals how the interest and respect for the natural, social and cultural environment is promoted.


1. Models of educational interventions in the area of discovery of the environment. 

  • Didactic models of teaching and learning in the area of discovery of the environment. Constructivist conception.
  • Socio-cultural focus on teaching and learning of experimental and social sciences, conceptions of teachers and teaching styles.
  • Analysis of real case studies presented by the professionals themselves. 

2. Ways to organize work in the area of discovery of the environment in the nursery: corners, projects, materials and workshops.

  • The organization of work in the area of discovery of the environment in the children's classroom. The role of this area as one of the axes of significance.
  • Day by day in the classroom: Daily activities, routines, rituals and parties. The area of discovery of the environment in interdisciplinary and globalizing situations.
  • Examples of interdisciplinary or globalizing projects.

3. Design of didactic units with content from the area of discovery of the environment. Synthesis of the two subjects.

  • Framing, learning situation and timing.
  • Curriculum: selection and sequencing of contents, objectives and capacities.
  • Activities, materials, grouping children, role and slogans of the teacher.
  • Evaluation system.


We propose a way to allow students to experiment in their own learning process, learning is a social event and personal at the same time putting into operation and simultaneously rational and emotional aspects. We strive to maintain a dynamic interactive and relaxed atmosphere that encourages participation and personal engagement in their own learning and their classmates and bandmates. The role of the teacher should be the facilitator of the teaching and learning of the students.

In this course, the continuity of knowledge of the social and natural I will emphasis the design and implementation of teaching units and learning situations in the classroom of children analyzed in a critical and argumentative .





Learning outcomes


(Large Group)


Exhibitions by the inductive teaching strategies interelacionades to facilitate dialogue and the construction of shared knowledge:

- Observation, interpretation and use of educational experiences, materials and other resources.

- Analysis and oral communication experiences: personal stories experienced as students of nursery and / or primary and experience inthe internship in the classroom, in order to observe its logic and its application to the classroom 'Children.

- Analysis of different models of didactic sequences, learning situations and projects implemented in classrooms of children.

- Recognition and Measurement from a globalizing and integrating perpsectiva situations and / analyzed in.  




EI. 10.1.



supervised activity



- Analysis of curricular materials and implementation experiences in the classroom.

- Debates and discussions about pedagogical issues raised reasoned, experienced classroom situations, experiences and texts read.

- Preparation of work done collaboratively, with the possibility of oral presentations.

- The seminars contemplate the Possibility of knowing didactic Proposals, institutions and / or resources of the area of the Natural and Social Environment.


EI. 10.1




DDIC. 7.1.

autonomous activity


- Development of individual written reflections.

- Reading, comprehension, analysis about proposed texts.

- Finding information and resources.




continuous assessment


- Attendance and participation in class.
- Conducting assessments.





Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Analysis of different models of didactic sequences, learning situations and projects implemented in classrooms of children. 12 0.48 2
Exhibition by the inductive teaching interrelated strategies to facilitate dialogue and the construction of shared knowledge. 8 0.32 8
Preparation of work done collaboratively 8 0.32 3, 8
Recognition and Measurement from a globalizing and integrating situations and / analyzed in. 8 0.32 2
Type: Supervised      
Analysis of curriculum materials and experiences of implementation in the classroom 6 0.24 4, 8
Debates and discussions argued 4 0.16 2
Type: Autonomous      
Finding information and education resources 12 0.48 2
Producing individual work of reflection 15 0.6 2, 3
Reading, comprehension and analysis about proposed texts 15 0.6 8


The evaluation of the subject will be carried out throughout the academic semester through a variety of activities that combine individual and collective work, and the continuous evaluation with the final.

To pass this subject, the student must show a good general communicative competence, both orally and in writing, and a good command of the language or languages spoken in the teaching guide. In all the activities (individual and in group) will take into account, therefore, the linguistic correction, the writing and the formal appearances of presentation. Students must be able to express themselves fluently and correctly and must show a high degree of comprehension of academic texts. An activity may be returned (not assessed) or suspended if the teacher considers that it does not meet these requirements

Throughout the subject, it is necessary to show an attitude compatible with the educational profession as a requirement to pass the subject. Some competencies can be: active listening, respect, participation, cooperation, empathy, kindness, punctuality, not judging, arguing, using the right mobile, etc. This attitude will be evaluated throughout the development of the group work and can condition the note of this one.

Class attendance is mandatory: students must attend a minimum of 80% of the practical classes (seminars), otherwise it will be considered not presented. Receipts presented in case of absence are used only to explain this absence, in no case are they exempt from attendance.In order to pass the subject, you will have to pass each of the assessment activities with a 5, so that the grade of the activities is averaged and the final grade of the subject is obtained. In case of suspension of the subject, in order to be able to opt for the recovery process, you must have a minimum grade of 3.5 in the suspended activity. The recovery process will consist of an individual and / or collective test, as the case may be, to assess that the student has achieved the objectives and competencies set out in the course. The suspension of one of the activities may lead to the suspension of the entire subject. If you choose to retake one of the activities, the final grade chosen is a 5.
The grades of each of the assessment tests will be made public on the virtual campus within a period of 3 weeks after their delivery. The student who wants to revise the note will have to do it in the date communicated by the profesorado of this asignatura, having requested time of consultation by email.

Following the regulations of the Faculty of Education Sciences in relation to criteria and general evaluation guidelines (Agreement of the Academic Planning Commission, 4 June 2014). Copying or plagiarism, both in the case of assignments and in the case of exams, may mean suspending the subject. A work, activity or exam is considered to be “copied” when it reproduces all or part of the work of another classmate. A work or activity is considered to be "plagiarized" when a part of a text by an author is presented as one's own without citing the sources, regardless of whether the original sources are on paper or in digital format.

Delivery dates evaluation activities:

Individual evaluation: Individual reflective evaluation of the didactic resource; will be delivered about 10 days after the delivery of the group work. (First fortnight of June, approximately.)

Individual evaluation: Monitoring and participation in group work based on the application of the contents of environmental teaching. (Continuous assessment throughout the course.)

Group evaluation: Design of two didactic resources - Didactic corner of Natural Environment and Learning Box of Social Environment.- (Delivery in the 15 days subsequent to the 2nd intensive of Practicum III.)

Reassessment: Recovery of the individual assessment of the subject. (Completion 15 days after the individual evaluation)


* The proposed teaching methodology and evaluation may undergo some modification depending on the restrictions on attendance imposed by the health authorities

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Group. Design of a didactic resource for IE that incorporates the principles of didactics of the Natural, Social and Cultural Environment (In group) 45% 4.5 0.18 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11
Individual. Reflective evaluation and presentation (oral / written) of the design of a didactic resource on the natural and social environment (Individual) 40% 5.5 0.22 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11
Monitoring, assessment of participation and involvement in group work. 15% 2 0.08 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11


Bibliography elaborated with perspective of gender: 

Altimir, D. (2011). Conversa amb Maria Teresa Feu: La intel·ligència dels nens i nenes es troba a la punta dels dits. Infància,179, 40-42.

Antón, M.; Moll, B. (2001). Educación Infantil. Orientaciones y recursos (0-6 años). Madrid: CISS-Praxis.

Bach, E.; Darder, P. (2002). Sedueix-te per seduir. Viure i educar les emocions. Barcelona: Edicions 62.

Bonil,J.&Calafell,G.(2006). Los retos actuales de la Educación Científica. Praxis, Octubre 2006, p.25/1--‐25/16.

Cabanellas, I.; Eslava, C. L. (coord.) (2005). Territorios de la infancia. Diálogos entre arquitectura y pedagogia. Barcelona: Graó.

Calaf, R.; Gutiérrez, S. & Suárez, M.A. (2016) Desvelar competencias vinculadas con el conocimiento escolas de las CCSS mediante la evaluación educativa del museo. Enseñanza de las ciencias: 15, 89-98.

Cañal de León, P. (2007). L’alafabetització científica a la infància. Guix d’infantil, 33, 5-9.

Cols, C. (2011). L’entorn, font de coneixements. Infància, 180, 14-20.

Cuenca, J. M.; Estepa, J. (2005). La caja genealógica: fuentes y tiempo en Educación Infantil. Una propuesta para trabajar con maestros en formación inicial. Quaderns Digitals, 37, http://www.quadernsdigitals.net/datos_web/hemeroteca/r_1/nr_609/a_8416/8416.htm [consulta 30-5-2011].

Díaz, M.Carmen (2007): Mi escuela sabe a naranja. Barcelona: Graó.

Espinet, M. (2001). Unidad de programación el bosqueDins:M. Antón i B. Moll (coords.). Educación infantil. Orientaciones y recursos. (pp. 1-58). Barcelona: Ciss-Praxis.

Feliu, M y Jiménez,L (Coords.) (2015) Ciencias sociales y educación infantil .Cuando despertó el mundo estaba allí. Barcelona: Graó.

Gimeno, J. (2000). La educación obligatoria: su sentido educativo y social. Madrid: Ed.Morata.

Lacasa, N.; Pasqual, C.; Tarin, R. M. (1999). La història de la vida de les plantes amb flor. Barcelona: Associació de Mestres de Rosa Sensat.

López, N. & Melcón, P. (2010) Quan suquem una galeta a la llet...  Guix, 369, p.35-41.

Manen, M. van (2003). El tono en la enseñanza. Barcelona: Ed.Paidós.

Martí, J. (2010). La construcció del coneixement científic dels tres als dotze anys. Què en sabem?. Guix, 369, p.21-26.

Mèlich, J. C.; Palou, J.; Poch, C.; Fons, M. (2000). La veu de l’altre: reflexions i experiències per educar en valors ètics. Bellaterra: ICE-UAB.

Palou, S. (2004). Sentir y crecer. El crecimiento emocional en la infancia. Propuestas educativas. Barcelona: Ed. Graó.

Parcerisa,A. & et al (2015) Recursos y estrategias para estudiar ciencias sociales. Barcelona:Graó.

Pedreira, M. (2006). Dialogar con la realidad. Dins: M. Antón i B. Moll (coords.). Educación Infantil. Orientaciones y Recursos. (pp. 23-69) Barcelona: Ciss-Praxis.

Pérez, E.; Baeza, M. C.;  Miralles, P. (2008). El rincón de los tiempos. Un palacio en el aula de educación infanti. Dins: Revista Iberoamericana de Educación. núm.48/1 pàg. 1-10. EDITA: Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI)

Torruella, M.F. & et al (2015) Ciencias sociales y educación infantil (3-6): cuando despertó, el mundo estaba allí. Barcelona: Graó.

Webs d'interès

Association Internationale Pikler (LÓCZY) http://www.aipl.org/

Centre de Documentació i Experimentació en Ciències i Tecnologia (Dept. d’Eensenyament): www.xtec.es/cdec

Comunitat catalana de Webquest: http://www.webquestcat.org/

Diraya. Talleres de Expresión y Educación Creadora http://www.dirayaexpresion.es/

El safareig: educació infantil i natura (AAMM Rosa Sensat): www.elsafareig.org/

Senderi-Educació en Valors: http://www.senderi.org

Xtec-Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya: http://www.xtec.es

Zona Clic: http://clic.xtec.net/ca/


Revistes d’educació infantil: 

Aula d’infantil. Revista de l’editorial Graó.

Guix d’Infantil. Revista de l’editorial Graó.

Infància. Revista de l’Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat

Infància-Europa. Revista de l’Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat

Viure en família. Revista (per a pares i mares) de l’editorial Graó 


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