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Educational Anthropology

Code: 101253 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500256 Social and Cultural Anthropology OB 3 2
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Pepi Soto Marata

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


There are no pre- requisites

Objectives and Contextualisation

This is a compulsory course that is programmed for the second semester of the third year of the Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Students who complete the course will already have basic knowledge about Social and Cultural Anthropology, its key concepts, the classical study fields, the history of the discipline or the technical and methodological training, to face more specialized subjects in areas of theoretical and ethnographic research of Social Anthropology, which will authorize them to opt for the mentions of the fourth year of the Degree.

The Anthropology of Education is a subject of 6 mandatory ECTS that is part, along with four other subjects, of the subject matter "Thematic areas of Anthropology".

The general objectives of the Anthropology of Education course are:

1. To learn more about the key concepts of anthropology as regards the educational dimension of human cultures.

2. Know how to apply the conceptual framework of the syllabus, both to the analysis of classical ethnographies and to the analysis of current affairs.

3. Understand the complexity of processes through which we become cultural beings.


  • Apprehending cultural diversity through ethnography and critically assessing ethnographic materials as knowledge of local contexts and as a proposal of theoretical models.
  • Demonstrating they know and comprehend the epistemological and methodological debates in Anthropology and the main investigation techniques.
  • Developing critical thinking and reasoning and communicating them effectively both in your own and other languages.
  • Students must be capable of applying their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and they should have building arguments and problem resolution skills within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethical relevant issues.
  • Using the discipline's ethnographic and theoretical corpus with analytical and synthesis skills.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analysing a contemporary fact from an anthropological perspective.
  2. Applying the knowledge of cultural variability and its genesis to avoid ethnocentric projections.
  3. Apprehending cultural diversity through ethnography and critically assessing ethnographic materials as local context knowledge.
  4. Distinguishing between the theoretical concepts of Anthropology and the indigenous concepts.
  5. Identifying main and supporting ideas and expressing them with linguistic correctness.
  6. Identifying the sociocultural variability through ethnographic texts and audiovisual resources.
  7. Identifying the transcultural variability of economic, kinship, political, symbolic and cognitive, educational and gender systems as well as their corresponding anthropological theory.
  8. Interpreting the cultural diversity through ethnography.
  9. Interpreting today's main events from physical, economic, social and cultural diversity.
  10. Knowing and assessing the various processes of intercultural relationship.
  11. Summarising acquired knowledge about the origin and transformations experienced in the several fields of anthropology.
  12. Summarizing the characteristics of a written text in accordance to its communicative purposes.
  13. Theoretically analysing ethnographic examples of cultural diversity in the fields of education, gender and inclusion-exclusion systems.
  14. Using the ethnographic corpus in the cultural critique.


The course offers the possibility of deepening in the understanding of how to become a cultural subject in a human group and the social and political relevance of this understanding.

Humans learn to be members of a group from which we are a part since birth - and that we do not choose - but we also learn many other things throughout our lives - in contexts and situations that we can sometimes choose and many others not-. Thanks to the permanent interaction with our environment - whatever it is - and the people who live in it - however they are -, we reach a set of skills and knowledge that allow adaptation and survival wherever we are. Therefore, the plasticity and the capacity of learning characterize humanity and the vital paths of each and every one of the people. These possibilities and adaptive needs predispose us to incorporate representations of the world and others that can be of a very different sign, but, in all cases, they configure patterns of normality, also at the level of cultural practices.

The anthropology of education focuses on the understanding of the environments and systems that allow the transmission and learning of these models of normality within the human groups and investigates community life from an educational perspective, also in school contexts.


1. Culture and education. Aging and education. Inculturation

2. Anthropology of Education and Anthropology of Learning.

3. Cultural transmission. Acquisition and cultural learning.

4. Life cycle, phases, transits, continuities and discontinuities.

5. Socializing agents. Educational techniques. Culturalpressure.

6. Non-verbal communication.

7. Cultural background, sociocultural expectations and educational content.

8. Models of normality, acculturation and change.

9. School: political institution and cultural proposal.

10. The ethnography of education and school.

11. Apply anthropology to education.


The teaching methodology and the evaluation proposed in the guide may undergo some modification subject to the onsite teaching restrictions imposed by health authorities. 

The three hours per week of classes are organized in a single double-duration session that allows to solve, on the same day and in fragmented time slots, the thematic deepening, the critical discussion and the description and / or the analysis of cases or situations

The work dynamics are considered participatory from the presentation of contents by part of teacher, the preparation of compulsory readings and the reflection and description of cases and / or ethnographic situations in different media, written or audiovisual, by part of students.

The work will be carried out individually or in small groups, depending on the activities or exercises that need to be resolved.

Special emphasis will be given to the application of the conceptual framework of the course to the analysis of classical ethnographies and to the analysis of current cases.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Theoretical classes with ICT support and practical classes for the analysis of cases and ethnographic texts 35 1.4 13, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 9, 8
Type: Supervised      
Descriptive or analytic exercises, individually or in groups. 12 0.48 1, 2, 3, 10, 6, 5, 9, 8, 12, 11
Type: Autonomous      
Reading, analysis of texts, drawing up diagrams and abstracts, searching for information and preparing discussions and presentations in a group, drafting papers. 60 2.4 13, 1, 3, 10, 4, 6, 7, 5, 9, 8, 12, 11, 14


In the event that tests or exams cannot be taken onsite, they will be adapted to an online format made available through the UAB’s virtual tools (original weighting will be maintained). Homework, activities and class participation will be carried out through forums, wikis and/or discussion on Teams, etc. Lecturers will ensure that students are able to access these virtual tools or will offer them feasible alternatives. 

The evaluation, in accordance with the established in the course Plan, is organized in three modules, the value of each one of which is determined below:

Module of work elaboration (50%)

Completion of, at least, three classroom practices (30%) which will involve the delivery of the analysis or description of cases. In writing on the same day of the practice, through the preparation of previous discussions, the contribution with empirical or theoretical examples related to the subject being dealt with, with elaboration and discussion of arguments about compulsory readings or cases or situations that the teacher or other students contribute.

Also, a group work (20%) on ethnographic material that will require the application of the theoretical framework of the first part of the syllabus to carry out an analysis that specifies some of the aspects of education within the human cultures or school institutions. The group work is explicitly related to compulsory readings and will be presented publicly.

The submission of the work proposal will be done in a mandatory group tutoring the second half of March 2022. The date of public presentation of the work and written delivery is scheduled for the second half of May 2022, the specific date will be set by mutual according to the class.


Active participation module in class (10%):

The student will have to participate in the dynamics of debate and reflection of classroom practices, in the tutorial oriented to the group work, as well as in the public presentation of it. 

Specifically, it will be evaluated: - attendance at the classroom practices, - attendance at presentations of group work - attendance at the tutorial on group work.

The evidence on the participation will be: the signatures to all previous activities (three classroom practices, a tutorial on work group and the presentation of the work. The active participation module is not recoverable.

Module of theoretical tests (40%):

There will be an individual theoretical test on the set of the syllabus worked in class and the obligatory readings. The test is scheduled for Tuesday, May 31, 2022, although this date will be confirmed during the semester, according to the imponderables that they can be presented. It is necessary to pass the exam with a minimum grade of 5 to be able to make the average with the rest of the notes.


Non-evaluable: A student who has not completed two of the three assessment modules, one of which must be (compulsorily) the one of theoretical tests (30%) and has obtained an average grade of the two modules equal to or less than 3.5.

Final note: The final grade of those who are evaluated will be obtained by making the average between themarks obtained in the three evaluation modules, provided that the exam has been approved with a 5.

Recovery: Anyone evaluable will be able to recover, if they have the subject suspended, either becausethey have not obtained a 5 in the exam or because the final average note is suspended. In both cases the recovery will be solved with a specific theoretical test. The note on the active participation module is not recoverable.

Exercises to improve grades are not admitted.

Plagiarism: In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.



Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance at the classroom practices, at the tutorial and the presentation of group work 10% 10 0.4 13, 1, 10, 4, 6, 5, 12, 11
Descriptive or analitic exercises, individually or in groups. 50% 30 1.2 13, 1, 2, 4, 9, 8, 12
Individual written test 40% 3 0.12 13, 1, 2, 3, 10, 4, 6, 7, 5, 9, 8, 12, 11, 14


The COMPULSORY Bibliography will be presented at the beginning of the semester in accordance with the subject syllabus and will be, at least, this:

GIROUX, HENRY i PENNA, ANTHONY (1990 [1988]) "Educación social en el aula: la dinámica del currículum oculto" a Los profesores como intelectuales. Hacia una pedagogía crítica del aprendizaje. Barcelona-Madrid: Paidós-MEC, pp.63-86.

SOTO, PEPI (2021) Crecer y aprender, mientras tanto. El dominio teórico y etnográfico de una Antropología Sociocultural de la Educación. Manresa: Edicions Bellaterra. https://www.bellaterra.coop/es/libros/crecer-y-aprender-mientras-tanto  

SPINDLER, GEORGE (1993 [1987]) "La transmisión de la cultura" a Velasco Maillo, H.M., García Castaño, F.J., Díaz de Rada, Á., (eds.) Lecturas de antropología para educadores. El ámbito de la antropologia de la educación y de la etnografía escolar. Madrid: Trotta, pp.205-242.


APPLE, MICHAEL (1997 [1986]) Maestros y textos. Una economía política de las relaciones de clase y de sexo en educación. Barcelona-Madrid: Paidós-MEC.

APPLE, MICHAEL (1994 [1982]) Educación y poder. Barcelona-Madrid: Paidós-MEC.

BARRY, HERBERT i altres (1993 [1957]) "Una revisión transcultural de algunas diferencias de sexo en la socialización" a Lecturas de antropología social y cultural. La cultura y las culturas. Madrid: UNED, pp. 327-332.

BAUMAN, ZYGMUNT (2013 [2012]) Sobre la educación en un mundo líquido. Conversaciones con Riccardo Mazzeo. Barcelona: Paidós.

BAUMAN, ZYGMUNT (2008) “L’educació en un món de diàspores”. Debats d’Educació. nº11, Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill.

BAUMAN, ZYGMUNT (2007 [2006]) Els reptes de l’educació en la modernitat líquida. Barcelona: Arcàdia.

BENEDICT, RUTH (2003 [1946]) El crisantemo y la espada. Patrones de la cultura japonesa. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

BERNSTEIN, BASIL (1990) Poder, educación y conciencia. Sociología de la transmisión cultural. Barcelona: El Roure.

BOURDIEU, PIERRE (2012 [1979]) La distinción. Bases y criterios sociales del gusto. Madrid: Taurus.

BOURDIEU, PIERRE (2005 [1996]) Sobre la televisión. Barcelona: Anagrama.

BOURDIEU, PIERRE i PASSERON, JEAN CLAUDE (1977) La reproducción. Elementos para una teoria del sistema de enseñanza. Barcelona: Laia.

CAMILLERI, CARMEL (1985) Antropología cultural y educación, París: Unesco.

CAVALLI-SFORZA, LUIGI LUCA. i CAVALLI-SFORZA, FFRANCESCO (1994 [1993]) Qui som. Història de la diversitat humana. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana.

CUEVAS NOA, FRANCISCO JOSÉ. (2003) Anarquismo y educación. La propuesta sociopolítica de la pedagogía libertaria. Madrid: Fundación de Estudios Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo.

CYRULNIK, BORIS (2002) Los patitos feos. La resiliencia: una infancia infeliz no determina la vida. Barcelona: Gedisa.

CHINOSI, LIA (2002) Sguardi di mamme. Modalità di crescita dell’infanzia straniera. Milano: FrancoAngeli.

CHOMSKY, NOAM (2012 [2000]) La (des)educación. Barcelona: Crítica.

CHOMSKY, NOAM (2005 [2003]) L’educació. La millor eina per formar persones lliures i amb criteri. Barcelona: Columna.

DELORS, JACQUES (1996) La educación encierra un tesoroComisiónInternacional sobre la educación para el siglo XXI, Informe a la UNESCO. Madrid: Santillana.

DEVOS, GEORGE (1981) Antropología psicológica. Barcelona: Anagrama.

DÍAZ DE RADA, ÁNGEL (2010) Cultura, antropología y otras tonterías. Madrid: Trotta.

DÍAZ DE RADA, ÁNGEL (1996) Los primeros de la clase y los últimos románticos. Una etnografía para la crítica de la visión instrumental de la enseñanza. Madrid: Siglo XXI.

ERNY, PIERRE (1988) Les premiers pas dans la vie de l’enfant. París: L’Harmattan.

ERNY, PIERRE (1987) L’enfant et son milieu en Afrique noire. París: L’Harmattan.

ESQUIROL, JOSEP MARIA (2005) Uno mismo y los otros. De las experiencias existenciales a la interculturalidad. Barcelona: Herder.

ESTEVA FABREGAT, CLAUDI (1978) Cultura, sociedad y personalidad. Barcelona: Anthropos.

EVANS-PRITCHARD, EDWARD EVANS (1977 [1940]) Los Nuer. Barcelona: Anagrama.

FEIXA, CARLES (1993) La joventut com a metàfora. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya.

FIGIEL, SIA (1999)L’indret d’on venim. Barcelona: La Magrana.

FONS, VIRGINIA (2002) Records d’una escola de fusta. La trajectòria migratòria i educativa dels guineans a Catalunya. Barcelona: Ceiba Edicions.

FREIRE, PAULO (1973) Education for Critical Consciousness. Nova York: Seabury Press.

GALEANO, EDUARDO (2003) Patas arriba. La escuela del mundo al revés, Madrid: Siglo XXI.

GARCÍA AMILBURU, MARIA(1996) Aprendiendo a ser humanos. Una antropología de la Educación. Pamplona: Ediciones de la Universidad de Navarra.

GARCIA CASTAÑO, JAVIER i PULIDO MOYANO, RAFAEL (1994) Antropología de la educación.El estudio de la transmisión-adquisición de cultura. Madrid: Eudema Antropología.

GARCÍA PASTOR, BEGOÑA (2009) ‘Ser gitano’ fuera y dentro de la escuela. Una etnografía sobre la educación de la infancia gitana en la ciudad de Valencia. Madrid: CSIC.

GIROUX, HENRY (1997 [1992]) Cruzando límites. Trabajadores culturales y políticas educativas. Barcelona: Paidós.

GIROUX, HENRY (1990 [1988]) Los profesores como intelectuales. Hacia una pedagogía crítica del aprendizaje. Barcelona-Madrid: Paidós-MEC.

GIROUX, HENRY i FLECHA, RAMÓN (1992) Igualdad educativa y diferencia cultural. Barcelona: El Roure.

GODENZZI, JUAN CARLOS (1999) “Pedagogía del encuentro. El sujeto, la convivencia y el conocimiento” a Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Études Andines, 28 (3), pp.323-328.

GRAU, JORDI, RODRÍGUEZ, DAN, i VALENZUELA, HUGO (eds) (2011) ParentescoS. Modelos culturales de reproducción. Barcelona: PPU,Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias, S.A.

HALL, EDWARD (1978) Mas allá de la cultura. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

HARGREAVES, ANDY (1996) Profesorado, cultura y postmodernidad (Cambian los tiempos, cambia el profesorado), Madrid: Morata.

JOCILES, MARIA ISABEL (2007) “Panorámica de la antropología de la educación en España: estado de la cuestión y recursos bibliográficos” a Revista de Antropología Social, 16, pp.67-116.

JOCILES, MARIA ISABEL (2007) “La antropología de la educación en España. La impronta de la inmigración y de los intereses académicos” a Alteridades, 17 (34), pp.117-133.

JULIANO, DOLORES (1993) Educación intercultural. Escuela y minorías étnicas. Madrid: Eudema Antropología.

KAPLAN, ADRIANA (1998) De Senegambia a Cataluña. Procesos de aculturación e integración social, Barcelona: Fundació La Caixa.

KNIPMEYER, MARY, GONZÁLEZ BUENO, MARTA i SAN ROMÁN, TERESA (1980) Escuelas, pueblos y barrios: tres ensayos de antropología educativa. Madrid: Akal.

KROEBER, THEODORA, (2008 [1964]) Ishi, el último de su tribu. Barcelona: Antoni Bosch editor.

KYMLICKA, WILL (1996 [1995]) Ciudadanía multicultural. Una teoría liberal de los derechos de las minorías. Barcelona: Paidós.

LEWONTIN, RICHARD, i altres (1987) No está en los genes. Racismo, genética e ideología. Barcelona: Crítica.

LISÓN TOLOSANA, CARMELO (ed.) (2005) Antropología: Horizontes educativos. Granada: Universidad de Granada/Universitat de València.

MALINOWSKI, BRONISLAW, (2001 [1972]) Los argonautas del Pacífico Occidental. Comercio y aventura entre los indígenas de la Nueva Guinea Melanésica. Barcelona: Península.

MEAD, MARGARET, (1990 [1939]) Adolescencia y cultura en Samoa. Barcelona: Paidós.

MEAD, MARGARET, (1999 [1982]) Sexo y temperamento en tres sociedades primitivas. Barcelona: Paidós.

OGBU, JOHN (1993 [1981]) “Etnografía escolar. Una aproximación a nivel múltiple” a Velasco Maillo, H.M., García Castaño, F.J., Díaz de Rada, Á., (eds.) Lecturas de antropología para educadores. El ámbito de la antropologia de la educación y de la etnografía escolar. Madrid: Trotta, pp.145-174.

PÉREZ ALONSO-GETA, PETRA MARIA (2007) El brillante aprendiz. Antropología de la educación. Barcelona: Ariel.

ROCKWELL, ELSIE (Coord.)(1995) La escuela cotidiana. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

ROCKWELL, ELSIE (1986) “”Etnografía y teoría en la investigación educativa” a Enfoques (Cuadernos del Tercer Seminario Nacional de Investigación en Educación). Bogotá: Centro de Investigación de la Universidad Pedagógica, pp. 29-56.

RODRIGO, MIQUEL (2006) “Comunicación intercultural: de los prejuicios a la eficacia” a Soto, P. (dir) Hacia el aula intercultural. Experiencias y referentes. Madrid: MEC, pp.129-152.

RODRIGO, MIQUEL (1999) Comunicación intercultural, Barcelona: Anthropos.

ROGOFF, BARBARA (1993 [1990]) Aprendices del pensamiento. El desarrollo cognitivo en el contexto social. Barcelona: Paidós.

SAN ROMAN, TERESA (1996) Los muros de la separación. Ensayo sobre alterofobia y filantropía. Madrid-Bellaterra: Tecnos i UAB.

SAN ROMAN, TERESA, CARRASCO, SILVIA, SOTO, PEPI i TOVÍAS, SUSANA (2001) Identitat, pertinença i primacia a l'escola. La formació d'ensenyants en el camp de les relacions interculturals, Bellaterra: Publicacionsd'Antropologia Cultural UAB, nº17.

SANTAMARIA, ENRIQUE i GONZÁLEZ PLACER, FERNANDO (coords.) (2003 [1998]) Contra el fundamentalismo escolar. Reflexiones sobre educación, escolarización y diversidad cultural. Barcelona: Virus.

SOTO, PEPI (2013) “¿Dónde está la educación? La dimensión educativa de la cultura en las etnografías no específicamente educativas. Una propuesta de análisis” a Actas del III Congreso Internacional sobre Etnografía y Educación. Madrid: CSIC. Publicación en línea (próxima aparición).

SOTO, PEPI (2011) “Intersecciones entre la antropología dela educación y la antropología del parentesco: una primera aproximación” en Grau, J., Rodríguez, D., y Valenzuela, H. (eds) ParentescoS. Modelos culturales de reproducción. Barcelona: PPU, Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias, S.A, pp. 87-110.

SPINDLER, GEORGE (Ed.) (1987) Education and Cultural Process. Anthropological Approaches. Second edition. Illinois: Waveland Press.

SPINDLER, GEORGE (ed) (1980) The Making of Psychological Anthropology. Berkeley: University of California Press.

STEINER, GEORGE i LADJALI, CÉCILE. (2005) Elogio de la transmisión. Maestro y alumno. Madrid: Ediciones Siruela.

TODOROV, TZVETAN (2008 [1995]) La vida en común. Ensayo de antropología general. Madrid: Taurus.

TODOROV, TZVETAN i altres (1988) Cruce de culturas y mestizaje cultural. Madrid: Júcar.

TURNBULL, COLIN (2011 [1961]) La gente de la selva. Santander: Milrazones.

VELASCO MAILLO, HONORIO (comp.) Lecturas de antropología social y cultural. La cultura y las culturas, Madrid: UNED.

VELASCO MAILLO, HONORIO; DÍAZ DE RADA, ÁNGEL (1999 [1997]) La lógica de la investigación etnográfica. Un modelo de trabajo para etnógrafos de la escuela. Madrid: Trotta.

VELASCO MAILLO, HONORIO, GARCÍA CASTAÑO, JAVIER, DÍAZ DE RADA, ÁNGEL (1993) Lecturas de antropología para educadores. El lugar de la antropología de la educación y de la etnografía escolar. Madrid: Trotta.

VV. AA. (2005) Actas de la I Reunión Científica Internacional sobre Etnografía y Educación. Valencia: Germania.

VV.AA. (2013) Actas del III Congreso Internacional sobre Etnografía y Educación. Madrid: CSIC. Publicación en línea (próximaaparición).

WHITING, JOHN i CHILD, IRVIN (1953) Child training and personality: a cross-cultural study. New Haven: Yale University Press.

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WOLCOTT, HARRY (1993 [1985]) “Sobrela intención etnográfica” a Velasco Maillo, H., García Castaño, F.J. y Díaz de Rada, A. (Eds.) Lecturas de antropología para educadores. El ámbito de la antropología de la educación y de la etnografía escolar. Madrid: Trotta, pp. 127-144.

WOLCOTT, HARRY (1993 [1974]) “El maestro como enemigo” a Velasco Maillo, H., García Castaño, F.J. y Díaz de Rada, A. (Eds.) Lecturas de antropología para educadores. El ámbito de la antropología de la educación y de la etnografía escolar. Madrid: Trotta, pp. 243-258.

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It is necessary to guarantee that students can access the Teams platform, established by the UAB to carry out online activities.