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Corporal and Psychomotor Education in Early Childhood Centres II

Code: 105049 ECTS Credits: 4
Degree Type Year Semester
2500797 Early Childhood Education OB 4 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Lurdes Martínez Mínguez

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Laura Moya Prados
Carolina Nieva Boza


The subject of: Corporal Education and Psicomotor in the Centers of Childhood Education I of 3rd degree of Childhood Education Degree, is previous to the one of Corporal Education and Psicomotor in the centers of Childhood Education Degree II. Be warned that you must have met their objectives and skills before attending this course 4th.

Objectives and Contextualisation

This 4th year subject is complemented by the one on “Body and Psychomotor Education I” (3rd year) and the subject “Game and movement” (4th year).

Aim goal: To provide future teachers of Early Childhood Education with the necessary tools to teach Psychomotor Education within the framework of the school institution.

Specific objectives:
 Value the body of the teacher and the child as a means of expression, learning and development.
 Identify the theoretical framework of psychomotor education in the stage of 0 to 6 years.
 Investigate the observation and analysis of children's psychomotor behavior.
 Analyze different practical proposals of psychomotor education in the school environment.
 Develop intervention proposals, as well as strategies and resources of psychomotor practice.
 Establish a system of attitudes as an teacher that adapts the needs of children.
 Reflect on the role of psychomotor education in the general framework of the school.


  • Be familiar with the music, plastics and body language curriculum at this stage as well as theories on the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning.
  • Critically analyse personal work and use resources for professional development.
  • Develop educational proposals that promote perception and musical expression, motor skills, drawing and creativity.
  • Develop strategies for autonomous learning.
  • Express other languages and use them for educational purposes: corporal, musical, audiovisual.
  • Identifying disorders in sleep, feeding, psychomotor development, attention and auditory and visual perception.
  • Promote and facilitate early infant learning, from a global and integrative perspective of different cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and developmental dimensions.
  • Promote the autonomy and uniqueness of each pupil as factors of education in emotions, feelings and values in early childhood.
  • Understand how to use play as a didactic resource and design learning activities based on the principles of play.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).

Learning Outcomes

  1. Critically analyse personal work through self-evaluation processes.
  2. Design, apply and evaluate a learning sequence that respects the globality and uniqueness of each child.
  3. Identifying disorders in psychomotor development.
  4. Know the basics of the corporal expression curriculum at this stage as well as theories on the acquisition and development of relevant learning.
  5. Preparing work sessions for colleagues, applying the learning acquired, meaningfully and autonomously.
  6. Preparing work sessions with colleagues and for colleagues, applying the acquired learning.
  7. Produce educational proposals that promote perception, motor skills and creativity.
  8. Produce educational proposals that promote the perception and expression of motor skills and creativity, using other languages such as music and plastics.
  9. Recognising the identity of the stage and its cognitive, psychomotor, communicative, social and emotional characteristics.
  10. Understand the psychomotor development approach in the pre-primary education curriculum.
  11. Use play as a teaching resource, as well as designing learning activities based on principles of play.
  12. Using different languages (body, music and audio-visual) to express the learning acquired in the subject.
  13. Working as a team using body work sessions.


1. Psychomotor Education in Early Childhood Education

2. Didactics of Psychomotor Education in Early Childhood Education

3. Neuromotor components

4. Motorperceptive components


Student is the main character in the learning teaching process  and under this premise the methodology of this subject has been planned.

Mostly, dynamics will be used, starting with the conceptual and theoretical basis with the whole class group, we will analyze and discuss their application to Pre-school Education in seminars and practical sessions with small groups.

Both the skills to be developed and the methodology used in the subject, require a participatory attitude of the student, which is specified in: previous work of documents or activities to be developed in class, attendance and active participation in classes, predisposition to conceptual changes and, also, cooperative work with classmates in small groups.

The formative activities of this subject can be directed, supervised and autonomous:

• The guided activities are led by the teachers or by the students themselves. They can be classes with the whole large group or seminars and body practice sessions in small groups. Classes with the whole group are based on presentations of the contents and basic questions of the syllabus. Seminars and practical sessions are spaces for deepening, analyzing, contrasting, debating, living, reflecting and evaluating the contents of the subject. The seminars are done through activities such as: analysis of videos or materials, group dynamics, problem solving, personal experience, discussion-debates, etc. The practical sessions are carried out through one's own bodily experience, as well as the training and reflection that this entails. And, also, the realization of a practical session both for the colleagues of the Faculty and for a group of children. The seminars and practical sessions are compulsory and students will be assigned to one of the scheduled groups so that students must always attend the same seminar and be evenly distributed with the most similar number possible. students each.

• Supervised Activities by the teacher outside the classroom include the set of individual and group tutorials, physical and virtual, which should serve to accompany the student in his learning process by guiding activities, solving difficulties and supervising the follow-up of his evidence of learning

• Self-employed work is carried out by the student independently to develop skills and achieve the goals of this subject.

The proposed teaching methodology may undergo some modifications depending on the restrictions on attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Master class (In person) 12 0.48 10, 8, 3, 9
Seminars and sessions of Laboratory Practice in a small group 18 0.72 1, 13, 11
Type: Supervised      
Tutoring and accompaniment 20 0.8 1, 2, 5, 13
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous student work 50 2 1, 10, 2, 8, 3, 5, 13, 9, 11


The assessment to pass the course will be continue, formative and shared.

Students have to assistance the minimum assistance to 80% of the dep of seminar and practical laboratory, independent of the reasons that can produce these absences (notes that present only can explain this absence, in any case will be an exempt of this presence). Another prerequisite for approving the subject is to have delivered the documentation of the session of Psychomotricity of the PAPCo-T (psychomotor Learning Project Co-Tutorate) to school as a late, during the first week of February. NP (Not presented) will be considered that student who has not delivered or participated in any evaluation activity.

In order to pass the course, each of the 3 areas of asssessment activities of the subject must be approved. It is also absolutely necessary to demonstrate an attitude compatible with the teaching profession: active listening, respect, participation, cooperation, empathy, kindness, punctuality, not judging, arguing, appropriate use of electronic devices (mobile, Computer, etc.). It is also imperative that the student demonstrate that he is responsible and rigorous in the self-employment, actively participating in the classes, showing critical thinking and behaviours that favour a friendly and positive, democratic environment and where the differences of gender, culture, etc. In addition, specifically to the practical sessions, it is necessary to come dressed in sportswear that allows to execute all the proposed activities and show a willingness and active participation. It should be treated with care and respect all the equipment of the gym, leaving it in perfect condition and ordered after use. If a rejection is generated, each group is responsible for carrying it directly to the outside containers at the end of the class. If some of these attitudinal requirements are not met, the grade for the subject will be a 3.

At the same time, the student must show a good general communication competence, bothorally and in writing, agood command of the language or vehicular languages that appear in the educational guide, and can be expressed fluently and proofed.

The Competency Log Diagram activity will be delivered on December 28 or 29. The Synthesis Activity of the learning process and the self-assessment reports will be delivered in the last week of class (December 21 and 22). The Co-tutored Psychomotor Learning Project consists of 3 assessment sub-activities: the Content Exhibition will be assessed on October 13 and November 2; the Individual Teaching Practice on 3-9-10-16-17-23-24-30 November, and December 1 and 7; and the Exhibition and Presentation of the Project and its Documentation on 14, 15, 21 and 22 December. The final revision-recovery of the subject will take place on January 25 and 26 (students who opt for this route will only be able to have a 5 of final mark of the subject). Monday's dates belong to group 61 and Tuesday's dates to group 62.

The qualifications of each of the evidence of assessment will be communicated in a period not exceeding 4 weeks after its freely. The student who wishes to revise the note, must do so within 15 days after his communication in the tutorials schedule that the teacher has established in this subject and which is entered in the program of the same.

The qualifications of the activities carried out in small groups are considered individual, so that not necessarily all the components of the group must be evaluated with the same qualification.

Copy and plagiarism are intellectual robberies and, therefore, constitute a crime that will be sanctioned with a zero in the whole subject losing the possibility of recovering it if it is an individual or group work (in this case all members of the group will have a 0). In the case of copying between two students, if it is not possible to know who copied from who, the sanction will apply to both. We want to remember that it is considered  "copying " a work that reproduces all or a significant portion of the work of oneor the other student.  "Plagiarism " is the fact of presenting all or part of a text by anauthor as his own, that is, without quoting the sources , regardlessof whether the original sources are on paper or in digital format. More information on plagiarismin:


Before delivering evidence of learning, it is necessary to verify that the sources, notes, textual quotations and bibliographic references have been correctly written in accordance with APA regulations of the UAB:



The proposed assessment may undergo some modification depending on the attendance restrictions imposed by the health authorities.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Co-Tutored Psychomotor Learning Project: Documentation session psychomotricity to classmates and children in a school (session school outside schedule subject university) 55% 0 0 4, 10, 2, 8, 7, 3, 6, 5, 13, 9, 12, 11
Self assessment report 5% 0 0 1, 9
Synthesis activity of the learning process 40% 0 0 1, 4, 5, 9, 12


Arnáiz, P. i Bolarín, Mª. J. (2000). Una propuesta para la observación de los parámetros psicomotores. Entre Líneas, 7, 6-9.

Arnáiz , P., Rabadán, M., i Vives, I. (2001). La psicomotricidad en la escuela. Una pràctica preventiva y educativa. Barcelona: Teide.

Bonàs. M. (2006). L’art del pintor de paisatges. Algunes reflexions entorn de la Documentació. In-fàn-cia151, 24-28.

Conde, J.L. i Viciana, V. (1997). Fundamentos para el desarrollo de la motricidad en edades tempranas. Málaga: Aljibe.

Cortés, P. i Moya, L. (2018). La psicomotricitat des d’una mirada interdisciplinària. Revista In-fàn-cia-a, 223, 9-12.

García, L. (2000). La observación psicomotriz: transformar la experiencia compartida en comprensión. Propuestas para un análisi interactivo. Entre Líneas, 7, 10-14.

Galardini, A.L., Iozzelli, S. (2012). Donar visibilitat als esdeveniments i als itineraris d'experiència dels infants en els serveis per a la infància. A A.L. Galardini, S. Iozzeli, M. Daucoli i G. Tognetti. Documentar: afinar els ulls per captar moments. Capellades (Barcelona) Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat, pp. 9-17.

Hernández, A. (2008). Psicomotricidad. Fundamentación teórica y orientaciones prácticas. Santander: PUbliCan Ediciones de la Universidad de Cantabria.

Hoyuelos, A. (2007). Documentació com a narració i argumentació. Guix d’Infantil, 39, 5-9.

Institut Obert de Catalunya (s.d.). La grafomotricitat. Recuperat de http://ioc.xtec.cat/materials/FP/Materials/1752_EDI/EDI_1752_M06/web/html/WebContent/u2/a3/continguts.html 

Justo Martínez, E. (2008). Desarrollo Psicomotor en educación infantil.Bases para la intervención en psicomotricidad. Almeria: Universidad de Almeria, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Llorca, M., Ramos, V., Sánchez, J. i Vega, A. (Coord.) (2002). La Práctica Psicomotriz: una propuesta educativa mediante el cuerpo y el movimiento. Málaga: Algibe.  

López, S. & Ribera, P. (2016). Els aspectes motors de l’activitat gràfica i la seva educació. Guix. Elements d’Acció Educativa, 428, 19-23.

Martínez-Mínguez, L., Nieva, C. & Moya, L. (2020). Conectar la escuela con la universidad a través de la educación psicomotriz. Tàndem. Didáctica de la Educación Física, 69, 39-44.

Martínez-Mínguez, L., Rota, J. i Anton, M. (2017). Psicomotricitat, escola i currículum. Barcelona: Octaedro.

Martínez-Mínguez, L., Forcadell, X., Moya, L., Heras, G., Bru, E., Llecha, M., Sánchez, C., Pérez, M. & Anton, M. (2017). Psicomotricistas reflexionan sobre la educación por el movimiento, Entre Lineas. Revista especializada en Psicomotricidad, 39, 5-13.

Mir, M. i Urtasun, L. (2008). La observación de la imagen del cuerpo en las sesiones de psicomotricidad. Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 62 (2), 107-122.

Mir, M., Urtasun, Ll., Gayà, E., Morey, P., Morell, S., Sierra, P. i Reus, A. (2012). Una estrategia de observación y comunicación: el álbum de psicomotricidad. Entre Líneas30, 37-43.

Pla, G. (2017). El juego como medio natural de desarrollo y aprendizaje. En M. Mas, i M. Anton, (Coord.) Psicomotricidad educativa: avanzando paso a paso. Barcelona: Octaedro, pp. 33-49.

Pla, G.(2012). La construcción del tiempo en la sala de psicomotricidad: nociones conceptuales y propuestas prácticas. Entre Líneas29, 19-23.

Ribera, P., Villagrasa, M.R. i López, S. (2015). La escritura: cómo conseguir un buen grafismo. Prevención y atención de sus dificultades en el aula. Barcelona: Graó.

Rota, J. (2015). La intervención psicomotriz. De la pràctica al concepto. Barcelona: Octaedro.

Sánchez, J. i Llorca, M. (2008). El rol del psicomotricista. Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado62 (2), 35-60.

Segarra, L. (2014). Un cuerpo que suena. El sonido del cuerpo en la sala de psicomotricidad. FAPee (Federación de Asociaciones de Psicomotricistas del Estado Español), pp. 116-122. Disponible en: http://psicomotricistas.es/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/3_COMUNICACIONES.pdf   

Sugrañes, E. i Àngel, M.A. (Coords.) (2007): La educación psicomotriz (3-8 años), Barcelona: Graó.

Vaca, M. i Varela, M.S. (2008): Motricidad y aprendizaje. El tratamiento pedagógico del ámbito corporal (3-6).  Barcelona: Graó.

Viscarro, I, Comi, Mª D., Solé, M.P. & Solsona, J.(2004). El material reutilitzat a les sessions de psicomotricitat. Comunicació Educativa, 17, 30-33. Recuperat de http://revistes.urv.cat/index.php/comeduc/article/view/543/523

Viscarro, I. i Camps C. (1999). Propuesta de educaciónpsicomotriz; objetivos y fases de la sesión. Actas del XVII Congreso Nacional de Educación Física, Huelva: Universidad de Huelva, vol.1.


Enllaços web i xarxes socials:

Fòrum Europeu de Psicomotricitat:


FAPee (Federaciód’Associacions de Psicomotricistes de l’Estat Espanyol):


Revista Psicomotricitat.com


Grup de Recerca en Educació Psicomotriu (2014-SGR-1662):

Twitter: @GREP_UAB

Facebook: Grup de Recerca Educació Psicomotiru UAB

Web: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/grepuab/ca

Canal de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFZoyYPOZBTaIaLxxH5OqsA

Red de Evaluación Formativa y Compartida



Bibliografia d’ampliació:

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